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28.) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Which statement BEST summarizes this speech? A.) President Lincoln delivers an address at the battlefield near Gettysburg where he dedicates a portion of the field to be used as a cemetery for the men who lost their lives in combat. B.) President Lincoln delivers an address at the battlefield near Gettysburg where he expresses his contempt for the Civil War C.) President Lincoln delivers an address at the battlefield near Gettysburg where he begins to doubt the future of America. D.) President Lincoln delivers an address at the battlefield near Gettysburg celebrating the end of the Civil War.

A.) President Lincoln delivers an address at the battlefield near Gettysburg where he dedicates a portion of the field to be used as a cemetery for the men who lost their lives in combat.

16.) Which sentence contains the correct use of a possessive pronoun? A.) The Amazon parrot that greets visitors in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science looks so similar to yours. B.) The Amazon parrot that greets visitors in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science looks so similar to your's. C.) The Amazon parrot that greets visitors in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science looks so similar to yours'. D.) The Amazon parrot that greets visitors in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science looks so similar to you'res.

A.) The Amazon parrot that greets visitors in the lobby of the Houston Museum of Natural Science looks so similar to yours.

19.) Which sentence uses an objective tone and formal language? A.) The research revealed that cats, on average, sleep 50% more in a 24-hour period than dogs. B.) Our research revealed that cats have the best life because they get to sleep most of the day. C.) We believe that even though dogs do not sleep as much as cats, they still sleep a good portion of the day. D.) While our research didn't prove this, we believe that dogs eat, on average, more than cats during a typical day.

A.) The research revealed that cats, on average, sleep 50% more in a 24-hour period than dogs.

18.) My mother and I argue almost every day about what I'm going to wear to school. The clothes I like to wear are the ones my mother calls "boy" clothes. She would rather me dress in pretty dresses and wear bows in my hair to look like all the other girls. We can't even agree on what clothes to buy at the store for each season. Which sentence provides the best conclusion to the paragraph? A.) We have a compromise that I pick my clothes two days a week, and my mom picks for the other three. B.) She never fights with my younger brother about what he's wearing because he actually doesn't care. C.) I don't know why my mother is so against me wearing clothes that are both comfortable and athletic. D.) There's this one outfit that I really hate that she makes me wear that actually has polka-dots on it.

A.) We have a compromise that I pick my clothes two days a week, and my mom picks for the other three.

12.) 1Sometimes a tragedy strikes those we are close to. 2Perhaps a friend's grandmother or uncle dies unexpectedly. 3Many people are unsure how to express sympathy for a friend's sudden loss in a way that is sensitive and caring. 4The first thing you can do is simply tell your friend how sorry you are about their loss. 5If you are unable to express your sympathy to your friend in person, then you can buy a sympathy or condolences card. 6If you live near your friend, then you may want to attend the visitation for your friend's family. 7If you and your friend are very close, you may want to attend both the visitation and funeral services. 8The best thing to remember is to not overdo your sorrow, but keep your encouragement and support both gentle and simple. Where in this paragraph is the BEST place to put the following sentence? " A visitation is a time for loved ones, neighbors, and friends to visit the family on the day or night before the actual funeral to express sympathy. " A.) after sentence 6 B.) after sentence 3 C.) after sentence 5 D.) before sentence 8

A.) after sentence 6

21.) Big Cats — Part B Wikijunior_Big_Cats/Meet_The_Cats Tigers and lions are ---1--- nature's ---2--- predators. Look at the blank with the number 1 in the passage. Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? A.) among B.) between C.) throughout D.) within

A.) among

23.) Big Cats — Part B Cats ---10--- because they need meat to survive. Look at the blank with the number 10 in the passage. Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? A.) hunt B.) hunted C.) hunting D.) hunts

A.) hunt

30.) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln 5 It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. What can the reader infer "the unfinished work" Lincoln mentions is from the context of the speech? A.) to win and end the civil war. B.) to honor the dead at Gettysburg. C.) to work harder to understand what the constitution means. D.) to help the families who have lost members grieve for their dead.

A.) to win and end the civil war.

10.) I believe that Seneca School District should not start year-round classes as this would harm many students and teachers. Having year-round classes with short breaks could save our school money, but could harm students' educations. I believe that having four, rather than one, extended breaks will make students forget more information. Students need to review after their current summer breaks and will need to review three times more per year if they are given four extended breaks. Also, students will not be able to get summer jobs or be involved in summer camps if they go to school during the summer. Furthermore, some of the schools in our district do not have air conditioning, which makes them inappropriate for use during the summer. Read this draft of a persuasive speech. Which of these sentences is the BEST conclusion for this speech? A.) Even thought year-round schooling might be good, I don't want it. B.) Please consider my ideas as you decide about year-round schooling. C.) The students will be mad if our district begins year-round schooling. D.) I would not want to come to school any more if I had to go all year long.

B.) Please consider my ideas as you decide about year-round schooling.

25.) Arrested Development (4)*The group than recorded the epic "Revolution,"* which appeared on the oldies-dominated soundtrack for the film, as well as the second half of its closing credits when the film was released in 1992. Read the passage underlined (4). There may be a mistake in punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose 'Correct as is.' A.) Correct as is. B.) The group then recorded the epic "Revolution," C.) The group, than recorded the epic "Revolution," D.) The group then, recorded the epic "Revolution,"

B.) The group then recorded the epic "Revolution,"

15.) Which sentence uses the correct form of "their," "they're" and "there"? A.) They are an unbelievable collection of diamonds on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. B.) There is an unbelievable collection of diamonds on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. C.) Their is an unbelievable collection of diamonds on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. D.) Their is an unbelievable collection of diamonds on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

B.) There is an unbelievable collection of diamonds on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

24.) Big Cats — Part B Animals that eat grass and leaves have special stomachs that ---11--- bacteria time to break down complex plant sugars into the simpler sugars animals can digest. Look at the blank with the number 11 in the passage. Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? A.) allow B.) allows C.) allowed D.) is allowing

B.) allows

3.) "When Lennie came home from the hiking trip he was tired and hungry." Choose the answer that is the MOST effective substitute for the underlined part of the sentence/ A.) came home, from the hiking trip he B.) came home from the hiking trip, he C.) came home from the hiking trip he, D.) came home, from the hiking trip, he

B.) came home from the hiking trip, he

26.) Big Cats — Part B The song gained (5) reasonable popularity for it's association with the film and its similarity (6) to Arrested Developments other material at the time. The song gained (5) reasonable popularity for it's association with the film and its similarity (6) to Arrested Developments other material at the time. A.) Correct as is. B.) popularity for its association with the film C.) popularity, for its association with the film D.) popularity, for its association, with the film

B.) popularity for its association with the film

5.) When punctuating titles, all of the following should be underlined (or italicized) EXCEPT: A.) novels B.) short poems C.) album titles D.) multi-act plays

B.) short poems

31.) Atomic Theory Clark Benson The Discovery of the Atom 2Atomic theory began as an ancient philosophy dating back to at least the fifth and sixth centuries BCE in both Greece and India. In fact, the word atom is taken from the Greek word "atomos," meaning indivisible. The term atom was used to define the basic particle that made up a chemical element. Chemists during the time of the ancient Greeks believed that atoms were the fundamental particles of matter. In other words, the atom was thought to be the smallest possible unit that matter could be broken down into. This basic philosophy proposed that a solid object could potentially be divided again and again, until it eventually reached the smallest indivisible unit—an atom. Followers of this ideology were called atomists. In the fifth century, a Greek philosopher named Leucippus and his pupil Democritus proposed that all matter was made up of atoms. What is paragraph 2 MOST LIKELY about? A.) the properties of an atom B.) the beginning of atomic research C.) the creation of religious philosophy D.) the connection between atoms and religion

B.) the beginning of atomic research

20.) Marco Polo Part 2 John H. Haaren Consent (15) given, and Kublai Khan fitted out a fleet of fourteen ships to carry the wedding party to Persia. 3 The Princess Cocachin was a great friend of Marco Polo, and urged her father to allow him to go with the party. Finally Kublai Khan (16) his consent. Look at the blank with the number (15) in the passage. Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? A.) is B.) was C.) were D.) has been

B.) was

32.) Atomic Theory Clark Benson Under which heading would you MOST LIKELY find information on electrons? A.) Theories from Around the World" B.) "The Discovery of the Atom" C.) "Smaller than the Atom?" D.) "Atomic Theory Today"

C.) "Smaller than the Atom?"

4.) Which sentence uses INCORRECT subject-verb agreement? A.) Jim and the team scored very well yesterday. B.) Everyone has an opinion about national politics. C.) Either french fries or potato salad came with the sandwich. D.) Neither Frank nor hos brothers care about international affairs.

C.) Either french fries or potato salad came with the sandwich.

14.) 1One of the myriad problems facing public schools today is the challenge of teaching exhausted students. 2Students today get less sleep than any generation of students before. 3One student's day may begin at 5:00 am. with morning runs or workout and end at 9:00 p.m. when a late after-school tutoring session or job shift has ended. 4Until students are getting enough rest, teachers and students are not going to be able to work together to do the job of school properly. " They also are busier then any generation of students before them. " Where does this sentence fit into the above paragraph most logically? A.) before sentence 1 B.) before sentence 2 C.) before sentence 3 D.) before sentence 4

C.) before sentence 3

22.) Big Cats — Part B Like a shopping mall, a natural environment ---8--- order by having a variety of different plants, prey species, and hunters. Look at the blank with the number 8 in the passage. Which of these answers correctly completes the sentence? A.) keep B.) kept C.) keeps D.) did keep

C.) keeps

8.) The President read a prepared speech but ___________ to answer questions from the press. A.) refuse B.) refuses C.) refused D.) had refuse

C.) refused

27.) Big Cats — Part B In November 2003, (8)the group sued the FOX network over there TV show Arrested Development. Read the passage underlined (8). There may be a mistake in punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose 'Correct as is.' A.) Correct as is. B.) the group sued the FOX network, over they TV Show Arrested Development C.) the group sued the FOX network over their TV show Arrested Development D.) the group sued the FOX network over they're TV show Arrested Development

C.) the group sued the FOX network over their TV show Arrested Development

29.) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln What is the main idea of this speech? A.) The battle at Gettysburg was hard fought. B.) Lincoln will not be re-elected due to the war. C.) The nation will most likely cease to exist due to the war. D.) Brave men died fighting a war that will test the strength of the nation.

D.) Brave men died fighting a war that will test the strength of the nation.

1.) Which sentence shows correct agreement between nouns and the pronouns to replace them? A.) All of the players have had his or her checkups. B.) Somebody has volunteered their time to repair the fence. C.) Neither the students nor Mr. Mondato wants their photo taken with Barnie. D.) Most of the clowns in Ms. Suzuki's class forgot to bring their grammar books.

D.) Most of the clowns in Ms. Suzuki's class forgot to bring their grammar books.

17.) The situation is quickly growing dire for our world's rainforests. Every day, thousands of acres of rainforests are cut down for various industrial purposes. [*] This practice completely destroys the habitats of a large number of plant and animal species, many of which are rapids moving towards extinction. Even worse, the loss of the rainforest's trees poses a serious risk to the planet's overall well-being, due mainly to that fact that such trees are a vital source of oxygen and help to rid the atmosphere of harmful chemicals. Because the rainforest is also a key part of the water cycle, its destruction may well lead to widespread water shortages across the globe. Before conditions get any worse, we need to stop deforestation now and starting working towards reversing this dangerous trend. At the point marked by an asterisk, the writer is considering adding the following statement: " The rainforest yields many goods and materials, including lumber, medicinal plants, and a wide variety of foods. " Should the writer make this addition to this point? A.) No, because it is not supported by adequate evidence elsewhere in the paragraph. B.) Yes, because it adds important information about the rainforest to the paragraph. C.) Yes, because it provides additional information that supports the author's argument. D.) No, because it distracts from the author's point about the dangers of deforestation.

D.) No, because it distracts from the author's point about the dangers of deforestation.

6.) Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A.) Robert wanted a new car however, he couldn't afford to buy one. B.) Robert wanted a new car however; he couldn't afford to buy one. C.) Robert wanted a new car; however he couldn't afford to buy one. D.) Robert wanted a new car; however, he couldn't afford to buy one.

D.) Robert wanted a new car; however, he couldn't afford to buy one.

2.) Choose the sentence that contains an error in verb usage. A.) Most watercolorists being with a blank canvas. B.) Then they will sketch their design using a pencil. C.) To fly like a bird has long a dream of humanity. D.) The original pencil lines will be disappeared under all those layers.

D.) The original pencil lines will be disappeared under all those layers.

11.) Creative Recycling By: Bethany Miller Most people are familiar with recycling on a very fundamental level. Many individuals separate cans, glass bottles, newspapers, cardboard, plastics, and junk mail and haul it off to the recycling center or place it in a bin at the curb for pick-up. This method of recycling is a necessary and important element in protecting the environment, so "bravo" for them. However, many individuals do not consider the impact that other daily activities have on conservation and the environment; there are numerous ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle that take just a bit of creativity and a little extra initiative. Choose the best revision of the underlined portion, if one is needed. A.) NO CHANGE B.) which is really hard worked. C.) and we should thank them for it. D.) and it is crucial that this be done.

D.) and it is crucial that this be done.

33.) Atomic Theory Clark Benson In which paragraph would you find information on atom smashers? A.) paragraph 1 B.) paragraph 3 C.) paragraph 5 D.) paragraph 6

D.) paragraph 6

13.) *picture pf a mosquito* 1Mosquitoes are a common pest with interesting feeding habits. 2There are over 2,500 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world, of which 150 species occur in the United States. 3The feeding habits of mosquitoes are quite unique in that it is only the adult females that bite humans and other animals. 4The male mosquitoes feed only on plant juices. 5Wow, that is so weird. 6Female mosquitoes feed on humans, domesticated animals, and wild animals. 7They even bite snakes, lizards, toads, and frogs. (adapted from Dan's task is to revise this paragraph, eliminating the sentence that deviates in style. Which sentence should he delete? A.) sentence 1 B.) sentence 2 C.) sentence 3 D.) sentence 5

D.) sentence 5

9.) Calen has ___________ more than 5000 meters to prepare for the swim meet. A.) swam B.) swim C.) swimmed D.) swum

D.) swum

7.) You are delivering a speech to your classmates urging them to donate blood. As you end your speech, you want to impress upon them the passion you feel for this topic. An effective choice for delivering the speech's conclusion is ___ A.) standing stoically behind the podium with a serious expression. B.) to glance thoughtfully down at your speech to check your notes are you speak the ending. C.) increasing your volume and eye contact, but reducing body gestures to eliminate distractions. D.) to utilize a crescendo in the volume of your voice with hand gestures emphasizing the main points.

D.) to utilize a crescendo in the volume of your voice with hand gestures emphasizing the main points.

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