Uterus and Vagina

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A 38 - year - old female patient presents to the sonography department for a pelvic sonogram with an indication of pelvic pain . Upon sonography interrogation , the sonographer notes an anechoic mass within the cervix . This mass most likely represents a : a . nabothian cyst . b . benign follicular cyst . c . dermoid cyst . d . Gartner duct cyst .


Abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual flow between periods is termed : a . menometrorrhagia . b . menarche . c . menorrhagia . d . dysmenorrhea .


All of the following are clinical findings associated with leiomyoma except a . myometrial cysts . b . infertility . c . palpable pelvic mass . d . menorrhagia .


The largest part of the uterus is the : a . corpus . b . isthmus . c . cervix . d . fundus .


The uterine position in which the corpus tilts forward and comes in contact with the cervix describes : a . anteflexion . b . anteversion . c . retroflexion . d . retroversion .


What layer of the endometrium is typically affected by adenomyosis ? a . Basal b . Uterine cavity c . Functional d . Myometrial


Which of the following fibroid locations would most likely result in abnormal uterine bleeding because of its relationship to the endometrium ? a . Submucosal b . Intramural c . Subserosal d . Subserosal pedunculated


Which of the following is typically not a clinical complaint of women who are suffering from adenomyosis ? a . Amenorrhea b . Dysmenorrhea c . Dyspareunia d . Menometrorrhagia


A 24 - year - old female patient presents to the sonography department for a pelvic sonogram with an indication of pelvic pain . Upon sonographic interrogation , the sonographer notes an anechoic mass within the vagina . This mass most likely represents a ( n ) : a . nabothian cyst . b . Gartner duct cyst . c . Dandy - Walker cyst . d . ovarian cyst


A patient presents to the sonography depart ment for a pelvic sonogram with a history of adenomyosis that was diagnosed following an MRI of the pelvis . What are the most likely sonographic findings ? a . Complex , bilateral adnexal masses b . Myometrial cysts with enlargement of the posterior uterine wall c . Endometrial thinning and cervical dilation d . Uterine atrophy with bilateral ovarian cysts


A simple fluid accumulation within the vagina secondary to an imperforate hymen is : a . hydrometrocolpos . b . hydrocolpos . c . hematometra . d . hematocolpos .


Anechoic fluid noted distending the uterus and vagina within a pediatric patient is termed : a . hydrocolpos b . hydrometrocolpos c . hydrometra . d . hematometrocolpos


In postpubertal young girls , what is a likely cause of cyclic abdominal pain amenorrhea , and an enlarged uterus ? a . Hydrocolpos b . Imperforate hymen c . Cervical carcinoma d . Adenomyosis


Precocious puberty is defined as the development of pubic hair , breasts , and the genitals before the age of : a . 13 . b . 7 . c . 5 . d . 10 .


The inner mucosal lining of the uterus is the : a . myometrium . b . endometrium . c . serosal layer . d . perimetrium .


Upon sonographic evaluation of a patient complaining of abdominal distention , you visualize a large , hypoechoic mass distorting the anterior border of the uterus . What is the most likely location of this mass ? a . Intramural b . Subserosal c . Submucosal d . Intracavitary pedunculated


What is another name for the perimetrium ? a . Myometrium b . Serosal layer c . Endometrium d . Premetrium


What is the brain tumor that is most likely associated with central precocious puberty ? a . Pituitary hematoma b . Hypothalamic hamartoma c . Pituitary adenoma d . Hypothalamic hemangioma


What section of the uterus is also referred to as the lower uterine segment ? a . Cervix b . Isthmus c . Fundus d . Cornu


Which of the following is thought to be of the Wolffian duct remnant a . Nabothian cyst b . Gartner duct cyst c . Bartholin duct cyst d . Leiomyoma


Which of the following would be most indicative of a leiomyosarcoma ? a . Vaginal bleeding b . Rapid growth c . Dysuria d . Large hypoechoic mass


Absence of a menstruation is referred to as : a . dysuria . b . dysmenorrhea c . amenorrhea . d . menorrhagia .


Congenital malformation of the uterus that results in complete duplication of the genital tract is : a . unicornuate uterus . b . bicornis bicollis . c . uterus didelphys . d . subseptate uterus .


Difficult or painful intercourse is referred to as : a . dysuria b . dysmenorrhea c . dyspareunia d . hydrocolpos


Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus denotes : a . the benign invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium . b . the ectopic location of endometrial tissue in the adnexa . c . the malignant counterpart of a fibroid . d . an anechoic , simple cyst located within the cervix


The inferior portion of the cervix closest to the vagina is the : a . cornu . b . internal os . c . external os . d . inferior fornix .


The layer of the endometrium that is altered as a result of hormonal stimulation significantly during the menstrual cycle is the : a . myometrium . b . endometrial cavity c . functional layer . d . basal layer .


The recesses of the vagina are the : a . cornu . b . isthmi . c . fornices d . parity


The rigid region of the uterus located between the vagina and the isthmus is the : a . cornu . b . corpus . c . cervix . d . fundus .


The superior portion of the cervix is the : a . cornu . b . corpus c . internal os . d . external os .


The surgical removal of a fibroid is termed : a . hysterosonogram b . total abdominal hysterectomy . c . myomectomy . d . uterine artery embolization .


What is dyschezia ? a . Painful menstruation b . Pain at ovulation c . Painful defecation d . Painful urination


What is the most common cause of delayed puberty in the presence of an elevation in follicle - stimulating hormone ? a . Precocious puberty b . Pseudoprecocious puberty c . Gonadal dysgenesis d . Adrenal tumor


What leiomyoma location would have an increased risk to undergo torsion ? a . Subserosal b . Intracavitary c . Pedunculated d . Submucosal


What word part means horn ? a . Colli b . Fornix c . Cornu d . Parity


Which of the following is characterized by an incomplete septum and a normal uterine contour with an endometrium that branches into two horns ? a . Uterus didelphys b . Unicornuate uterus c . Subseptate uterus d . Septate uterus


A 13 - year - old girl presents to the sonography de partment with a history of cyclic pain , abdominal swelling , and amenorrhea . Sonographically , you visualize an enlarged uterus and a distended vagina that contains anechoic fluid with debris . What is the most likely diagnosis ? a . Cervical stenosis b . Adenomyosis c . Endometriosis d . Hematocolpos


All of the following are parts of the uterus except : a . corpus . b . fundus . c . cervix . d . vagina .


All of the following are sonographic findings consistent with adenomyosis except : a . diffuse , enlarged uterus b . myometrial cysts . c . hypoechoic areas adjacent to the endometrium . d . complex adnexal mass .


Leiomyomas that project from a stalk are termed : a . submucosal . b . intramural . c . subserosal . d . pedunculated .


Pseudoprecocious puberty may be associated with all of the following except: a . ovarian tumor . b . adrenal tumor . c . liver tumor . d . brain tumor .


The area of attachment of the fallopian tubes to the uterus is the : a . fundus b . corpus c . isthmus d . cornua


The invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium of the uterus is referred to as : a . amenorrhea . b . endometriosis . c . adenomyomatosis . d . adenomyosis .


The location of a fibroid within the myometrium is termed : a . submucosal . b . intracavitary . c . subserosal . d . intramural .


The most superior and widest portion of the uterus is the : a . corpus . b . isthmus . c . cervix . d . fundus .


The outer layer of the endometrium is the : a . myometrium . b . endometrial cavity . c . functional layer . d . basal layer .


The paired embryonic ducts that develop into the female urogenital tract are the : a . fallopian ducts . b . Wolffian ducts . c . Gartner ducts . d . Müllerian ducts .


What congenital malformation of the uterus is common and has a clear association with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion ? a . Anteflexed uterus b . Levoverted uterus c . Dextroverted uterus d . Septate uterus


Which of the following is the term for the of blood within the endometrium accumulation a . Hydrometra b . Hydrocolpos c . Hematocolpos d . Hematometra


Which of the following would be considered the more common uterine anomaly ? a . Bicornis univernus b . Bicornis bicollis c . Uterus didelphys d . Septate uterus


Which of the following would be found in the region of the vulva ? a . Gartner duct cyst b . Nabothian cyst c . Cervical polyp d . Bartholin cyst


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