Verbal reasoning - vocabulary

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intrepidity means

"fearlessness and endurance"


(adj.) very sacred or holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning or attack. key word here is sanct; i.e. sanctuary, sanctimony

Comes from the Latin word for "to turn away, prevent": convert, subvert, introvert, extrovert, inconvertible, and vertigo

Avert: (to turn away, prevent)

____/CID: to fall, to happen by chance

CAD; i.e. accident, cascade, coincidence, decadent, recidivist

_____ is Latin for Center. I.e. centrifuge, centrist, concentrate, concentric, eccentric


Ced/____/____ are Latin root words for to go, to yield, to stop

Ceed,Cess. ie. accede, antecedent, cessation, concede, incessant, predecessor

the words: Mira, Miraculous, admire, admiration all share this Latin root meaning to wonder


To express one's opinion in a pompous or dogmatic fashion


Cast/Chast are Latin root words for ______. I.e. Cast, chastise, chaste

To Cut

____/Trux, is a Latin root word meaning fierce


This is the latin word for Shadow

Umbr; i.e. Umbrella, a shadow in the rain

comes from the Latin word for Truth and shares a root with verity, verify, verdict, veracity, and verisimilitude

Veerus (Veer-us)

A Semicolon ( ';' ) also functions as a road sign, indicating:

a close connection between two clauses.


a harsh discordant mixture of sounds


a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning. a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense.


a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.


a rude person


a ruler with absolute power and authority


allowing the possibility of several different meanings, as a word or phrase, especially with intent to deceive or misguide; susceptible of double interpretation; deliberately ambiguous:

ANIM: of the life, soul, breath

animosity, unanimous, animal

Example of two words look similar does not mean they share the same root

aver (to state or prove as true) comes from the Latin Verus (pronounced veer-us) ("truth") and shares a root with verity, verify, verdict, veracity, and verisimilitude Avert: (to turn away, prevent) - convert, subvert, introvert, extrovert, inconvertible, and vertigo

APO i.e. Apocalypse, apogee, apology


bel/bell i.e. belle, embellish


ant/ante i.e. antebellum, antecedent, anterior



bitterness or ill feeling.

AMBI/AMPHI: i.e. ambidextrous, ambiguous

both, on both sides or around

_____ is the Latin root word for purse or money. I.e. Bursar, bursary, disburse, reimbursement


-able / -ible means as in: changeable, combustible

capable of, worthy of


cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender.

_____ is Latin for Speed

celer, i.e. accelerant, accelerate, celerity, decelerate


characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly:


condemnation; praise


deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable:

These road signs change the direction of the sentence. They make one part of the sentence contradict or qualify another part. The positive or negative connotation of an answer is changed by these clues



dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question.


eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant.


easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible:


fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor. i.e. overzealous, religious zealots

The Latin Root word Carn means _____, i.e. carnal, carnivorous, carnival


ben/bene i.e. benefit, benign, benevolent


bon/boun i.e. bona fide, bonus, bountiful

good, generous


having or showing a slow and stolid temperament

acou: as in acoustic


Card/Cord/Cour are Latin Roots for ____. I.e. Cardiac, concord, concordance, discord, encourage



heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.:

words that are spelled the same but have different meanings (desert as a verb and desert as a noun)


words that are pronounced the same way, like air and heir or bore and boar.



ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable


lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. (of conversation or speech) going constantly from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused. comes from Latin word desultirous meaning superficial


lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory:


liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior

What is the first step that you need to take when approaching text completion type of questions?

look for clues as to what the sentence is trying to communicate. Missing words in text completion will usually have a relationship with key words in the sentence.

AM; i.e. amateur, amatory, amity


anthro/andr i.e. androgen, android, anthropology

man, human

really bad smelling



not sensible or wise; not appropriate in a particular situation


not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.

a/an means ____ as in, agnostic, atheist, atypical

not, without


of or relating to a practical point of view or practical considerations.

ab means___ as in abduct, abnormal, abolish

off, away from, apart, down


one who speaks for another

AL/ALI/ALTER i.e. alias, alibi, alien, allegory

other, another


positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will


proper; tasteful; socially correct

burs: i.e. bursar, disburse, reimburse

purse, money

When posed with a "which of the following" question, you will need to do this

read each choice and see if they're supported by the text. if they one aspect of one of the choices is wrong, THE WHOLE ANSWER IS WRONG


return to a former or less developed state.

A _______ is a structural key word that signals a connection between ideas; it also determines the direction of the relationship

road sign

The root, (H)OM, commonly found in words like anomaly, homosexual, and Homonym means:


-AC/-ACR as in acid, acumen, acute

sharp, bitter, sour

brev/brid i.e. abbreviate, brief, brevity


_____ a temporary stay


megaphone, phonetics, and Polyphony all share the common root word, phon, meaning


These road signs used to make one part of the sentence support or elaborate upon another part. They continue the sentence in the same direction. The positive or negative connotation of what follows is not changed by these clues.

straight ahead

and, since, also, thus, because, ; (semicolon), likewise, moreover similarly, In addition, Consequently are all examples of these types of road signs when faced with text completion problems

straight ahead


subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic:


talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous:


the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning; scholarship


to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures:

ARD i.e. arson, ardor, ardent

to burn

Caus/Caut are Latin root words for _____. I.E. Caustic, Cauterize, cautery, holocaust

to burn


to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements; use cheaper, inferior, or less desirable goods in the production of (any professedly genuine article):

act/ag as agile, prodigal, synagogue

to do, drive to force or to lead

Instagram, Diagram, and grammar all share the common root word gram, meaning:

to draw


to dry thoroughly; dry up.

AML/AMBUL i.e. ambulance, preamble, ambulatory

to go, to walk


to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate:


to make more certain; confirm:


to produce, cause, or give rise to:

cern/cert/cret/crim/crit are all root words meaning:

to separate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide. i.e. ascertain, certitude, criterion, discreet, discrete, hypocrite

CANT/CENT/CHANT i.e. accent, chant, enchant, recant, incantation, incentive

to sing

Cap/CIP/Cept are Latin roots for____. I.E. anticipate, capture, emancipate, percipient

to take, to get


to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute:

AD (often the d is dropped and the first letter to which a is prefixed is doubled)

to, toward, near i.e. addict, address, adhere

True or false: One might describe the sea to sky gondola a pulchritudinous view of the sky, lakes, and mountains



unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal. Assuming Jewish people are Parsimonious is an incredibly ignorant notion!


using few words; expressing much in few words; concise:

bell: i.e. antebellum, belligerent, rebel



wastefully or recklessly extravagant, giving or yielding profusely; very generous; lavish (usually followed by of or with):

ANNUI/ENNI i.e. annuity, anniversary


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