Visual Communication and Design
advertising design
design specifically created to sell a product or service; considered placement of textual and visual elements to unify an advertising design conceptually has become common practice
a carefully designed piece of type, called a logotype, that is unique and easily identified
Visual character of text
ancient Mesopotamians were first to employ picture symbols in a consistent language system; ancient Egyptians later created their own version, known as hieroglyphics
layout design
art of organizing type, logos, and illustrations in traditional print media; essential if information is to be easily understood; one of main considerations in layout design is spacing
images created to inform as well as to embellish the printed page; good illustration is critical in certain fields, where it may communicate essential information more effectively than text or a photograph
color in print
most printed color images rely on four separate colors:P cyan, magenta, yellow, plus black, called "key". four inks are printed on paper as dots in a regular pattern; this color printing process is called offset printing
simple symbolic graphic shapes (both logos and icons used in place of written labels bc they provide an immediate message)
web design
text and image in mass communication has evolved to include interactive designs used on the world wide web; allows designers more freedom to add interactivity
color in electronic displays
the digital display is illuminated by red, green, and blue light cells, called phosphors. the monitor turns a combination of phosphors on or off to produce colors
Essence of visual communication design
use of symbols to communicate information and ideas
visual form of printed letters, words, and text; type first came into existence with Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in Germany around 1450
wrote first manual to standardize the design of letter shapes; created letter using geometric elements