vitamins and minerals

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-proteins that aid in iron absorption

- hepcidin

night blindness, impaired grwoth and increased incidence of infections are symptoms of --- deficiency.

Viatmin A

What fat soluble vitamins are not readily excreted from the body?

Vitamins A, D, E

--- is the degree to which the amount of an ingested nutrient is absorbed and is available to the body


vitamin B-6, B-12, folate and K help create

blood formation

the process in which osteoclasts break down bone and release minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone to blood.

bone resorption

What are the functions of iodine as a component of T3?

brain development, regulation of body metabolism, macronutrient metabolism

The cones are responsible for vision during what type of light

bright light

the enrichment process enrichces grain products wih the four vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin niacin and ---

folic acid

The vit A deficiency that produces skin changes is referred to as

follicular hyperkaratosis

prevents free radical damage decreases risk of certain cancers protects eye tissues

foods rich in beta-carotene

the enlargement of the thyroid gland is called an endemic --


sources: raw cauliflower, raw turnips and peanuts


main source: meat

heme iron

Glutathione peroxidase is an enzyme that helps with the breakdown of --- and --- peroxides.

hydrogen and hydrogen

headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and muscle cramps are all symptoms of ---, which is characterized by low blood sodium.


Which individuals are at risk for developing a vitamin A deficiency?

impoverished individuals alcoholics older adults

primary function:thyroid hormone synthesis comes from -- salt mucosal block prevents absorption adult RDA- 150 MICROgrams symptoms of toxicity:hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer


Vit A analogs have been used in topical and oral medications to treat acne and


function of the superoxide dismutase enzymes

reduce oxidative damage to cell membranes

older adults are at greater risk for pernicious anemia due to

reduced output of intrinsic factor, lowered production of stomach acid

The synthesis or retinol-binding protein requires adequate amount of


vit A is transported in the bloodstream and is bound to

retinol-binding protein

dietary sources:milk


--- is the vitamin D deficiency disease characterized by bowed legs, an enlarged head, deformities of the ribs and pelvis, and pain in the joints. -infants and children


the deficiency disease for vit C is called


function: antioxidant, keshan disease prevention, thyroid hormone metabolism, glutathione peroxidase activity sources: meat/cereals and grains Upper Limit: 400mcg MICROgrams


helps absorb glucose in the small intestine, aids in water balance, required for normal muscle and nerve functions almost all --- consumed is absorbed in the intestinal tract processed foods


processed foods is the major source of the mineral --- in the typical US diet.


substance dissolved in another substance


-- -- is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of any substance 1 degree celsius.

specific heat

nueral tube defects that result due to a lack of folate during pregnancy include:

spina bifida, anecephaly

what are the best methods for retaining the water-soluble vitamins when preparing food?

stir frying, microwaving

There is no adequate intake level functions:stabilize the structure of proteins, regulates acid-base balance


Which of the following are possible reasons vit D deficiencies have reemerged as a global health concern?

sunscreen clothing that fully covers the body spending time indoors

sources of vit a caotenoids include

sweet potatoes carrots broccoli

A -- is the junction between the nerve and its target cells.


--- is the continuous, forceful muscle contraction without relaxation


Vitamin A is important in maintaining normal differentiation in cells related to the structural components of the eyes, including

the cornea and retina

Infants are given an injection of vitamin K at birth because

their intestines lack enough bacteria to produce K

pork enriched grains, and whole-grain products are excellent sources of deficiancy disease is beriberi -weakness, loss of appetite, poor coordinationand edema, would also effect glucose metabolism required as a coenzyme to release energy from carbohydrates and some amino acids


high levels of ingested fluoride can lead to

tooth mottling, tooth pitting

Essential inorganic substances needed in small quantities in the diet (less than 100 mg daily) and are found in relatively minute amounts in th ebody (less than 5 g). In fact, all of them comvined make up less than 1% of the minerals in the body.

trace minerals

fatty fish and fortified milk are sources of:

vit D

fish and milk are a good source of connected to the absorption and active transport of calcium

vit D

A -- is an organic compound needed in small amounts in the diet to help regulate and support chemical reactions and processes in the body.


Why is there a loss of water-soluble vitamins when preparing foods?

vitamins may leach into the cooking water

The B vitamins and vitamin C are --- soluble vitamins.


major component of blood, regulates body temp, is a solvent


organic compounds, risk of toxicity is low, function primarily in energy metabolism

water-soluble vitamins

functions of vit C

wound healing, formation of collagen

When sufficient dietary vit A is not available, a deficiency disorder known as --- may develop.


deficiency: dermatitis, diarrhea, reduced sense of taste and smell, poor wound healing


60 mg of tryptophan will produce --- mg of niacin.


What is the adequate intake level for vit D for individuals between the ages of 51-70

10 mcg

if we require -- mg or more of a mineral daily, it is considered a major mineral


How may micrograms is the Upper level for iodine consumption?


The RDA for viatmin E is --- mg/day


RDA vitamin A for women?


Over --- % of the body's vitamin A stores are found in the liver.


What is the RDA for vitamin A for adult men?

900 mcg

A lack of which vitamin during fetal development is linked to fetal mortality?


meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, liver, kidneys, and heart are sources of vit --


vitamin is also known as cobalalmin deficiency diseases include:pernicious anemia, megoloblastic anemia found in animal foods meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, liver, kidneys, and heart A high folic acid intake may mask a vitamin--- deficiency so the FDA limits the amount of this vitamin in nonprescription supplements. Intrinsic factor is necessary in order to absorb this vitamin


Glossitis is a deficiancy is which 5 vitamins?

B6, folate, B12, Niacin, and riboflavin

A, D, K, C help maintain

Bone health

While th esun does provide the human body with this vitamin, it is not possible to develop toxicity from over exposure to the sun for Vitamin


smokers, preterm infants and crohn's disease are at risk for which vitamin deficiency?


Antioxidant vitamins

E, C, Caretenoids, riboflavin

---. a B vitamin is important DNA synthesis


RDA for women 19-30 is 310mg/day green vegg, squash, beans absorbed in:small intestines helps stabilize ATP, is needed for DNA, RNA synthesis and contributes to bone structure and mineralization


what are three forms of viatmin A?

Retinal, Retinol, Retinoic acid

Vitamin K can be incormporated into the lipoprotein VLDL in the liver for:


The benefits of the --- designation include that supplement products meet established standards for the strength, quality, purity, packaging, labeling, solubility and storage of all their products.


enhances iron absorption deficiency is scurvy sources: strawberries, citrus fruits, potatoes -fruits and veggies smokers need more of this because of the greater stress placed on the lungs due to the oxidative damage

Vit C

Which two of these vitamins when consumed in excessive amounts negatively affect the actions of vitamin K?

Vitamin A and Vitamin E

bell peppers, carrots yams are high in

beta carotene

What body tissue is vit E stored in

adipose tissue

An --- is at risk for a fat-soluble vitamin deficiency.


Vitamin B12 is found in --- foods only


A vitamin can be described as--- when it is thought to be responsible for reducing the risk of cancer by destroying free radicals.


The damage caused by free radicals can be decreased by the presence of


which groups of people are at the highest risk for developing osteoporosis.

asians, cuacasians

health risks for low levels of D include an increase in

autoimmune disorders rickets cancer osteomalacia

sources of retinoids, the preformed source of vit A include

beef liver, fish, fortified milk, fortified margarine

folic acid refers to the synthetic form of the B vitamin


builds and maintains bones, blood clotting, tansmission of nerve impulses, muscle contractions and cell metabolism. defficiancy is osteoporosis broccoli, kale, cheese, milk absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine increses bone helath, protection from colon cancer and reduced formation of kidney stones (crap) are benefits Vitamin D is connected to its absorption


absorbed in the intestines function: used during immune responses, aid in the transmission of nerve impulses, maintain extracellular fluid volume and balance


In dark green vegetables, the yellow-orange coloring is masked by the dark green pigment called


trace nutrient functions: enhance insulin action, promote glucose uptake into cells


niacin serves as a --- in energy metabolism


The amount of vit E absorbed depends on the amount --- and the absorption of dietary fat.


deficiency: Iron sources:beef liver symptoms of toxicity: neurological damage, nausea and vomiting, cirrhosis of the liver Adult RDA: 900MICROgrams


How are folate requirements expressed?

dietary folate equivalents

compounds that separate into ions i water


thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin and B12 help

energy metabolism

Vitamin E content of a food may be affected by

exposure to oxygen, exposure to sunlight deep fat frying

Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed along with dietary --


Vitamins A, D, E and K are ---soluble viatmins

fat soluble

excessive intakes of preformed vit A during pregnancy may result in

fetal malformation, spontaneous abortion

The water soluble vitamin deficiency that may lead to decreased red blood cell synthesis and eventually megaloblastic anemia, is due to a lack of the vitamin --- This vitamin is required to be added to refined grain products with the aim of preventing neural tube defects Also critical for DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism. Folic acid refers to its synthetic form


-primary function-aid in oxygen transportation -decreases absorption when a person increases their use of antacids (phytic acid, oxalic acid). -increase bioavailability: meat, heme iron, vit C -drink OJ with iron, consume nonheme sources of iron in addition to heme sources of iron -sources: liverwurst, life cereal, clams, beans adult pre-menopausal woman requires:18mg/day secondary function:part of enzymes, brain function, immune function gastric acid plays an important role in the absorption first stored in liver -proteins that aid in absorption- hepcidin


which trace minerals are most likely to be deficient from the typical american diet?

iron, zinc

what role does antidiuretic hormone play in relation to the regulation of water balance?

it signals kidneys to retain water, reducing urine output

which organ tightly regulate the synthesis of vit D3


--- is an abnormal convex curvature of the spine, resulting in a bulge at the upper back


An upper level of intake for vitamin A has been established to prevent

liver damage

function: carbohydrate metabolism AI for men: 2.3mg/day


Vitamin D is incorporated into --- in the small intestines before being absorbed.


--- are the essential inorganic elements needed in small amounts in the diet for the normal function, growth, and maintenance of body tissues. They are indispensable in the human diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.


vitamins isolated from foods are classified as


dietary sources: beef, poultry, fish (tuna is better) cures pellagra deficiency a coenzyme in energy metabolism


--- is an early sign of vitamin A deficiency.

night blindness

vit A has been known for over 3500 years to prevent


--- is the passive diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane. Examples include pulling water out of a strawberry by adding sugar and crisping limp celery by placing it in water.


bone building cells that produce collagen and add minerals to form healthy bone.


cells on the bone surface that dissolve bone by releasing acid and enzymes


these can take up calcium from the blood and release it back into the blood, as well as help bone become more dense.


The disease associated with a vitamin D deficiency that affects older adults is


poor intestinal absorption and kidney disease are risk factors of


substance found in leafy green plants that binds minerals and makes them less bioavailable.

oxalic acid or oxalate

corn based diets are associated with the condition known as --- which is characterized by dermatitis, dementia and ---

pellagra, diarrhea

-eggs, bran flakes, and milk are sources of -deficiancy includes bone loss, decreased growth, poor tooth development -functions: energy production and storage, cellular message systems, protection against hypertension -found in bones and teeth -RDA for both women and men:700


What term is used to describe when a phosphate group is added to a compound


Oxalic acid and --- acid can limit the absorption of some minerals by chemically binding to them and preventing their release during digestion.


--- are a group of compounds containing at least 2 ring structures that each have 1 hydroxyl group attached. They also can lower the bioavailability of minerals. Some types, such as flavonoids and tannins, may help prevent cancer and heart disease.


Risk factors associated with osteomalacia include

poor intestinal absorption, kidney disease

maintain fluid balance, contract muscle, transmit nerve impluses absorbed in the intestines sources: dried beans, potatoes, yogurt


bit B6, folate B12, C, Choline, Riboflavin help

protein and amino acid metabolis

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