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Is fatigued or distracted

A decrease in speed coupled with incorrect copying of symbols on the Coding subtest may indicate that the examinee ___________.

The standard discontinue process for the subtest should be followed

According to the text, in any situation in which a basal level is not established on a subtest, ___________.


According to the text, in establishing confidence intervals for scores on the WAIS-IV, you should use _____________.

Word-retrieval difficulty and not deficient knowledge

An examinee has difficulty answering Information questions during the standard administration but not when multiple choice questions are asked during testing of limits. You might hypothesize that the examinee has ______________.

Is adjusting well to the task

An increase in speed coupled with correct copying of symbols on the Coding subtest may indicate that the examinee ____________.

Consider full scale floor, full scale ceiling, and breadth of coverage; Use the WISC-IV on individuals suspected of below average cognitive ability, and use either the WISC-IV or the WAIS-IV on individuals suspected of average or above average abilities

At the age ranges where the WAIS and WISC overlap, what test does the text say you should use?

When unclear or vague responses are given, as well as as, responses marked by a "Q" in the manual

At times, you will have to use judgment in scoring unclear or borderline WAIS-IV responses. Always query such responses _______________.

Good visual-perceptual reasoning, good perception and concentration, good alertness to details, good ability to differentiate between essential and nonessential details, and good vision

High scores on the Picture Completion subtest may indicate _________.

Good measure

How good of a measure of 'g' is the WAIS-IV Comprehension subtest?

No flexibility in the wording is permitted, except when common sense dictates that you say something else

How much flexibility in wording is permitted when you read the WAIS-IV instructions?

Repeat as often as necessary, but do not alter the wording

If an examinee asks you to repeat a WAIS-IV Information item _______________.

Only after the entire test has been administered using standard procedures and typically on subtests the examiner suspects the individual could perform with assistance

If you conduct testing of limits, do so under what circumstances?

Not give credit for items passed after the discontinue point

If you mistakenly ignore a discontinue rule and later discover that additional items were administered unnecessarily, you should ____________.

Digit Span

If you wanted to screen an individual specifically for a memory problem, which of the WAIS subtests would you give?

If the examinee refers to or points to an unessential missing part

In administering the WAIS-IV Picture Completion subtest, when might you say, "Look at the picture again. Before you said that _______ was missing. That's not the only part that's missing. Look for something else."?

Poor word knowledge, poor verbal comprehension, poor verbal skills, poor language development, poor ability to conceptualize, limited intellectual striving, limited family or cultural background, limited early education and general education, limited encouragement of verbal communication in family, or that English is the individual's second language

Low scores on the Vocabulary subtest may indicate ___________.

Poor auditory sequential processing, poor attention and concentration, poor encoding ability, poor rehearsal strategies, and poor ability to self-monitor

Low scores on the WAIS-IV Letter-Number Sequencing subtests may indicate _______________.


On the WAIS-IV Block Design subtest, how often may you correct the orientation of the examinee's design if it is rotated?

Untimed; Scored 0, 1, or 2 Points

On the WAIS-IV Comprehension subtest, all items are ____________.


Reliability coefficients for the WAIS-IV IQs are generally in the ________.

Compare the individual to the workforce population

Supplemental norms based on the reference group can be used to ______________.

When following leads about an individual's abilities; when testing clinical hypotheses; and, when evaluating whether additional cues, strategies, or extra time helps the individual solve problems.

Testing of limits may be helpful in clinical assessment ______________.

Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Visual Puzzles, *Figure Weights, and *Picture Completion

The Perceptual Reasoning Index on the WAIS-IV is composed of which subtests?

Symbol Search, Coding, and *Cancellation

The Processing Speed Index on the WAIS-IV is composed of which subtests?

Similarities, Vocabulary, Information, and *Comprehension

The Verbal Comprehension Index on the WAIS-IV is composed of which subtests?

Numerical reasoning (Concentration and attention)

The WAIS-IV Arithmetic subtest measures __________.

Nonverbal reasoning and visuo-spatial organization; The ability to analyze and synthesize abstract visual stimuli

The WAIS-IV Block Design subtest measures ___________.

Visual scanning ability and visual short term-memory

The WAIS-IV Coding subtest measures _________.

An unfamiliar task involving speed of mental operation and psychomotor speed

The WAIS-IV Coding subtest measures an examinee's ability to learn ___________.

Practical reasoning and judgement in social situations

The WAIS-IV Comprehension subtest measures ____________.

Auditory short-term memory and auditory sequential processing

The WAIS-IV Digit Span subtest measures ___________.

Long-term memory for factual information

The WAIS-IV Information subtest measures ____________.

Nonverbal fluid reasoning ability (without a speed component)

The WAIS-IV Matrix Reasoning subtest measures ____________.

Verbal concept formation and abstract reasoning

The WAIS-IV Similarities subtest measures ___________.

Processing Speed

The WAIS-IV Symbol Search subtest has the highest factor loading on which of the Index scores?

15 (10 Core and 5 Supplementary)

The WAIS-IV contains ____________ subtests.

Outstanding; Stable

The WAIS-IV has ______ reliability.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

The WAIS-IV is an upward extension of the ______________.

Wechsler Bellvue Intelligence Scale

The WAIS-IV is the latest edition of an intelligence scale whose original name was ___________.

100; 15

The WAIS-IV standard scores have a mean of ____ and a standard deviation of ____.

Highest; Lowest

The WAIS-IV subtests with the ________ standard error of measurement have the ________ reliability.

Visual discrimination involving the ability to distinguish between essential and nonessential details; Perceptual organization and integration; Visual perception and organization, concentration, and visual recognition of essential details of objects

The WISC-IV Picture Completion Subtest measures ____________.


The WISC-IV has __________ concurrent validity.

Digit Span, Arithmetic, and *Letter-Number Sequencing

The Working Memory Index on the WAIS-IV is composes of which subtests?

Concurrent Validity

The degree to which test items are represented of the defined construct of the domain under study provides evidence of ___________.

85:0 - 90:11

The oldest age group included in the WAIS-IV standardization sample is ________.

10; 3

The scaled score for each WAIS-IV subtest have a mean of ____ and a standard deviation of ____.

Begin timing after presenting the item and saying the last word of instruction; Allow 20 seconds

The text suggests that on the WAIS-IV Picture Completion subtest, you should do what in regard to timing?

Less than or equal to 15%

The text suggests that, in order to be considered unusual or rare, difference between Indexes on the WAIS-IV should occur in _______ or less of the standardization sample.


The youngest age for which the WAIS is appropriate is ________.

After age 30 there is a decline in cognitive abilities

What do the age norms on the WAIS-IV show when you compare the younger to the older clients?

Include all spoiled subtests, but note in the written report which scores are for spoiled subtests; Administer the substitution subtest for the appropriate domain

What should you do when WAIS-IV subtests are spoiled?

Score the best response; You may need to ask for clarification

When an examinee gives multiple acceptable answers on the WAIS-IV Similarities subtest, you should always _________.

Omit the Processing Speed subtests if you believe their performance would be impaired

When testing individuals who cannot use their dominant hand, the test suggests that you __________.

Consider only administering the Perceptual Reasoning and Processing Speed subtests (As they can be administered nonverbally)

When testing individuals with expressive language difficulties, the test suggests that you ___________.

Working Memory

Which index score measures the ability to sustain attention and exert mental control?

The examinee is easily fatigued

Which of the following is a compelling reason to deviate from the order specified in the manual for administering the WAIS-IV subtests?

Working Memory

You would use the WAIS-IV Letter-Number Sequencing subtest when computing which of the Index scores?

Income Level

___________ was not a demographic variable used to obtain the stratified sample on the WAIS.

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