WCU Pathophysiology final

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After bronchoscopy and histologic examination of a suspected tumor, your patient is diagnosed with a bronchial carcinoma. Thus, the tumor


Patent ductus arteriosis is accurately described as a(n)

Communication between the aorta and the pulmonary artery

Effects of hypernatria on the central nervous system typically include


After being diagnosed with hypertension, a patient returns to the clinic 6 weeks later...

Continue lifestyle modifications only

What reproduction tract disorder is most likely to be associated with urinary stress incontinence


Widespread activity of the clotting cascade secondary to massive trauma is called?


Chornic pancreatitis may lead to


Apoptosis is a process that results in cellular?


Diabetic neuropathy is thought to result from

Decreased myoinositol transport

Signs and symptoms of clinical dehydration include

Decreased urine output

A mjor modifiable risk factor for nephrolithiasis is


Lack of alpha 1-antitrypsin in emphysema causes

Destruction of alveolar septa

Your patient is scheduled for a staging procedure. She wants to know what that means. The correct response is which of the following?

Determining extent of the tumor spread

Patients with immunodeficiency disorders are usually first identified because they

Develop recurrent infections

Viral pneumonia is characterized by

Dry cough

The microorganism that causes the vast majority of urinary tract infections is

E coli

The organism most commonly associated with acute pyelophritis is

E coli

A disease that is native to a particular region is called?


9) In older women, osteopoporsis is though to be primarily due to

Estrogen deficiency

Tumor markers (select all that apply)

Everything except (a) - produced by normal cells, determine cancer origin, idenitfy cancer progression, include anitgen

11) Paget's disease is characterized by

Excessive bone resorbtion followed by fragile bone formation

Cancer grading is based on

Extent of tumor

The prothrombin time (PT) and INR (international normalized ratio) measure the integrity of

Extrinsic pathway

The oliguric phase of acute tubular necrosis is characterized by

Fluid excess

Barret esophogus is a ___


Untreated acute cholesystisi may lead to ____ of the gallbladder wall


It is true polycystic kidney disease is

Genetically transmitted

The characteristics of x-ray findings in tuberculosis include

Ghon tubercule

A thyroid gland that grows larger than normal is known as


A patient with chornic gastritis would likely be tested for

H pylori

Red blood cells differ from other cell types in the body, because they

Have no cytoplasmic proteins

Which symptom suggest the presence of a hiatal hernia


Findings that should prompt an evaluation for renal cancer include


An important mediator of type I hypersensitivity reaction is


A person who has hyperparathyroidism is likely to develop


Decreased neuromuscular excitability is often the result of

Hypercalcemia and hypermagnesemia

Risk factors for atherosclerosis include


Which disorder is caused by inhalation of organic substances

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

One of the most frequent causes of the chronic kidney disease is


A patient presents to the emergency department with a diastolic blood pressure of 132 mm Hg, retinopathy and symptoms of an ischemic stroke...

Hypertensive crisis

An increase in organ size and function due to increased workload is termed


Respiratory alkalosis is caused by


Which electrolyte imbalance cause increased neuromuscular excitability


A patient has a history of falls, syncope, dizziness and blurred vision. The patient's symptomology is most likely related to


A patient experiences anaphylactic shock. The nurse expects to observe which signs and symptoms in the patient (select all that apply)

Hypotension, urticaria, angioedema, wheezing

Respiratory acidosis may be caused by


They body compensated for metabolic alkalosis by


The hallmark manifestation of acute respiratory distress syndrome is


The hypersensitivity reaction that does not involve antibody production is type


The principle Ig mediator of Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction is


Allergic (extrinsic) asthma is associated with

IgE mediated airway inflammation

The pathophysiologic basis of acute glomerulnephritis is

Immune complex reaction

A major risk factor for the development of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) disease is


The most reliable indicator that a person is experiencing an acute myocardial infarction (MI) is

ST segment elevation

Hypertension with a specific, identifiable cause is known as ____ hypertension


A patient with high blood pressure who is otherwise healthy is counseled to restrict sodium intake. This is an example of?

Secondary prevention

Prerenal acute kidney injury may be caused by

Severe hypotension

Restriction of which electrolytes is recommended in the management of high blood pressure?


Which complication of asthma is life threatening

Status asthmaticus

A patient receiving chemotherapy may be at a greater risk for development of


C.Q was recently exposed to a group A hemolytic Streptococcus and subsequently developed a pharyngeal infection...

Streptococcal infection

It can be explained to a patient that high blood pressure increased the risk of (select all that apply)

Stroke, renal disease and Ischemic heart disease

The stage during which the patient functions normally, although the disease processes are well established is referred to as?


15) Pain is thought of as

Subjective and hard to measure objectively

Which disorder is associated with a type III hypersensitivity mechanism of injury?

Systemic lupus erythema

Individuals with end stage chronic renal disease are at risk for renal osteodystrophy and sponaneous bone fracture because

Vitamin D deficiency

A normal bleeding time in association with normal platelet count, and increased prothrombin time (PT) and (INR) is indicative of

Vitamin K deficiency

A newborn has melena, bleeding from the umbilicus, and hematuria. The newborn most likely is experiencing

Vitamin K deficiency bleeding

The expected treatment of a pregnant woman with hyperemesis gravidarum is


A person who overuses magnesium-aluminum antacids for a long period of time is likely to develop


A patient with forward effects of heart failure may present with which symptoms (select all that apply)

impaired memory, mental fatigue and confusion

A patient presenting with fever, hypotension, and lactic acidosis is most likely to be experiencing what type of shock?


The majority of cases of anaphylactic shock occur when a sensitized individual comes in contact with


A commonly ingested substance associated with prolongation of the bleeding time is?


Pernicious anemia is caused by a lack of


The philadelphia chromosome is a balanced chromosome translocation that forms a new gene called


A middle ages patient has a follow-up visit for a recorded blood pressure of 162/96 mm Hg taken 3 weeks ago....

Begin anti-hypertensive drug therapy

Which acid are the kidneys unable to excrete


Malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin are known as?


Clinical manifestations of hyponatremia include

Confusion, lethargy ..

The primary source of erythropoietin is provided by the


Dysfunction of which organ would lead to clotting factor deficiency?


A primary effector cell of the type 1 hypersensitivity response is

Mast cells

Diarrhea causes

Metabolic acidosis

Emesis causes

Metabolic alkalosis

Renal insufficiency is a common complication of which disease


The organism that causes pulmonary tuberculosis is

Myobacterium tuberculosis

Which group of clinical findings describes the typical presentation of ALL

Pain in long bones, infection, fever and brusing

A patient with heart failure who reports intermittent shortness of breath during the night is experiencing

Parixysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Autologous stem cell transplantation are usually first identified because they

Patients own blood

The direct cause of stress incontinence is

Pelvic muscle weakness

Hypotension associated with neurogenic and anaphylactic shock is due to

Peripheral pooling of blood

Restrictive respiratory disorders include (select all that apply)

Pneumothora, ARDS

A 17-year old college-bound student receives a vaccine against an organism that causes meningitis. This is an example of

Primary prevention

Left sided heart failure is characterized by

Pulmonary congestion

The hypersecretion of mucus resulting for chronic bronchitis is the result of

Recurrent infection

Which are complications of diabetes mellitus that are microvascular? (select all that apply)

Retinopathy and nephropathy

12) The disease that is similar to osteomalacia and occurs in growing children is


While hospitalized, an elderly patient with a history of myocardial infarction was noted to have high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDLs). What is the significance of this finding?

Risk of coronary artery disease

4) Rickets is characterizied by soft, weak bones resulting from a defiency of

Vit D

A 5-year old patient's parents report loss of appetite and fatigue in their child. The parents also state that the child refuses to walk due to pain...


Which type of leukemia primarily affect children


COPD leads to a barrel chest, because it causes

Air trapping

Regarding iron deficiency anemia, what laboratory are typically decreased (select all that apply)

All the ones that start with M

Clinical manifestations of pleural effusion include (select all that apply)

Dyspnea, diminished breath sounds, tracheal shift

Left-sided heart failure is characterized by

Pulmonary congestion

A patient with pure left-sided heart failure is likely to exhibit

Pulmonary congestion with dyspnea

Hypertrophy of the right ventricle is a compensatory response to

Pulmonary stenosis

Which causes of shock are considered to be obstructive (select all that apply)

Pulmonary, cardiac and tension

Cardiogenic shock is characterized by

Reduced cardiac output

All obstructive pulmonary disorders are characterized by

Resistance to airflow

The ___ system compensates for metabolic acidosis and alkalosis


A person with acute hypoxemia may hyperventilate and develop

Respiratory alkalosis

Metaplasia is

The replacement of one differentiated cell type with another

Your patient eats "lots of fat," leads a "stressful" life, and has smoked "about two packs a day for the last 40 years."...

Cigarette smoking

Which blood pressure reading is considered to be indicative of prehypertension according to the JNC-7 criteria


What indicator is most helpful in evaluating long-term blood glucose management in patients with diabetes mellitus?


Diabetes insipidus is a condition that

ADH deficiency

5) Risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke include

Acute hypertension

Absence of menstruation is called


Massive release of histamine with consequent vasodilation and hypotension occurs with what type of shock?


When a client diagnosed COPD type A asks, "Why is my chest so big and round?" the nurse responds that

Answer with air trapping

Acute right lower quadrant pain associated with rebound tenderness and systemic of inflammation are indicative of


20) Systemic lupus erthematosus is a rheumatic disease attributed to

Autoimmune mecahnisms

14) It is true that encephalitis is usually

Because of viral infection in brain cells

A diagnostic laboratory finding in myeloma is

Bence jones protein in urine

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors block the

Block 1 to 2

Ulcerative colitis is commonly associated with

Bloody diarrhea

Signs and symptoms of extracellular fluid volume excuss include

Bounding pulse

An acute asthma attack is associated with (select all that apply)

Bronchoconstriction, bronchial mucosa edema, hypersecretion of mucus, hypoxemia

17) Although skin manifestations may occur in numerous locations, the classic presentation os systemic lupus erythematosus includes

Butterfly rash around face and nose

A common component of renal calculi is


The most common type of renal stone is


18) Complete healing of a bone fracture occurs when

Callus completely replaced with mature bone

A cause of thrombocytopenia includes


Most gallstones are composed of


Causes of hypomagnesemia include

Chronic alcoholism

6) The common form of ostromyelitis is

Infection is bloodstream

In individuals who have asthma, exposure to allergens to which they are sensitized leads to which pathophysiological event?

Inflammation, mucosal edema and bronchoconstriction

It is true that the synthesis of thyroid hormones

Inhibited by iodine deficiency

The most likely cause of anemia in a patient with end stage renal disease is

Insifficient erythema

The primary cause of infant respiratory distress syndrome is

Insufficient pulmonary surfactant

The underlying pathogenic mechanism for type 2 diabets is

Insulin resistance and cell dysfunction

Coagulative necrosis is caused by?

Interrupted blood supply

What is necessary for red blood cell production?


A low mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) are characteristic of which type of anemia?

Iron deficiency

The cause of the most common form of anemia is

Iron deficiency

16) The most important determinate for prescribing therapy for acute stroke is

Ischemic vs hemorrhagic

After surgery to remove a lung tumor, your patient is scheduled for chemotherapy, which will?

Kill rapidly dividing cells

A patient has been exposed to meningococcal meningitis, but is not yet demonstrating signs of this disease. This stage of illness is called


The most common types of uterine tumors are known as


Early manifestations of a developing metabolic acidosis include


Necrotic death of brain tissue usually produces __ necrosis


Jaudice is a common manifestation of

Liver disease

The most common site affected in Paget's disease is the

Lower spine

8) Healing of a fractured bone with a poor alignment is called


It is true that gallstones are

More common in women

Common characteristics of sarcoidosis include (select all that apply)

NOT leukocytosis

All these cellular responses are potentially reversible except?


Premature infants are at greater risk for developing

Necrotizing enterocolitis

Many of the responses to stress are attributed to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and are mediated by?


A patient is diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia. The patient's lab results would most likely indicate a decrease in (select all that apply).

Not WBC or melanocytes

Characteristics of asthma include (select all that apply)

Not alveolar collapse

10) Characteristics of scoliosis include (select all that apply)

Not common in boys - everything but that one

A patient is diagnosed with CML (chronic myeloid leukemia). The patient may experience which of the symptoms (select all that apply)

Not joint pain

____ is the most powerful predictor of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus


13) A bone disorder that results from insufficient vitamin D is referred to as


Air that enters the pleural space during inspiration but is unable to exit during expiration creates a condition called

Tension pneumothorax

After suffering a heart attack, a middle-aged man is counseled to take a cholesterol-lowering medication. This is an example of?

Tertiary prevention

7) "Tell me again the name of the chemical that makes crystals when my gout flares up" askes the client.

Uric acid

A patient with gourty artritis develops renal calculi. The composition of these calculi is most likely to be

Uric acid crystals

Allostasis is best defined as?

The overall process of adaptive change necessary to maintain survival and well being

Characterisitics of gout include (select all that apply)

Uric acid metabolism, crystal deposits, bony and connective tissue, cardiac and renal involvement

When assessing an individual during an acute asthma episode, you should expect to find (select all that apply)

Use of accessory, exp wheezing, chest tightness, cough

The primary functions of the circulatory system are (select all that apply)

Transport and remove waste

Acute coronary syndrome in the presence of thrombosis may present as (select all that apply)

Unstable angina, MI, sudden cardiac arrest

What problem is a patient liekly to experience in end-stage renal disease?


19) One of the most common causes of acute pain is


People who have osteoporosis are at risk for


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