Week 2 Geography Exam

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About how many bison were living on the Great Plains before Euro-Americans began hunting them?


The Canadian Rockies were settled ________ most of the Western United States.


Which factors contributed to the establishment of the Northeast as a core area within the world economy?

All of the above contributed, Northeastern cities had excellent locations for international trade New European immigrants provided cheap labor for factories The Erie Canal and railroads gave easy access to the resources of the interior Eastern cities had the nation's largest supply of capital which provided the money needed to support business

Non-native fish from Vietnam were carelessly introduced into many bodies of water in the United States. They have no native predators and so outspawn native fish, and outcompete many native fish for food. These fish are known as ________.

Asian Carp

What type of natural hazard does the text associate with disruptions of roads and trains in the Washington, D.C., area as well has flight delays at Reagan International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the United States?


Which of the following cities was established by Puritans from England?


African Americans remained second-class citizens in the South even after slavery was abolished because of what?

Both A and B -They were forced to remain tenant farmers, perpetuating poverty -"Jim Crow" laws meant that they could not vote.

In 1900, the second largest city in the United States, next to New York City, was

Chicago, Illinois

What was the response of Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez Perce, when the U.S. government wanted the Nez Perce to move reservation?

Chief Joseph and his people tried to escape the U.S. cavalry by fleeing to Canada

The population of Miami is usually thought of as being diverse and what?


Which crop traditionally grown in the Inland South declined during the 20th century due in part to increasing pest infestation?


Which of the following is a specialty crop grown in Megalopolis?


Based on what you know about the Megalopolis Region, which of the following would not be a challenge to the Chesapeake Bay Program's efforts to protect and restore the bay?


Eight Mile Road, popularized by Eminem in rap, and in the movie 8 Mile is located between the city, and the northern suburbs of what city?

Detroit, Michigan

National seashores have been established on several barrier islands in the Coastal South to protect the fragile ecosystems of these areas from what?

Development of residences and seaside resorts

Generally speaking, communities with ________ tend to weather regional declines in production and output more effectively than ones with ________.

Diversified industrial bases/specialized industrial bases

Which of the following does not describe the changing pattern of African-American settlement in the Megalopolis Region?

Early African-American settlers mostly found work on farms in rural parts of Megalopolis

What technology, new in the late 19th century, increased the demand for copper worldwide?


At the end of the last ice age, melting ice caused sea level rise, which flooded river valleys along the Atlantic coast of North America, these flooded river valleys are called what?


Many Vietnamese refugees who have settled in the Gulf Coast work in what primary sector industry?


What natural hazard, often occurring in the spring and summer in the Rocky Mountain Region, is known to cause property damage and even deaths?

Flash flooding

Hell's Canyon, a narrow, steep-sided valley, on the Idaho-Oregon border is an example of a valley formed by what?

Flowing water

Although much of the Megalopolis region is urbanized, what type of land cover dominates in rural parts of the region?

Forest, Farmland

The first Europeans to explore the Rocky Mountain Region where largely looking for what resource?


Which of the Coastal South's barrier islands was hit by a massive hurricane in 1900 that killed about 600 people?

Galveston, Texas

The largest city in the Inland South is located in what state?


What characteristics make Chicago, Illinois a global city?

Global economic and transportation links

What national park, located in the Inland South, is the nation's most frequently visited?

Great Smoky Mountains

In towns like Butte and Helena, growth in what industry has made up for loss in mining jobs?

Historic tourism

Mt. Assiniboine in British Columbia is an example of a pyramid-shaped peak also known as a what?


What is the largest city in the Coast South?

Houston, Texas

Which list below best describes the natural hazards faced by the Megalopolis Region?

Hurricanes, Blizzards, Flooding

Imagine that you are an early British immigrant to the east coast of America. You have been charged by the British government with establishing a new settlement. What characteristics would you be looking for to create a successful new city?

I would explore the coast looking for a harbor where ships could easily put down anchor and establish a settlement there. The most important thing would be to find a location that would facilitate trade with Britain.

Mount Mitchell, the highest peak in eastern North America, is located where?

In the southern Appalachians

Chinook winds frequently bring warm temperatures to the Great Plains, even in the middle of winter. Why are these winds so warm?

Increasing pressure warms the air as it descends down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

Why was corn an important crop in the Inland South during the 19th and early 20th century?

It was used as feed for draft animals that plowed the fields

Why have fewer middle class retirees chosen the Coastal South as a retirement destination in recent decades?

Land prices in some parts of the region have risen so much that many retirees can no longer afford to buy a home near the coast.

The act of creating man-made waterways, reversing the flow of rivers or changing the terrain to better accommodate human civilization is called ________.

Landscape modification

The steppe biome is characterized by what features?

Low annual rainfall, grasses, and desert shrubs

What are the five boroughs of New York?

Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island

The Great Migration significantly expanded cities north of the ________.

Mason Dixon Line

The city of Butte, Montana has been designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark because of the area's historic connection with what industry?


Farms where most of the crops are fed to livestock are called what?

Mixed Farms

Where are most forests in the Rocky Mountain region located?

Moderate elevations on mountain slopes

Which of the following factors allowed New York to become a greater economic power than Philadelphia over time?

New York had better access to locations in the interior such as the Great Lakes

What are the five largest cities in Megalopolis?

New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, Baltimore

Vidalia, Georgia, like many parts of the South, is associated with the farming of one particular crop. What crop is Vidalia famous for?


Which of the following might be potential negative impacts for humans of the pollution of rivers and estuaries in the Megalopolis Region?

Only B and C GeoStandard2: 15. How physical systems affect human systems. Fishermen could be negatively impacted by declines in fish population. Drinking water might require more expensive treatment

What are two challenges faced by Florida's citrus industry?

Periodic frosts and increased international competition

The Houston Ship Channel allowed the city of Houston to become a center for the processing and transportation of what?


What was different about the settlement of Philadelphia that resulted in many of city's most attractive features such as broad streets and many green spaces such as parks and gardens?

Philadelphia was one of the first eastern cities to be planned rather than be settled haphazardly

The discovery of what resource near Butte, Montana caused a huge boom in the region in the 1880s and 1890s?

Precious metals

Tourism and recreation have encouraged the migration of what group into the Coastal South?

Small business owners

What is heterolocalism?

Members of an ethnic group move to mixed suburban neighborhoods, but maintain personal connections with their communities without living in the same area

What two cities in Tennessee are major centers for the music industry?

Memphis and Nashville

Today more residents of the northeastern corridor live in which setting?

Suburban areas

The three major physiographic provinces that make up Megalopolis are

The Atlantic Coastal Plain, the Piedmont, and the Appalachians

Research Triangle Park is located where?

The Eastern Inland South

The cities of Oshawa, Hamilton, St. Catherine's Niagara, and Toronto are all located on the shores of Lake Ontario and form one of the most highly populated corridors in Canada. This region is called ________.

The Golden Horseshoe

A water connection caused by extensive human modification of the landscape in the early 20th Century exists between ________.

The Great Lakes and the Mississippi Basin

That the Great Lakes and Corn Belt region are near the geographic center of the United States, its excellent transportation network of waterways and highways, and the perception that truly "American" values are the norm here are all reasons why this region has often been called ________.

The Heartland

What North American region produced iconic musicians Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, as well as race car driver Dale Earnhardt?

The Inland South

What mountain building event, which occurred about 35-55 million years ago, created the front ranges and foothills of the Rocky Mountains?

The Laramide Orogeny

In the 1783 Treaty of Paris, the British agreed to give up land bounded by the Great Lakes, Ohio River, and the Mississippi River to America. This area became known at that time as what?

The Old Northwest

The formation of the Rocky Mountains began about 200 million years ago with the collision of the North American Plate and that other plate?

The Pacific Plate

If you were to drive from Raleigh, North Carolina, on the western edge of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, west towards the Mississippi river, what landforms would you pass through? (in order)

The Piedmont, the Appalachian Mountains, and the North American central lowland.

The highest peak in the Rocky Mountains is located in what part of the Rocky Mountains?

The Southern Rockies in Colorado

Under the Northwest Ordinance of 1785, what survey method was used in the settlement of the Great lakes and Corn Belt region?

The Township and Range System

The forced migration of thousands of Native Americans to "Indian Territory" came to be known as what?

The Trail of Tears

Despite the fact that there are more than enough houses in the Washington, D.C., area, there are still many families that are homeless. Why?

The average price of a home is very high in relation to household income and there is very little affordable housing

There are less than 2000 wolves living in the United States and about 50,000 wolves in Canada. What Canadian management policy is a major contributor to the flourishing of wolves in Canada?

The creation of large wilderness areas

What element of the tourism and recreation industry has increased tenfold over the last fifteen years, bringing increased revenue to cities in the Coastal South such as Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Tampa?

The cruise ship industry

What benefit is there for dairy farmers to locate near large cities?

The farmer can sell milk, which is perishable, directly to consumers.

While much of the South was dominated by plantation farming, which required slave labor, what area of the South did small, less wealthy farmers, who owned few if any slaves, dominate?

The mountainous areas

What major geographical advantage does agriculture in the Coastal South have over most other regions of North America?

The region is largely frost free so many frost intolerant crops can be grown.

What kind of human activities have combined with high rainfall, and steep mountains slopes to result in severe flooding in parts of the Appalachians?

The removal of trees and vegetation due to logging and mining.

What aspects of the physical geography of the Coastal South make it a leading tourist region in North America?

The warm climate and beaches

Many of the communities in the Great Lakes and the Corn Belt region's image and self-identification was closely tied to what?

Their principal industrial products

Which of the following is considered by many to be the part of the United States most intensely influenced by African culture?

the South Carolina Sea Islands

Why did French Huguenots seek to settle in Florida in the 1500s?

They were hoping to escape religious persecution.

Why is it difficult for tobacco farmers to convert to farming other crop types?

Tobacco is a labor intensive crop Tobacco farms are small

What type(s) of storm system(s) regularly cause property damage and even fatalities in the Inland South?

Tornados Hurricanes

The Deepwater Horizon spill is to shrimping as Hurricane Katrina is to what?


If you were hiking through the Rocky Mountains and saw a sharp ridge of peaks that looked a bit like the teeth of a saw, you might reasonably conclude that it had been shaped by what?

Two parallel glaciers in the valleys on each side

Valleys that have been formed by glaciers have what shape?


Why is the climate of the Rocky Mountains relatively warm?

Warm air travels east from the Pacific Ocean.

What is likely to be the most pressing environmental issue for the Rocky Mountains in the 21st century?

Water shortages

The movement of European-American middle-class families to the suburbs in order to escape racial tensions and urban decay is called what?

White flight

Which of the following best describes the precipitation patterns of the Inland South?

Year round rainfall, with the heaviest rains in spring and summer

Which of the following best describes your trip, if you were travelling from Memphis Tennessee, west across Arkansas towards Fort Smith, on the western border with Oklahoma?

You would be travelling from the lowlands of eastern Arkansas into hilly western Arkansas.

What physical feature of the landscape has become the largest tourist draw in Megalopolis?


Why was the city of Washington, D.C., established?

Because leaders of northern and southern states couldn't agree on which existing U.S. city should be the capital

Detroit, suffering from the impacts of continuing population loss, due to the economy has decided to ________ large areas of the city (about 40 square miles in all), in order to improve Detroit's economic future.


When did Latino immigrants begin migrating to the Inland South in large numbers?

About 20 years ago

Jazz music, barbequed chicken, and ironwork on antebellum mansions in Georgia are all examples of the cultural influence of what ethnic group on the Coastal South?


Which Rocky Mountain city is host to one of the largest rodeos in North America?


Why were port cities such as New York and Boston so important to the growth of Megalopolis in the earliest years Euro-American settlements?

Port cities facilitated the shipment of raw materials from the colonies to Europe

The Gateway Arch is a symbol of what city?

St. Louis, Missouri

What city in the Rocky Mountain region was the site of one of the first large ski resorts in North America during the 1930s?

Sun Valley, Idaho

In recent years, the economy of Atlantic City has begun to recover from the slump it faced after WWII. What economic sector is responsible for this recovery?


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