Week 3 Pharm__Chapter 9-12 Quiz Questions

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It is expected that epileptic seizures can be controlled completely in approximately __ - __% of epileptic patients, with one medication


The percentage of depressed patients that respond to at least one Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) is___________


The mechanism of action for Valproic Acid (Depakene) in treating Epilepsy is

All of the above (Blocking voltage gated sodium channels, blocking voltage gated calcium channels, enhancing GABA)

All of the following are possible TRIGGERS for an epileptic seizure EXCEPT

All of the above ARE possible seizure triggers (Changes in blood gases, changes in electrolytes, changes in blood glucose levels, sleep deprivation, stress, alchol consumption)

A Schedule IV Drug drug has a greater potential for abuse and is more likely to cause dependence than a Schedule II Drug (T/F)


Antiepilepticdrugs are effective in both blocking the initiation of abnormal CNS electrical activity and preventing the spread of abnormal CNS electrical activity (T/F)


Barbiturates, when compared to the Benzodiazepines, have a much smaller therapeutic index, and therefore are considered a safer alternative to the Benzodiazepines in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia (T/F)


Benzodiazepines have been and are still considered "First-Line" agents in treating and managing the long term symptoms of anxiety (T/F)


Due to effects on dopamine receptors, muscarinic receptors, alpha-adrenergic receptors, and histamine receptors, the SSRI's display a wide range of side effects associated with these receptors (T/F)


For their Mechanism of Action, the Benzodiazepines target and bind to the exact same site on the GABA receptor complex as GABA does (T/F)


Melatonin, a hormone released by the pineal gland, which chemically causes drowsiness and lowers body temperature, is produced and released at increasing rates as we age (T/F)


Phenytoin will decrease CNS excitability in a non epileptic patient (T/F)


The therapeutic effects of antidepressants correlate directly with the pharmacologic effects of the drugs (T/F)


The most common Antipsychotic class of drugs associated with Extrapyramidal Side Effects is

First generation antipsychotics (high potency)

All of the following are Second Generation "Atypical" Antipsychotics Drugs EXCEPT

Fluphenazine (Prolixin) - Second Generation Atypical" Antipsychotics Drugs include Quetiapine (Seroquel), Risperidone (Risperdal), Apriprazole (Abilify), Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Lurasidone (Latuda)

The Benzodiazepines, as an anxiolytic drug class, enhance the effect of what neurotransmitter in the CNS?


All of the following are physiologic responses to anxiety EXCEPT

Increased insulin production from the pancreas - psychological responses to anxiety include Hyperventilation, Racing heart, Blurred vision from, Dilated pupils, Increased BP, Muscle tension, Dry mouth, Decreased insulin production from pancreas, Increased glucagon production from pancreas, leading to a raised blood sugar

A seizure where consciousness is preserved and typically only one lobe or hemisphere of the brain is involved is termed


All of the following are side effects that are associated with the Tri-Cyclic Class of Antidepressants and not the SSRI class of antidepressants EXCEPT

All of the above ARE side effects associated with Tri-Cyclic Antidepressants (dry mouth from cholinergic (muscarinic) blockade, decreased GI motility from cholinergic (muscarinic ) blockade, sedation from central H1 Histamine receptor blockade, hypotension from adrenergic (alpha receptor) blockade)

All of the following are medical uses of Benzodiazepines EXCEPT

All of the above are medical uses of Benzodiazepines (OCD, for seizures as an anticonvulsant, muscle relaxer, GAD, panic disorder, insomnia)

Which of the following drugs is not utilized as anti-convulsant drug in the treatment of epilepsy? (that is having an effect or presumed effect on; voltage gated calcium channels, voltage gated sodium channels, or potentiating the effects of GABA)

All of the above are utilized as anti-convulsant drugs in the treatment of epilepsy (Phenytoin (Dilantin), Gabapentin (Neurontin), Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), Ethosuximide (Zarontin), Levetiracetum (Keppra), Carbamezepine (Tegretol), Pregabalin (Lyrica))

The Benzodiazepines depress CNS excitability by enhancing Chloride entry into cells, creating...

An Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential (IPSP)

Buproprion (Wellbutrin) is classified as what kind of antidepressant?

Atypical Antidepressant

The mechanism of action for both Pheytoin (Dilantin) & Carbamezapine (Tegretol) in stabilizing neuronal membranes and treating Epilepsy is

Blocking voltage gated sodium channels in the inactivated state

1. Antipsychotic drugs that owe their antipsychotic activity to the exclusive blockade of dopamine D2 receptors are classified as first generation 'typical' antispychotics 2. Exclusive blockade of dopamine D2 receptors elicits the unwanted Extrapyramidal Side Effects (EPS) Are these statements true?

Both statements are true

The therapeutic effect for Antidepressant drugs is associated with:

Both the down regulation of pre-synaptic inhibitor receptors and the down-regulation of post-synaptic serotonin receptors

Which of the following side effects is NOT associated with Antipsychotic drugs?

CNS depression via an effect on GABA receptors

All of the following are First Generation - HIGH POTENCY - Antipsychotic Drugs EXCEPT

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and Thioridazine (Mellaril) - First Generation (high potency) include Fluphenazine (Prolixin), Haloperidol (Haldol), Thiothixene (Navane), Prochlorperazine (Compazine)

Current theory supports that Schizophrenia is associated with a hyperactivity of what neurotransmitter in the CNS?


All currently available antipsychotic drugs that alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia decrease what 2 neurotransmitters to some degree?

Dopamine and Serotonin

All of the following are observed adverse effects of SSRI's EXCEPT

Dry Mouth / Urinary Retention - Adverse effects of SSRI's do include sexual dysfunction, changes in appetite, decreased libido, SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome

All of the following are Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI's) EXCEPT

Escitalopram (Lexapro) - SNRI's include Levomilnacipran (Fetzima), Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), Duloxetine (Cymbalta), Venlafaxine (Effexor)

Which of the following drugs is categorized as a Mood Stabilizer and is utilized in treating Bi-Polar Disorder?

Lithium Carbonate

All of the following are approved indications for Pregabalin (Lyrica) EXCEPT

Management of neuropathic pain associated with hypothyroidism - approved indications for Pregabalin (Lyrica) are as adjunctive therapy for adult patients with partial onset seizures, management of neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, management of post-herpetic neuralgia (herpes zoster/shingles), management of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injuries, management of fibromyalgia

An Atypical Antidepressant that acts by antagonizing central alpha-2 adernergic receptors and certain serotonin receptors is __________________________, and an Atypical Antidepressant that acts in a multi faceted manner by inhibiting serotonin reuptake, antagonizing certain serotonin receptors while stimulating other serotonin receptors is ___________________________

Mirtazipine (Remeron), Vortioxetine (Brintellix)

The "non-benzodiazepine drug" ( Z-Drug), Zolpidem (Ambien), binds to Benzodiazepine Receptors ...

More Selectively, having a higher affinity for the BZ1 receptor subtype on the GABA receptor complex

The benzodiazepine drug Alprazolam (Xanax) is classified under what DEA schedule of drugs?

Schedule IV

Antipsychotic drugs that display an ability to elicit fewer Extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) and owe their activity to the blockade of serotonin receptors as well as having a more diverse dopamine receptor blockade are classified as

Second generation 'atypical' antipsychotic drugs

Most clinically useful Antidepressant Drugs potentiate, either directly or indirectly, the actions of what neurotransmitters?

Serotonin and Norepinephrine

Which of the Antidepressant drugs below is an intranasal formulation derivaive of the general anesthetic drug, Ketamine, used to treat Treatment Resistant Depression?


All of the following drugs are classified as Benzodiazepine drugs EXCEPT

Zolpidem (Ambien) - Benzodiazepine drugs include Lorazepam (Ativan), Alprazolam (Xanax), Diazepam (Valium)

All of the following drugs are classified as Non-Benzodiazepine "Z-Drugs" EXCEPT

Temazepam (Restoril) - Z Drugs do include Zolpidem (Ambien), Zalpeplon (Sonata), Eszoplicone (Lunesta)

1. The benzodiazepines ( Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam) are very effective in the long term treatment of Epilepsy and are commonly the drugs of first choice utilized in preventing seizures. 2. The benzodiazepines ( Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam) are commonly reserved for emergency or acute seizure control/treatment due to tolerance and dependency concerns. Are these statement true?

The first statement is false, and the second statement is true

Which of the Antidepressant drugs below is an injectable hormonal replacement drug and the first drug with an indication specifically to treat Post Partum Depression (PPD)

Zulresso (Brexanolone)

Amimtriptyline (Elavil) is classified as a ________________________ antidepressant drug, while Phenelzine (Nardil) is classified as a ________________________ antidepressant drug

Tri-Cyclic, MAO Inhibitor

The Non-Benzodiazepine "Z" Drugs lack muscle relaxant, lack anticonvulsant effects, and display minimal tolerance, when compared to the Benzodiazepines (T/F)


The SNRI Antidepressant drug class is proven to be more effective that the SSRI's in relieving the physical discomfort of Neuropathic Pain (NP) (T/F)


The age of onset of Schizophrenia is generally associated with the teen years or young adulthood (T/F)


The antiocholinergic drug Benztropine (Cogentin) is an adjunct medication in treating Schizophrenia that minimizes the extrapyramidal side effects associated with Antipsychotic drugs by antagonizing the effect of Acetylcholine and restoring balance with dopamine (T/F)


The barbiturate drug Phenobarbital owes its antiepileptic activity strictly to the potentiation of the effects of GABA and has NO effects on voltage gated sodium or calcium channels (T/F)


When comparing the Schedule IV drug class Benzodiazepines (Valium) to the Schedule II Opiod Drug, Morphine, the benzodiazepines have a Greater Therapeutic Index and death rarely results when a benzodiazepine is the only drug taken in overdose (T/F)


All of the following are Selective Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's) EXCEPT

Venlafaxine (Effexor) - SSRI Drugs do include Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine (Paxil), Sertraline (Zoloft), Escitalopram (Lexapro)

In schizophrenia, hallucinations, disorganized speech, delusions, hearing voices and disorganized thinking are characterized as _________________________symptoms, while an inexpressive face, blank look, monotone speech, lack of interest, and few gestures are characterized as ______________________________ symptoms

positive, negative

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