Weil interview prep

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Weil innovation examples

- augmenting due diligence w machine learning - powering proofreading w technology - automating agreements - inventing phone apps

What is a Leveraged Buyout (LBO)? Why is it used in PE deals?

where management of a company or a group of investors purchase an organization primarily through borrowing

Tell us about yourself

- Born in lagos nigeria, moved to US, moved back to naij for gcses and a levels, moved to uk for uni. Lived a varied life, allowed me to be more well accustomed to communicating w people from different backgrounds from myself. I am a second year law student at Warwick University and that's been very interesting as I've been given the opp to take on various law and non law experiences which has shaped my views on the direction I want to go in terms of my career. - On my degree I have completed coursework in a variety of legal areas, including contract law, property law, and criminal law, and have gained a solid understanding of legal research and analysis. During my time in law school, I have also had the opportunity to participate in a number of legal clinics, where I have assisted clients with a range of legal issues spanning across criminal and public and education law, this honed my legal writing and oral advocacy skills. I am eager to continue my legal education through a vacation scheme, hopefully at weil. - As

Why commercial law? incl follow up q

- First, I appreciate the variety skills that commercial lawyers use on a daily basis. As a commercial lawyer, I would need to understand the financial and business environment in which my clients operate so I can efficiently find solutions to their legal issues. My experience as the founder of a digital marketing agency, where I advised businesses in various industries on how to navigate business issues such as maximizing their social media presence to attract and retain customers, makes me well-suited for this role. - I am drawn to the opportunity to play a crucial role in the success of my clients' businesses. I am particularly interested in the role that commercial lawyers play as strategic business partners who solve complex matters on behalf of world-class companies, using their creativity. My experience running AID media, where I worked with small and medium-sized enterprises to drive growth, has given me a taste of this, but I am eager to provide advice on a larger scale by playing an integral part in facilitating complex transactional deals

Any questions? (Associate and Grad Red interview)

- How does Weil approach innovation and technology in the legal industry? - Can you speak to the level of autonomy given to associates at Weil? - I know the work you do probably involves a lot of collaborative efforts =, how does Weil support associates with different learning styles and skill sets? - as they employ a diverse range of individuals. (GRAD REC) - What do the most successful lawyers or people in your team do differently than everyone else? - - What are the biggest concerns your team/practice area/the firm is facing right now? (BOTH) - When you were interviewing here, what would you have liked to know before you joined? - How is trainee success measured at the firm? (BOTH?) - What's the most challenging/rewarding aspect of working at Weil? (BOTH)

Questions for trainees in QnA

- How does Weil approach innovation and technology in the legal industry? - Can you speak to the level of autonomy given to trainees at Weil? - I know the work you do probably involves a lot of collaborative efforts =, how does Weil support trainees with different learning styles and skill sets? - as they employ a diverse range of individuals. - What do the most successful lawyers or people in your team do differently than everyone else? - - What are the biggest concerns your team/practice area/the firm is facing right now? - When you were interviewing here, what would you have liked to know before you joined? - How is trainee success measured at the firm? - What's the most challenging/rewarding aspect of working at Weil?

Why Weil? What sets Weil apart from other firms?

- I am drawn to Weil's focus on client engagement and ensuring they exceed expectations in terms of service. This was clear to me from private equity counsel Hein Visser's approach to negotiations, where the focus was on implementing creativity to fulfill as many of the client priorities as possible. In addition, Weil goes a step further to help clients achieve their goals, with their focus on fostering innovation, as seen in the development of an innovation taskforce in their London office dedicated to testing innovative projects at the firm. - use of innovation to deliver exceptional service to clients through its in-house innovation task force. This task force empowers each lawyer at Weil to propose innovative ideas and set new precedents in the legal market, demonstrating the firm's dedication to going above and beyond for its clients. -NY HQ (Fact check) which is the largest financial and legal market in the world so established relationships means high quality work passed onto London - but despite this, Weil differs from other firms bc... - growth perspective (?) x consecutive years of revenue growth; career progression -small trainee intake - of 15 -

Why this vacation scheme?

- I am interested in a vac scheme at weil bc of the firms reputation in dealing w high profile and complex cases in areas such as PE and restructuring, which I am very interested in exploring. I am interested in getting an inside look into Weil and understanding better how it operates and some of its impressive strategies by strategically leveraging those practice areas in a way that leave the firm covered in most economic climates. - Also, I am very attracted to the culture of entrepreneurship and ambition at Weil as it's London office doesnt act as an ancillary for the NY office but generated the vast majority of its own work, eager to get a taste of this culture on the vac scheme, as I know I would be given tasks that push and challenge me but also impart me w a more comprehensive overview of what the role of a commercial lawyer actually entails, as opposed to other firms. The ultimate goal would be to progress my career at Weil, and I think the vac scheme would present an excellent opportunity to see if I will be a good fit for the firm and vice versa. Good opportunity to explore different practice areas, familiarise myself with the tasks more etc...

School Exclusions Project

- I was working on a project involving legal research, analysis, and drafting to support a film project in the areas of public and education law. - My role focused on producing detailed reports on the school exclusion process, including an analysis of the broader social and educational system to help families and students understand their rights and options. - I worked in a small team of 3 and had the opportunity to collaborate with a solicitor, and stakeholders, and experts from the council while developing the script. In my team, we shared the task between ourselves based on our strenghts and which aspects of the project most interested us, so I researched the law and terminology related to school exclusions and , the typical process, and rights under the Equality Act. And other team members did their tasks. Ultimately we came together to draft the report on findings of our research that provided a comprehensive overview of the relevant laws and issues, and made recommendations for addressing potential challenges and issues which we used to report back to the team. This was really useful working in the team and I believe we all benefitted from it by sharing different ideas on the challeneges from different povs as well as when coming upo w recommedntation, it was useful to hear views that are really different to yours but still relevant. - the result was that our reports were always very through and well thought out covering the important asoects of the project and giving othe wider groupa great understanding of the gal process. - I enjoyed the most about working as part of a team was the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of professionals, his helped me to gain insights and perspectives I wouldn't have otherwise and develop my skills and expertise in a more effective way.

Why law, why Warwick?

- It just clicked, I studied it right after my GCSEs, and I never got bored of it, even the modules and topics that everyone kind of hates, although I always find aspects to appreciate about it. And this kind of led me to go beyond what was taught to me and really explore more about it because I was so fascinated with it. I ended up getting an award by Cambridge International Education, the exam board for my AS levels for scoring the highest in the world in my a level, just because of that. Aside from that, I just like how relevant it is in virtually every aspect of our lives, its like a transparent vehicle that's always apparent and basically exists to support our society and allow it to function properly. Looking at law in this way, led me to apply to and chose Warwick. Aside from the fact that it's clear that the faculty at the law school actually care about our success, Warwick has a unique way of delivering its learning through looking at the "law in context" Which essentially involves looking at the social, political and economic effects of legal rules. And this is quite unique as it offers a new perspective as opposed to looking at black letter law as is, and I really do think it helps push us students to think critically about everything we are being taught, not just passively accepting it, but asking yourself, what's the impact of this?

Tell me about some of your university work that you're proud of? What skills did you gain that you would use working in a team?

- MELS portfolio - Had to take up the position of judge and write a judgement for a 'case study' involving child tax credit - basically assessing the claimants eligibility for this kind of benefits - had to do TONS of research, much more than I anticipated - not just research was enough, had to have a reasoned judgmeent which required a lot of deliberate thought - one of my favorite pieces of work bc it was challenging and I hadn't done anything like it before and hadnt really known how to go about it at first. - Took a step back to do needed research, read through tens of judgements trying to assess and pick apart how judges reasoned and tried my best to emulate that - got a first - emulating the reasoning and decision-making processes of others, which can be useful for working in a team. - ability to approach a new and challenging task with determination and an openness to learning is a valuable skill in any field.

Why law, why not barrister?

- More variety as a solicitor, as opposed to being a specialist advocate whereby... Also I like how client-oriented solicitors are (insert statement that is tailored to Weil) and also day-to day contact to provide updates to clients, but also there's this misconcetion that standing up in court would be more enjoyable than working in an office- which I think is heavily dependant on the person, I am someone that prefers working in an office context, and I enjoy the different kind of communication associated with being a soliticor than a barrister. Ask chatgpt x

What practice areas are you interested in?

- PE and industry M&A, I havent had any WE w PE but, -I am attracted to the variety of Weil's PE practice. As it operates at a top-tier level, there's an unexpected element where it's impossible to know what industry the work is going to come from. And PE firms engage in a wide variety of transactions including SPACs, leveraged buyouts, joint ventures and many others. This variety is taken to another level at Weil as they advise on all of the major private equity asset classes and industry sectors, which means I will always encounter something new in this practice. I also am drawn to its Relationships-based nature as you're working with clients often throughout the life cycle of their investments, Associates at Weil, allude to the fact that this is an enjoyable part as it's not only satisfactory seeing a deal through to the end but after working with clients for an extended period of time you tend to develop meaningful professional relationships with them. - M&A talk briefly about experience - Industry M&A snippet - ultimately, Open mind approach

What are the roles of other teams in a PE deal?

- Real estate would advice which security should be taken - litigation may do braod level tasks like document review and supporting DD - Banking/finance may help companies with the legal necessities of financing either though loans or bond issuance or raising money by selling equity; also help w DD to clarify the parties financing arrangements to see if they will affect financing post M&A transaction, ascertain whether security exists over a target's assets, determine if security can be taken over the borrower's assets. - Employment - draft employment contracts, create remuneration strategies, advise on recruitment and retention, compliance with obligations under employment regulation. may also do contentious work like litigation at ET, and advise on BRI where the course of action involves dismissing employees


- Sector based approach allows law firms to provide commercial, pragmatic and tailored advice to clients. - Many firms see it as a way they differentiate themselves from rivals. - how is this relevant to Weil? - These are some of the areas in which the firm has built up a strong reputation through its extensive knowledge and understanding of the challenges, opportunities and risks that may affect clients working within these sectors (restructurin, PE) .Having such a detailed understanding of these sectors allows the firm to deliver commercial and pragmatic advice which is completely tailored to the individual client. -Focus is the cornerstone for building powerful strategic advantage in today's highly competitive world. Firms find themselves having to stop doing some things to concentrate on others. When the areas of focus are carefully chosen, it results in a gradual realignment towards the areas of greatest business potential.Many law firms now recognise that focus upon a small number of carefully selected industry sectors offer a viable and potentially attractive way of growing market share. - To be able to build a sector focus that truly differentiates the firm from its 'general service' competitors, firms need to develop real depth in the scale of their experience in those sectors, and tailor their service offerings to the specific needs of those sectors. The most common cause of failure is where firms focus too broadly, investing too few resources into too many areas.

What do trainees do, and what skill will be useful to you as a trainee?

- Technicalities depend on department but broadly: Legal research on court judgments/current practice to apply to client, drafting board minutes, proofreading, due diligence, managing CP checklist, communicating with relevant parties (Companies House in finance/regulators in antitrust), local counsel, liaise with other offices (List how many weil has), liase w colleagues in other practice ares (like employment, tax, competition) - Manage conflicting commitments (Communicate with supervisor, working on more than one deal with different people, understand when its due and when you can start, priorities, all-night insufficient), get to know PAs (delegate), build trust with colleague (Feedback, reliable, depending on you, 14 hours a day together), document management (See how person you're working for likes their documents), knowing when to chase (PArtners get lots of emails, is it essential, same with local counsel - when to phone, timezones/public holidays)

What makes an M&A deal different from a PE deal?

- The two acquirer types operate along different and distinct approaches toward ownership: in acquisitions, private equity players act as professional investors, whilst industrial buyers operate in M&A transactions as organizational integrators. Though the two acquirer types might revert to the same investors and targets of purchase, their purpose of existence, business model, acquisition approach and processes differ markedly from one another.

Russia-Ukraine war effect on Law firms

- The war in Ukraine has had a negative effect on law firms operating in the region. - The imposition of sanctions and ethical concerns have led to some law firms withdrawing from the market and reviewing their relationships with clients. - This has resulted in a disruption of supply chains and increased difficulty in doing business. - Clients have turned to law firms for advice on navigating new policies and ensuring compliance. The situation has resulted in increased challenges for businesses and a need for adaptation.

course rep

- course rep over a large student body and sat in on bi-monthly meetings with members of the SSLC and head of law school to improve student experience. - advocate and speak for issues affecting law students - one in particular was the uncertainity about the format of exams this year. as w covid only recently dieing down last year it made sense for them to be completely online. - issue was current students had no experience sitting in person exams so the SSLC was quite turn and deliberated over it - Conducted a survey where I asked second year law students what format they preferred, introducing a hybrid format (online but timed) and the majority chose that - incredibly fulfilling being able to put forward an idea and have it adopted at the end of the day. - Relevant as it showed me making use of my skills to think outside the box to bring forward a solution that all parties can agree on - this is a skill that lawyers use while negotiating and im looking forward to imrpvoing on it, in a legal context. - saw a gap in experience of international students from east asia and other law students after speaking w one of them on a group project and hearing her voice her concerns. - In the upcoming SSLC I came up w a proposal to put forward at the meeting as a way to enhance their student experience and help bridge the linguistic divide - one of them being a study group with a mix of international and UK students to help foster a cultural and intellectual exchange between them and destigmatise any preconceived notions that each student has about the other - it has been incredibly helpful for shaping how students interact, and till this day, these programs are still ongoing and I have made good friends from different backgrounds from it! - foster exhange and communicate w individuals from diverse backgrounds, which will be useful working at a firm like Weil, where I'd be interacting w colleagues and clients from different backgrounds;

If I were a PE investor, what kind of firms would i invest in?

- depends on the PE firm, some are specialised like (example) investing in (example sectors), but generally speaking, most PE investors want to look for firms with high growth potential, or those which aren't doing well, which they can use their resources to improve on their efficiency and performance. google/and use ChatGPT.


- draw on weil app, and other research- touch on PE specialisation - ESG - touch on PE specialisation, taking ESG into consideration. - What does AI and ESG mean for Weil and its clientsc - Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become a growing trend in the UK legal industry. - As consumers and investors become increasingly concerned with ethical and sustainability issues, ESG is becoming a key factor in decision-making for corporations and governments. - - Law firms are offering ESG-related services such as advice on sustainability reporting and disclosure, assistance with sustainability-related transactions, and guidance on ESG-related regulatory compliance. - ESG is also becoming an important factor in the selection of law firms by clients, with more businesses seeking out firms that have a demonstrated commitment to ESG principles. This trend is expected to continue as ESG becomes an increasingly important factor in the legal industry.

Tell us about a time where you showed drive/ motivation

- editing manga - vac acheme apps, post on NY, spend time w fam, 2 essays all in a 2 week span

Tell us about a time you worked under pressure

- editing vac scheme pps, essays, editiing manga, online tutoring and had to travel to spend break w fam

Why is PE unique?

- explain how it differs form other private investments (stage it occurs, look at PE notes) - traditional investments - active involvement - closed - money is illiquid cant be taken out at any time - blind pool - investors have no say in what company PE fund invests in

tell us about a time where you worked with someone difficult

Tutor - disruptive kid, talk to him strictly, talked to him nicely, compromise- negotiaste so he could spend time doing work and take breaks consistently School exclusions project

Why do you want to practice in London?

- it is a global center for business and finance, and therefore offers a wide range of opportunities for legal professionals. It is home to many of the world's largest and most influential companies, which means that there is always a high demand for legal expertise. - Home to prestigious law firms, and has a diverse population, which can provide a stimulating and dynamic work environment. Finally, London is a major centre for international legal activity, this can provide a unique opportunity to work on cross-border legal issues and to gain exposure to different legal systems and cultures.

Give an example of a problem faced/difficult situation at work and what you did to handle the situation?

- missed a deadline - troublesome tutee - mentee that got lost.

What skills would you bring to the firm?/ Why you?

- one of the key skills I can bring to this role my dedication to driving client growth makes me well-suited for Weil, as its mission places excellent service at its core. From my experience running a digital marketing agency, I developed this skill by coming up with strategic plans to grow my clients' customer base using social media advertising. I was successful not just because I efficiently used advertising tools, but because I took the time to build relationships with my clients, understand their businesses and goals, and use this knowledge to deliver excellent results that they wanted. As a lawyer at Weil, I hope to implement an improved version of this strategy to help deliver excellent service to my clients. - as a traineee - strong work ethic and project management skills. - film project - legal team, creative team, stakeholders, directive teams. - kept track of the edited scripts which was hard, liased w stakeholders for their opinions etc. - trainee - dependable project management (communicating with different parties, different teams, organising docs esp when close to signing of deal, making sure they are signed)

What is an MBO? MBI? BIMBO?

- purchase of all or part of a business by its existing management team, using external financing. - when an outside management purchases a controlling stake in a company and replaces its existing management team - form of leveraged buyout that incorporates characteristics of both MBO and MBI

Manga editor

- write story and edit japanese comics on a japanese e-reading site - december - christmas break - hit w a deadline bc another editor has covid and they didn't save the edited file, I have less than 12 hours hours, on christmas eve to edit and send back, the following day is christmas. - wake up super early at like 5 am no one is up yet, I get to work, make edits and suggestions on the art and double check my work to make sure everything's good to go; don't take any breaks bc super time sensitive - send it back, get commended by the artist, chapter gets released at the end of the month... instead. - nonetheless it does really well getting over 500k reads till date - essays, applying for vacation schemes, spent time w family!

AID media

- started it during COVID, difficult, mental hurdle, no one wanting to do ads bc businesses not really making any money at the time. dig deeper- look at what the market needs- struggling businesses, reach out to them and I offer to do one month no fee then do monthly retainer, salon kept me on for about 9 months after that! - client launching new product on a tight deadline but were struggling to get the word out and generate interest, My job was to help them increase awareness and drive sales for the new product through social media advertising campaigns., *I went above and beyond my normal duties by developing a comprehensive advertising strategy that included utilizing multiple social media platforms, reaching out to influencers on TikTok (normally i only focus on one social media platform) I also helped the client optimize their website for conversions, and worked closely with their team to develop an email marketing strategy. * Thanks to my efforts, they were able to generate a lot of interest and drive sales, surpassing their initial goals. The client was very pleased with the results. *I felt proud of my work and the positive impact it had on the client's business. It was a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills and demonstrate my commitment to delivering exceptional service

Why transactional law, why not litigation?

- transactional law focuses on helping clients to structure and negotiate deals, rather than litigating disputes. -- more appealing for some people as it allows them to use their legal knowledge to proactively help clients achieve their goals, rather than reacting to disputes that have already arisen. - involves working closely with clients and other professionals, such as accountants and business strategists, to understand and address their unique needs and concerns. This can be more engaging and fulfilling for some people as it allows them to build strong relationships with clients and to play a critical role in helping them to achieve their business objectives.

M&A virtual internship

- was working on a potential acquisition between two pharmaceutical companies as part of a virtual M&A program. - my task was to review the NDA, and I reviewed the NDA and created an issues list outlining discrepancies between my client's and the acquirer's desires. - My efforts resulted in a thorough review of the agreements and identification of potential conflicts and ambiguities. I was able to provide recommendations for mitigating potential issues on the NDA, saving time on negotiations.

How PE differs from other private investments

-Control: Private equity firms typically seek to acquire a controlling stake in a company, giving them significant influence over the company's strategy and operations. This is in contrast to other forms of private investment such as venture capital, where the investor may only hold a minority stake in the company. Active involvement: Private equity firms often take an active role in the management of the companies they invest in. This includes working with management teams to improve operations and financial performance, which is different from traditional passive investments such as buying stocks or bonds. -Long-term focus: Private equity investments are typically made with a long-term horizon, with the goal of holding the investment for several years before exiting through a sale or an initial public offering. This is different from other investments such as day trading or short-term speculation. -Leverage: Private equity firms often use leverage (borrowing money) to finance their investments. This can amplify the returns on the investment, but also increases the risk. This is different from other investments where leverage is not commonly used. - Returns: Private equity firms aim to generate high returns on their investments, often targeting returns in the range of 20-30%. This is higher than the returns offered by other investments such as bonds or savings accounts. - Capital Structure: Private equity firms usually look at the capital structure of the firms they invest in, and sometimes change it to optimize the returns for their investors.

What's the most important community service I've done and why?

-School Exclusions project - warwick law school and local council - public and education law - legal team, script for project, research the law and termoinology related to SE (incl difference bwteen lawful and unlawful exlusions and the process and rights under the Equality act) and deliver legal reports on the SEP detailing an analysis of these laws to help families and students undertand their rights and options - important to me as I've been through a similar process, having been expelled from school when I was much younger, worse cause I was an immigrant, lots of legal jargon, so it was a very rewarding and fulfulling project knowing I was contributing to a valuabl resource which would help make their lives just a tad bit easier.

What does having a sector focused approach mean for you TC at Weil?

-Will help to build my commercial awareness in a number of ways. Although I have changed departments regularly as a trainee, I have ended up working within the same sector in a number of different practice areas. - This exposure allows trainees to develop their awareness of client's businesses from an early stage, meaning you can start to go the 'extra mile' and tailor pieces of advice to the client's particular industry. The commercial, financial and practical knowledge you may build through working within a specific sector can be combined with legal research and analysis to create useful advice for the client.In addition, working alongside lawyers who have developed significant expertise in a particular sector is a brilliant way of improving your own commercial awareness.

Tell us about a time where you made use of commercial awareness

AID Media

What is one thing you have learnt from one of your modules/ whilst at university?

Academic - Looking at things through a more critical lens, trying to see more than what's presented in front of me not taking a narrow approach to problem solving. For instance, looking at how judges have in some cases, interpreted legislation in a totally unpredictable way, I think most prominently was the case of... in x law and this really instilled that sense of thinking outside the box to solve problems... look for a specific academic example Non-academic - value of community - esp in group projects, such a close knit university and you end up seeing

Why do PE firms use debt to finance their deals?

Because it allows them to make more money and pay less for it. They borrow money, usually at a lower interest rate than they could get by just using their own money, and use it to buy a company. Because they have to pay back the borrowed money with interest, they try to make sure that the company they buy will make more money than it costs to pay back the debt. This way, they make a profit. Also, borrowing money can buy bigger companies than they could with their own money. And the debt interest is tax deductible, reducing their overall cost.

What are your strengths?

I have a strong work ethic. Whether I'm working a paid job, or doing pro bono work on a small legal project, like the death penalty project, I put my all into it. And I am very detailed in my preparation, which I think has gotten me very far! - legal researcher on the DPP an attorney I was working with had a case where the defendant had a history of mental illness. After conducting research on the topic and analyzing the available evidence, I could use my critical thinking skills to identify potential legal arguments that could be made on the defendant's behalf, such as the possibility of an insanity defense or that the defendant's mental illness should be taken into account during sentencing. I could also use my critical thinking skills to identify any potential weaknesses in the prosecution's case and analyze how they could be addressed.

What other law firms have you applied to? Have you had any success?

I have applied to several other law firms, including Kirkland and Ellis, Latham and Watkins, and Ropes and Gray. I have not yet had any success in securing a vacation scheme, but I am still actively seeking opportunities and am confident in my qualifications and experience.

Why not investment banking?

I like the problem-solving element associated with being a solicitor, whereby you can kind of manipulate black letter law for the client's benefit, but also its more varied than investment banking, not just in terms of the range of practice areas you can try out in different seats but also in the sense that you can deal with different clients etc, as an investment banker your sole client and kind of priority would be in the IB, but as a solicitor its more client-focused which I think my skills and past experiences make me more suited for. Ask CGPT

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Living in London, doing what I hope to do through commercial law, that is work that's stimulating and engaging or at least being on the way to getting to that level, as I understand that as a junior I may take up a supporting role for a while until I really come into my role after some time. For now, I do see myself working in a transactional practice, I have a strong feeling it would be something PE or M&A related but I have an open mind about exploring different areas. I see myself assisting businesses through complex legal situations at a firm that really puts their all into delivering a great service, and cares for its lawyers I see myself becoming a part of that vision and really embodying it.

Why lower deal flow in current market?

M&A exits (acquisitions of PE portfolio companies by non-PE entities) are more challenging under the current market conditions. And with lower valuations, higher interest rates, and higher volatility, the IPO exit option hasn't been as attractive this year. As a result, there's been a noticeable shift in exit strategies from traditional M&A and IPO exits to more secondary transaction exits, in which a PE firm buys out the portfolio company of another PE firm. alternatives? - no financing? use cash - no financing for big deals? smaller transactions PE is quite adaptable

Warwick law school DPP

On the DPP I was a legal research assisting attorneys w research tasks on sensitive matters involvind the capital cases they were dealing with - one time I was given a task where I had to do research on a case involving a defendant w mental issues and it was a pretty clear cut task, I just had to summarise certain articles, and mention how they were relevant, and look at different cases with similar facts, and summarise the case facts - I went above what was required by adding on an analysis of potential weaknesses on the prosecutions case, as well as potential strengths as well as -

What are some of your weaknesses

One of my weaknesses I would say is I can be very critical of myself, not being very forgiving to myself when I make mistakes and kind of holding myself to an inhumane standard of perfectionism. It's something that's kind of affected how I view my work and achievements, I could have done a really good job at something but I wont always see that, i'd rather be looking at what I could've done better. Which I suppose can be seen as both a good and bad thing, but I think sometimes it is a bit exhausting. improvements now by being more forward thinking - and when reflecting, recongizing that the past is the past and being mroe constructive than just blatantly critical

Why PE?

Open days - Hein Visser Variety (Legal, commercial, geographical, short deal times), sophisticated client (Learn, small world,) Weil reputation (Band 1, awards (mention specific one) check VI prep doc

What is Private Equity?

Private equity refers to the investment of capital in companies that are not publicly traded on stock markets. Private equity firms raise money from institutional investors, such as pension funds, insurance companies and endowments, and use it to form a fund. This fund is used to buy controlling stakes in undervalued, high-growth or troubled private companies. The goal is to improve the financial performance of these companies and eventually sell them for a profit - Private equity is when companies that aren't publicly traded on stock markets receive investments from firms that raise money from institutional investors. These firms use the money to buy a controlling stake in these companies that are not doing well or have the potential for growth, and then try to make them more successful. The ultimate goal is to sell the company for a profit.

Tell us about a time you worked in a team

Result: This project allowed me to develop my legal research and analysis skills, as well as my ability to work effectively in a team to produce high-quality legal documents. Reflection: I enjoyed the most about working as part of a team was the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of professionals, and being able to bounce ideas off of each other. This helped me to gain insights and perspectives I wouldn't have otherwise and develop my skills and expertise in a more effective way.

Tell us about a time where you showed excellent customer service

Situation: I had a client who was launching a new product on a tight deadline and they were struggling to get the word out and generate interest. Task: My job was to help them increase awareness and drive sales for the new product through social media advertising campaigns. Action: I went above and beyond my normal duties by developing a comprehensive advertising strategy that included utilizing multiple social media platforms, reaching out to influencers on TikTok, and implementing retargeting campaigns to reach a wider audience. I also helped the client optimize their website for conversions, and worked closely with their team to develop an email and SMS marketing strategy. Result: Thanks to my efforts, the client's new product launch was a huge success. They were able to generate a lot of interest and drive sales, surpassing their initial goals. The client was very pleased with the results and thanked me for going above and beyond to help them achieve their goals. Reflection: I felt proud of my work and the positive impact it had on the client's business. It was a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills and demonstrate my commitment to delivering exceptional service to my clients.

Tell us about a time where you showed resillience to a high pressure, long hours environment

Situation: I had a client who was launching a new product on a tight deadline and they were struggling to get the word out and generate interest. Task: My job was to help them increase awareness and drive sales for the new product through social media advertising campaigns. Action: I went above and beyond my normal duties by developing a comprehensive advertising strategy that included utilizing multiple social media platforms, reaching out to influencers on TikTok, and implementing retargeting campaigns to reach a wider audience. I also helped the client optimize their website for conversions, and worked closely with their team to develop an email and SMS marketing strategy. Result: Thanks to my efforts, the client's new product launch was a huge success. They were able to generate a lot of interest and drive sales, surpassing their initial goals. The client was very pleased with the results and thanked me for going above and beyond to help them achieve their goals. Reflection: I felt proud of my work and the positive impact it had on the client's business. It was a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills and demonstrate my commitment to delivering exceptional service to my clients.

Tell us about a time where you used your communication skills

Situation: I was working on a big project for a client that required me to create a comprehensive marketing strategy and execute it within a specific deadline. I was given four weeks to complete the project and deliver it to the client. Task: I was responsible for managing the project and ensuring that all the deliverables were completed on time. I had to coordinate with different teams to gather all the necessary information and create the strategy. Action: I started working on the project right away and created a detailed plan of action. I delegated tasks to different team members and set clear deadlines for each deliverable. However, as the project progressed, I realized that some of the team members were not meeting their deadlines and were falling behind schedule. Result: As a result, I missed the deadline and had to deliver the project a week later than planned. The client was not happy with the delay and expressed their disappointment. Reflection: I learned from this experience that it's important to have a clear communication with the team members and keep a close eye on the progress of the project. I also realized the importance of setting realistic deadlines and taking necessary actions to ensure that the project stays on track. From then on, I made sure to have regular check-ins with my team members to ensure that we are on schedule and to address any issues as soon as they arise.

Tell us about a time where you showed attention to detail

Situation: I was working on a potential acquisition between two pharmaceutical companies as part of a virtual M&A program. Task: My task was to review the NDA, and I reviewed the NDA and created an issues list outlining discrepancies between my client's and the acquirer's desires. Action:"I approached the task of reviewing the NDA with a analytical mindset, thoroughly examining the language and identifying any ambiguities or potential impacts. I then provided recommendations for resolving these issues.My analytical skills were particularly evident when addressing a specific challenge, such as the acquirer's proposed strict confidentiality clause which would have prohibited the sharing of any information, even in the event of a legal request. However, my client was concerned that this could negatively impact their ability to comply with certain regulatory requirements. By carefully analyzing the situation and understanding the priorities of both parties, I was able to develop a creative solution that would allow for the sharing of information if required by law or regulatory authorities, while still maintaining the overall confidentiality of the information being shared. This solution not only met the needs of both parties, but also showcased my ability to think critically and find mutually beneficial solutions Result: My efforts resulted in a thorough review of the agreements and identification of potential conflicts and ambiguities. I was able to provide recommendations for mitigating potential issues on the NDA, saving time on negotiations.

What is the hardest thing you've overcome?

Starting a business - poses very many challenges - overcoming the mental hurdle - actually believing that you can do it. getting out of the cycle of preparation - Getting a client which is 10 times harder than I imagined it to be - taking on multiple roles at once - learning and brushing up on technical skills, like adverts, especially with doing digital marketing, it's a rapdly changing sphere w social media almost every week a new feature or app comes out, then you have to try and learn to navigate that. - Picking yourself back up when you do something wrong, no one- esp not the client if going to pity you- it's quite cuthroat


the market's expecting Nvidia to grow its cash flow somewhere around 20% a year for the next 10 years. That sounds like a lot, but the firm's posted an average of 27% cash flow growth, (which came from 27% sales growth, and 30% profit growth) a year over the past ten years.

How does Weil make its money?

The firm's main source of revenue is the fees it charges for its legal services. These fees can be charged on an hourly basis, where the firm bills clients for the time spent working on their cases, or on a fixed-fee or contingency basis, where the firm charges a set fee for a specific service or takes a percentage of any settlement or award as payment. ADD TCLA NOTES GIRL Weil is known for its expertise in several practice areas such as complex commercial litigation, M&A, private equity, bankruptcy, and restructuring. Additionally, the firm also generates revenue from its pro bono work and from its investment in various ventures- but these are secondary to its business.

What is a commercial story that interest you? (- name two ESG, and emerging tech) How will it affect Weil and it's clients

Trend - increased adoption of AI (doubled over the past 5 years in various industries - Mckinsey Survey recent) Why is interests me - - legal sector historically slow to adapt - examples, relatively recent digitalization of signing process (use of esignnatures)- pandemic forced law firm hands. Not even all law firms adopt this (about 30% of firms ask clients to come in and sign) prior to covid only about 20-30% of firms used this - Recession - pushing businesses and law firms to adopt systems that make operations more effective - for example, rise in deal flow in counter cyclical practice areas like restructuring, need to adopt these tech to meet demand for services in this area. - Despite recession govt actually increasing investments in this area, so this is highly relevant for the economy, lawy firms and prospective lawyers. How will it affect Weil- - Capitalizing on it gives firms like Weil a competitive advantage at a time where client needs are changing rapidly, so law firms are getting increased pressure to remain competitive and meet their demands. Clients want to work w firms that are up to date. - relevant to Weil as a first mover, already started making progress years ago, there was already an automated contract WHAT in 2019, showing signs of adopting legal tech and ML and systems, - in adopting this emerging legal tech, like Contract mamnagemtn softwares, matter tracking (tells status of all documents) which increase ROI and allow law firms to be more efficient and incur more profits and deliver more services in less time. also improve internal collaborate by building centralised platform where everyone on the deal can log in and tick off as tasks are being completed as opposed to traditional way of doing things where lawyers take turns w one document/there needs to be manual chasing to get things signed, or approved. - Benefits to the clients- - Law firms using legal tech, boost service delivered to clients and their experience - example Self-service cites for clients where they type something into a chat box and its funnelled to the appropriate lawyers in the relevant practice area. - Lawyers make use of AI to help find answers for complex issues. - Affects clients like big PE firms invest in emerging tech- which is a high growth area (work over 15 billion pounds), likely to see lot of venture capital investments in legal tech firms which potential to grow exponentially like Nvine- graphics processing unit has 25% profits Problems- - cybsersecurity issues, using this tech, a lot of the data will be stored in a cloud, vulnerable to cyber security attacks if not protected well. - can be circumvented by increasing firm budgets and cyber security training. - problems that remain to be seen w these new technologies - tricky lower returns where the system is really efficient and firm bills less hours .

Talk about a recent deal at Weil that interests you - know this inside and out in case youre drilled- use PESTLE analysis

Weil is lead counsel advising Advent international on their acquisition of Maxar technologies - Why is it interesting? - demonstrates trend w PE firms buying up companies for a lot of values overpriced value. In the agreement remainder of Maxar's shares will be bought for a premium that was 34% over the highest price that Maxar's shares have been traded for in the past year . - Dual listed company poses legal challeneges for acquisition on the buy-side. LEGAL CHALLENGES THAT MAY ARISE - complexities in complying w regulations and laws of multiple countries and exchanges as its listed on the NYSE and TSE - Difficult navigating different legal differences between countries (EXAMPLE) - Time- consuming and costly process in complying w regulations and law - might be challenging to attain regulatory approvals BENEFITS OF THE DEAL - adv of being dual listed- access to a wider pool of potential investors and broader customer base - due to presence in multiple countried and regions. Will be useful when time for PE firm to expand their operations and tap into new markets. - access to larger pool of talented employees -presence in multiple countried and regions. providing a platform to exapnd operations and tap into new markets- which is what Maxar's vision is - to attract more commericial and govt contracts so its revenue can become more stable. - access to a larget pool of talent and employees. - Advent - US based global PE firm plans on acquiring Maxar and adding it to its exisiting massive 28 billion dollar defense, security portfolio. Acquiring advent is a strategic move as its an attractive asset bc it's doing better than other satelite imagery companies who have lost over 50% of their market value in the past year- while maxar lost only 20%. Advent sees this as a strategic move to add value to the company. both sides see this acquisition as beneficial in making use of additional resources to support Maxar to accelerate investment and development of the companies satelite tech.

Tell us about a time you took initiative

course rep

Whats the difference between debt and equity financing in a PE deal?

equity financing in a PE deal is when money used to finance the deal is those raised from investors and pooled into fund. Debt financing is when the PE deal is financed by money borrowed from an outside source. It's quite a common trend for PE firms to use debt to finance a deal as it leads to higher returns but there could be some merits of solely using equity esp in times were there is a recession... can be more flexible way of financing as w debt fianncing usually there can be a lot of restrictions in the covenants - which are a means of giivng control to lenders- so they impose restrictions on them although in more recent years are borrowers are kind of competing, to lend. its not uncommon for 'cov light; loans to exist in the financing documents.

How does Weil make its money?

makes its money primarily through billing clients for legal services. The firm provides a wide range of legal services to clients in various industries, including finance, technology, healthcare, energy, and real estate. Services include corporate and financial transactions, litigation, and bankruptcy. Weil generates revenue by charging clients hourly rates for the services provided by its lawyers, paralegals, and other staff. These rates can vary depending on the seniority and expertise of the attorney providing the service. The firm also generates revenue through fixed-fee arrangements, where clients pay a set fee for a specific project or service. The firm also generates revenue through other means such as providing legal training, seminars, and other educational services. Additionally, the firm may also generate revenue through investments in various business ventures.

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