WHAP-unit 9

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-Countries in ______________ and _________ are the biggest manufacturing plants because of the textile industry

Latin America and Asia

Kyoto Protocol

(2005) controlling global warming by setting greenhouse gas emissions targets for developing countries (China, India, Russia, and Brazil). USA refused to ratify it, and China and India were not required to agree to the strictest terms of the protocol

medical innovation that has increased the ability of humans to survive and live longer lives

**Antibiotics: -Alexander Fleming, scottish biologist, accidentally discovered penicillin -Penicillin became the first antibiotic, a useful agent in curing bacterial infections -During WWII, antibiotics saved the lives of soldiers who would have died in any previous war from a minor wound that became infected **Vaccines -vaccines were preventing as many as 3 million deaths each year in the 21st century -however, the WHO also said that better vaccination coverage would save another 1.5 million people annually. Some people were unable to give vaccinated because they lived in hard- to- reach areas

diseases associated with poverty and how (and where) it has threatened human populations

**Malaria -its a parasitic disease which is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas -killed more than 600,000 people (most were young African children) -expertssdeveloped preventive approaches, such as distributing mosquito nets treated with insecticide as cover during sleep -vaccine that has been created is still in trials- so no vaccine yet **Tuberculosis (TB) -an airborne infection that affects the lungs -cure was developed through antibiotics -where TB is common the countries give kids vaccines for it -in the 21st century a strain of TB resistant to the usual antibiotics appeared -the # of infected increased especially in prisons due to people living in close quarters **Cholera -a bacterial disease that spreads through contaminated water -causes about 95,000 deaths per year -cholera affects mainly poor people in developing countries -cholera vaccines are available but you are still encouraged to boil or chlorinate drinking water and wash your hands


a rejection of tradition in favor of experimentation and uncertainty

Effects of environmental changes intro

while humans have always competed for raw materials and natural resources, this competition became more intense as industrialization spread. with an ever growing population, humans grappled with hunger, environmental damage, and global epidemics

In 2015...

world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. Many of these global goals address the environmental problems the world faced after 1900 that relate to extreme poverty, inequalities and injustice, and climate change

*Global Brands and Commerce*

-As multinational corporations advertised and distribute their products, Global Brands such as Apple, Nike, and Rolex emerged

urbanization -contributing to environmental changes

-the increasing size and number of cities causes environmental change -as the years go by, more people move to the city, which puts pressure on those who grow food. they would have to use intensive farming methods that deplete the soil and cause erosion -to counter that, they would clear more forests for agricultural use -city dwellers produce vast amounts of waste, some of which pollutes the water they depend on

*Steps Toward Environmental Repair*

*Earth Day, April 22nd- organizers hoped to highlight recycling, developing alternative energy, and passing anti pollution legislation *Greenpeace-multinational agency that battle deforestation, global warming, the killing of whales, and overfishing *Green Belt Movement-Wangari Maathai (Kenyan activist) founded from a direct response to the environmental degradation resulting from colonial experience. The Green Belt Movement helped women plant trees to improve the soil and collect rainwater. The Movement helped women see their capacity for making changes through participation in public life rather than leaving decisions to others.

disease which exists because of increased human longevity

*Heart Disease* -associated with lifestyle, genetics, and increased longevity -heart transplant was first performed by the South African Christiaan Barnard in 1967 -Other researchers developed less invasive procedures; replacing valves, installing stents in arteries, replacing the vessels leading to the heart, and developing medications to reduce blood conditions that led to heart disease. -in the 2000s, people with heart disease lived longer than similarly affected people did in the 1970s *Alzheimer's Disease* -a form of dementia -affects elderly and some middle-aged people -Alzheimer's patients progressively lose their memory, eventually leading to a stage in which they do not recognize their loved ones -the disease undermines bodily functions ... leading to death

What is a multinational corporation?

- A multinational corporation is one that is legally Incorporated in one country but that makes or sells goods or services in one or more other countries -During the commercial revolution in unit 4 companies like the British East India Company and Dutch East India Company were the earliest examples of multinational corporations -exploiting the resource and labor of the colonized regions for profit in home country -Today, multinational corporations employ Leading Edge workers in the knowledge economy (software designers, communications specialists, and engineers) and at the same time hire low-wage workers abroad to make their products -multinational corporations provide an inflow of capital into the developing country

Knowledge economy in Japan

- After World War II Japan implemented mercantilistic policies that were designed to increase exports and decrease Imports, as well as policies to boost competitiveness: ^To encourage exports, the government coordinated its finance and labor policies with large corporations and gave them subsidized to help them keep their costs low ^ to decrease imports, the government used High tariffs and other trade restrictions on goods made abroad ^ to prepare it citizens to be productive workers, Japan emphasize rigorous education -These policies, aided by large investments from the USA and other countries, turned Japan into a manufacturing powerhouse - Low wage workers producing items for four markers often could not afford to buy what they make (Japanese made cars were more expensive in Japan than in the USA) -Overtime, Japanese unions became strong enough to negotiate higher wages, and international pressure forced Japan to relax its trade restrictions - Japan's economy Diversified and became a knowledge economy - closely following Japan's economic model were for States known as the Asian Tigers -- Hong kong, singapore, South korea, and Taiwan - Like japan, they all prospered through government - business partnerships, High exports, intense education, in low-wage Workforce - the success of these countries including China rate hundreds of millions of people from poverty

*Social Media and Censorship*

- Facebook, twitter, snapchat, and other forms of social media change communication - social media can Inspire but also manipulate, as attested by Malala Yousafzia (The Pakistani activist) -China banned social media from outside the country ... but it has its own forms of social media including WeChat, Weibo, and Yuku...The government censored any criticism of the Communist party that appeared on these platforms

What is globalization?

-the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.


- In 2016 Britain left the European Union which was an international political and economic organization of 28 countries. conservative British politicians argued that the EU interfered with Britain's rights to govern itself. many brexit of proponents contended that you required Britain to accept too many immigrants -Brexit critics say that leaving the EU would be economically disastrous for Britain because it was dependent on Imports

Population growth -contributing to environmental changes

-the rapid increase in population led to a demand for more croplands -this increase in land used for agricultural purposes resulted in deforestation, soil erosion, and smaller habitats for many species of plants and animals -over fishing in the oceans has led to the near disappearance of cod

Mahindra & Mahindra- multinational corporation India

- in the 1990s, India open its market and allowed more imports India became a software and information technology powerhouse, drawing investments from America and European companies that wanted to Outsource jobs -It produces cars, Farm equipment, military vehicles, and electrical energy - it has operations in South korea, china, australia, the usa, South africa, and other African nations


- people who have fled their home countries in times of famine and natural disasters. They often seek refuge in a safe location

*Why Resist Globalization*

- the centered idea of many anti-globalization groups is the idea that consumers who buy products and services with a few clicks often have no idea who creates those products and services and what the short-term and long-term costs really are -Child labor= Much of the chocolate that consumers bought in the early 21st century had its origins in child labor in West Africa. The largest chocolate company is Miss deadlines in 2005, 2008, and 2010 to make sure their suppliers did not use child laborers -Working conditions =In 2019, employees of Amazon's Warehouse describe such intense pressure to fulfill orders that workers risked being fired if they took a bathroom break -unsafe working place= In 2013, the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory, an 8 story building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, shook the world... 1000 dead, and 2,500 injured -environmental damage= Except globalization pointed out that the fuel involved in shipping products vastness increase the amount of greenhouse gasses in the environment, thus worsening the climate emergency. additionally Brazil cut down thousands of miles of rainforest each year to make way for cattle Farms (the meat was one of the country's most valuable exports) -Proponents of globalization argue that countries could use ecotourism industries that make profits while showing off the countries and natural wonders -Liberal groups believe that globalization often Harms children, workers, - conservative groups distrust globalization

*Negritude Movement*

- took place in primarily in French West Africa -it Emphasized pride in "blackness," The rejection of French Colonial authority, and the right to self-determination -Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal wrote Poems about the beauty and uniqueness of African culture and is now regarded as one of the 20th centuries most distinguished French writers (Senghor later served as first president of Senegal). -Langston Hughes wrote movingly about the multiple meanings of "blackness" in the world. what many now refer to as "black pride" of the 1960s

The Flu

-1918=near the end of WWI -more soldiers died from the flu than from battle -it was a particularly virulent strain of the flu -killed 20 million people worldwide -ages between 20-40 were infected -longevity in the USA fell by 10 years

*UNICEF- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund*

-1946 -provide food for children in Europe who were still suffering more than a year after WWII.

*International Court Justice*

-world court -15 judges (each a citizen from a different country) -often deals with border disputes and treaty violations

Describe the economic policies of Deng Xiaoping in China.

-1981, Xiaoping became leader in China -The Communist Party backed away from its commitment to economic equality, and more actively promoted economic growth -Deng called his policy "Let some people get rich first" The government is taking several steps to open up the economy... * The government replaced communes with peasant least plots of land where the peasants would grow their own crops in the South part of them in markets. this reform led to agricultural surpluses instead of the famines of the past *The government allowed factories to produce more products for consumers *The government encouraged foreign companies to set up factories and special economic zones. foreign firms were attracted to China because of low wages and lacks environmental laws *It reopened the Shanghai stock market and allowed private ownership of some businesses -Chinese people thought that these economic reforms should be accompanied by political reforms, such as freedom of speech and the press in the end of the Communist party's Monopoly on political power.

Inequality and scarce resources -effects of environmental changes

-31 countries are facing water scarcity and by 2025 (according to WHO) half of the world will lack clean and safe drinking water -more than 1 billion people lack clean, accessible drinking water -as water consumption continues to increase, some corporate interests are depleting, polluting, and exploiting water sources -surveys from 45 developing countries show that women and children bear the primary responsibility for water collection in most households - a study in Ghana found that a 15-minute reduction in water collection time increases the proportion of girls attending school by 8% to 12%

*Minority Rights in China*

-55 ethnic minorities in China -Tibetans called for more autonomy or Independence -The Uighur people concerning religious and political discrimination Northwest province of Xinjiang -The Mongolian people in China protested against the high number of Han Chinese who have moved into inner Mongolia -The Han are the largest ethnic group in China and worldwide -The Hans disturbed the pastoral way of life of the Mongolian -The Mongolians protested the environmental damage that came with settled agriculture, strip mining of coal, building of highways, damming of rivers come in overgrazing of land

what is a free-market economy?

-After the cold war, Ronald Reagan in the USA and Margaret Thatcher in GB had a renewed emphasis on market-oriented policies; cutting taxes, regulations, and government assistance to the poor as a way to promote economic growth -this produced great wealth for many but hardships for others -Free-market= economic systems based on supply and demand, with as little government control as possible. Reagan and Thatcher followed it. -supply and demand -little interference from government -hands off

*Global Influences on Popular Culture*

-Although the USA is still the dominant culture internationally, influences from other countries have been welcome in the USA and elsewhere -Bollywood, the popular name given to the film industry in Bombay (Mumbai, India),Enjoy popularity worldwide -Anime = Japanese hand drawn animation -Television shows in the late 1990s, such as Pokemon and Dragon Ball anime to the American mainstream -Reggae music= From Jamaica, blending New Orleans jazz and R&B... a fusion of African rhythms in European elements -Bob Marley made it popular in the 1970s -K-pop= Mixture of Korean and English, it boosted South Korean exports... and they were so valuable to the government that they invested into K-pop concerts and tours

Debates about global warming

-Ban Ki-moon and other world leaders conclude that climate change is a global issue -global warming - an increase in the average temperature of the world -countries must reduce their carbon footprint (the amount of carbon dioxide that each person produces) Without A reduced carbon footprint, global warming would contribute to catastrophes: more powerful hurricanes, more severe droughts, and rising sea levels that could flood islands and Coastal areas. -Climate change Skeptics question whether global warming was happening and whether human activities had any influence on the climate. - In addition, some people in the energy Industries resisted the interference of government, arguing that market forces would cause consumers to reduce their carbon footprint if that became necessary -In contrast, other leaders of energy companies begin planning for a shift to renewable fuel sources

*Artistic Changes*

-Changes were reflected in the visual arts, literature, and music of the time - Picasso style of cubism portrayed in his famous painting "Guernica" challenge traditional perspective in the visual arts -Arnold Schaumburg explored musical expression outside of familiar tonalities - Harlem renaissance, a "rebirth" of African-American culture as it sought to distance itself from The Stereotype portrayal of African-Americans and literature and on stage... Jazz emerged and became an international language

Describe the economic policies of Pinochet in Chile

-Chile in 1973, Augusto Pinochet took power in a US- backed coup against a democratically elected socialist government led by Salvador Allende -Pinochet ruled from 1974 to 1990, he was ousted because of his violent tactics like kidnapping, torture, money laundering, and murder -The Chilean economy took a turn toward a free market approach because of the Chicago Boys who studied in the University of Chicago and help design Chile's economic reforms -These reforms became very unpopular throughout the country especially because Pinochet used repression to enact them. Although subsequent administrations used a balance approach that resulted in economic growth and government programs to significantly reduce poverty

Translational Free-Trade Organizations:

-GATT= General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Protective tariffs, which are taxes on foreign imports. by lowering and Eliminating many tariffs come in the agreement promoted more international trade and help restore economic prosperity to war ravaged Europe *World Trade Organization (WTO)* - The WTO took over GATT's operation And covered more than 90% of all international trade - in part because of its power, the organization became controversial. On top of that, it favored trade over consideration of issues of moral concern

*Roots of Globalization*

-Globalization affected the relationship among and within Nations. after World War ii, several organizations contributed to the growth of a global economy. for example the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the European economic union, Mercosur in South america, and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) all formed between 1947 and early 1990s. These organizations were meant to help economies and expand prosperity -In 1995, the WTO (World trade organization) took over GATT's operations..the WTO makes rules for more than 90% of international trade -The rules and it's closed board meetings when people to believe that the WTO did not care for their welfare

*Global Culture and Religion*

-Globalization promote a new religious developments -For example in the 1970s, former Beatles band member George Harrison released a song containing the words of a Hindu Mantra or sacred utterance. this launched the popularity of the Hari Krishna movement, which was based on traditional Hindu scriptures -New Age religions, Warms up Buddhism, shamanism, sophism come in other religious Traditions were arrived and adopted for a largely Western audience -In China in the 1990s, Falun Gong, A movement based on Buddhist and diastraditions, gained popularity... At first the Chinese authorities allowed the movement but then started to restrict it in 1999. the suppression promoted International protest against the Chinese regime for human rights abuses -An increasing number of younger people in many countries identified as non-believers, those who are simply not affiliated with any religious and institution -Atheists= People who did not believe in any -Agnostics= People who believe that it may not be possible to know if God exists

What was the Green Revolution?

-Green Revolution emerged as a possible long-term response to hunger -scientists developed new varieties of wheat, rice, and other grains that had higher yields and greater resistance to pests, diseases, and drought -the new varieties were first developed by crossbreeding (breeding b/w two varieties of plants to create a hybrid) -more recently, scientists have used genetic engineering (manipulating a cell or organism to change its basic characteristics -Farmers also used more irrigation, fertilizers, and pesticides. -In Brazil and elsewhere people burned down forests and plowed the land for agriculture -small farmers were not able to afford pesticide or fertilizer so they weren't able to compete with the large landowners -the small landowners were forced to sell their land, increasing the holdings of large landowners even more -fewer jobs were available for farm laborers because of the use of mechanized equipment -the chemicals damaged the soil and the environment -genetic engineering cons: *Genetic modification designed to give a plant resistance to Insects might inadvertently cause a decline in the population of pollinating insects, such as bees *There was a loss of old seed varieties as a new genetically engineered plants were adopted

What is the Anti-IMF and what were their complaints about the International Monetary Fund?

-IMF (international Monetary fund) works with the WTO (World Trade Organization) to maximize profit and sacrifice safety and labor conditions, environmental conservation needs, and national independence

*Political Changes*

-Imperialism caused fierce competition between countries, and two world wars raised the conflict to a deadly force, although allies standing together developed a good working relationship and understanding of one another. Additionally, the cold war further divided countries. So after the cold war, both economic and cultural barriers fell, bringing countries closer together. -nations formed cooperative regional organizations such as the European Union and NAFTA -global associations such as the UN for conflict resolution and the World Trade Organization to regulate international trade

Vietnam and Bangladesh

-Importers who once purchase their manufactured goods from China have instead been purchasing from Vietnam and Bangladesh due to their low labor costs compared to China (who also has very low labor cost compared to USA and Europe) -Both Vietnam and Bangladesh have become known for their exports of clothing - Vietnam has the largest export of phones

*Caste Reservation in India*

-In India, the 1949 Constitution outlawed discrimination against the Dalits, also known as untouchables. Pakistan outlawed discrimination against Dalits in 1953. -The caste reservation system was established to give social groups or castes that had faced historical discrimination to have open doors of opportunity -through this system, the government guaranteed that a certain percentage of government and public sector jobs and enrollment in higher education would be set aside for people whose caste had conferred and underprivileged life

Knowledge economy in Finland

-In the 1950s Finland was an Agrarian economy but followed other European countries in industrialization after World War II -When the Soviet Union collapsed, Finland lost one of its main customers of manufactured goods and face an economic crisis. so they entered into the global Marketplace, encourage competition, and establish the Science and Technology Policy Council to set directions of economic growth through technology and innovation -By investing in education and communication technology villain was able to build on its success with mobile phones and established software company

*Social Changes*

-International organizations in collaborations brought people of different cultures into closer contact with one another, just as International exchanges had done in the past - Rights (civil and womens) movements help bring formerly marginalized voices into the mainstream conversation -Scientists like Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and John Paul Sartre, all had long held beliefs about humans in their environment confronting the physical reality (Einstein), human psych (Freud), and philosophy (Sartre)

What is a knowledge economy?

-It's a new kind of work where the product is based on people's mental work, not their physical work. People like engineers, lawyers, chemists, and Heimler have knowledge worth paying for. -Revolutions and information and Communications technology led to undertake a Knowledge economy -knowledge economy= Create, distribute, and use knowledge and information. designers, engineers, teachers and many others have jobs in the knowledge economy. - workers use their knowledge to create ways for other people to use theirs through technology, communication come innovation, and collaboration -Governments and investors put resources into research, education, innovation, and technological infrastructure

*Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)*

-Like the Nuremberg Trials that sought retribution for crimes against humanity committed by Nazis during World War II, the TRC set to restore and establish an atmosphere of trust in the new multiracial South Africa - the TRC organized a series of 19 public hearings designed to expose the truth of human rights violation that had occurred during the apartheid -granting amnesty to members of the apartheid regime who agreed to testify

What is NAFTA and what are its goals?

-NAFTA = the North American Free Trade Agreement - this agreement encouraged us and Canadian Industries (maquiladoras) to build factories in Mexico that used low wage in Mexican labor to produce tariff free goods for foreign export -The workers suffered harsh working conditions and low wages

*Global Culture in Sports*

-Olympic Games (started in 1896) reflected an early sense of internationalism...In 2016, the Olympics in Rio de janeiro, Brazil, attracted about 3.6 billion viewers worldwide -Soccer emerged as the most popular sport in the world, in part because it required so little equipment that it could be played almost anywhere -World Cup... rivaled the olympics as a global event -The NBA included players from 30 countries or territories... and in 2017, reporters from 35 countries covered in NBA finals - A sports became more popular globally, they also became more available to women - Hajar Abulfazi, a soccer player from afghanistan, explain that she wore the hijab(headscarf) to "show the Next Generation and their parents how an Afghan woman and girls can maintain respect for religion and cultural while pursuing sport achievements"

Steps toward Gender Equality

-On January 21, 2017, the day after Trump's inauguration as president, the Women's March on Washington drew about 500,000 demonstrators standing up for women's rights and other concerns. 5 million women all around the world stood together that day and represented a global solidarity for women's rights. -The 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women outlines many rights and protections that are cornerstones of global feminism (the right to vote, hold office, freely choose spouse, access same education as men, the right to access family planning resources and birth control -In the first part of the 20th century the percentage of women who could read and who attended College increased - and in country after country, woman won the right to vote - in the USA, white women had the right to vote...only in 1965 Native and African American women were allowed to vote (because of the Voting Rights Act of 1965)

*Online Commerce*

-Online shopping makes shopping a global affair -Amazon (in more than 17 countries) in Alibaba (in Asia) make massive selection of items available

What assumptions about race, class, gender, and religion were challenged in the 20 and 21st centuries?

-People around the globe also began to protest the inequalities and environmental damage that globalization had created or reinforced -they were being challenged because of the new global economics, global transportation, communication, and global devastation from war

How have environmental factors affected human populations in the 20th and 21st centuries?

-People living in poor environments end up getting and spreading diseases like malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis (TB). These diseases spread through contaminated water, mosquitoes, and through the air. In poor areas, people are not able to receive prevention's against these diseases or even the medical attention they need. This leads to deaths in the poor communities, which decreases the human population.

*Tiananmen Square- Beijing China*

-Similar to the May 4th movement in 1919, a protest in the spring of 1989 occurred. For example, pro-democracy activist organized a public event mourning the death of a sympathetic high official -The protesters demanded the government about freedom of the press and other reforms. After the government refused, hundreds of thousands of students, professors, and urban workers stage a massive protest in beijing's Tiananmen Square. After 7 weeks of protest the government sent armed troops and reached Tiananmen square on June 4th, 1989. - the troops attacked the unarmed protesters - the Chinese government claim nobody died and no mention of the event was included in school text. Additionally the government blocked all websites that discuss the Tiananmen square incident -However estimates by Amnesty International comment the International Red cross, and the New York Times indicated that anywhere from several hundred to a few thousand civilians were killed -The government still imprisons those who commemorate June 4th -Mothers were prohibited from openly morning family members who died in June 1989.



*Roots of Anti-Globalization*

-The "Battle of Seattle"= 1999, protest erupted edit WTO conference in seattle. the WTO had planned a round of train negotiation for the new millennium then more than 40,000 protesters arrived. The protesters were groups of Labor unions, family farmers, student groups, and environmentalists. this drew Global attention to the issues of the new global economy - Anti WTO demonstrations took place in dozens of other countries as well, but the Seattle protest was the beginning of the anti-globalization movement -China joined the Anti-globalization movement in 2001, increasing the group's Territorial and economic reach

*Human Rights Repression in China*

-The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ruled the People's Republic with an iron fist -it censored the news industry and controlled what students were taught in primary and secondary schools -International non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were not free to operate in China unless they were willing to undergo strict regulation. -The CCP had such power because it controlled all Industries and the government had killed or imprisoned those who had spoken out against previous government actions, such as the Great Leap Forward

Nestlé- multinational corporation in Switzerland

-This is the largest food company in the world and has many controversies and criticisms like purchasing cocoa from suppliers who use child labor and engage in Cocoa production on protected lands - this is similar to many multinational corporations who are criticize because of lack of strong national identity, exploiting workers, and establishing business in such a way that they avoid as many taxes as possible


-Through Americanization, people around the world learned more about the USA than Americans learned about the rest of the world. -this dominance of the USA created resentment among those who felt that American popular culture diluted their unique cultural identity - In the 21st century, many people around the world consider American Consumer culture to be a throw away culture. they objected to the waste and pollution that was part of the focus on newer, cheaper, more disposable products

*Steps toward Racial Equality*

-Through the 1965 Civil Rights Act it outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin -Through the 1965 Voting Rights Act the banned discrimination in voting -African Americans thought equality of Education through desegregation of schools -South African system of apartheid instituted in 1948, enforced the segregation of people based on race -the 15% of white South Africans reserved better jobs and had other privileges...education taught only in Afrikaans (many South African whites spoke that) -white-dominated south African government (European decent-Dutch and British) -Desmond Tutu= demands equal treatment -Nelson Mandela= the leader of the African National Congress (ANC), was imprisoned for life for agitating against apartheid. The AMC's primary goals were to end white domination and create multiracial South Africa. Mandela's imprisonment inspired a global movement to end apartheid. Peaceful protests in South Africa were Crush violently by the government's forces. The UN expelled South Africa in 1976 because of its apartheid. -in 1989, F.W. de Klerk became South Africa's leader and recognized the need for change... he released Mandela out of prison -A series of reforms in the 1990s ended apartheid -In 1994, South Africa held its first free elections and rejoined the UN -Mandela became South Africa's first black leader in 1994

*English Spreads and Changes*

-Through the influence of the British Empire and through American movies come in corporations, in scientific research, English became a second language in much of the world - in the early 21st century, 300 million people in China were learning English - many English speaking corporations move their call centers to India and the philippines, where there were large numbers of fluent English speakers who would work for relatively low wages - as more people from other countries learn english, they spoke it in new ways. for instance, Indian English included the word "prepone", which meant the opposite of "postpone"

*World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)*

-To counterbalance the strictly commercial interest of the worldwide trade organization, organizations from around the world combine resources to create the WFTO in 1989. member organizations subscribe to the following 10 principles of fair trade, in the walk to monitor its members to make sure they follow these principles.

*Economic Resistance*

-Verdicts of globalization believe that International agreements and institutions can destroy small local businesses. large corporations can use the IMF and the WTO to achieve their goals but local individuals and businesses could not - Small businesses could not extract the natural resources they need or use the wide variety of Labor sources that big corporations and transnational businesses used - in an attempt to combat globalization, some businesses, specialist restaurants, have insisted on providing their customers locally grown or made products -Globalization critics also distrust the World Bank Common International Organization affiliated with the UN. the bank's mission is to improve the economic development of member states, but protesters insisted that these agencies favored richer Nations over poorer ones...In other words they're saying the richer Nations control the World Bank -1988, about 20,000 people protested The meeting of the IMF and the World Bank in West Berlin for the given reasons above - in 2014 come with the World Bank made reforms to its structure and governance, but critics maintain that the world's richest Nations controlled the bank -The followers of the anti-globalization movement tend to focus on issues about human rights, fair trade (a system that ensures the person who provided the good or service receives a reasonable payment), sustainable development (Allow companies or people to make a profit without preventing future Generations from meeting their own needs), and debt relief or restructuring (Countries that owe huge sums to the IMF did not have to risk economic breakdown)

*Liberation Theology*

-a movement in Christian theology, developed mainly by Latin American Roman Catholics, that emphasizes liberation from social, political, and economic oppression as an anticipation of ultimate salvation. -spread in Latin America through the 1950s and 1960s -redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor (socialism/communism) -in many countries, military dictators killed workers who embraced liberation theology -In Nicaragua, advocates of liberation theology helped a rebel movement topple a dictator and institute a socialist government

new mode of transportation and explain how it reduced the problem of geographic distance

-air travel -shipping containers =large standard sized units that could be carried on a truck or train or stacked on ship, promoted the widespread movement of people and goods -everyday about 2 million people fly on an airplane

Globalization and industrialization -contributing to environmental changes

-as industry spread to developing countries, energy and other natural resources used in manufacturing were in demand, drawing further on the RESERVES of resources -workers in these industries are creating a middle class which increases the market for products like cars. Cars require metals and other resources and that also contribute to pollution

*Universal Declaration of Human Rights*

-asserting basic rights and fundamental freedoms for all human beings...everyone is entitled to these rights without distinctions -basic protections that are common to all people


-caused by water contaminated by a virus -transmitted in fecal matter -polio once infected 100,000 people per year -it could result in paralysis and sometimes death -in 1955, Jonah Salk created a vaccine against polio -a joint effort by governments, private organizations, and United Nations agencies began in 1988 -the success of the campaign showed that coordinated global efforts could help solve global problems

new mode of communication and explain how it reduced the problem of geographic distance

-cellphones put the tools of information creation and dissemination into the hands of individuals around the world. -the impact of the internet and cellphone revolution became apparent quickly. People began sharing their experiences with others on social media. For example, Videos were posted about the "Arab Spring," (a series of anti government protests that spread from country to country in North Africa and the Middle East) -radio

new energy technology and explain how it raised productivity and the production of material goods

-coal accounted for about half of the global energy consumed -Petroleum also known as crude oil, and natural gas joint coal in fueling industrial output and helped increase productivity -fossil fuel (coal, petroleum, and natural gas- ar nonrenewable resources) -once the fossil fuel has been used up, the supply is permanently depleted -Fossil fuels have contributed to air pollution and to the cloak of greenhouse gasses, especially carbon dioxide, that allows sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere but block the escape of Earth's heat -due to nuclear power danger, the production of the nuclear power plants started to decrease in the 1980s, and it is now about 5% of global energy consumption. -nuclear power plants used to generate electricity for factories and homes -Renewable resources, such as wind and solar power, are beginning to supply energy to both Industries and homes, but they too represent only 5% of global energy output

Describe the ways that human activity has caused environmental degradation over the 20th and 21st centuries.

-deforestation -the loss of Earth's trees as a result of cutting down trees so the land could be used for agriculture -desertification -the removal of the natural vegetation cover through expansion and intensive use of agricultural lands in arid and semi-arid lands -a decline in air quality as a result of increased pollutants in the air -increased consumption of the world's supply of fresh water

development of renewable energy sources -effects of environmental changes

-due to unsustainable demands for energy through fossil fuels(coal, oil, petroleum, and natural gas), companies and nations began to invest in renewable energy (energy derived from resources that are continuously replenished, such as wind solar, tidal, and geothermal power) -renewable energy provides 7% of the world's energy needs -a study predicted that in 2050, half the world's electricity will come from wind power and solar power

changes in the atmosphere -effects of environmental changes

-factories, automobiles, airplanes, and many other products and processes of industrialization have emitted huge amount of pollutants, including carbon diozide and other green house gases -greenhouse gases= those that build up; in the atmosphere and let the heat of the sun reach Earth but trip it from escaping Earth -Forests are shrinking... that are Earths natural carbon trapping resources

*Anti-Globalization and Social Media*

-globalization activist has used the internet to perpetuate and spread their ideas in nearly every country - in 2009, a thousand rioters clashed with the police in Urumqi, China. The unrest resulted from tensions between members of the hunt ethnicity and members of the Uighur ethnicity, most of whom are Muslim - Chinese authorities blame the riots on the growth of social unrest based on Twitter and Facebook and then both platforms.. the government created a substitute called Weibo -Weibo could stream incoming posts while tracking and blocking sensitive content... in a way, Weibo has become a vehicle of negotiation between the Chinese government and its citizens -In Saudi Arabia, governments allow social media platforms but influence or control their content... for example, Saudi Arabian officials use Twitter and Facebook to harass and intimidate citizens

Increasing environmental awareness

-in 1968, the "Club of Rome" formed in Europe to promote solutions to global challanges facing humanity. It called attention to concerns that resource depletion would limit economic growth. -Green Party= focused on environmental issues in many countries -Green belt movement= protect wilderness areas from urban growth. Planted 51 million trees in Kenya. The trees help to preserve ecosystems and lessen the effects of greenhouse gases. planting trees also created employment and improved soil quality

the role of birth control in creating more opportunities for women in the 20th century

-in the early 1950s, scientist Gregory Pincus developed a birth control pill, a more reliable method than the barrier method then in use -as a result, fertility rates declined -in other words, the average woman began having fewer babies than her mother or grandmother had -Birth control transform sexual practices and played a part in reshaping gender roles

resource depletion -effects of environmental changes

-since the mid-1800s, when petroleum extraction began in earnest and oil pumped energy into the Industrial Revolution, about half of oil in the earth has been used up. with the rapidly growing urban and industrial population, some experts predict the remaining half could be used in the next 30-40 years. -if coal is used to make up for the loss of petroleum, coal reserves could also be depleted in 60 years.

Economic liberation

-the Eastern Bloc nations that had been under Soviet control suddenly could trade freely with capitalist democracies -India and other countries that had been non aligned during the Cold War relaxed restrictions on trade in the 1990s.

*United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)*

-the UN provides food, medicine, and temporary shelter -the UN helped Palestinians who fled the disorder when the UN partitioned Palestine to create the state of Israel in 1948

Paris Agreement (2015)

195 countries agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the rise in Earth's temperature. However, in 2017, Prez. Trump withdrew the USA from the agreement.


A contagious viral disease originating in the Congo. It is transmitted by blood and body fluids. It causes bleeding, organ failure, and usually resulting in death. in 2014, a massive outbreak in West Africa caused fear around the world. however, a coordinated, intensive public health effort contained and then ended the outbreak. The WHO took a leading role in this public health response, issuing emergency warnings and implementing a "road map" for handling the outbreaks


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV damages your immune system. The virus is contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids, usually through unprotected sex, blood transfusions, or sharing intravenous needles. the disease, in its early days was associated with homosexual men and drug addicts. Therefore, it was difficult to fund research for it. Antiretroviral drugs were developed. It stopped HIV from weakening the immune system, and allowing a patient to live with the virus for many years. But the drugs were very expensive, so access to treatment was difficult, particularly for patients in poor countries. Brazil made the drugs free for anyone who needed it. Brazil's program had actually saved the government $$ by lowering the # of hospitalizations, medical leaves, and early retirements. after 2000, the WHO, the US gov., and private groups, increased funding for AIDA prevention and treatment, but the disease remains a serious problem.

Climate Activism

Greta Thunberg-raged in a speech at a UN climate conference in 2018. Thunberg eventually led a global climate strike with more than 1.6 million participants in more than 125 countries. Extinction Rebellion= a climate activist group formed in 2018. engaged in civil disobedience. In London, they blocked a main bridge and key intersection for more than a week, chaining themselves to the headquarters of big companies. altough 100 people got arrested, they succeeded in having Members of Parliament call a citizen's assembly to discuss ideas for addressing the climate emergency.


Honduras in Central america, the second largest exporter of textiles in the americas, It saw to upgrade its manufacturing using principles of sustainability (recycling) and fair labor practices

consumer culture

one in which people tended to focus more on what they bought and owned than on were they lived, what they did for a living, or what they believed

Anthropocene ...

reflects the idea that humans are the strongest influence on Earth's climate and environment (for better and for worse). -scientists wanted to change the name of the time period we live in because humans now affect almost the entire planet.

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