What Are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World questions

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Who discovered the Temple of Artemis?

John Turtle Wood

Who was one of the most important goddesses to the Ephesians?


Where is the Parthenon?

Athens, Greece

Who was the warrior goddess?


Who built the pyramids?


What is the most famous monument in the world?

Great Pyramid at Giza

What was the third famous landmark in Babylon?

Hanging Gardens

Who was the goddess of love, beauty, music, laughter and fun?


Who was god of the sky?


What is present day Babylon?


Who was the wife of Osiris and goddess of healing, motherhood, and protection of children?


What happened to the temple?

purposely set on fire

Where were the stones for the pyramids from?


What is ebony?

rare, tropical wood

How do we know about ancient times?

records and items in tombs

Where was the money stored?

room called the treasury

What was a pharaoh?


Why were the Olympic Games forbidden after 392 A.D.?

seen as pagan

What finally destroyed the mausoleum?

series of earthquakes

What is a capstone?

small pyramid at the point where the triangular sides meet

What is a sarcophagus?

stone coffin

What were amazons?

super strong race of women

How many chambers were inside?


What is a pyramid?

three dimensional object with triangular sides meeting in a point

What did Thomas, Earl of Elgin, do from 1801-1812?

took sculpture from Parthenon without permission

What did several writers of ancient times do?

travel and see the world's most famous landmarks

What was significant about the 1986 Olympic Games?

watch on television

What was this temple a symbol of?

wealth and power

Why was the temple built on marshy ground?

withstand earthquakes

What does Khnum-khufu mean?

"Khnum protects me"

What does bas-relief mean?

"Low raised work"

How long did it take to build the Temple of Artemis?

120 years

How long did the mausoleum stand?

1700 years

When was the British Museum founded?


When was the Temple of Artemis discovered?


When was the monument completed?


How many men worked on building the pyramids?


When were the pyramids built?

2550 to 2530 B.C.

How long did the pyramids take to build?

30 years

How long has this tallest human made structure in the world been around?

3880 years

When was the temple destroyed for good?

401 A.D.

What did the summer Olympics start in Greece?

776 B.C.

How much water is needed daily for the Hanging Gardens?

8,200 gallons

Who was the 16th President of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln

Who conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.?

Alexander the Great

Who was the god of the dead, teams, and embalming?


Who built this famous landmark in Babylon?

King Nebuchadnezzar II

Who was Zeus?

King of the Greek gods

What was built to honor this president?

Lincoln Memorial

What was the Babylonian chief god?


What was at the very top of the statue of Mausoleum and Halicaranassus?

Mausolus and Artemisia in a chariot pulled by four horses

Who was the Greek goddess of victory?


Where is this monument located?

Northern Egypt

What were the main twelve gods and goddesses called?


Who was the ruler of the underworld and judge of the dead?


Who was the sculptor of Zeus?


What was discovered in the 1950's?

Phidias's drink cup

Who was the sun god?


Who was the God of darkness, destruction and chaos?

Set, or Seth

What were seven of the most unusual and impressive sights in the 7th century?

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Who was the god of strength, medicine and power?


What colossal statue came from limestone?

The Great Sphinx

Who was the Temple's engineer and sculptor?


Who was the God of science, logic, intelligence, knowledge, writing and reason?


What is a mausoleum?

above ground building houses stately tomb

When did construction on the Temple of Artemis begin?

around 550 B.C.

What did King Croesus admire about the Greeks?

art and architecture

What was the temple at Ephesus?

banking center of the city

When did Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, professional archaeologist, fully excavate the Great Pyramids?

between 1880 and 1882

What was discovered during one excavation of the Temple of Artemis?

carved column drum

What were quadriga?

chariot pulled by four horses

Why did he build this landmark?

cheer up his wife, Queen Amytis

What is mortar?


What were their tools made from?

copper and bronze

What was done to the Great Pyramids once it was completed?

covered with white limestone which would have shone brightly

What is the problem with ivory?

cracks easily

What happened to the Zeus statue in 170 B.C.?

damaged by earthquake

What does excavate mean?

dig out a hole

What was the Temple of Artemis made from?

expensive marble (1st Greek temple)

What was King Croesus known for?

fabulous wealth

Who is the Parthenon dedicated to?

goddess, Athena

What did the statue of Zeus at Olympus hold in his right hand?

gold and ivory figure of Nike goddess of victory

What were the hardest stones in Khufu's time?


What is a shrine?

holy place marked by a building

What is the greatest mystery about the Hanging Gardens?

how they are watered

Why is nothing inside the pyramid today?

likely robbers from ancient times looted and stole

What was Khufu believed to be?

link between them and the gods

Why were the twelve gods and goddesses given this name?

lived on Mt. Olympus

What happened to the bodies?

made into a mummy

What was the smaller flat-topped tomb built for Egyptian nobles?


What are the Hanging Gardens?

most mysterious of all Seven Wonders

What were Centaurs?

mythical creatures; half horse and half man

What did the Egyptians believe about the afterlife?

need same things as enjoyed in the world

What does pagan mean?


What is possible about the Hanging Gardens?

not existed at all

What is a facade?

outer surface

What are the pyramids made of?

over two million blocks of limestone and granite

How did the Ephesians pay to rebuild the temple?

own jewelry

Who was the Great Pyramid for?

pharaoh Khufu

What was the purpose of this colossal statue for?

protect the tomb from evil

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