what are the two types of roots

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what is a fibrous root

is where the roots spread everywhere like a tree

what is transpiration

loss of water vapor from the stomata

2 ways a monocot is different from a dicot

monocots have parallel veins monocots have three of less leaves

how can you tell the difference between a female cone and a male

the female is bigger and the male is smaller

what is the name of a plant that grows tall and has vascular tissues

vascular plant

what comes out of the stomata

water vapor and oxygen

what is a tap root

a tap root is the type of root that just goes straight down like a carrot

why do pollinated flowers at night have a strong scent

because bees cant see so it tells them where there are located

why do trees die when you cut right through it

because your cutting through there phloem and there xylem which give them everything they need to live

plants use ...... ......., ........., and .......... to make ........... and ...........

carbon dioxide, oxygen, light (sunlight) to make oxygen and sugar

what pigment in plants which captures sunlight is


what is the young plant that grows within the seed


what is a vascular plant with no seeds and how does it reproduce

fern and they reproduce by there spores

what does phototropism mean

growth of organisms in response to the light so they grow towards the light

nonflowering seed producing plants are called flowering seed producing plants are called which one produces a furit

gymnosperms angiosperm angiosperm

what type of stem is soft, thin, and flexible

herbaceous stem

what is the word for a small plant that has no vascular tissues

non- vascular plant

the movement of water and other minerals from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesses concentration is calles


where does fertilization take place


what tissue carries the food and which one carries the water and minerals

phloem xylem

example of a gymnosperm

pine tree

transfer of pollen grains to a stigma is called


seeds and platns at night burn sugar, producing CO2 is called


what do most plants use to reproduce


what are the two types of fruits

taproots and fibrous root

what type of root is a carrot


why do pollinators visit flowers

there in search for nectar

how is the phloem and xylem different in the woody stem

there is more xylem because the trees need a lot of water to service and the phloem is inside an fro herbaceous the phloem and xylem are in bundles

what are two characteristics that non-vascular plants share

they grow in moist areas; small; no roots

if plants don't have male and female parts then how do they reproduce

they have there roots so when you cut down the tree the roots will just grow a new one

plants loose water vapor through this process called


what are vascular tissues

tube like cells that move from plant to plant

where are the stomata located

under the leaf

which stem is rigid and made of bark and wood

woody stem

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