What is communication?

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What is the purpose of mass communication?

-mass media, to get message to millions of people

What are the 7 different contexts/ aspects of comm?

1. Interpersonal 2. interpersonal 3. intergroup/ intercultural 4. small group 5.organizational 6. Public 7. Mass

What's a transaction in comm?

An exchange that's interdependent and irreversible- meaning you can't hav an interaction without another person's influence, also what you say you can't take back

What can these channels be disrupted by?

Channels can be disrupted by noise EX: Radio static or somebody being really loud or psychological noise- attitude/ bias

What quality does comm have?

Comm has transactional qualities

What kind of process is comm?

Comm is a systematic and cognitive process that consists of encoding and decoding messages being transmitted

What's decoding?

Decoding is interpreting a message

What's encoding?

Encoding is putting together a message EX: How to confront someone

Public communication: Forms of it

FTF but with a distance EX: This distance can be a physical distance or a coffee table.

How do we receive feedback and responses?

Feedback and responses are mediated thru what's called a channel

What is interpersonal/ intercultural comm?

Interpersonal and intercultural comm is communication between members of different groups and cultures.

What is interpersonal comm?

Interpersonal comm is comm with another person. This is also known as dyad

What is intrapersonal comm?

Intrapersonal (within yourself) so this is comm within ourselves

Interpersonal comm: Forms of it

It can be FTF/ online

What are some characteristics of organizational communication?

It contains either formal or informal networks, rules, norms EX: UCSB attire= chill

What does interpersonal and intercultural comm examine?

It examines the interaction and identify influenced by group membership

How is calling people sources and receivers a bit of a misnomer?

It's a misnomer because it's like saying that you can only send one message at at time, when intact this doesn't really happen. We can send AND receive messages at the same time.

What's mass communication?

Mass communication are messages disseminated on large scale

What is organizational comm?

Organizational comm is communication among a organization duh!! or between different organizations.

How does communication in organizations differ from communication in small groups?

Organizations communicate formally

How is public communication different from the other forms of communication mentioned before?

Public communication is relatively one way

In comm with feedback follows a...


What's the difference between a small group and an organization?

Small group comm is different from an organization because orgs have goals. Also, organizations tend to have larger scales of formal communication.

What is small group comm?

Small groups interactions tend to be 3 or less people

So if small groups don't have goals like organizations, what is the purpose of them?

Small groups pursue a common goal- not so much a formal goal but one that is social or some task. And they all act as a group

Communication involves people. But what are those people who communicate between each other called?

These people are called sources and receivers.

What are comm contexts?

They're major areas of study in the comm field

What's a channel?

Various modes o comm.

Why are symbols so important in msgs?

We NEEEEED symbols to exchange msgs, we can't exchange meanings without msgs. They're also important because we hope that the meanings we share with our receiver is SHARED.

What's the downside of mass comm?

You get less immediate feedback of how people are responding

What is public communication?

communication to one or a few invidiuals to a whole audience

Mass communication: topics studied

effect of tv on behavior/ attitudes, role of media in society

Intrapersonal: topics studied

forming impressions, making attractions

Topics studied: Small group

group decision making such as juries, work teams, group cohesiveness, peer pressure

interpersonal/ intercultural: topics studied

ingroup/outgroup comm, language, ethnicity, gender, age group comm

In various contexts, comm can be observed in...

interpersonal dyads, groups, media, etc

Interpersonal comm: examples

involves self disclosure, relational development/ intimacy. Usually self disclosure is what allows relational development/ intimacy

Organizational comm: topics studied

leadership, org culture, convo network, collaboration

Interpersonal comm: topics studied

making friends- becoming close and falling spar, conflict- nonverbal messages

Communication is also exchanging...

meaningful symbols. These could be words, facial expressions or anything used to exchange a message

Mass communication: Example

mediated ( print or electronic)

Intrapersonal: examples

planning out what your gonna say, talking to yourself, giving yourself a prep talk, notes to self, thinking about others, processing info

Public communication: Topics studied

rhetorical strategies used in speeches, imagery in pop culture

Who uses mass communication?

traditionally professional communicators

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