What is Money?
Anything used as money should be:
Durable Portable Divisible Scarce Accepted Stable in Value
Why is money valuable?
Money is only valuable because we know others will accept it as payment
Representative Money
backed by or exchangeable for gold or silver
Store of value
can store purchasing power for later use
coins and paper money
Measure of value
compare the value of goods and services
Commodity Money
has value as a good aside from its value as money (gems, cattle, etc)
Fiat Money
has value only because a government order has established it as acceptable for payment of debts (legal tender)
Medium of exchange
traded for goods and services
What is money?
Money is anything that can be used as a medium of exchange, as a measure of value or as a store of value
exchanging goods/services for other goods/services; used before money was developed