What is Plagiarism? Barron
A law protecting other peoples work so nobody can steal it from them unless authorization.
A restatement of a text or passage in other words.
Intellectual Property
An expressed idea or concept that has commercial value.
Coping your old work and reusing it and saying it is your new work.
Fair Use
Guidelines on whether you can use a source or not.
Common Knowledge
Information that you already know so you don't have to search it.
What is bibliography?
It is a list of sources used in preparing a work.
What does blacklisting mean?
It is after somebody has plagiarized then they are trying to find work and they can't because of it.
What is a citation?
It is information in a quoted text.
What is plagiarism?
It is when somebody steals somebodies work and clams it as their own.
What does cite mean?
It means to indicate a source of information.
Knowledge that is real and everybody can observe it.
Why do you need to site your sources?
So that the readers know where you got your information and if they want to research more about it they can.
What are some consequences?
Termination, blacklisting, expulsion, and legal action.
What does attribution mean?
The acknowledgment that something came from another source.
The first, new and unique, the source from which copies are made.
What makes up a citation?
The title, the name and place of the publisher, the date it was published, the page numbers, and information about the author.
Using words from another source.
When do you need to cite your source?
When you borrow words or ideas for somebody usually if their are quotes, paraphrases.
If you don't know whether to cite a source or not what should you do?
You should look in a hand book, ask a teacher, and if you still are unsure then cite it anyways.