White collar Crime

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The National Criminal Intelligence Service (2005) describes organized crime as having four salient attributes, which include all of the following except:

B. The group, or at least one member, commits murder or aggravated assault.

The public does not regard white-collar crime as a server problem. Reasons for this include all of the following except:

B. The low cost of white-collar crime

In 1920 Lucky Luciano was known as the largest operator of prostitution in Chicago


T/F: According to Cresssey, the primary unit of La Costa Nostra is the family, which embodies mostly female members of Mexican ancestry.


T/F: Al Capone went to prison for extortion and murder.


T/F: Because drugs such as heroin and cocaine are not habit-forming fewer of these drug users commit crimes to support their drug addiction


T/F: Children are not a concern for those who work in the area of consumer safety.


T/F: Corruption is a plus, but not integral to organized crime.


T/F: Crack dealers are the largest visible target of law enforcement agencies in the largest U.S. cities.


T/F: Cultural conflict theory is essentially a clash between the social mores of the middle class and the conduct norms of other groups.


T/F: Law enforcement priorities shifted in 2001 with the 9/11 bombings, which also resulted in an end to transnational organized crime.


T/F: Membership is not a characteristic of the criminal group.


T/F: Organized crime gangs are never entangled with legitimate business


T/F: Organized crime has never provided lucrative services to businesspeople in any community.


T/F: Organized crime is more likely to be involved in prostitution at its lower levels


T/F: Organized crime's involvement in gambling is not very well documented


T/F: Sociopaths rarely appear to have a pleasant personality and usually have a below-average level of intelligence


T/F: Tammany Hall was incorporated as a fraternal society in 1805 and was aligned closely with the newly emerging independent party.


T/F: The Golden pinnacle is one of Asia's two primary opium-producing areas


T/F: The businesses in which organized crime is involved is not varied. they engage in just two or three areas of crime


T/F: The impacts of globalization is the same everywhere.


T/F: The massive Irish immigration was blamed on the overwhelming cotton crop in Ireland during the 1840's, the widespread famine that followed, and British colonial oppression of Irish citizens.


T/F: The only ethnic groups that have had organized crime families are the Irish Italian.


T/F: The problem with organized crime groups is they rarely seek profitable and safe investments.


T/F: There is really no difference between a sociopath and a psychopath.


Al Capone caused Chicago to be epitomized as one of the most ruthless and crime-ridden towns in the nation.


T/F: A big downfall to the Mafia was the violation of Omertà.


T/F: According to Sutherland (1973), criminal behavior is learned as a result of association with others.


T/F: Al Capone was also known as "scarface"


T/F: Americans tend to view white-collar crime as a problem, but not a particularly severe one.


T/F: Another term for the Mafia is "La Cosa Nostra".


T/F: California is a primary U.S. port of entry for Golden Triangle heroin


T/F: Cocaine consumption in the United States, formally the world's largest market, has declined considerably since its peak in the late 1980's


T/F: Cultural transmission suggests that patterns of criminal apprenticeship relative to Chicago youth gangs occurred in the community.


T/F: Edwin Sutherland coined the term "white collar crime."


T/F: Embezzlement occurs when someone is entrusted with money or goods.


T/F: Frankie Yale =, a flamboyant and vicious mob boss, was Al Capone's mentor when Al was young.


T/F: Heroin abuse in the United States increased significantly in the early to mid- 1990's and has continued to spread to real American communities in 2013


T/F: Impulsivity is not one of the personality traits most likely to be possessed by an individual with sociopathic personality disorder.


T/F: In 1914 the U.S. Congress enacted the Harrison Narcotic Act, which essentially required strict accounting firm opium and coca and their derivatives from their entry into the United States through to their dispersal to a patient


T/F: In some cases, street dealers have actually been put on salaries or commissions of 10 percent to 20 percent and have earned up to $1,500 during an 8-hour shift


T/F: Insider traders are stockholders, directors, officers or any recipients of information not publicly available who take advantage of such limited disclosure for their own benefit.


T/F: Many industries have knowingly dumped carcinogens into public waterways and aquifers.


T/F: Money for not making an arrest could be part of a shakedown.


T/F: Numerous jobs are associated with illegitimate sides of the production and distribution of pornography, but there are still no legitimate jobs


T/F: One view of the Mafia states that violent crime, organized crime and ruthless, was transplanted to the United States from Sicily.


T/F: Organized crime has never provided employment in legitimate business settings.


T/F: Proponents of drug legalization refer to the enterprise theory by arguing that legalized drugs would put those who sell them out of business and thus would significantly reduce the ranks of organized crime.


T/F: Prostitution operates in virtually every city in the United States


T/F: Religion is one of the most fundamental cultural institutions.


T/F: Special deterrence theory holds that penalties for criminal acts should be sufficiently severe that convicted criminals will never repeat their acts.


T/F: Taking money from arranging contract with the city would be an example of a kickback.


T/F: The most prevalent organized crime syndicates in the United States today is the Russian mob.


T/F: The tobacco industry symbolizes the "postponed violence" of white-collar crime.


T/F: The traditional crime of embezzlement by lower-level employees has become overshadowed by concerns with upper-level management mismanaging and looting their own companies.


T/F: property crimes such as burglary, larceny, arson, motor vehicle theft, and embezzlement are among the most common crimes committed by drug users


T/F: today crack houses are still a problem, and in many of them prostitution flourishes in the common sex-for-drugs transaction


T/F:Auto repairs make up the largest category of complaints received by congressional panels.


T/F:Six families are said to dominate Salt Lake City: the Colombo, Lucchese, Bonamno, Genovese and Gambino families, each named after its founder.


Chicago is thought of as having a predominately _______ mob structure

A. Italian

A corrupt public official is a "________"

A. Protector

How was Dion O'Bannon, an ex-partner of Capone, killed November 2, 1924?

A. Shot to death in his flower shop

The term "insider trading" involves insiders:

A. Using non-public information to buy or sell stocks

A good example of the enterprise theory at work occurred during Prohibition when the passage of the _______ restricted manufacturing and distribution of alcoholic beverages, but demand for the product remains virtually unchanged

A. Volstead Act in 1920

One of the most widely held theories of organized crime today is known as the _______

A. Alien conspiracy theory

Empiricl evidence strongly suggests that the pattern of ______ in organized crime resembles what has variously been called a network, a partnership or a patron-client relationship

A. Association

Some researchers link _________ to social conditions prevalent in neighborhoods

A. Criminality

__________ posits that many lower-class male adolescents experience a sense of desperation surrounding the belief that their position in the economic structure is relatively fixed and immutable

A. Cultural deprivation

Sutherland viewed __________ as a product of socialization in which criminals are guided by many of the same principles that guide law-abiding people

A. Differential association

The _________ was passed in January 1919, followed 9 months later by the passage of the Volstead Act, which provided an enforcement mechanism to the prohibition of alcohol

A. Eighteenth Amendment

According to the enterprise model, criminal _______ comes into existence and are profitable because of strong public demand for their goods and services

A. Enterprises

By most accounts the _______ were the first major immigrant group to enter the United Staes, and arrived in large numbers between 1820 a d 1850

A. Irish

Since the early days in history of the United States, the name ____ has become synonymous with political corruption in New York

B. Tammany Hall

In the Tuskegee study, what population was used in the study?

B. African Americans

Capone developed a reputation as a benevolent crime king by providing the people of Chicago what they wanted most:

B. Beer and liquor

The term "white-collar crime" is based on:

B. Occupations of the perpetrator

When larger numbers of Irish becoming involved in politics and government, crime rates dropped dramatically in may Irish neighborhoods, at least until the ______ began in 1920.

B. Prohibition era

Some theorists believe that regardless of the reason for committing crime, the decision to do so is a ______ made after weighing the benefits and consequences of the action

B. Rational choice

_________ suggests that the inequality between communities where the pair and the rich live in proximity to one another creates a general feeling of anger, hostility and social injustice on the part of inner-city inhabitants

B. Relative deprivation

Organized crime exists for one primary purpose:_________

B. to make a profit

Which is an especially alarming characteristic of white-collar crime that, ironically is also an explanation of low public interest in white-collar crime?

C. Delay in harm

According to Merton's ___________ theory, aberrant behavior can be viewed asa symptom of the dissociation between culturally defined aspirations and socially structured means

C. Differential opportunity

At the heart of enterprise theory (Smith, 1980) is the hallmark of _________ the law of supply and demand, which the illicit drug trade can illustrate

C. Economics

According to the Alien Conspiracy Theory, U.S. organized crime made up of 25 or so Italian-dominated crime _______, also known as La Cosa Nostra

C. Families

_________ holds that crime can be thwarted by the threat of punishment

C. General deterrence theory

Chicago's Charles "Bugs" Moran's headquarters were located in a Clark street Garage which was the site of the ___________

C. St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Unlike street criminals or even professional criminals, organized criminals work together on a_________ basis in illegal enterprise.

C. continuous

Starting in the early 1800's Irish-American street gangs such as the Dead Rabbits and Whyos controlled New York's underworld for well over a century before they were faced with competition from newly arriving _______

D. Italian and Jewish gangs

What two types of fraud did individuals identify as most prevalent in victimization surveys?

D. Mechanics and auto repairs

The Italian Mafia grew and developed during the reign of fascist dictator Benito_______

D. Mussolini

What movement was also called the Noble Experiment?

D. Prohibition

__________ first emerged in the mid-eighteenth century and was originally referred to as classical choice theory

D. Rational choice theory

In the Tuskegee Study, study subjects failed to receive treatment for:

D. Syphilis

Ford decided that repairs would not be cost effective, based on a comparison of total repair costs for all Pintos and:

D. Total average lawsuit settlements for serious injuries and burn deaths.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the criminal group?

D. Transparency

________________ became the route for Irish immigrants to follow to attain local power and upward mobility

D. Urban politics

_______ are composed of persons who purchase organized crime's illegal goods and services, such as drug users, patrons of bookmakers and prostitution rings, and people who make knowingly purchased stolen goods

D. User supporters

Miller (1958) argues that participation in ______ often provides a training ground for future crime participants

D. Youth gangs

The American Temperance Society, founded in 1826 began gathering pledges of abstinence making the beginning of the _________

Temperance movement

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