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A hospital conducted a survey of its nurses to examine the relationship between turnover among the nursing staff and the benefits offered. The nurses reported that the reason they were most likely to leave their jobs was the lack of an adequate retirement plan. What is the most reasonable conclusion you can make from these data? 1. If the hospital offered a better retirement plane, turnover among nurses would decrease. 2. Further research is needed to determine the cause of turnover among nurses. 3. a poor retirement plan is the primary cause of turnover among nurses 4. The nurses are not being truthful, and the retirement plan is unrelated to turnover among nurses

Further research is needed to determine the cause of turnover among nurses.

In the article you read about goal-setting in teams, which of the following characteristics of goals was manipulated as an independent variable, along with whether the teams involved were self-managed and whether there was extensive "information elaboration" within the teams? 1. Goal relevance to organizational objectives 2. Goal difficulty 3. Goal Timeliness 4. Goal clarity

Goal clarity

Which of the following performance appraisal methods would be relatively inexpensive to develop AND would yield quantitative data that could be used to make comparisons across employees? Weighted checklist Essay method Critical incidents Graphic rating scale

Graphic rating scale

The following statement is a part of which advantage of action research? Action research facilitates the implementation of successful change programs on a short-term as well as long-term basis. 1. Key involvement of senior leaders and various stakeholders 2. facilitates a learning culture 3. Systematic approach to a problem resolution and dealing with the challenges of business Helps in analysis of issues and developing interventions accordingly.

Helps in Analysis of Issues and Developing Interventions Accordingly

SMART Goals Acronym

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

In the study you read that used feedback to improve the closing performance of dishwashers and servers in a restaurant, during which of the following conditions was the percentage of closing tasks completed by the restaurant employees the highest? 1. During task clarification, verbal feedback, and graphic feedback conditions 2. There were no differences in performance across any changes in conditions in the study 3. During task clarification and verbal feedback conditions 4. During baseline conditions

During task clarification, verbal feedback, and graphic feedback conditions

a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. This schedule produces a slow, steady rate of response

Variable- Interval Schedules

Formal positive consequences can include all EXCEPT: 1. packing 2. sacking 3. public recognition 4. promotion


Historical data show that, in almost every instance over the last 10 years, when the daily high temperature in Orlando is high, the number of traffic accidents in the city is low. Which of the following correlation coefficients most accurately describes this relationship? 1. -.85 2. 0.00 3. +.89 4. -.32


According to the course syllabus, what percentage of students' total points earned will be deducted at the end of the course if they have two excused absences.

0 percent

5 concepts of scientifically rigorous studies

1. Clearly defined terminology 2. Quantifiable 3. Highly Controlled Conditions 4. Reproducibility 5. Predictability and testability

Steps of the Scientific Method:

1. Observation 2. Ask a Question 3. Create a testable observation 4. Make a prediction 5. Testing 6. Iteration

In the video you watched about offering praise and positive feedback, all of the following were recommendations made for delivering effective praise EXCEPT: 1. Make the feedback public 2. Acknowledge the momentum and progress 3. Be specific 4. Avoid tacking on a negative

Make the feedback public

All of the following have been suggested as helpful tips for conducting performance reviews EXCEPT: 1. Agree upon specific actions to be taken by each of you 2. Have an agenda for the review interview 3. Discuss ideas for developmental goals and action plans 4. Ensure the recipient of the review agrees with the content and rating

4. Ensure the recipient of the review agrees with the content and rating

According to Aubrey Daniels, at least what ratio of reinforcement instances to punishment instances should be delivered to employees by a supervisor to maximize the performance of the employees? 2:1 1:1 4:1 3:1


Which letter in the SMART initialism is addressed by answering the question, "What resources are available and skills are needed to reach this goal?". m t r a


Which of the following is a type of descriptive research? 1. A case study 2. A correlational study 3. An experiment 4. All of the above

A case study

In the study you read that used feedback to improve the closing performance of dishwashers and servers in a restaurant, all of the following were elements of the independent variable package EXCEPT: 1. Task clarification in the form of a posted checklist 2. Verbal feedback delivered by management 3. Graphic feedback posted in the work area 4. A monetary bonus dependent upon checklist task completion

A monetary bonus dependent upon checklist task completion

According to what you now know about the most effective behavior management techniques, which of the following would be expected to have the most beneficial impact on successful team practices and outcomes? 1. A team outing at a challenging "ropes course" to build trust among team members 2. A recognition and reward system for those teams engaging in best practices and producing good outcomes 3. The assignment of clear team roles to team members during the formation stage of the team 4. The use of the Myers-Briggs personality profile to place employees with similar personalities on the same teams

A recognition and reward system for those teams engaging in best practices and producing good outcomes

Which of the following rewards most clearly is an example of a natural reinforcer as defined in your course preparation materials (if, of course, the behavior it follows increases in strength)? 1. A $20 gift card to target 2. A sales-based commission payment 3. A pat on the back accompanied by a hearty, "Great Job!" 4. A smiley face sticker placed next to the top performer's name on a bulletin board

A sales-based commission payment

Which of the following rewards most clearly is an example of a token reinforcer (if, of course, the behavior it follows increases in strength)? 1. A $20 gift card to target 2. A sales-based commission payment 3. A pat on the back accompanied by a hearty, "Great Job!" 4. A smiley face sticker placed next to the top performer's name on a bulletin board

A smiley face sticker placed next to the top performer's name on a bulletin board

According to the literature review you read, all of the following are common reinforcers used to support the effects of goal-setting on work performance EXCEPT: 1. Access to monetary incentives 2. Access to food or sweet treats 3. Access to performance feedback 4. Access to social reinforcers

Access to food or sweet treats

After being told by her doctor that she needed to lose some weight to avoid becoming diabetic, Florence set a goal of losing 100 pounds in 10 days. This goal satisfies all the SMART criteria EXCEPT: Measurable Achievable Specific Time bound


One of your articles contains an example in which improving customer service is an organizational goal, but the company has a multi-step phone tree through which customers must navigate before getting to talk with a customer service representative. This is most clearly an example of a violation of which characteristic of effective goals? 1. Measurable 2. Achievable 3. Time-bound 4. Specific


In the introduction of the literature review you read regarding building effective teams, all of the following were cited as reasons that typical team-building activities have proven to be ineffective EXCEPT: 1. Activities take place in off-site locations that are too unlike the actual work setting. 2. Activities often rely on the services of an outside consultant who is unfamiliar with the organization and its people. 3. Activities do not include the monitoring and assessing of team-building activities back to the work setting. 4. Activities typically require participants to function independently for the majority of the activity.

Activities typically require participants to function independently for the majority of the activity.

In the article about improving performance in coaching football, all of the following were recommendations for addressing individual behavior issues EXCEPT: 1. Address the individual publicly so that others can also learn from the interaction 2. Ask the individual the question, "is that who you want to be?" 3. Consider removing the individual from the organization if other interventions are unsuccessful 4. Help the individual see his behavior from other peoples perspective

Address the individual publicly so that others can also learn from the interaction.

Jeffrey heard a racist joke that he found funny and repeated it to co-workers during lunch. Some of his co-workers laughed at the joke. As a result of this interaction, Jeffrey's racist joke-telling has increased to an average of one per workday (usually during lunch). Which of the following would be an attempt to use extinction to change Jeffrey's behavior? 1. Each time jeff tells a racist joke, internet access is removed from his computer for the rest of the day. 2. Jeff receives a written reprimand in his personal file each time he tells a racist joke at work and will be fired after the third reprimand 3. All co-workers no longer laugh following a racist joke told by Jeff. 4. All of jeffs co-workers laugh when jeff tells jokes at work that are not racist

All co-workers no longer laugh following a racist joke told by Jeffrey.

In the 7-step process of action research, which of the following steps must be conducted prior to the collection of data? 1. Clarify the theoretical framework of the research project 2. Identify research questions 3. Select a focus of the research project 4. All of the above

All of the above

According to the class preparation material you read regarding ABC analyses, what is the relationship between antecedents and consequences in controlling behavior? 1. Consequences are necessary in causing the behavior to change, but antecedents are not 2. Antecedents are a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to cause behavior to change. 3. Antecedents are necessary in causing behavior to change, but consequences are not. 4. Antecedents and consequences are equally instrumental in causing behavior to change

Antecedents are a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to cause behavior to change.

Which of the following occurs prior to forming a hypothesis in the scientific method? 1. Making a prediction 2. Iteration 3. Asking a question 4. Testing a prediction

Asking a question

With regard to getting paid by your employer, which of the following scenarios most accurately exemplifies a fixed interval schedule of reinforcing some behavior. 1. Sales employees receive their commission-based pay at the end of any day during which they made at least one sale. 2. Project managers' checks are deposited in their bank accounts sometime between 5:00pm on thursday and noon Friday every other week 3. Assemblers must pick up their paychecks at the HR office every other Friday, no earlier than 3:00pm 4. Servers collect tips from customers, usually in cash, immediately upon their customers leaving the restaurant.

Assemblers must pick up their paychecks at the HR office every other Friday, no earlier than 3:00pm

Which of the following most accurately represents an event that fails to pass the "dead person" test (or teddy bear test) of behavior? 1. Tying ones shoes 2. Collaborating with teammates 3. Performing mathematical calculations 4. Avoiding traffic accidents

Avoiding traffic accidents

Which of the following psychologists is most closely associated with popularizing the principles of operant learning? Edward Thorndike Carl Jung B.F. Skinner Sigmund Freud

B. F. Skinner

All of the following are indications that changes in the independent variable (IV) caused observed changes in the dependent variable (DV) in an experiment EXCEPT: No confounding variables can explain the results of the experiment Changes in the IV precedes changes in the DV Both of the variables are strongly correlated The variables change together

Both of the variables are strongly correlated.

Britton received a performance evaluation last week on which his supervisor, Benita, commented that he seemed disengaged lately. This morning, Britton arrived 1/2 hour late for his scheduled work shift. Byron, the vice-president to whom Benita reports, noticed Britton's tardiness and asked Benita what the problem was with this employee of hers. Which of the following responses by Benita most accurately exemplifies a circular explanation of Britton's behavior? 1. Britton arrived late because he is disengaged from his work. 2. Britton arrived late because he has been having health problems 3. Britton arrived late to avoid the mandatory morning meeting 4. Britton arrived late because the harvest moon occurred last night

Britton arrived late because he is disengaged from his work.

A sales manager announces at a sales meeting that all salespeople who sell at least $25,000 worth of appliances during November will earn a $500 bonus at the end of the month. This is an example of what operant learning process? 1. Positive reinforcement 2. Negative reinforcement 3. cant tell from the information provided 4. Negative punishment

Can't tell from the information provided.

As a result of the action research project you read about in the journal article, all of the following were recommendations for improving performance in a catering/hospitality organization EXCEPT: 1. reduce perosnal service 2. Change the menu items that are offered 3. Optimize the routes used by workers 4. Clarify task assignments

Change the menu items that are offered

All of the following are components of an operational definition of behavior EXCEPT: 1. Cognition: What a person is thinking when the behavior occurs 2. Intensity: The amount of physical force with which a behavior occurs 3. Topography: what a behavior looks or sounds like 4. Duration: how long a behavior lasts

Cognition: What a person is thinking when the behavior occurs

Which characteristic of science refers to the willingness of scientists to modify their conclusions as new scientific evidence emerges? 1. Conclusions of science are reliable, though tentative. 2. Science is not democratic 3. Science is non-dogmatic 4. Science cannot make moral decisions

Conclusions of science are reliable, though tentative.

In the article you read about alternatives to standard performance appraisals, whats was the recommended relationship between the reviews of employees' performance and discussions about employees' pay? 1. Conduct frequent reviews. but keep pay decisions separate 2. Conduct frequent reviews and combine them with pay discussions 3. Conduct annual reviews, but keep pay discussions separate 4. Conduct annual reviews, and combine them with pay discussions

Conduct frequent reviews. but keep pay decisions separate

Consequences for which of the following parties would be most motivational with regard to an employee's work performance? 1. Consequences for the employee herself 2. Consequences for the employee's co-workers 3. Consequences for the entire organization 4. Consequences for company shareholders

Consequences for the employee herself

All of the following are characteristics of partial or intermittent reinforcement, as opposed to continuous reinforcement EXCEPT: 1. Results in behavior being more resistant to extinction 2. Creates a stronger association in a subject's mind 3. Most effective with well-established behaviors

Creates a stronger association in a subject's mind

Which of the following methods of performance appraisal would be most affected by the evaluator's written communication ability? 1. Management by objectives 2. Behaviorally-anchored rating scale 3. Critical Incident technique 4. Graphic rating scale

Critical Incident technique

Using your operational definition of behavior, which of the following is the most appropriate example of behavior? Boredom Depression crying anxiety


What is Aubrey Daniels' recommendation for supervisors who need to deliver both praise for doing a good job and criticism for something that could be done better to an employee? 1. Always deliver the praise right after the criticism so the "sting: of the criticism is lessened 2. Make a sanwhich in which the criticism occurs between two instances of praise. 3. Always deliver the praise just before the criticism, so the employee will be in a good mood when the criticism is delivered. 4. Deliver the praise, then let some time pass before noting that the work could be done better in some way.

Deliver the praise, then let some time pass before noting that the work could be done better in some way.

All of the following are potentially plausible (non-circular) explanations for why Demron refused to help a colleague on the job who was working on something not listed on his (Demron's) job description EXCEPT: 1. Demron bday is Oct 19th, which means his astrological sign is libra 2. Demron consumed more than his normal amount of caffeine that morning 3. Demron must have an anti-social personality 4. Demrom doesnt get paid extra for helping his coworkers

Demron must have an anti-social personality

Please refer to the situation in Question 8 to answer this question. If we would like Demron to agree to help his co-workers more often, which of the following could we manipulate as an IV to test whether that behavior increases or not? 1. Demrons personality 2. Demrons astrological sign 3. Demrons compensation system 4. None of the others are correct, none of them can be manipulated as independent variable

Demron's compensation system

Of descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research, which does NOT test hypotheses when being conducted? 1. Descriptive research 2. Correlational research 3. Experimental research 4. all of the other answers are correct

Descriptive research

In the study that first documented the principles of respondent learning, the participants were what organisms? Rats Dogs Cats Humans


Which characteristic of effective feedback is being violated by a supervisor who minimizes the effect of an employee's poor performance on his colleagues so that their feedback discussion isn't so uncomfortable? 1. Effective feedback is timely 2. Effective feedback is candid 3. Effective feedback is specific 4. Effective feedback is meaningful

Effective feedback is candid.

Which of the following characteristics of effective feedback is referring to how feedback can be used to establish a discriminative stimulus prompting desirable performance n the future? 1. Effective feedback can be positive 2. Effective feedback is goal oriented 3. Effective feedback isn't afraid to be negative 4. Effective feedback is about the process, not the person

Effective feedback is goal-oriented.

Which characteristic of effective feedback is being violated by a supervisor who generally praises an employee's good work, but doesn't describe the performance of the employee that supported larger organizational goals? 1. Effective feedback is timely 2. Effective feedback is candid 3. Effective feedback is specific 4. Effective feedback is meaningful

Effective feedback is specific.

All of the following are common antecedents of work-related behaviors in most organizations EXCEPT: 1. Job descriptions 2. Goals 3. Employees' paychecks 4. Training content

Employees' paychecks

In the ABC analysis of key team behaviors presented by the authors of the Swedish emergency department study, which of the following seemed to be the most important consequence in discouraging many of the key team behaviors? 1. Engaging in key team behaviors led to team members having less of an overview of total patient flow in the ED. 2. Engaging in key team behaviors presented the possibility that team members were being watch and potentially judged by other team members. 3. Engaging in key team behaviors led to team members having more information about the results of their work. 4. Engaging in key team behaviors allowed team members to solve problems more quickly.

Engaging in key team behaviors presented the possibility that team members were being watch and potentially judged by other team members.

All of the following are general approaches to team building that you read about this week EXCEPT: 1. Establishing a consensus among team members of their roles and responsibilities 2. Intentionally require teams to engage in and practice team-based problem solving 3. Setting clear, SMART goals for teams 4. Ensure that team members know little about each other so as not to create biases or stereotypes from forming

Ensure that team members know little about each other so as not to create biases or stereotypes from forming

What is the only type of research that yields results that may indicate a causal relationship between two variables? 1. Descriptive research 2. Experimental research 3. Survey research 4. Correlational research

Experimental research

The random selection of subjects in an experiment affects what aspect of the study, primarily? external Validity Internal validity causal relationship correlational relationship

External validity

In the study you read that compared the effects of feedback delivery modalities on the performance of a check entering task, which feedback delivery modality resulted in the highest rates of performance? 1. There were no differences between feedback delivery modalities on task performance 2. Face-to-face feedback 3. Text message delivered feedback 4. Computer-delivered feedback

Face-to-face feedback

The following statement is a part of which advantage of action research? Action research helps in fostering mutual trust and interdependence which are very essential in the pursuit of organizational success. 1. Facilitates Collaboration 2. Results in performance improvement in all areas 3. Key involvement of senior leaders and various stakeholders 4. Facilitates a learning culture

Facilitates Collaboration

All of the following were conclusions reached in the quantitative review of feedback interventions you read EXCEPT: 1. Overall, privacy did not play a role in feedback effectiveness 2. Feedback delivered to the individual, rather than a group, produced the largest effects on performance. 3. More frequent feedback was more effective than less frequent feedback. 4. Feedback delivered mechanically resulted in greater effects on performance than feedback delivered by supervisors, researchers, or the employees themselves.

Feedback delivered mechanically resulted in greater effects on performance than feedback delivered by supervisors, researchers, or the employees themselves.

Which schedule of reinforcement is most likely to produce a high, steady rate of responding with only a brief pause after delivery of the reinforcer? 1. Variable ratio 2. Fixed Interval 3. Fixed ratio 4. Variable interval

Fixed ratio

a response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses; produces a high steady rate of responding with only a brief pause after the delivery of the reinforcer i.e. delivering a food pellet to a rat after it presses the button 5 times

Fixed ratio schedule

the first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed. Causes high amounts of responding near the end of the interval, but slower responding immediately after the delivery of the reinforcer. I.e. enforcing a rat with a lab pellet for the first bar press after a 20 second interval has elapsed.

Fixed-Interval Schedules

In a highly competitive sales job, one method of rewarding top performers is to give the top seller each month a reserved parking space near the office building's front entrance. In her second month on the job, Flo earned that award, but her sales performance has decreased each of the last three months since winning. Which of the following circumstances would most likely explain the failure of this reward system in terms of its EFFECTIVENESS, as defined in your course preparation materials? 1. Flo regularly takes public transportation to and from the office. 2. Sales performance is difficult to measure, so Flo doesn't really know why she won. 3. Only monetary awards are effective in motivating high levels of performance in business. 4. An end of month award is too far delayed after the performance to be effective

Flo regularly takes public transportation to and from the office.

In the article about football coaching that stressed the importance of focusing on behaviors when performance improvements are desired, all of the following points were made to support this position EXCEPT: 1. When you get the behavior right, the outcome will take care of itself. 2. Focusing on behaviors instead of outcomes is much less time-consuming and labor intensive. 3. The primary job of coaches (and, assumedly managers) is to shape behavior 4. focusing on behaviors increases the commitment of the participants.

Focusing on behaviors instead of outcomes is much less time-consuming and labor intensive.

This week, you read about several characteristics of high-performing teams. Which of the following proposed reasons for why teams are effective is an example of an explanatory fiction? 1. High-performing teams are successful because they are given all needed resources by management. 2. High-performing teams are successful because they have a very diverse group of team members. 3. High-performing teams are successful because they trust each other. 4. High-performing teams are successful because they were established in a month that ends in the letter "y".

High-performing teams are successful because they trust each other.

In general, what is the relationship between the amount of positive and negative feedback shared by high-performing teams versus lower-performing teams? 1. Higher performing and lower performing teams share about the same amount of negative feedback. 2. Higher performing teams share much more negative feedback than lower performing teams 3. Higher performing teams share much more positive feedback than lower performing teams 4. Higher and lower performing teams share about the same amount of positive feedback

Higher-performing teams share much more positive feedback than lower-performing teams.

Which threat to the internal validity of single-subject designs would most likely be increased if, during the course of the study, subjects learned that there would be changes in their employment benefits, regardless of their performance during the study? 1. Maturation 2. History 3. Instrumentation 4. Testing


Which of the parameters of goal-setting has received the least amount of attention in the relevant literature on the topic? 1. Easily accomplished versus "challenging" goals 2. Individual versus group goals 3. Goals by themselves versus packaged with other interventions such as feedback 4. Specific versus non-specific goals

Individual versus group goals

Which of the following phrases refers to the confidence with which a researcher can make a causal conclusion between a treatment and a response in an experiment? 1. External Validity 2. Independent Variable 3. Independent Variable 4. INternal Validity

Internal validity

According to the behavior-versus-results matrix, what is the recommended approach with employees who are engaging in appropriate behaviors but not achieving results important to organizational success? 1. Present and enforce a deadline for improving the behavioral component of their performance 2. Show the employee how much she is appreciated 3. Devise a strategy to separate the employee fromt he organization as soon as possible 4. Investigate issues such as job fit or lack of instruction and coaching.

Investigate issues such as job fit or lack of instruction and coaching.

According to Morgan Aue-Vandenberg, behavior has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: 1. It can be observed, described, recorded. 2. It has an impact on the environemnt 3. It is influenced by environmental events 4. It must derive from conscious effort.

It must derive from conscious effort.

Which step in the scientific method most clearly indicates that the method is a cyclical process, not a straight line? 1. Testing 2. Observation 3. Prediction 4. Iteration


All of the following are problems with using labels to describe behavior EXCEPT: 1. Labels do not pass the "teddy bear test". 2. Labels cant be observed 3. Self reports are the only way to measure a label 4. You may place your own bias on a label

Labels do not pass the "teddy bear test".

All of the following are non-scientific methods of reaching conclusions about our world EXCEPT: 1. Reaching a consensus 2. Adhering to authority 3. Making systematic observations 4. Using informal logic

Making systematic observations

Which of the following is a type of performance evaluation system that is predicated upon focusing on the results of behavior rather than the behavior itself? 1. Management by Objectives 2. Behavioral observation scale 3. Behaviorally Anchored rating scale 4. Critical incident method

Management by Objectives

If the goals of your performance appraisal system are to encourage open communication between a supervisor and employees, to get more "buy in" to the appraisal system from the employees, and to use the appraisal for further skill development, which performance appraisal system would be most appropriate? Critical incident technique Management by objectives Behaviorally anchored rating scale Graphic rating scale

Management by objectives

In the video you watched about offering praise and positive feedback, all of the following were cited as reasons that managers often neglect to offer positive feedback and praise to their employees EXCEPT: 1. Managers don't think praise is needed when employees are just doing their jobs. 2. Managers don't receive much praise themselves 3. Managers are poorly trained in how to deliver positive feedback and praise. 4. Managers don't think praise will increase performance if employees are told they're already going an awesome job

Managers are poorly trained in how to deliver positive feedback and praise.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the idea of using "escalating enforcers" (i.e. reinforcers)? 1. Make sure the reinforcer follows the desired behavior in time as closely as possible 2. Provide reinforcers that are larger in magnitude than other supervisors' or your employees will become jealous and behavior will weaken. 3. Provide multiple reinforcers simultaneously to maximize the chance of one of them affecting behavior. 4. Match the magnitude of the reinforcer to the magnitude of the achievement.

Match the magnitude of the reinforcer to the magnitude of the achievement.

Which threat to the internal validity of single-subject designs would most likely be increased if the subjects of the study got better at their jobs over the course of the study just as a result of time spent performing them? 1. Maturation 2. History 3. Instrumentation 4. Testing


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between employers who report that teamwork and collaboration is very important to the success of their organizations and employers who include effective communication in their employee performance evaluations? 1. More than three times more employers report the importance of collaboration than report including effective communication in their evaluations. 2. Nearly all employers report that collaboration is important and also report that they include effecitve communication in their evaluations. 3. About half as many employers report the importance of communication as report including effective communication in their evaluations. 4. About the same number of employers report the importance of collaboration as report including effective communication in their evaluatins.

More than three times more employers report the importance of collaboration than report including effective communication in their evaluations.

Which of the following response-consequence relationships is defined as an increase in the frequency of a behavior as a result of the removal of an event or stimulus following that behavior? 1. Positive reinforcement 2. Negative reinforcement 3. Extinction 4. negative Punishment

Negative reinforcement

According to the course syllabus, which of the following is most true of MAN6245?

No extra credit assignments will be available.

One of the positive effects of team building you read about this week is an increase in team members' morale. What would be the best way to directly measure the effects of improved members' morale on team outcomes? 1. None of the other answers are correct, as morale cannot be directly measured. 2. The responses of team members on a survey asking them questions about their feelings toward their teams. 3. The difference in decision-making speed that occurs in a team prior to and after team-building activities. 4. The difference in decision-making quality that occurs in a team prior to and after team-building activities.

None of the other answers are correct, as morale cannot be directly measured.

Which of the following correlation coefficients between two variables would be the best indicator that changes in one variable cause changes in the other variable? 1. None of the other answers are correct. 2. +.05 3. +.78 4. -.85

None of the other answers are correct.

Studying for college exams is typically reinforced on a fixed interval schedule in that studying isn't reinforced until after the next scheduled exam has occurred. What is the most likely pattern of studying behavior produced by this reinforcement schedule? 1. Not much studying after an exam with increasing studying as the next exam nears 2. A low, steady rate of studying throughout an academic term 3. Lots of studying immediately after an exam that decreases as the next exam nears 4. A high, steady rate of studying throughout an academic term

Not much studying after an exam with increasing studying as the next exam nears

Which of the following was a measure of performance in the research action project you read about in the journal article? Type of event worker task assignments number of employees steps all of the answers are correct

Number of employees' steps

According to the goal-setting literature review you read, what is an effective strategy for helping especially difficult goals become achievable? 1. Using unconditioned reinforcers to reward goal achievement. 2. restricting access to performance feedback until the goal is achieved 3. Setting sub-goals 4. All of the other answers is correct

Setting sub-goals

Which type of goals focuses on giving back to the community, through philanthropy or volunteerism, for example? Social Profit Service Growth


Studies have shown that consequences have about four times the "power" of antecedents in controlling behavior. What is the amount of time typically spent in organizations in engineering antecedents of employee performance in relation to that spent on consequences? 1. Organizations place about four times more emphasis on antecedents than consequences. 2. Organizations place about the same amount of emphasis on antecedents and consequence 3. Organizations place about four times more emphasis on consequences than on antecedents 4. Organizations place about twice the emphasis on antecedents than consequences

Organizations place about four times more emphasis on antecedents than consequences.

According to the video you watched describing action research, which type of action research is characterized by the researcher and the practitioner (organizational employee) working together to plan and implement the research project? 1. collaborative research 2. individual research 3. Participatory research 4. None of these

Participatory research

Which of the following researchers is most famously credited with documenting the principles of respondent learning? Thorndike pavlov Freud Skinner


In a 360-degree performance appraisal system, information about an employee's performance is collected from a variety of persons who have contact with the employee. Which source of information would most likely suffer from the disadvantage of biased ratings due to a personal relationship with the employee? 1. Customers/clients 2. Peers 3. Subordinates 4. Supervisors


In a single-subject reversal design, which pattern of results during the reversal phase of the study would most likely indicate a causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables? 1. Performance returns to baseline levels 2. Performance continues to improve 3. Performance falls well below baseline levels 4. Performance remains constant

Performance returns to baseline levels

Which of the following operant response-consequence relationships is defined as a decrease in the frequency of a behavior as a result of the presentation of an event or stimulus follow 1. Negative punishment 2. Negative reinforcement 3. Extinction 4. Positive Punishment

Positive punishment

Which two operant learning processes are involved in operant shaping? 1. Negative and Positive Punishment 2. Positive reinforcement and extinction 3. Positive punishment and extinction 4. Negative and positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement and extinction

In the quantitative literature review of feedback interventions you read, which combination of feedback characteristics produced the largest effects on performance? 1. Negative, delayed, self-generated 2. Positive, delayed, supervisor-delivered 3. Negative, immediate, supervisor-delivered 4. Positive, immediate, self-generated

Positive, immediate, self-generated

According to the behavior-versus-results matrix, what is the recommended approach with employees who are achieving results but displaying behaviors that are not consistent with the organization's culture? 1. Investigate issues such as job fit or lack of instruction and coaching 2. Present and enforce a deadline for improving the behavioral component of their performance. 3. Devise a strategy to separate the employee from the organization as soon as possible 4. Show the employee how much she is appreciated

Present and enforce a deadline for improving the behavioral component of their performance.

Keeping participants "blind" to the purpose of a study is most likely to decrease which threat to the internal validity of a multi-group (between-subject) experiment? 1. Attrition 2. Selection bias 3. regression to the mean 4. Social interaction

Social interaction

In what country does the action research in the journal article you read take place?


Which characteristic of effective goals is most clearly violated by goals such as, "Do your best" and, "Improve your performance"? 1. Achievable 2. Realistic 3. Specific 4. Attainable


A researcher is interested in knowing employees' reasons for having 23% more absences from work on Mondays than on Wednesdays. What type of research is most appropriate for answering this question? 1. Quantitative research 2. Both qualitative and quantitative research would adequately answer this question. 3. Qualitative research 4. Neither

Qualitative research

Which letter in the SMART initialism referring to effective goals is defined as setting goals that support other strategic organizational objectives? s m a r


Which of the following is suggested by one expert on business goals as a way of effectively distinguishing between long-term and short-term goals? 1. Allow front line employees to participate in setting short term but no long term goals. 2. Leave long term goals without a deadline, but make sure short term goals are time bound 3. Refer to long-term goals by another name, such as "initiatives". 4. Make sure that long term goals, but not short-term goals, reflect important organization objectives.

Refer to long-term goals by another name, such as "initiatives".

Which of the following is defined as an event that follows a behavior and results in an increase in the future frequency of that behavior? Conditional stimulus Punisher Reinforcer Unconditional Stimulus


All of the following were proposed as reasons to focus on the results of behavior (also called "objectives") when managing performance EXCEPT: 1. Results add flexibility to a system because they are phrased less specifically than behaviors. 2. Results can be more easily monitored than behavior 3. Results are viewed by employees as less subjective than behaviors 4. Results can more closesly align with organizational goals than behaviors

Results add flexibility to a system because they are phrased less specifically than behaviors.

In the study that first documented the principles of respondent learning, the behavior of interest was what? Flinching Salivation Crying Heart rate


Which characteristic of science means that scientific conclusions do not require one to accept something as a matter of faith? 1. Science is non-dogmatic 2. Conclusions of science are reliable, though tentative. 3. Science is not democratic 4. Science cannot make moral decisions

Science is non-dogmatic.

In a multi-group (between-subject) study designed to compare the effects of different types of goals on performance, all first-shift employees were given easily attainable goals, while all third-shift employees were given very challenging goals. Which threat to the internal validity of this study is most likely to be increased as a result of this design? 1. Attrition 2. Selection bias 3. regression to the mean 4. Social interaction

Selection bias

In Step 5 of the guide to effective team building literature review you read, managers are encouraged to choose team intervention strategies that will correct the most important team deficiencies they have previously identified. According to the behavioral learning principles presented (and, hopefully, learned) in this class, which of the following is likely to be the most effective strategy for positively influencing team behaviors and outcomes? 1. Change the membership of the team 2. Strengthen the behavior/reward links in the performance management system of the team 3. Provide formal training in the team's deficient areas 4. Provide more clear, specific goals for the team

Strengthen the behavior/reward links in the performance management system of the team

According to your course preparation materials, which of the following statements about the roles of team members is most accurate? 1. Successful teams do not have members who fill any specific roles. 2. Successful teams have members who can fill multiple roles as needed. 3. Successful teams have set roles for each member that do not vary. 4. Successful teams always have multiple team members filling any one role.

Successful teams have members who can fill multiple roles as needed.

In the journal article you read that described an action research project concerning performance appraisals used in a construction company, all of the following were found to be problems with the company's appraisal system EXCEPT: 1. No appropriate rewards were provided for employees who received the highest appraisals 2. Supervisors were not adequately trained in the administration of the appraisal system 3. Employees ddi not participate in the development of the performance evaluation tools 4. The details of the appraisal system were not fully explained to the employees

Supervisors were not adequately trained in the administration of the appraisal system

In the study you read that used feedback to improve the closing performance of dishwashers and servers in a restaurant, which of the following was used as an antecedent to prompt completion of closing tasks? 1. A revised work schedule posted in the work area 2. Task clarification in the form of a posted checklist of closing tasks 3. Verbal feedback delivered by the management 4. Graphic feedback posted in the area

Task clarification in the form of a posted checklist of closing tasks

In MAN6245, the majority of points earned in the course will come from the completion of what type of assignments?

Team Projects

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the affect of team-building activities on team performance outcomes. 1. Team building has a positive effect on interpersonal outcomes, but not performance outcomes. 2. Team building has a moderate positive effect across all team outcomes. 3. Team building has a positive effect on performance outcomes, but not interpersonal outcomes. 4. Team building has a non-significant effect on nearly all measures of team outcomes.

Team building has a moderate positive effect across all team outcomes.

Which of the following most accurately reflects one of the major findings of the literature review you read on effective team-building? 1. Team building should be an ongoing internal activity in organizations that is a primary responsibility of managers. 2. All of the other answers are correct. 3. Teams should be allowed to form organically in organizations without prompting, encouragement, or recognition from management. 4. Team building is most effective when it involves the perspective of an outside consultant who is not prejudiced by the internal politics of an organization.

Team building should be an ongoing internal activity in organizations that is a primary responsibility of managers.

According to the article you read about goal-setting in teams, all of the following are characteristics of teams, but not groups, EXCEPT: 1. Teams manage their relationships across organizational boundaries. 2. Teams must consist of no more than 7 members. 3. Teams are observed by others as intact social entities 4. Team members work on interdependent tasks

Teams must consist of no more than 7 members.

What was the primary point made in the Behavioral Minute with Aubrey Daniels that was assigned? 1. That reinforcement should be thought of as a transition in which "if you do this, you will get that" is the main focus 2. That establishing positive relationships with employees would increase the power of reinforcers that were delivered. 3. The four times more positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement should be used to maximize employee productivity 4. That conditional stimuli such as praise should be paired with unconditional stimuli such as the sight of the supervisor to increase work performance

That establishing positive relationships with employees would increase the power of reinforcers that were delivered.

You are driving north on I-4 toward Daytona Beach to attend Biker Week. It's about 1:00 p.m., and you haven't eaten since you had a strawberry Pop-Tart at 7:30 a.m. Your stomach is growling, and you begin scanning road signs. You see a sign for a Burger King, but last time you ate at Burger King, you felt sick afterwards, so you keep driving. When you see a sign for Wendy's, you take the exit, pull into Wendy's, order a Baconator meal, and hastily consume it. Man, that hits the spot! You've always enjoyed that meal. After getting back on the expressway and driving another half hour, your "Low Fuel" warning light comes on. There's an exit just ahead, but there are no gasoline stations advertised on the signs for that exit. However, you're in luck! At the next exit, you see a 60-foot high sign for a Shell station. Once again, you pull off I-4, but this time you fill up the tank at the station before returning to the expressway and your eventual rendevous with all that is leather and un-muffled. With regard to your behavior of pulling into the Shell station, what is functioning as a discriminative stimulus? 1. The allure of Biker Week 2. The low fuel warning light 3. the shell sign 4. Your success in getting gasoline at shell stations in the past

The Shell sign

The remainder of the questions on this quiz refer to the following scenario. You are driving north on I-4 toward Daytona Beach to attend Biker Week. It's about 1:00 p.m., and you haven't eaten since you had a strawberry Pop-Tart at 7:30 a.m. Your stomach is growling, and you begin scanning road signs. You see a sign for a Burger King, but last time you ate at Burger King, you felt sick afterwards, so you keep driving. When you see a sign for Wendy's, you take the exit, pull into Wendy's, order a Baconator meal, and hastily consume it. Man, that hits the spot! You've always enjoyed that meal. After getting back on the expressway and driving another half hour, your "Low Fuel" warning light comes on. There's an exit just ahead, but there are no gasoline stations advertised on the signs for that exit. However, you're in luck! At the next exit, you see a 60-foot high sign for a Shell station. Once again, you pull off I-4, but this time you fill up the tank at the station before returning to the expressway and your eventual rendevous with all that is leather and un-muffled. With regard to your behavior of steering off I-4 and into the Wendy's, what is functioning as a discriminative stimulus? 1. The Wendy's sign 2. Your growling stomach 3. The burger King Sign 4. The time at which you last ate

The Wendy's sign

A bank sytematically varies the interest rates they offer on home mortgage loans and records the number of customers who apply for home loans when each interest rate is in effect. In this study, what is the independent variable? 1. The number of loan applications 2. The interest rates 3. The customers 4. There is no independent variable in this study

The interest rates

You are driving north on I-4 toward Daytona Beach to attend Biker Week. It's about 1:00 p.m., and you haven't eaten since you had a strawberry Pop-Tart at 7:30 a.m. Your stomach is growling, and you begin scanning road signs. You see a sign for a Burger King, but last time you ate at Burger King, you felt sick afterwards, so you keep driving. When you see a sign for Wendy's, you take the exit, pull into Wendy's, order a Baconator meal, and hastily consume it. Man, that hits the spot! You've always enjoyed that meal. After getting back on the expressway and driving another half hour, your "Low Fuel" warning light comes on. There's an exit just ahead, but there are no gasoline stations advertised on the signs for that exit. However, you're in luck! At the next exit, you see a 60-foot high sign for a Shell station. Once again, you pull off I-4, but this time you fill up the tank at the station before returning to the expressway and your eventual rendevous with all that is leather and un-muffled. With regard to your behavior of pulling into the Shell station, what is functioning as an establishing (motivative) operation? 1. The low fuel warning light 2. Your previous success in obtaining gasoline at Shell stations 3. Your growling stomach 4. The presence of a Shell sign

The low fuel warning light

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between internal validity and external validity. 1. The greater amount of internal validity observed, concurrent increases in external validity will also be observed. 2. The more you attempt to establish internal validity by controlling confounding variables, the less you can generalize your findings to other situations. 3. The more you can extend your findings to other situations the better you can predict relationships between variables 4. None of the other answers are correct because internal and external validity are not related

The more you attempt to establish internal validity by controlling confounding variables, the less you can generalize your findings to other situations.

Which of the following statements most accurately represents the level of involvement of the host organization in the process of action research? 1. only in implementation phases of the research 2. The organization is involved in the enitre process of the research design and implementation 3. The org is not involved in the research process at all 4. The org is involved only in the planning stages of the research

The organization is involved in the entire process of the research design and implementation.

In a multiple-baseline experiment conducted with three participants, the effects of a monetary bonus on the performance of those employees was examined. Which of the following pattern of results would most likely indicate that changes in the pay system were responsible for changes in performance? 1. The performance of 2 of the 3 participants immediately improved when the bonus was introduced to one. 2. The performance of each participant immediately improved only when the bonus was introduced for each. 3. The performance of all participants remained consistent, regardless of whether the bonus was in effect or not. 4. The performance of all participants immediately improved when the bonus was introduced to one.

The performance of each participant immediately improved only when the bonus was introduced for each.

All of the following are reasons to conduct descriptive research EXCEPT: 1. The researcher needs to determine what causes something observed. 2. The researcher needs more information about a rare event that is difficult to reproduce in a controlled setting 3. The researcher wants to study a subject in its natural environment, without artificial controls. 4.The researcher does not yet have a research hypothesis, as the topic being studied is relatively new.

The researcher needs to determine what causes something observed.

In the study that first documented the principles of respondent learning, what was the previously neutral stimulus that was repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus? The sound of the bell The soound of someones footsteps The sight of a white truck The buzz of an alarm clock

The sound of a bell

You have noticed that the daisies in your garden bloom with bright white flowers some years and other years have flowers with a more pink hue. Which of the following would be the most valid research hypothesis for this phenomenon (i.e., which is most testable)? 1. Aliens are manipulating the color of the flowers with invisible rays 2. Your subconscious thoughts occuring when you water the flowers is affecting the color 3. Fluctuating moisture levels in the upper atmosphere are affecting the color of the flowers 4. The type of fertilizer you use each fall affects the color of the flowers in the spring.

The type of fertilizer you use each fall affects the color of the flowers in the spring.

According to your course preparation materials, which of the following serves to make a field of study scientifically rigorous? 1. The production of unique results that are difficult to reproduce 2. The use of flexible, ambiguous terminology 3. The use of highly controlled conditions in research 4. The use of advanced statistical analyses

The use of highly controlled conditions in research

By examining work records, a call center supervisor was able to determine that, over the last two years, absenteeism among call center employees was 46% higher on Mondays following a weekend holiday than on Mondays following weekends containing no holiday. In this research scenario, what is the independent variable (IV)? 1. There is no independent variable in this study, as it's not an experiment. 2. The % of employees absent on Mondays 3. Whether there was a holiday the preceding weekend 4. The amount of alcohol consumed by employees the preceding weekend

There is no independent variable in this study, as it's not an experiment.

In a large research study conducted during Spring 2021 by professors and students in the UCF Sociology Department that involved over 650 students representing all undergraduate programs at the university, it was found that students who consumed more alcohol over the preceding weekend tended to score lower on tests and assignments due the following Monday. In this research scenario, what is the independent variable (IV)? 1. There is no independent variable in this study, as its not an experiment 2. The amount of alcohol consumed the preceeding weekend 3. The students scores on the tests and assignments 4. Because this is a correlational study, either the amount of alcohol consumed or the scores can be an independent variable

There is no independent variable in this study, as it's not an experiment.

A research conducts a study showing that, over the last 5 years, new businesses that established their first stores on the corner of an intersection tended to generate an average of 40% more revenue that businesses that established their first stores in the middle of a city block. In this study, what is the independent variable? 1. There is no independent variable in this study. 2. The location of the new business 3. The amount of revenue generated 4. The number of customers

There is no independent variable in this study.

Which of the following is a problem with using "motivated" to describe the performance of a particular employee? 1. This description does not allow for the use of circular reasoning 2. All other answers are correct 3. This description cannot be observed and measured. 4. This description allows for individual biases to affect the definition of behavior.

This description cannot be observed and measured.

You have data showing that, over the last 5 years at the University of Central Florida, the number of ounces of alcohol consumed the night before tests by students has a correlation of -.57 with scores on the tests the next day. Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion you can make based on these data? 1. Those students who consume less alcohol the night before tests tend to do better on the tests than those students who consume more alcohol. 2. Those students who consume more alcohol the night before tests tend to do better on the tests than those students who consume less alcohol. 3. There does not seem to be a relationship between alcohol consumption the night before tests and performance on those tests. 4. A good way to improve performance on tests is to restrict alcohol consumption the night before tests.

Those students who consume less alcohol the night before tests tend to do better on the tests than those students who consume more alcohol.

Which of the following statements correctly identifies the temporal relationship between a behavior and a reinforcer? 1. To be a reinforcer, a stimulus must precede a behavior 2. To be a reinforcer, a stimulus must follow a behavior. 3. Reinforcers and behaviors are not necessarily temporally related 4. To be a reinforcer, a stimulus must occur simultaneously with a behavior

To be a reinforcer, a stimulus must follow a behavior.

Which of the following changes to a single-subject experiment would help minimize all threats to internal validity? 1. Using questionnaires instead of direct observation 2. Increasing the sample size of subjects 3. Use of a control group 4. None of the above

Use of a control group

Many gambling-related behaviors such as pulling a slot machine lever and buying and using scratch-off lotter tickets are very common in our society and are difficult to extinguish due to the reinforcement schedule that maintains these behaviors. What type of reinforcement schedule typically maintains behaviors such as these? 1. Fixed Interval 2. Fixed ratio 3. Variable ration 4. Variable interval

Variable ratio

response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. Creates a highly steady rate of responding. I.e. gambling and lottery games

Variable- Ratio Schedules

Prior to the first day of class, a researcher told an elementary school teacher that some of his students' parents were college graduates, and that the parents of other students had not finished high school. After the first day of class, the teacher rated each student's academic potential. In this research scenario, what is the independent variable (IV)? 1. The students academic potential ratings 2. The educational level of the students parents 3. What the researcher told the teacher about the parents 4. There us no independent variable in this study, as its not an experiment

What the researcher told the teacher about the parents

The article you read about encouraging teamwork in an emergency department (ED) in a Swedish hospital included interventions (IVs) that were decidedly weighted toward the use of antecedents over consequences. In fact, the only consequence mentioned in the intervention was feedback provided by a nurse supervisor on teams' key behaviors. This consequence was then never mentioned again in the study methodology or discussion. That being said, what seemed to be the most influential antecedent in determining whether ED teams engaged in many of the key team behaviors? 1. The gender make-up of a particular ED team 2. Whether the ED team initially took patients' history together 3. The number of patients visiting the ED during a shift 4. The shift during which the ED team worked

Whether the ED team initially took patients' history together

You are driving north on I-4 toward Daytona Beach to attend Biker Week. It's about 1:00 p.m., and you haven't eaten since you had a strawberry Pop-Tart at 7:30 a.m. Your stomach is growling, and you begin scanning road signs. You see a sign for a Burger King, but last time you ate at Burger King, you felt sick afterwards, so you keep driving. When you see a sign for Wendy's, you take the exit, pull into Wendy's, order a Baconator meal, and hastily consume it. Man, that hits the spot! You've always enjoyed that meal. After getting back on the expressway and driving another half hour, your "Low Fuel" warning light comes on. There's an exit just ahead, but there are no gasoline stations advertised on the signs for that exit. However, you're in luck! At the next exit, you see a 60-foot high sign for a Shell station. Once again, you pull off I-4, but this time you fill up the tank at the station before returning to the expressway and your eventual rendevous with all that is leather and un-muffled. Which of the following is the most relevant consequence affecting your behavior of ordering food at a Wendy's? 1. The opportunity to get back on the rod and continue your trip 2. The cessation of your stomach growling 3. Your previous enjoyment of Wendy's food 4. Your previous bad experience after eating at Burger King

Your previous enjoyment of Wendy's food

Stimulus generalization occurs when: 1. a behavior that occurs after one antecedent also occurs after similar antecedents 2. The consequence of the behavior is too similar to the antecedent 3. a behavior diminishes because the antecedent loses effectiveness due to overuse 4. the consequence is too powerful and overrides the antecedents

a behavior that occurs after one antecedent also occurs after similar antecedents

Highly Controlled Conditions

most important characteristic An experiment should be formed with such precision that any other person using identical materials and methods should achieve that exact same result The ability to create highly controlled conditions is simply non existent for man soft sciences Soft sciences rely on observational studies in uncontrolled, chaotic environments

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