Word 1

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22. WD Step 2.3.2: Move, Align, and Resize a Picture


1) Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to include Print Preview and Print. Close any open dialog boxes.

1) Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to include Print Preview and Print. Close any open dialog boxes.

4) Insert a hard return immediately after the exclamation point following the word Creek (at the end of the second body paragraph). Type explore nature and press ENTER [the remaining text will autocomplete].

Click after Creek!. Press ENTER. Type explore nature, and then press ENTER [the remaining text autocompletes

5) Place the insertion point after the period following through eighth graders in the second body paragraph. Press SPACEBAR and then type The series of wildlife camps will begin on June 15. (Type the period ending the sentence.)

Click after the period following through eighth graders in the second body paragraph. Press SPACEBAR. Type The series of wildlife camps will begin on June 15. (include the period).

2) Position the insertion point after the question mark in the sentence ending in finest? (in the first body paragraph). Press ENTER

Click after the question mark in the sentence ending in finest? and press ENTER.

1) Position the insertion point after the word June (and before the following space) on the second line of the second body paragraph. Delete the space following the word June.

Click after the word June (and before the following space) on the second line of the second body paragraph. Press DELETE to delete the space following the word June.

3) Place the insertion point after the word Striker (and before the following space) in the last sentence of the second body paragraph. Insert a Trademark symbol.

Click after the word Striker (and before the following space). On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click Symbol and then click the Trademark symbol.

3) Select the word immersed in the first sentence of the first body paragraph. Click the References tab and choose Smart Lookup to display a definition for the selected word. Close the Smart Lookup pane.

Click and drag to select immersed. Click the References tab. In the Research group, click Smart Lookup. Click Close (x) to close the Smart Lookup pane

1) Delete the paragraph beginning with Swan Creek National Wildlife Refuge in the body of the document.

Click and drag to select the second body paragraph, beginning with Swan Creek National Wildlife Refuge. Press DELETE

2) Delete the single-line paragraphs near the end of the document, beginning with Explore nature, and ending with Enjoy relaxing days at the refuge.

Click and drag to select the single-line paragraphs near the end of the document, beginning with Explore nature, and ending with Enjoy relaxing days at the refuge. Press DELETE

1) Select the text in the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures and ending with when taking pictures:. Change the line spacing to 1.15.

Click and drag to select the text in the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures and ending with when taking pictures:. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line and Paragraph Spacing, and then click 1.15

2) Position the insertion point at the beginning of the document. Type Director [text will autocomplete].

Click at the beginning of the document. Type Director [text autocompletes].

1) Click to place the insertion point to the left of the Depth of Field heading. Click the Insert tab, and then click Pictures in the Illustrations group. Insert the w02h3Kayak picture from the Pictures folder

Click before the Depth of Field heading. Click the Insert tab. In the Illustrations group, click Pictures. In the Insert Picture dialog box, double-click w02h3Kayak

4) Click in the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures. Drag the first Line Indent marker to the left margin to remove the indent.

Click in (or select) the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures, if necessary. On the Home (or Layout) tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph Settings Dialog Box Launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, on the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, click the Special arrow, and then click (none). Click OK.

5) On the first page of the document, apply a first line indent of 0.5 inches to the first body paragraph that begins with If you enjoy taking digital pictures

Click in the paragraph that begins with If you enjoy taking digital pictures. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph Settings Dialog Box Launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, on the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, click the Special arrow, and then click First line. Click OK.

1) Click the Design tab. Select a theme of Organic with a color scheme of Violet II.

Click the Design tab. In the Document Formatting group, click Themes, and then click Organic. In the Document Formatting group, click Colors, and then click Violet II.

1) Click the Design tab. Insert a watermark, scrolling through the gallery of watermarks and selecting DRAFT 1 (column 1, row 1 under Disclaimers)

Click the Design tab. In the Page Background group, click Watermark, scroll, and click DRAFT 1 (first row, first column under Disclaimers).

4) Close the w01h1Refuge document but leave Word open.

Click the File tab. Click Close.

2) Open the Options dialog box. On the list, click Review to select it, and then at the bottom right of the Word Options dialog box, click Rename. In the Rename dialog box, in the Display name box, type Review Document and then click OK

Click the File tab. Click Options. Click Customize Ribbon. On the list, click Review. Click Rename. In the Display name box, type Review Document. Click OK.

1) Open Word Options and click Save. Adjust the AutoRecover time to 15 minutes. Close any open dialog boxes.

Click the File tab. Click Options. Click Save. Click the AutoRecover spin up arrow. Click the spin up arrow. Click the spin up arrow. Click the spin up arrow. Click the spin up arrow. Click OK.

3) Save the file as w01h1Refuge.

Click the File tab. Click Save. Click Browse. In the File name box, type w01h1Refuge. Click Save

2) Open the Paragraph dialog box. Click Tabs to open the Tabs dialog box. Click the 5.5" tab and select a dot leader. Click OK .

Click the Home tab. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph Settings Dialog Box Launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, click Tabs. In the Tabs dialog box, in the Tab stop position box, click 5.5". Under Leader, click 2. Click OK.

2) With the insertion point positioned between June and 15, click the Insert tab and insert a nonbreaking space symbol.

Click the Insert tab. In the Symbols group, click Symbol and then click More Symbols. Click the Special Characters tab. Click Nonbreaking Space. Click Insert. Click Close.

2) Click the Insert tab. Insert text from w01h1Camps, located in the Documents folder.

Click the Insert tab. In the Text group, click the Object button arrow, and then click Text from File. In the Insert File dialog box, double-click the w01h1Camps file.

1) Click the Layout tab. Change the margins to Narrow.

Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Margins. Click Narrow.

3) Click the Layout tab. Change to Landscape orientation. Click the View tab. Change the Zoom to One Page. Change to Portrait orientation. Change the Zoom to 100%.

Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Orientation, and then click Landscape. Click the View tab. In the Zoom group, click One Page. Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Orientation, and then click Portrait. Click the View tab. In the Zoom group, click 100%.

3) With the text in the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures and ending with when taking pictures: selected, change the Spacing After to 6 pt [the remaining formatting will autocomplete].

Click the Layout tab. In the Paragraph group, click the After spin box arrow to select 6 pt [the remaining formatting autocompletes].

2) Click the Review tab. Check for and correct spelling and grammatical errors in the document. Click OK when the spelling check is complete.

Click the Review tab. In the Proofing group, click Spelling & Grammar. In the Editor pane, under Suggestions, click the correct spelling until all the errors are corrected. In the message box, click OK

2) Click the Review tab, and then add Spelling & Grammar to the Quick Access Toolbar. Close any open dialog boxes. Ribbon

Click the Review tab. In the Proofing group, right-click Spelling & Grammar, and then click Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

4) Use the Thesaurus to identify a synonym for the word immersed. Click the arrow at the right of absorbed and click Insert.

Click the Review tab. With the word selected, in the Proofing group, click Thesaurus. In the Thesaurus task pane, point to absorbed and click the arrow. Click Insert.

2) Change the document view to Outline.

Click the View tab. In the Views group, click Outline

5) Click the View tab. Click Zoom and change the zoom percentage to 125%. Change Zoom back to 100%. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the document. Click the File tab and preview the document as it will print. Return to Print Layout view.

Click the View tab. In the Zoom group, click Zoom. Select the value in the Percent box and type 125 (or 125%). Click OK. In the Zoom group, click 100%. Press CTRL+HOME and then click the File tab. Click Print. Click Back to return to Print Layout view.

1) Open the footer. Type U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Do not type the period.)

Double-click in the footer area of the document. Type U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

4) Double-click in the footer area, select both footer entries, and press DELETE.

Double-click in the footer area. Drag to select both footer entries. Press DELETE

5) Expand the text under the paragraph Shooting From Below

Double-click the plus outline symbol to the left of the paragraph Shooting From Below.

2) Select the five paragraphs, beginning with Compose with care, and ending with Be bold. Click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and select Small Caps Effect. Bold the selection. Close the dialog box

Drag to select five paragraphs, beginning with Compose with Care and ending with Be bold. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher. In the Font dialog box, on the Font tab, under Font style, click Bold. Under Effects, click the Small caps check box to select it. Click OK

2) Select text, beginning with Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography and ending with when taking pictures: [the remaining selection will autocomplete]. Click the Layout tab. Format selected text in two columns.

Drag to select text, beginning with Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography and ending with when taking pictures: [the remaining selection autocompletes]. Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Columns, and then click Two.

1) At the beginning of the document, select the five bolded paragraphs, beginning with Compose with Care and ending with Be Bold. Click the Numbering arrow and then select the third option on the first row in the Numbering Library.

Drag to select the five bolded paragraphs, beginning with Compose with Care and ending with Be Bold. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering arrow and then click Number alignment: Left (third option on the first row in the Numbering Library). Select the five bolded paragraphs, beginning with Compose with Care and ending with Be Bold, if necessary. Right-click the selection, and on the Mini toolbar, click the Numbering arrow, and then click the third option in the first row, Number alignment: Left.

1) Select the heading Lens and apply Heading 1 style. Close all open task panes, if necessary.

Drag to select the heading Lens. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Heading 1

4) Select the last paragraph, Let Phillips Studio L Photography Preserve Your Memories!. Format the selected text using the Fill: Blue, Accent color 5; Outline: White, Background color 1; Hard Shadow: Blue, Accent color 5 text effect (row 3, column 3).

Drag to select the last paragraph, Let Phillips Studio L Photography Preserve Your Memories!, and then on the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Effects and Typography. Click Fill: Blue, Accent color 5; Outline: White, Background color 1; Hard Shadow: Blue, Accent color 5 text effect (row 3, column 3)

5) In the Borders and Shading dialog box, select Shadow border setting, with a double-underline style (seventh style) border style (seventh in the list of underline styles). Click OK. Do not deselect text.

In the Borders and Shading dialog box, on the Borders tab, in the Setting section, click Shadow. In the Style section, select down arrow and click double-underline style (seventh style). Click OK.

2) Customize the text watermark with a color of Red (second column under Standard Colors)

In the Page Background group, click Watermark and then click Custom Watermark. In the Printed Watermark dialog box, under Text watermark, click the Color arrow, and then click Red. Click OK.

1) Start Microsoft Word 2019 and begin a blank document.

In the Windows 10 desktop, click the Start button. From the Start menu, scroll to and click Word. Click Blank document.

3) On Page 1, edit the Footer and select the Different First Page check box

On Page 1, right-click in the Footer area, and then click Edit Footer. On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Options group, select the Different First Page check box.

1) Click the File tab. Open Word Options. Click Advanced, scroll to the Save group, and then select Always create backup copy. Click OK.

On the File tab, click Options. Click Advanced. Scroll to the Save group, and then select Always create backup copy. Click OK.

4) Close the footer.

On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Close group, click Close Header and Footer

4) Close the footer.

On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Close group, click Close Header and Footer.

3) Click Document Info and add the File Name to the footer of the document

On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Insert group, click Document Info, and then click File Name.

2) Change the alignment of the text in the first body paragraph, beginning with If you enjoy taking digital pictures and ending with when taking pictures: to Justified.

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Justify

1) Show nonprinting formatting marks

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Show/Hide.

6) Change Shading to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60% (row 3, column 5)

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Shading arrow, and then click Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60% (row 3, column 5).

2) Click Margins, and then click Custom Margins. Change the left and right margins to 1".

On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins, and then click Custom Margins. In the Page Setup dialog box, on the Margins tab, press TAB two times to select the value in the Left box, and then type 1. Press TAB to select the value in the Right box, and then type 1. Click OK.

Close Outline view

On the Outlining tab, in the Close group, click Close Outline View.

3) Use the Outline Tools to display Level 3 of the outline.

On the Outlining tab, in the Outline Tools group, click the Show Level arrow, and then click Level 3.

2) Rotate the picture to the right by 90.

On the Picture Tools Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Rotate Objects, and then click Rotate Right 90.

4) Drag to position the heading Blurry Images Due to Camera Shake it to above Blurry Images Due to Focus.

Point to + beside Blurry Images Due to Camera Shake. Click and drag it to above Blurry Images Due to Focus. Release the mouse button.

1) Select all document text. Change the font to Times New Roman and the font size to 12 pt

Press CTRL+A. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font arrow, and then click Times New Roman. In the Font group, click the Font Size arrow, and then click 12.

1) Press CTRL+END. Display the ruler. Change the tab selector to a Right Tab, and then click at 5.5" on the ruler to set a right tab

Press CTRL+END. Click the View tab. In the Show group, click the Ruler check box to select it. On the ruler, click the tab selector two times to display the Right Tab icon. Click the 5.5-inch mark on the horizontal ruler.

1) Use the keyboard shortcut to move to the start of the document


1) Press CTRL+HOME. Click the Insert tab and click Text Box in the Text group. Click Draw Text Box. Point to the blank paragraph mark below Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography and drag to draw a small box. Resize the text box to 0.6" high, and 2.5" wide. With the insertion point in the text box, type Contact Us, press ENTER, and type 610-555-0021.

Press CTRL+HOME. Click the Insert tab. In the Text group, click Text Box, and then click Draw Text Box. Click in the blank paragraph mark below Courtesy of Phillips Studio L. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Size group, click the Height box to select the existing content, type 0.6, and press ENTER. In the Size group, click the Width box to select the existing content, type 2.5, and press ENTER. With the insertion point in the text box, type Contact Us (no period), press ENTER, and type 610-555-0021.

Center the first paragraph, Basics of Photography.

Press CTRL+HOME. With the insertion point in the first paragraph of the document, click the Home tab. In the Paragraph group, click Center.

3) Delete the space preceding the word Swan.


3) Press TAB. Type Monday - Friday (with a space before and after the dash). Press TAB. Type 9:00 - 4:00 (with a space before and after the dash). Press ENTER. Press TAB. Type Saturday. Press TAB. Type 9:00 - 2:00 (with a space before and after the dash). Press ENTER. Press TAB. Type Closed Sunday.

Press TAB. Type Monday - Friday and press TAB. Type 9:00 - 4:00 and press ENTER. Press TAB. Type Saturday and press TAB. Type 9:00 - 2:00 and press ENTER. Press TAB. Type Closed Sunday

3) Remove Print Preview and Print from the Quick Access Toolbar.

Right-click Print Preview and Print on the Quick Access Toolbar. Click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

1) Right-click the misspelled word in the first body paragraph, and select the correct spelling from the shortcut menu.

Right-click natve. Select native from the shortcut menu.

1) Remove the Mailings tab from the ribbon.

Right-click the Mailings tab, and then from the shortcut menu, click Customize the Ribbon. Under Main Tabs, click the Mailings check box to clear it. Click OK.

2) Scroll to the Depth of Field section on page 2 and select the four paragraphs, beginning with Aperture/F-Stop and ending with Point of View. Apply a hollow round bullet to the selected paragraphs.

Scroll to the Depth of Field section and drag to select four paragraphs, beginning with Aperture/F-Stop and ending with Point of View. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets arrow, and then click the hollow round bullet

4) Change the alignment of the second paragraph in the document (Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography) to Right

Select (or click in) the second paragraph in the document (Courtesy of Phillips Studio L Photography), if necessary. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph Settings Dialog Box Launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, click the Indents and Spacing tab, if necessary. Click the Alignment arrow, and then click Right. Click OK.

4) Select the three paragraphs at the end of the document, beginning with Monday - Friday and ending with Closed Sunday. Open the Borders and Shading dialog box. Display the Borders tab.

Select the three paragraphs at the end of the document, beginning with Monday - Friday and ending with Closed Sunday. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Borders arrow, and then click Borders and Shading

2) Click Layout Options, and then select Square text wrapping. Close Layout Options, if necessary.

To the right of the picture, click Layout Options, and then click Square. Click Close (X) to close Layout Options.

Change text wrapping for the text box to Top and Bottom. Close Layout Options, if necessary. Click the dashed line surrounding the text box, so that it displays as a solid line. Center the text within the text box.

To the right of the text box, click Layout options. Click Top and Bottom. Click Close (x) to close Layout Options. Click the dashed line surrounding the text box, so that the line becomes solid. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center.

2) Open the Styles pane. Modify the Heading 1 style to include a double underline. (Hint: In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format and then click Font.) Close the Styles pane

With the heading Lens selected, on the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Styles Dialog Box Launcher. With the Heading 1 selected in the Styles pane, click the Heading 1 arrow, and then click Modify. In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format, and then click Font. In the Font dialog box, click the Underline style arrow, and then click the second underline (Double underline). Click OK. In the Modify Style dialog box, click OK. Click Close (X) to close the Styles pane.

1) With the insertion point at the beginning of the document insert a page break.

With the insertion point at the beginning of the document, press CTRL+ENTER.

2) Click Insert Alignment Tab and select Right. Click OK.

With the insertion point positioned after the text U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, click Insert Alignment Tab in the Position group on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab. Click Right. Click OK

1) Change the width of the picture to 1.5".

With the picture selected, on the Picture Tools Format tab, in the Size group, select the value in the Shape Width box, and then type 1.5. Press ENTER.

3) Apply a shape fill of Plum, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth column) to the text box.

With the text box selected, on the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill, and then click Plum, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (row 2, column 5).

3) Use the keyboard shortcut to move to the end of the document


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