Word 2019/365 - Practice Exam 2

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Change the width of the table column Month to 1.0" (2.54 cm)

1. On the second page, select only the column in the table with the heading Month 2. Select the Table Tools Layout tab 3. In the Cell Size group, change the Width to 1.0" (2.54 cm)

Insert a Column Break just before the last bullet item in the Trunk list: The bigger the root ball, the better

1. Locate the Trunk list and place your cursor to the left of the last bullet text: The bigger the root ball, the better 2. Click the Layout tab 3. In the Page Setup group, click Breaks, and beneath Page Breaks section, select Cloumn

Display the paragraph marks on the document

1. On the Home tab, in the paragraph group, click the pilcrow (¶ ) symbol

Track any feature modifications to this document

1. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click Track Changes

Add page numbering to the bottom of all pages in the Accent Bar 4 format

1. Select the Insert tab 2. In the Header & Footer group, click Page Number 3. From the Page Number dropdown menu, select Bottom of Page and click Accent Bar 4 4. On the far right of the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, click Close Header & Footer

set the line spacing of the list to 1.0

1. Select the list text Date: Next Saturday thru Cost: $15 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing and select 1.0

Add the alternative text title Office Hours to the table in the document

1. At the end of the document, click anywhere in the table to select it and display the Table Tools contextual tabs 2. Select the Table Tools Layout 3. In the Table group, click Properties 4. In the Table Properties pop-up window, select the Alt Text tab 5. In the Title field, type Office Hours 6. Click OK 7. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect it

Move the image at the top of the document so that the left side of the image is aligned with the left margin and the top of the image is aligned with the first sentence starting with Does your computer ...

1. Click to select the image at the top of the document 2. Using your mouse, click and drag the image to align it with the first sentence and against the left margin. (Hint: You will know the image is against a margin when the alignment guide displays. If you don't see the alignment hide, enable it by selecting the Picture Tools Format tab, clicking Align in the Arrange group, and then clicking Use Alignment Guides. The three paragraphs of text should appear to the right of the image. The list beginning with "Here are three basic things..." should appear below the image.) 3. Click anywhere outside the image to deselect it.

Insert the Hiker.png illustration located in the GMetrixTemplates folder, above the heading Don't Forget Your Permit. Make it have Top and Bottom text wrapping, and size the illustrations to 1.5" (3.81 cm) high

1. In the section Don't Forget Your Permit, place your cursor above the heading 2. Click the Insert tab 3. In the Illustrations group, click Pictures 4. Browse to the GMetrixTemplate folder and select Hiker.png. Click Insert. 5. To the right of the inserted illustration, click the Layout Options icon. Beneath With Text Wrapping, click Top and Bottom. Accept all other defaults. 6. In the Size group, change Shape Height: 1.5" (3.81 cm) 7. Click anywhere outside the picture to deselect it

On the last page, insert a Bibliography below the Bibliography heading

1. On the last page, place your cursor just below the Bibliography heading 2. Select the References tab 3. In the Citation & Bibliography group, click Bibliography and select Insert Bibliography

At the bottom of the last page above the sentence For more information ... add a SmartArt Basic Process with the size 6" (15.24 cm) wide and 0.5" (1.27 cm) high. Change the color to colored Fill - Accent 5

1. At the bottom of the last page, place your cursor in the empty space above the text For more information 2. Click the insert tab 3. In the Illustrations group, click SmartArt 4. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic pop-up window, in the left pane, select Process 5. In the right pane, select Basic Process. Click OK 6. Click on the border around the SmartArt Graphic to select it and reveal the SmartArt Tool contextual tabs 7. Click the SmartArt Tools Format tab 8. In the Size group change Height: 0.5" (15.24 cm) and Width: 6.0" (1.27 cm) 9. Click the SmartArt Tools Design tab 10. In the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors. Beneath the Accent 5 section, click Colored Fill - Accent 5 11. Click anywhere outside of the SmartArt to deselect it

Below the heading Choosing a Tree, starting with the heading General Appearance ... ending with the text ... height of the tree., format all of the lists to 2 columns with a width of 3.1" (7.874 cm) and a line separating the column. Accept all other defaults

1. Below the heading Choosing a Tree, select all of the text before the paragraph that begins If you have any problems ... 2. click the Layout tab 3. In the Page Setup group, click Columns and select More Columns... 4. In the Columns pop-up window, configure the columns as follows: Number of columns: 2 Line between: enabled Width: 3.1" (7.874 cm) Accept all other defaults 5. Click OK

Remove the table while keeping the data. Retain the front formatting and separate the data with paragraph marks

1. Click anywhere in the table to select it and reveal the Table Tools contextual tabs 2. Select the Table Tools Layout tab. On the far right, in the Data group, click Convert to Text 3. In the Convert Text to Table pop-up window, select Paragraph Marks 4. Click OK

Add a table with 6 rows and 2 columns on the last page between the headings and GRADING and COURSE LENGTH

1. Click in the space between the headings GRADING and COURSE LENGTH 2. Select the Insert tab 3. In the Tables group, click Table and select Insert Table. Configure the following: Number of columns: 2 Number of rows: 6 4. Accept all other defaults and click OK. (Hint: As an alternate method, you could select the number of boxes representing columns and rows using the mini-wizard.)

Add a Blank footer with the text Ancient Cultures. Do not display the footer on the cover page.

1. Click on any page except the cover page 2. Select the Insert tab 3. In the Header & Footer group, click Footer and select Blank 4. On the left side of the footer, select the [Type here] field and type Ancient Cultures 5. On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, click Close Header and Footer

Simultaneously delete all the comments

1. Click on one of the comments to reveal the Delete command on the Review tab 2. On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click Delete and select Delete All Comments in Document

Save the document into the GMetrixTemplates folder in the .pdf file format with the name MSWorkshop

1. Click the File tab 2. In the left window pane, select Export 3. In the right window pane, select Create PDF/XPS 4. In the Filename field, type MSWorkshop. For File Type, select .pdf 5. Click Publish 6. Close the PDF window

Add the tag Course to the document

1. Click the File tab 2. In the left window pane, select Info 3. In the right window pane, under Properties, click Add a tag 4. Type Course

Add a Bevel, Relaxed Inset shape effect to the three shapes of the SmartArt graphic

1. Click the border around the SmartArt graphic to select it 2. Select the SmartArt Tools Format tab 3. In the Shape Styles group, click Shape Effects 4. Select Bevel, then click Relaxed Inset 5. Click anywhere outside the SmartArt to deselect it

Add a Trademark (™) immediately after the heading Game Over

1. In the top-right of the document, place your cursor immediately after the text Game Over 2. Click the Insert tab 3. In the Symbols group, click Symbols, and at the bottom click More Symbols... 4. In the Symbols pop-up window, select the Special Characters tab 5. Select the Trademark character (™) and click Insert 6. Click Close (Hint: You could also type the characters (TM) or use the shortcut keys ALT+CTRL+T.)

Cop the formatting of Vol 5 Issue 1 located in the upper-right corner of the first page and apply it to the date in the opposite corner

1. In the upper-right corner of the first page, select Vol 5 Issue 1 2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, double-click the Format Painter 3. Apply the formatting by selecting the date in the upper-left corner of the first page 4. Press ESC on your keyboard to release the Format Painter

Use the Go To feature to navigate to the sites bookmark and delete both the heading and paragraph starting at Where to find ...

1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find and select Go To... 2. In the Go to what: window, scroll down and select Bookmark 3. Beneath Enter bookmark name; click the down-arrow and select sites 4. Click Go To 5. Word will jump to the heading Where to Find Petroglyphs and Pictographs, and the entire paragraph will be selected. Click Close to exit the Go To tool 6. Delete the selected paragraph using either the Backspace key or Delete key

Check the document for accessibility issues. For the first picture that is missing alternative text, add the text New Logo

1. On the Review tab, in the Accessibility group, click Check Accessibility 2. In the Accessibility Checker pane, in the Inspection Results window, under Errors, select the arrow next to Missing alternative text and click the dropdown next to Picture 9. Under Recommended Actions, select Add a description 3. In the Alt Text pane, enter New Logo 4. Close the Alt Text Pane and the Accessibility Checker

Three edits were made to this document. Open the Review pane. Accept the insertion of Hey, Teachers! and the replacement of Camp with Workshop, but reject the replacement of Saturday with Friday

1. On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click the Reviewing Pane and select Reviewing Pane Vertical... 2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Next and do the following: If the insertion of Hey, Teachers! is highlighted, in the Changes group, click the Accept dropdown and then select Accept and Move to Next If the insertion of Saturday is highlighted, in the Changes group, click the Reject dropdown and then select Reject and Move to Next If the insertion of Friday is highlighted, in the Changes group, click the Reject dropdown and then select Reject and Move to Next If the insertion of Workshop is highlighted, in the Changes group, click the Accept dropdown and then select Accept and Move to Next If the insertion of Camp is highlighted, in the Changes group, click the Accept dropdown and then select Accept and Move to Next 3. Continue to click Next until you see the message There aren't any comments or tracked changed in your document. Click OK

Add an Automatic Table 2 table of contents on the page numbered 1, replacing the text <Insert Table of Contents Here.>

1. On the page numbered 1, select the text <Insert Table of Contents Here> 2. Click the References tab 3. In the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents and select Automatic Table 2

Insert the citation for David Greywolfe on the page numbered 3, at the end of the second paragraph immediately following ... created rock art

1. On the page numbered 3, at the end of the second paragraph, place your cursor immediately following ... created rock art 2. On the References tab, in the Citation & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation and select Greywolf, David

On the second page, merge all cells in the table More of Out Most Popular Games! into one cell

1. On the second page below the heading More of Our Most Popular Games!, select the table y click the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol) 2. Select the Table Tools Layout tab 3. In the Merge group, click Merge Cells 4. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect it

In the gray cell at the top of the second page, insert the 3D Model Visor.glb located in the GMetricTemplates folder. Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping

1. On the second page, click in the gray cell located in the upper-left corner 2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustration group, click 3D Models and select From a File ... 3. Browse to the GMetricTemplates folder 4. Select the Visor.glb file 5. Click Insert 6. On the 3D Model Tools Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Position and select Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping (Hint: To test the 3D Model, spin it to view different angle using your cursor.)`

On the second page, convert the text below More of Out Most Popular Games! into a numbered lists. Continue the numbering sequence from the lists located on the first page.

1. On the second page, select the five game names located in the More of Out Most Popular Games! table 2. On the Home ta, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering icon to create numbered list 3. After the list is created, click the AutoCorrect Options icon that appears next to the top of the list and select Continue Numbering

Below the title Landscaping Made Easy, insert a screen clipping of the photo displayed on the Project document

1. Place your cursor below the title Landscaping Made Easy 2. On the Insert tab, illustrations group, click (Hint: All windows that are currently open on your computer desktop will be displayed. In the upper-left corner is the window that was most recently opened, and it will be the window used for the screen clipping) 3. At the bottom of the gallery, click Screen Clipping 4. Project.docx will open. Click and drag to select the borders of the photo displayed. 5. Click anywhere outside the photo to deselect it

Add a Heart shape with a blue shape fill below the last line of text in the document

1. Select the Insert tab 2. In the Illustrations group, click Shapes 3. Below the Basic Shapes section, click the Heart shape 4. Position your cursor centered below the last line of text in the document 5. Click and drag to draw the heart shape 6. On the Drawing Tools Format contextual tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill and select Blue 7. Click anywhere outside the shape to deselect it

Convert the footnote associated with the heading Designing Your Yard to a endnote

1. Select the footnote indicator displayed after the heading Designing Your Yard 2. On the References tab, click the dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the Footnotes group 3. In the Footnote and Endnote pop-up window, change the radial button to select Endnotes: End of document 4. Click Convert ... 5. On the Convert Notes pop-up window, select Convert all Footnotes to Endnotes 6. Click OK 7. Click Close to exit the Footnote and Endnote pop-up window 8. Click anywhere on the document to deselect the footnote indicator

Increase the list level of the list to Level 2

1. Select the list text Date: Next Saturday thru Cost: $15 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets dropdown and select Change List Level 3. Select Level 2

Change the numbered list below the heading What is Regular Maintenance? to numbers 1 through 5

1. Select the numbered list items 4 through 8 located between the heading What is Regular Maintenance? 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering down arrow and select Set Numbering Value... 3. In the Set Numbering Value pop-up, select Start new lists and Set value to: 1 4. Click OK

Remove the background from the illustration of the game characters located in the lower-right corner of the first page

1. Select the photo of the game characters 2. Select the Picture Tools Format tab 3. In the Adjust group, click Remove Background 4. The areas to be removed are shaped pink. To adjust these areas, click the Mark Areas to Keep command on the Background Removal tab. Your cursor will change to a tool that looks like a pencil. 5. Drag the tool inside each of the four characters to remove any unwanted pink shading. Continue dragging the tool until each character's full color is revealed and no portions of the characters are shaded pink. 6. Click Keep Changes 7. Click anywhere outside the image to deselect it

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