World Geo 13

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10. What is Ecuador's most important export?


11. Define ranchitos.


11. What types of animals make up most of the herds raised in Peru?


12. Describe the landscape in the south and in central Venezuela. What is Angel Falls? Name the river that flows through central Venezuela.


12. What is Peru's most famous ruins?


13. What is llanos? What is it used for?


13. What makes the landscape in Bolivia different from that in Ecuador or Peru? Name the lake that straddles the border between Bolivia and Peru?


14. Use the diagram on page 270. Which climate is best suited for growing coffee trees? Which climate is best suited for growing sugar cane?


14. What does the word Chile mean? Describe the size and shape of Chile. What is the main difference between the population of Chile and the other Andean countries?


15. What are the main crops grown in Chile? What is Chile's capital city?


15. Which natural resource dominates Venezuela's economy?


16. What two bodies of water border Colombia? Where do most of the people in Colombia live? What is Colombia's capital city?


17. What is the main crop that supports Colombia? What is a campesino?


18. Which two crops together bring twice as much money into Colombia as coffee? Which country is assisting Colombia in stopping the illegal drug trade?


2. Define estuary.


2. What is the Atacama? Where is it located?


25-55 percent, Andean Indians, have developed larger hearts and lungs


3. List the language and religion of each country of the Guianas. Who settled each of these countries?


3. Name the four rivers that make up the Rio de la Plata. Which capital cities are located on the Rio de la Plata?


3. What terms are used to describe the plateau regions of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador?


4. What are the primary characteristics of the Andean Region?


4. What is the vegetation at high elevations called? What kinds of plants grow at this elevation?


4. Which ethnic groups make up the majority of the population in Guyana? List the percentage of each.


5. What is the selva?


5. Which ethnic groups make up the population in Suriname? List the percentage of each.


6. Which ethnic groups make up the population in French Guiana? Which ethnic group is the largest?


6. Why are people drawn to the Andes area?


7. List the products that make up most of Guiana's economy.


7. What is vertical trade?


8. How do the population, per capita GPA, and average life expectancy in Venezuela compared to that in Guyana?


8. What portion of the population in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru are Native Indians?


9. What are the language, religion and ethnic make up of Venezuela?


9. Where did Ecuador get its name? What is the language of the Native Indians? What is the language of the mestizos?


African- 10 percent


African- 43 percent


Alpine tundra, forest vegetation


Altiplano and paramos


Angel falls: world's highest waterfall


Asian- more than 50 percent


Asian- over 50 percent


Because of natural resources




Broad river mouth formed where a flooded river valley meets sea


Capital city- carcas


Caribbean sea and Pacific Ocean


Chapter 13, Lesson 2 (pgs. 272-276)


Chapter 13, Lesson 3 (pgs. 278-281)


Climate for coffee trees: 65 degrees through 75 degrees


Climate for sugar cane: 75 degrees through 80 degrees




Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru forested regions


Edges west coast of South America like a long narrow ribbon, 2,000 miles long, 100 miles wide


End of land,


Ethnics- mestizo or European


Europeans, African, Asian (similar to Suriname)


Fertile valleys


Fish, shrimp, sugar cane, rice, bauxite


Fortress of Machu Picchu and buildings of Incan capital city of Cuzco


French Guiana- official language French, catholic, France settled


From the equator, quecha, Spanish


Fruit, vegetables, wine grapes


Guyana's per capita is only 750, making it poorer than Venezuela, with a per capita of more than 3,500. The same is to be said with Guyana's life expectancy 64 years and Venezuela's is 73.1 years.


Guyana- official language English, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and British settled


Has relatively few Indians


Homework Assignment


Lacks coastal ports and factories due to land lock, lake Titicaca


Landscape- lower range of mountains, hills, plateaus, narrow Caribbean coastal plain,


Landscape: mountain system, covers nearly half country, dense tropical forests close to border with Brazil


Language- Spanish


Llamas and alpacas


Marijuana and cocaine


Mulattoes- largest




People from villages at different elevations meet to trade crops


Religion- roman catholic


Rio de la plata because the plata is an estuary


River that flows through central: Orinoco river




Small shacks


Stretch 5,000 miles, stretch from Caribbean Sea to southern tip of South America, 500 miles wide, rocky walls


Suriname- official language Dutch, Christian, Muslim, and Hindu, Netherlands settled


Tenant farms often barely able to grown enough food for their families because they are too focused on coffee


The driest desert and one of the most lifeless places on earth, occupies coastal plain in northern Chile


Typical living of people- fertile mt valleys




Uruguay, Pilcomayo, Paraguay, Paraná


Used for: help maintain water by flooding


Which Native Indian group makes up the population? How has living in the Andes affected their physical characteristics?


Wide tropical grassland, or savanna region


World Geography


due by 2/29/12


2. What countries make up the Guiana's? List the physical characteristics of these countries.

Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana: tropical wet climate, rainforests, and narrow coastal plain

1. List the three regions in South America that include the 12 countries, excluding Brazil.

The guianas, Venezuela, Colombia

1. Describe the Andes Mountains.


1. What is the name used for the interior of southern South America? Why?


10. Describe the Venezuelan landscape in the north. Where do most of the people in Venezuela live? What is Venezuela's capital city?


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