World Geography 1102 study guide

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

Question 1 1 / 1 point Which of the following happens when nomadic people take up settled ranching? The social structure of the nomadic tribe falls apart. Women who ran the households in the nomadic society end up taking part in more animal husbandry and neglecting their families. The animals raised become more sinewy due to lack of exercise. Correct Response The settled society uses much more water than the nomadic society did. Question 2 1 / 1 point Ushahidi was originally designed to share information quickly about which of the following events? the earthquake in Haiti the Syrian civil war Correct Response violence during the 2008 elections in Kenya the Arab spring revolution Question 3 1 / 1 point Nigeria is one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in Africa. True Correct Response False Question 4 1 / 1 point The nomadic people of the Arabian Peninsula are known as ________, while the nomadic people of North Africa are known as ____________. Kurds; Bedouin Correct Response Bedouin; Berbers Yemenis; Moroccans Berbers; Kurds Question 5 1 / 1 point Which two natural resources were discovered in South Africa in the 1860s? oil coal Correct Response diamonds Correct Response gold Question 6 1 / 1 point Hydraulic civilization theory holds that: Correct Response cities able to control irrigated farming over large hinterlands hold power over other cities water is the key to survival in the desert irrigation is the key to the advancement of agriculture rising sea levels will inevitably destroy coastal civilizations cities on islands will always dominate those on the nearby mainland Question 7 1 / 1 point Gender equity is becoming a central theme in the Arab Spring movement, and women are leading a profound transformation of this region. Correct Response True False Question 8 1 / 1 point What term does the U.S. Department of State use to describe Gaza and the West Bank? Correct Response Palestinian Territories Disputed Zone Occupied Zone Occupied Palestinian Territories Question 9 1 / 1 point The western North African countries of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco are collectively called: the Levant the African Transition Zone the Near East the Tell Correct Response the Maghreb Question 10 0 / 1 point In Saudi Arabia, women make up _____ percent of university students, but only ______ percent of the workforce. 34, 12 Correct Answer 70, 5 Incorrect Response 50, 25 5, 0 Question 11 1 / 1 point Many traditional herding areas in sub-Saharan Africa have dried out over the past several decades due in large part to human activities. Correct Response True False Question 12 0 / 1 point In 1915, geologists working for the Russian navy were the first to exploit the oil and gas resources of Southwest Asia. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 13 1 / 1 point The collision of which two plates pushes up the mountains of Iran and Turkey? Persian Plate African Plate Correct Response Eurasian Plate Correct Response Arabian Plate Question 14 1 / 1 point When Africans convert from animism to Christianity or Islam, they tend to retain aspects of their indigenous religious heritage. Correct Response True False Question 15 1 / 1 point What two countries are involved in a rivalry over control of the water supply of the Euphrates River? Correct Response Iraq Somalia Egypt Correct Response Turkey Question 16 1 / 1 point This autonomous part of China is regarded to have some characteristics of Turkestan: Hong Kong Xizang Macau Dubai Correct Response Xinjiang Question 17 1 / 1 point A disease that spreads worldwide is know as a(n): agent vector endemic Correct Response pandemic epidemic Question 18 1 / 1 point Oil reserves are found in all of the countries of North Africa and Southwest Asia. True Correct Response False Question 19 1 / 1 point The Syrians have lost which piece of territory to the Israelis? Gaza Correct Response Golan Heights the West Bank Lebanon Kurdistan Question 20 1 / 1 point Shi'ite Muslims constitute the great majority of the population of: Egypt Correct Response Iran Saudi Arabia Israel Turkey Question 21 1 / 1 point The Ottoman Empire was headquartered in the city of: Alexandria Mecca Correct Response Constantinople Jerusalem Baghdad Question 22 1 / 1 point Saudi Arabia gets 70 percent of its drinking water and some of its irrigation water from _____________. deep wells desertification irrigation Correct Response desalination Question 23 1 / 1 point Approximately how many refugees have left Syria due to the conflict? 1 million refugees have left 2.3 million refugees have left Correct Response 4.6 million refugees have left less than 500,000 refugees have left Question 24 1 / 1 point What is the term used in the textbook for the process through which moist areas become increasingly more arid? drought deforestation aridization Correct Response desertification Question 25 1 / 1 point The dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia is: Sharia Shi'ite Dubayy (Dubai) Maronite Correct Response Wahhabism Question 26 1 / 1 point A country that can be identified as a classic buffer state is: Correct Response Afghanistan Egypt the West Bank Iraq Lebanon Question 27 1 / 1 point The anopheles mosquito is the main carrier and transmitter of the parasite that causes malaria. Correct Response True False Question 28 1 / 1 point Among the various campaigns to end the practice of female genital mutilation, the most successful appear to be those that emphasize what idea? Correct Response It poses a threat to women's health. It amounts to abuse of human rights. It increases sexual activity in young girls. It decreases respect to the woman's husband. Question 29 0 / 1 point Women in Tunisia, Algeria, and Iraq have higher female representation in politics than the United States. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 30 1 / 1 point The empire that ruled over much of Southwest Asia prior to World War I was the: British Russian Byzantine Persian Correct Response Ottoman Question 31 1 / 1 point Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of: France Correct Response Belgium Germany Britain South Africa Question 32 1 / 1 point The largest oil reserves in the realm are located in: Libya Iran Israel Correct Response Saudi Arabia Kuwait Question 33 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not one of the republics of Turkestan? Correct Response Azerbaijan Tajikstan Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Question 34 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? Malawi Sudan Correct Response Uganda The Congo Ethiopia Question 35 1 / 1 point Blisteringly hot during the day, the Sahara Desert can sink to below freezing temperatures at night. Correct Response True False Question 36 1 / 1 point Deforestation in Africa is driven by demand for farmland and fuelwood, and increasingly to reap exportable hardwoods. Correct Response True False Question 37 1 / 1 point Israel regards which city as its capital? Beirut Tel Aviv Golan Correct Response Jerusalem Haifa Question 38 1 / 1 point Who was the first president of South Africa after white minority rule ended? Martin Luther King, Jr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika Correct Response Nelson Mandela Vladimir Putin Question 39 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is located in the Bulge of Africa? Kenya Chad South Africa Somalia Correct Response Senegal Question 40 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries was established by former American slaves? Gambia Ghana Guinea Correct Response Liberia Guinea-Bissau Question 41 1 / 1 point The Aswan High Dam is located on the: Correct Response Nile River Jordan River The Tigris River Suez Canal Shatt-al-Arab Question 42 0 / 1 point What circumstance tends to prevail in places in Africa where birth rates have declined? Infant mortality rate is still high. Men are uneducated in comparison to women. Incorrect Response Women have less access to educational opportunities. Correct Answer The plight of women has improved as observed by the rise in literacy rates. Question 43 1 / 1 point In what part of Africa did the first human species evolve into existence? West Africa Southern Africa Northern Africa Correct Response East Africa Question 44 1 / 1 point Kemal Ataturk is most closely identified with the city of ______. (Hint: current capital of Turkey). Baghdad Mecca Constantinople Correct Response Ankara Tehran Question 45 1 / 1 point Despite the abundance of oil in Nigeria, most Nigerians use fuelwood because petroleum products are too expensive. Correct Response True False Question 46 1 / 1 point The body of water devastated by Soviet irrigation schemes is the: Caspian Sea Shatt-al-Arab Correct Response Aral Sea Sea of Galilee Black Sea Question 47 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is false? The majority of Africa's population is engaged in agriculture for their livelihoods. Africa today contains no colonial countries. The African continent is located at center of our planet's landmasses. Most of Africa's political boundaries were drawn during the colonial period with little regard for the continent's patterns of human occupancy Correct Response Due to Africa's difficult agricultural environment, numerous environmental hazards, diseases and periodic food shortages, the continent's population growth rate is below the worldwide average. Question 48 1 / 1 point Which area was least influenced by the spread of Islam? Northern Nigeria Correct Response China Yemen Bosnia Turkestan Question 49 1 / 1 point Which of the following is located in the African Transition Zone? Correct Response the Islamic Front Madagascar the Zambezi Basin the Kalahari Desert tropical rainforests Question 50 1 / 1 point The Qur'an (Koran) teaches that humans should live in harmony with their natural surroundings. Correct Response True False Question 51 1 / 1 point The first Europeans to raid Africa for slaves were the: Dutch British French Correct Response Portugese Question 52 0 / 1 point Which of the following statements is incorrect? Incorrect Response The White Nile originates in East Africa The overwhelming majority of Egypt's people live within a dozen miles of the Niles. The Blue Nile originated in Ethiopia. The largest of all Nile River control projects is the Aswan High Dam. Correct Answer Egypt's largest city, Cairo, is located on the shore of Lake Nasser in Upper Egypt. Question 53 0 / 1 point The state of Israel: was founded after World War I Incorrect Response was created out of the country of Palestine that previously had no Jewish population Correct Answer was created from territory that was formerly administered by the British was a part of the Ottoman Empire that was ceded to the Israelis in 1923 was settled by people fleeing the Zionist policies of Nazi Germany Question 54 1 / 1 point In 2016, sub-Saharan Africa was described as one of the fastest-growing regions in the world economically. Correct Response True False Question 55 1 / 1 point There has been a decrease in the number of women across Africa who are assuming positions of political influence. True Correct Response False Question 56 1 / 1 point Darfur Province, the recent scene of an ethnic cleansing, is located in the central-west of: Egypt Turkey Correct Response Sudan Libya Chad Question 57 1 / 1 point Which mountain is located in Africa? Corcovado Parnassus Correct Response Kilimanjaro Fuji Question 58 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? Tanzania Kenya Burundi Uganda Correct Response Nigeria Question 59 1 / 1 point The major mountain range in North Africa is the: Libyan Alps Correct Response Atlas Mountains Golan Heights Sahara Uplands Sandes Question 60 1 / 1 point A unique aspect of Madagascar is that: Correct Response the population is of Malay-Polynesian origin most of the population is of East African ancestry the Great Rift Valley predominates in the central part of the country the island is controlled by the South Africans whose apartheid system prevailed is produces exceptional quantities of salt Question 61 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is located in the Horn of Africa? Nigeria Burkina Faso Correct Response Ethopia Niger Mali Question 62 1 / 1 point While the economic policies introduced by most newly independent states in sub-Saharan Africa were generally unsuccessful, what country managed to create a large and diversified economy during the postcolonial period? Congo Botswana Gambia Correct Response South Africa Question 63 1 / 1 point The Boer War took place in: Sudan the Netherlands Nigeria Kenya Correct Response South Africa Question 64 1 / 1 point Which of the following oil producers does not border the Persian Gulf? United Arab Emirates Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia Correct Response Libya Question 65 1 / 1 point Which two countries in North Africa and Southwest Asia have elected women as heads of state? Correct Response Israel Yemen Correct Response Turkey Syria Question 66 1 / 1 point __________ people settled down in the territories of Iran and Turkey in the Southwest Asia: Indian Correct Response Kurdish Turk Pakistani Darfurian Question 67 1 / 1 point Slums house approximately what percentage of Africa's urban population? Correct Response 70% 50% 10% 30% Question 68 1 / 1 point Seasonal climates in Africa differ more by the amount of rainfall than by temperature. Correct Response True False Question 69 1 / 1 point __________ is the name for the land between the rivers (Tigris and Euphrates). Levant The Fertile Crescent Choke Point Maghreb Correct Response Mesopotamia Question 70 1 / 1 point The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the new centrally-located city of Abuja is: Correct Response Nigeria Niger Ethopia Tanzania The Congo Question 71 1 / 1 point Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are monotheistic religions. Correct Response True False Question 72 1 / 1 point Iran differs from most of the North Africa/Southwest Asian realm in that: it borders Russia it has no oil deposits it is non-Islamic Correct Response it is predominantly Shi'ite it is ruled by a monarchy Question 73 1 / 1 point The Congo River basin mainly supports what type of vegetation? Correct Response tropical rainforest savanna coniferous forest grassland Mediterranean scrub Question 74 1 / 1 point Land subsidence is a result of increasing rates of groundwater pumping in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Correct Response True False Question 75 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not an Old World culture hearth? Correct Response the Mecca area of the Arabian Peninsula the lower Nile Valley Mesopotamia the Indus Valley the Ganges Delta Question 76 1 / 1 point The vast majority of African migrants are moving within Africa, rather than out of Africa. Correct Response True False Question 77 1 / 1 point What is the cause of the split between Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims? Correct Response interpretation of the Qur'an the importance of Jesus to Islam the official language of the Qur'an number of pillars in the practice of Islam Question 78 1 / 1 point In the 1970s, oil-producing countries of North Africa and Southwest Asia gain control of their own oil reserves from foreign companies with the formation of OPEC. Correct Response True False Question 79 1 / 1 point Which of the following rivers flows through Iraq? Blue Nile White Nile Correct Response Euphrates Jordan Indus Question 80 1 / 1 point Afghanistan is under the operation __________ by U.S. government Overload Torch Correct Response Enduring Freedom Desert Storm Iraqi Freedom Question 81 1 / 1 point Which two products or technologies supply Africans with most of their domestic energy? Correct Response wood Correct Response charcoal natural gas oil Question 82 1 / 1 point What process is creating a series of rift features along the eastern flank of the African continent? Small amounts of molten rock have surfaced and accumulated. Subduction is occurring as the Somali Plate dives under the Eurasian Plate. Somali Plate is colliding with the African Plate. Correct Response Crustal plates that underlie the African continent are spreading apart. Question 83 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is not located in The African Transition Zone? Somalia Mali Correct Response Tanzania Mauritania Niger Question 84 1 / 1 point How many days did it take to put 800,000 people from Rwanda to death? 5000 Correct Response 100 2 365 Question 85 1 / 1 point The country once known as Abyssinia is now known as ______________. Nigeria Democratic Republic of Congo Correct Response Ethiopia Namibia Question 86 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries does not share a common border with Israel? Correct Response Iran Egypt Syria Jordan Lebanon Question 87 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not included in the North Africa/Southwest Asia realm? Afghanistan Iraq Tunisia Correct Response Pakistan Iran Question 88 1 / 1 point In sub-Saharan Africa, diverse subsistence agricultural systems based on numerous plant species and deep knowledge about agriculture have been replaced by less stable commercial systems that are based on a single plant species. Correct Response True False Question 89 1 / 1 point Which two countries of sub-Saharan Africa are working on a plan to dam the Niger River? Correct Response Niger Correct Response Mali Cameroon Gabon Question 90 1 / 1 point Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a __________ population in the north and a __________ population in the south relatively large/sparse sedentary/nomadic non-Muslim/Muslim Correct Response Muslim/Christian-animist African/Saharan Question 91 1 / 1 point Africa's coastline is home to many rich natural harbors. True Correct Response False Question 92 1 / 1 point The ancient agricultural village of Sumer, which existed 5000 years ago, was located in modern-day: Correct Response Iraq Israel Egypt Turkey Question 93 0 / 1 point Which of the following best describes the stance of the Muslim Brotherhood on women? Incorrect Response They support women's freedom to work outside the home. Correct Answer They are against liberalizing women's rights. They advocate for women to have freedom of speech. They believe in waging genocide against women of the region. Question 94 1 / 1 point More than one-fourth of the African continent is covered by the: the Sahel Rub'al Khali Correct Response Sahara Desert Kalihari Desert Question 95 1 / 1 point The capital of Iran, located in the foothills of the Elburz Mountains is: Baghdad Correct Response Tehran Khomeini City Ahmadinejad Persepolis Question 96 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is not located on the Arabian Peninsula? Bahrain Correct Response Syria Qatar Oman Kuwait Question 97 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? Mozambique Zimbabwe Botswana Zambia Correct Response Cameroon Question 98 1 / 1 point What is a significant barrier to providing treatment for those with HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? Africans refuse to take any Western Society medicines. The treatment requires refrigeration, so it often expires before arriving to the hospital. The same medicines which have worked in the United States for HIV treatment do not work in Africa. Correct Response The cost of the treatment is too high. Question 99 1 / 1 point Tourism, once a particularly important business in __________, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: Uganda Nigeria Burkina Faso Liberia Correct Response Kenya Question 100 1 / 1 point About 85 percent of Muslims consider themselves: Sharia Correct Response Sunni Imams Shi'ites Asian Orthodox

Test 5

Question 1 1 / 1 point China has been able to drastically improve its economy without damaging its environment. True Correct Response False Question 2 1 / 1 point Japan invaded Manchuria in the early 1900s. Correct Response True False Question 3 0 / 1 point Due to their size, most primate cities have effective systems in place for providing sufficient housing, water, and jobs for the population. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 4 1 / 1 point Japan's population: is concentrated along the shore of East Sea (the Sea of Japan) exhibits a low rate of literacy Correct Response is expected to decline over the next half-century is reflective of a multicultural society is concentrated on Hokkaido and Shikoku Question 5 1 / 1 point The largest Muslim country in the world in terms of population is: Pakistan Nigeria Bangladesh Iran Correct Response Indonesia Question 6 1 / 1 point The leader who took over in China following the struggle after Mao's death was: King Jong Il Yao Ming Chien-Ming Wang Hu Jintao Correct Response Deng Xiaoping Question 7 1 / 1 point In Singapore, 100 percent of the population is urban. Correct Response True False Question 8 1 / 1 point In China, the lowland river basins, once used for agricultural production, have been invaded by expansion of the coastal cities. Correct Response True False Question 9 0 / 1 point The Chinese city containing the largest population and has a severe problem with air pollution is: Incorrect Response Shanghai Correct Answer Beijing Shenzhen Hong Kong Question 10 1 / 1 point Two former colonial entities that reunited with China during the late 1990s are: Hong Kong and Shenzhen Macau and Shenzhen Vietnam and Tibet Hong Kong and Guangdong Correct Response Macau and Hong Kong Question 11 1 / 1 point The Gobi Desert is associated with which Chinese region? Northeast China Xinjiang Xizang Correct Response Inner Mongolia the North China Plain Question 12 1 / 1 point Southeast Asian physiography is dominated by: rolling hills Correct Response high relief extensive plateaus extensive flat plains dry-environment landforms Question 13 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not a fragmented state? the Phillipines Correct Response Thailand East Timor Indonesia Malaysia Question 14 1 / 1 point The caste system is most associated with which of the following religions: Correct Response Hinduism Sanskrit Islam Judaism Buddhism Question 15 1 / 1 point What climate pattern helps to explain the characteristics of agriculture of South Asia? Savanna Correct Response Monsoon Dry climate Tundra Humid climate Question 16 1 / 1 point In Vietnam, the provision of basic education and health care and the attraction of foreign investment have contributed to a lower infant mortality rate. Correct Response True False Question 17 1 / 1 point Which statement BEST summarizes the political situation of women in Southeast Asia? Women's political power tends to be strongest in rural areas of the region. Correct Response To date, female political leaders have tended to come from powerful political families, but more women of the middle class are being elected to positions in representative government. All the countries of Southeast Asia have had a woman in the top governmental position. In most Southeast Asian countries, women still do not have the right to vote. Question 18 1 / 1 point Which country has introduced a two-child family policy? the Phillipines Correct Response Vietnam Taiwan North Korea Question 19 1 / 1 point Because South Asia has clear physical boundaries that set it apart from the rest of the Asian continent, the term _______________ is often used to refer to the entire Indian peninsula. Correct Response subcontinent lower South Asian continent province geophysical region Question 20 1 / 1 point South Korea's growth has resulted from an economic system called: globalization socialism Correct Response state capitalism laissez-faire capitalism communism Question 21 1 / 1 point The two core areas of Vietnam are centered at: Cochin Chia and Annam Viangchan and Phnom Penh Correct Response Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City the Mekong and Irrawaddy deltas Bangkok and Dien Bien Phu Question 22 1 / 1 point **Select all that apply** Which of the following countries are fighting over the rights to Kashmir? Correct Response India Russia Israel Correct Response Pakistan Correct Response China Japan Question 23 1 / 1 point Two former colonial entities that were reunited with China during the late 1990s are: Tibet Shenzhen Correct Response Hong Kong Shanghai Correct Response Macua Vietnam Beijing Guangdong Question 24 1 / 1 point The two countries of South Asia's Mountainous North are: Sri Lanka and Ceylon Correct Response Nepal and Bhutan Asom and Punjab Pakistan and Bangladesh Jammu and Kashmir Question 25 1 / 1 point This autonomous part of China is regarded to have some characteristics of Turkestan: Xizang Correct Response Xinjiang Dubai Macau Hong Kong Question 26 1 / 1 point What commodity formed the economic backbone of Bengal in the eighteenth century? tobacco Correct Response cotton gold aluminum Question 27 1 / 1 point Within China, residents are free to move from province to province with no restriction. True Correct Response False Question 28 1 / 1 point In Southeast Asia, newly married couples commonly live with the wife's parents. Correct Response True False Question 29 1 / 1 point The movement f the headquarters of the Russian Empire to St. Petersburg allowed that city to become a(n): Correct Response forward capital interior capital primate city Asian gateway continental city Question 30 1 / 1 point The small group of more than 1,000 islands which is located in 400 miles southwest of India are the: Sea Lankans Correct Response Maldives Tamils Colombos Dravidians Question 31 1 / 1 point Which Asian country is ranked 4th in world population? Correct Response Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Cambodia Question 32 1 / 1 point Which Russian republic fought a (still unresolved) war for independence from Moscow during the 1990s: Georgia Armenia Correct Response Chechnya Kosovo Serbia Question 33 0 / 1 point Japan's natural landscapes: consist of all landforms, except mountains Incorrect Response are mountainous and hilly with flat land at a premium resemble those of populous South Asia with wide alluvial valleys crowded by millions of farmers. Correct Answer consist of dense stands of forest Question 34 1 / 1 point An example of an elongated state in South Asia is: Cambodia Correct Response Vietnam Brunei Myanmar Question 35 1 / 1 point In the naturally dry regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, current levels of agriculture and industry are probably not sustainable. Correct Response True False Question 36 1 / 1 point Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the United States provided aid to the mujahedeen. Correct Response True False Question 37 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries does not share a common border with Pakistan? China Iran India Afghanistan Correct Response Bangladesh Question 38 0 / 1 point During the Communist Revolution in China, many of the worst abuses against women were banned and opportunities were opened up to them. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 39 1 / 1 point The country located immediately northwest of India is: Correct Response Pakistan Kashmir Bangladesh Afghanistan Iran Question 40 1 / 1 point Bangladesh was formerly known as: West Pakistan Correct Response East Pakistan East India Burma Ceylon Question 41 0 / 1 point Roman Catholicism in the Philippines has impacted the fertility rate. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 42 1 / 1 point With the Partition of British India in 1947, what country was essentially created as a Muslim homeland? Malaysia Yemen Correct Response Pakistan Hong Kong Question 43 1 / 1 point Over the past three decades, in the wake of market-oriented economic reforms, China's agricultural sectors have become more productive, especially in the supplying of local goods. Correct Response True False Question 44 1 / 1 point What country forced Japan to open the economy to international trade and political relations after World War II? Russia Correct Response the United States the United Kingdom China Question 45 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements about Nepal is false? Deforestation is a problem. Correct Response Agriculture is a true success story. It was once a failed state. Kathmandu is located in the country's core area. The Himalayas are its dominant physical feature. Question 46 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is false? Correct Response The major river valleys of mainland Southeast Asia are sparsely populated. All of the above are correct. The Southeast Asian realm exhibits shatter belt characteristics. Compared to neighboring realms, Southeast Asia has a relatively low population density. Southeast Asia is culturally fragmented. Question 47 1 / 1 point Glacial melting is a particular concern in South Asia, as the glaciers could eventually disappear, causing South Asia's rivers to run dry. Correct Response True False Question 48 1 / 1 point More than 30,000 residents have had to flee the Loess Plateau as a result of: a volcanic eruption Correct Response desertification a tsunami an earthquake Question 49 1 / 1 point The Meiji Restoration: occurred after the disastrous defeat Japan suffered in World War II halted Japan's explosive population growth and has led to a stable population since about 1890 Correct Response marked the beginning of Japan's modernization and generated its economic and military transformation triggered the shift of the country's capital city to Kyoto marked the demise of the Chinese 'Han' Dynasty Question 50 1 / 1 point Which of the following regions has been known as and is sometimes still called "Manchuria"? Tibet Taiwan Xinjiang Correct Response Northeast China Question 51 1 / 1 point The ethnic group forming a significant part of the wealthier commercial class in Southeast Asia are the _____________. Japanese Correct Response Chinese Mongolians Indians Question 52 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is false? India has shifted State boundaries to accommodate regional and local demands. East Pakistan freed itself from its political bonds with West Pakistan and became independent as Bangladesh. Correct Response Kashmir achieved independence from Pakistan after a long, irredentist-supported struggle. Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka Pakistan moved its capital from Karachi to Islamabad. Question 53 1 / 1 point Hong Kong became a British possession as a result of: the Boer Wars Sino-Japanese War Correct Response the Opium Wars Britain's domination of India Question 54 1 / 1 point In recent years, the country in the region that has remained communist and very isolated is: Mongolia China Correct Response North Korea South Korea Question 55 1 / 1 point The small oil rich Islamic sultanate of Insular Southeast Asia is: Kalimantan Papua Sulawesi Correct Response Brunei East Timor Question 56 1 / 1 point A number of Southeast Asian countries are increasing their military preparedness because of perceived threats from China. Correct Response True False Question 57 1 / 1 point The major religion of India is: Zoroastrianism Buddhism Correct Response Hinduism Islam Question 58 1 / 1 point How many languages are officially recognized in India? Correct Response 18 8 2 1 Question 59 1 / 1 point Taiwan was at one time a colony of: the United States Correct Response Japan Russia Australia Britain Question 60 1 / 1 point Which statement BEST describes Indonesia's current population pyramid? Correct Response Most people are 34 years of age and under; births have begun to decline. Most people are 15 and under and births have begun to decline. Most people are 50 years of age and older and gender disparities are prevalent. Most people are 34-49 years of age and gender disparities are prevalent. Question 61 1 / 1 point Mongolia is a landlocked state. Correct Response True False Question 62 1 / 1 point Members of the Sikh population are concentrated in what region of India? Ganges Delta Central area of Mumbai Himalayas Correct Response Punjab Question 63 1 / 1 point Caste considerations are mostly a thing of the past in India, especially with regard to marriage arrangements. True Correct Response False Question 64 0 / 1 point Much of Japan's autumn precipitation falls as ___________________. Correct Answer snow Incorrect Response morning dew rain hail Question 65 1 / 1 point The North China Plain is dominated by the: Pearl River estuary Correct Response lower Huang He city of Shanghai Loess Plateau Ordos Desert Question 66 1 / 1 point The country of the "people of Han" is ______. Tibet Korea Mongolia Correct Response China Question 67 1 / 1 point What country was responsible for the establishment of the North Korean regime? China Australia Correct Response Russia Germany Question 68 1 / 1 point The outcome of the Korean War in the 1950s was: the unification of the two Koreas Correct Response a military tension resulting in the continued division of the country a short pause, followed by renewed war that still drags on to this day victory of the South, which soon became communist defeat of North Korea, which was returned to the control of Japan Question 69 1 / 1 point The movement of the Soviet capital from Petrograd (St. Petersburg) to Moscow: was forced by Napoleon's invasion. occurred during the time of the fighting between the Bolsheviks and the "Red" armies Correct Response was symbolic of a new period in Russian political and economic history, whose chief architect was V. I. Lenin signaled a new emphasis on maritime power was nullified after the 1917 Revolution when the capital was returned to the city renamed Leningrad Question 70 1 / 1 point Which country controlled Timor-Leste until 1975? the United States the United Kingdom France Correct Response Portugal Question 71 1 / 1 point The mountain range containing Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, is called the: Rockies Andes Correct Response Himalayas Alps Question 72 1 / 1 point India's Social Forestry Movement, which began with a protest movement by women who literally hugged trees to save them from destruction, is also known as the ____________ movement. Correct Response Chipko Sacred Trees Sri Lanka Love Leaf Question 73 1 / 1 point To promote food production and national integration, the government of Indonesia has resettled millions of people from outlying islands to the principal island of Java. True Correct Response False Question 74 1 / 1 point Which of the following was not a part of French Indochina? Cochin China Laos Correct Response Siam (Thailand) Cambodia Tonkin Question 75 1 / 1 point Meltwater from Himalayan glaciers feeds the headwaters of all the following rivers, EXCEPT the: Indus Ganga Correct Response Narmada Brahmaputra Question 76 0 / 1 point The Xinjiang region: is in the northeastern part of the country Correct Answer A dry region of high mountains and basins is located south of Tibet is another name for Xizang Incorrect Response contains the Gobi Desert Question 77 0 / 1 point Japan was created through volcanic eruption. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 78 0 / 1 point Which is the southernmost great river in China which runs into the ocean near Hong Kong? Correct Answer Xi Liao Incorrect Response Yangzte Yellow Question 79 1 / 1 point One benefit of the summer monsoons in South Asia is the fact that the region never experiences droughts. True Correct Response False Question 80 1 / 1 point The Khmer Rough killed as many as 2 million people in an attempt to change the society of: Laos Vietnam Thailand Myanmar Correct Response Cambodia Question 81 1 / 1 point Mohandas Gandhi's tactic of nonviolent resistance to colonial rule became widely supported following the: Correct Response the Salt March of 1930 the Boston Tea Party in the Americas The rebellion of South Asian soldiers employed by the East India Company in 1857. The failure of the Indian Congress Movement to take over the government system. Question 82 1 / 1 point Which country has operated as an independent country since World War II, but is claimed by China as a province? Singapore Borneo Hong Kong Correct Response Taiwan Question 83 1 / 1 point In Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, most of the people are adherents of: Islam Roman Catholicism Correct Response Buddhism the Muslim faith Hinduism Question 84 0 / 1 point Members of the Chinese floating population are guaranteed government-provided housing, schooling, and health care. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 85 1 / 1 point The name Deccan applies to which of the following features on South Asia's physical landscape? mountains fringing India's west coast principal river in Pakistan Correct Response plateau between the Eastern and Western Ghats mountain ranges delta created by Bangladesh's main river Question 86 1 / 1 point The caste system is most associated with which one of the following religions? Christianity Correct Response Hinduism Buddhism Islam Question 87 1 / 1 point Southeast Asia does not rank among the world's four largest population clusters. Correct Response True False Question 88 1 / 1 point Which of the following are examples of push factors contributing to rural-to-urban migration in Southeast Asia? Correct Response decrease in wages for farm laborers introduction of the film industry Correct Response deforestation Correct Response rising cost of farming Question 89 1 / 1 point Economic reforms in South Asia in the 1990s were initiated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. True Correct Response False Question 90 1 / 1 point Most of South Korea's pollution is caused by: methane from cattle ranching Correct Response automobile emissions Correct Response industry pollution in swamps Question 91 1 / 1 point The population of Russia is: increasing at an increasing rate unusual in that men live longer, on average, than women has just surpassed 300 million about the same size as the U.S. Correct Response shrinking by more than 750,000 per year in the late 1990s Question 92 1 / 1 point Select all the countries in South Asia in which Islam is the primary religion. Correct Response the Maldives Correct Response Afghanistan Correct Response Bangladesh Correct Response Pakistan Question 93 1 / 1 point The Indian pilgrimage town that millions of Hindus visit to die and be cremated in is: New Dehli Correct Response Varanasi Mumbai Chennai Question 94 1 / 1 point **Select all that apply** Because of its high degree of tectonic activity, South Asia is prone to: Correct Response tsunamis thunderstorms limited rainfall drought tornadoes hurricanes sinkholes Correct Response earthquakes Question 95 1 / 1 point Which country did the British attempt to create as a buffer state (to India) against Russian advances? Kashmir Mongolia Correct Response Afghanistan Bangladesh Question 96 1 / 1 point The "Chipko movement" in India is part of a broader reaction against what pattern found in South Asia? The increasing presence of high-tech firms from the West (United States) drives domestic high-tech firms out of business. The government refuses to adopt policies that would allow the mechanization of agriculture. City governments urge rural people to move to their cities but fail to provide them with sufficient housing. Correct Response Rural resources are used by urban industries without considering the needs of local (rural) people. Question 97 1 / 1 point Taiwan is located off the mainland coast of Mongolia. True Correct Response False Question 98 0.5 / 1 point According to the textbook, what are two things China did in 2008 to improve air quality for the Summer Olympics? Correct Answer temporarily shutdown many polluting industries encouraged local citizens to go on vacation Correct Answer removed half of the automobiles from Beijing's roads built HOV lanes on all major highways Question 99 1 / 1 point Which of the following accurately reflects the issue of water in China in recent years? The government encourages debate in the media about the problem of water pollution. Correct Response Water problems, including flooding and drought, have increased substantially due to intense human alteration of the landscape. Water quality in cities has increased dramatically due to the use of solar water purifiers. The flood hazard has been eliminated by an extensive flood control system. Question 100 1 / 1 point Japan and Taiwan receive monsoon rains twice each year. Correct Response True False

Test 6

Question 1 1 / 1 point The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Correct Response True False Question 2 1 / 1 point Russia is home to the largest metal smelting complex in the world. Correct Response True False Question 3 1 / 1 point The entire European region is one giant _____________ extending off the Eurasian continent. Correct Response peninsula atoll archipelago island Question 4 1 / 1 point __________ has more in common with Finland than its other neighboring states and is therefore included as part of Northern Europe Belarus Correct Response Estonia Lithuania Kaliningrad Latvia Question 5 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements best describes the way elderly and working-class Russians view Putin and similar political leaders? radical liberal politicians champions of democracy and Western ideals corrupt politicians not to be trusted Correct Response forces for stability during politically turbulent times Question 6 0 / 1 point Russia's long history of diplomatic ties to the United States and EU paved the way for inclusion of Russia in the G8 and WTO. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 7 1 / 1 point Which of the following is a strategy that the EU employs in an effort to reduce costs of production in the wealthiest EU member countries? relocate companies to Mexico, Southeast Asia, or China Correct Response relocate factories from wealthy EU countries to lower-wage countries in the EU reduce wages or eliminate jobs in wealthier countries raise tariffs in low-income countries Question 8 1 / 1 point At the northern end of the Volga River is the __________; at the southern end of the Volga River is the ___________. Correct Response Baltic Sea; Caspian Sea Kara Sea; Mediterranean Sea Black Sea; White Sea Dead Sea; Sea of Japan Question 9 1 / 1 point The number of people living in the European Union now exceeds the number of people living in the United States. Correct Response True False Question 10 1 / 1 point The Mediterranean island contested by both Greece and Turkey is: Crete Sardinia Sicily Malta Correct Response Cyprus Question 11 0 / 1 point Every country who joins the European Union has to adopt the euro as its form of currency/money. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 12 1 / 1 point What is the popular term for the movement that led citizens of the UK to vote for an exit from the EU? Answer: Brexit Correct Response Question 13 1 / 1 point Each of the three Benelux countries is a member of the European Union. Correct Response True False Question 14 0 / 1 point Many of Europe's original forests are still standing due to environmental conservation efforts. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 15 0 / 1 point The use of nuclear power to generate electricity is more common and accepted in Europe than in North America. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 16 1 / 1 point Until its demise at the end of the 1980s, the Soviet sphere of influence included which of the following countries? Italy Sweden Correct Response East Germany West Germany Question 17 1 / 1 point Slavic languages are typically found in what part of Europe? Correct Response Eastern Europe United Kingdom Scandanavia Spain and its border countries Question 18 1 / 1 point The Berlin Wall was built to separate the borders of Germany and France, so that people would not immigrate to France. True Correct Response False Question 19 1 / 1 point German reunification: took place immediately after the end of World War II is still only partially completed has led to a country with 8 Autonomous Communities Correct Response occurred in 1990 has resulted in economic equalization between former East and West Germany Question 20 1 / 1 point Northern and Southern Italy are divided by the: Alps Po River Strait of Gibraltar Correct Response Ancona Line Apennines Question 21 1 / 1 point __________ dominates Western Europe demographically and economically. United Kingdom Correct Response Germany Italy Spain France Question 22 1 / 1 point An area in which only lichen and moss can grow is referred to as steppe. True Correct Response False Question 23 1 / 1 point The North Atlantic Drift is the easternmost end of: the jet stream El Niño Correct Response the Gulf stream plate tectonic activity Question 24 1 / 1 point The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is situated in the northern portion of that island, and is today once again ruled by the British government. True Correct Response False Question 25 1 / 1 point Because of internal bickering, the European Union in 2008 contained fewer member-states than it did when founded in 1957. True Correct Response False Question 26 1 / 1 point The European river that carries the most traffic is the: Thames Correct Response Rhine Danube Seine Question 27 1 / 1 point Spain and the United Kingdom are in dispute over which piece of territory: Ceuta Kosovo Malta Correct Response Gibraltar Cyprus Question 28 1 / 1 point The original homeland of the Slavs was centered in modern-day: Finland, Norway, and Sweden Correct Response Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine Yugoslavia (including Serbia) Slovenia Question 29 1 / 1 point Only the southern portion of which of the following islands was recently granted admission to the EU? Turkey Sicily Malta Ireland Correct Response Cyprus Question 30 1 / 1 point In what location would you find a polder? in Warsaw, Poland Correct Response in the Netherlands in Berlin, Germany in the Alps Question 31 1 / 1 point Eastern Europe is a zone of politico-geographical splintering and fracturing known as a(an): irredentist region Correct Response shatter belt periphery transition zone Balkan conurbation Question 32 1 / 1 point The current president of Russia is: Correct Response Vladimir Putin Boris Yeltsin Mikhail Gorbachev Nikita Khrushchev Question 33 1 / 1 point The remarkable diversity of Europe results from all of the following except? interaction of the land and the sea Correct Response isolation from the rest of the world latitudinal extent from Arctic to subtropics long history of human settlement Question 34 1 / 1 point The geographic principle under which particular peoples and particular places concentrate on the production of particular goods is known as: Correct Response local functional specialization complementarity irredentism supranationalism Balkanization Question 35 1 / 1 point With the fall of the Soviet Union and the closing of many Communist-era industries, the region has now become economically dependent on: tourism Correct Response energy resources technology consumer goods Question 36 1 / 1 point The Slavic ruler who defeated the Mongols and began the modern Russian empire was: Vlad the Impaler Alexander the Great Correct Response Ivan the Terrible Ghengis Khan Question 37 1 / 1 point The Industrial Revolution in Europe: produced the first specialized industries anywhere in the realm confirmed the superior quality of European products, which were already beating inferior textiles and other wares from India and China before the Industrial Revolution even began gave enormous situational advantage to large cities such as London and Paris, both positioned on coal fields and near iron ores Correct Response initially was focused in England, where machinery was invented and the use of steam to power engines emerged triggered a large immigration of workers from other parts of the world to fill the available jobs in the factories Question 38 1 / 1 point The spatial interaction principle of transferability refers to the ability to move a good at a bearable cost. Correct Response True False Question 39 1 / 1 point Which of the following seas does not border Europe? Hint: This sea is actually a lake. Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Correct Response Caspian Sea Baltic Sea Question 40 1 / 1 point From the end of World War II until 1990, Eastern Europe was dominated by the: European Community Correct Response Soviet Union Ottoman Turks United States Hapsburg Empire Question 41 1 / 1 point Which former Soviet Socialist Republic, with its capital at Mensk (Minsk), is called White Russia, and is still strongly linked to Moscow? Correct Response Belarus Ukraine Estonia Moldova Lithuania Question 42 1 / 1 point The term Balkanization refers to: Correct Response the division and fragmentation of the southern portion of Eastern Europe Serbian supranationalism a peculiar language spoken in Bulgaria the imposition of the Slavic religion the landmass located just to the west of the Adriatic Sea Question 43 1 / 1 point What was the U.S. sponsored economic program designed to rebuild Western Europe after WWII? NATO The Warsaw Pact Correct Response The Marshall Plan The Monroe Doctrine Question 44 1 / 1 point In Central Asia, east of the Caucasus Mountains, the climate is best described as: Correct Response arid or semi-arid tundra-like moist temperate Question 45 1 / 1 point Von Thunen in his "Isolated State" argued that five rings of human activity would develop around the central town or city. The first (or nearest) of these is: a broad zone of increasingly extensive field crops a belt of forest, still used for timber and firewood Correct Response a zone of intensive farming and dairying a belt in which ranching prevails and animal products are generated a zone of manufacturing Question 46 1 / 1 point An important principle of the European Union states that citizens of member nations should remain in their own countries and resist migrating to other countries of the EU. True Correct Response False Question 47 0 / 1 point The form of alternative energy that has been rapidly growing in Europe is: Correct Answer solar power nuclear power ethanol fueled power Incorrect Response hydroelectric power Question 48 1 / 1 point The administrative headquarters of the European Union is located in: Geneva Correct Response Brussels Strasbourg Luxembourg Paris Question 49 1 / 1 point The Autonomous Community located in northeastern Spain just south of the Pyrenees Mountains that is centered on industrialized Barcelona is known as: Basque Country Correct Response Catalonia Andalusia Portugal Gibraltar Question 50 1 / 1 point What ruthless dictator ruled Nazi Germany from 1933 until 1945 and established the system leading to the genocide of over 11 million people during the Holocaust? Correct Response Hitler Franco Mussolini Stalin Question 51 1 / 1 point The term used to describe the fifty-year-long geopolitical rivalry between the Soviet Union and its allies against the United States and its allies is: Correct Response Cold War Bolshevik Revolution Iron Curtain Russian-American War Question 52 1 / 1 point The leader largely responsible for perestroika, or the restructuring of the economy in Russia, is: Correct Response Mikhail Gorbachev Vladimir Putin Vladimir Lenin Josef Stalin Question 53 1 / 1 point Subsidies, in the form of guaranteed prices, have been used by European governments to maintain their nations' agricultural production. Correct Response True False Question 54 1 / 1 point A country's leading urban center that is disproportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national feelings, such as Paris is to France, is know as the country's: core city functional region conurbation Correct Response primate city entrepot Question 55 0 / 1 point While European countries generally rank high on the GDI (Gender Development Index), several countries have GDIs that are lower than average, causing concern. Which of the following is one of the countries of concern? Correct Answer United Kingdom Norway Austria Incorrect Response Spain Question 56 0 / 1 point Which of the following is not an example of European supranationalism? Benelux Correct Answer Basque Independent Movement Incorrect Response the European Union the Euro currency the European Parliament Question 57 1 / 1 point Under which sea is much of western Europe's oil and gas deposits found? Baltic Sea South China Sea Caspian Sea Correct Response North Sea Question 58 1 / 1 point Which of the following cities is not part of one of the Four Motors of Europe? Barcelona Lyon Correct Response Brussels Milan Stuttgart Question 59 1 / 1 point The Russian exclave located between Lithuania and Poland is called: Latvia Estonia the Baltic Corridor Correct Response Kaliningrad Leningrad Question 60 1 / 1 point Rules and standards that apply to the countries of the European Union tend to influence people and businesses in those countries only. True Correct Response False Question 61 1 / 1 point Which of the following countries was formerly a member of the Warsaw Pact or known as a communist country? Sweden Correct Response Romania Portugal France Question 62 0 / 1 point A primate city is the largest city in land size in a country. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 63 1 / 1 point What is a fjord? a musical style developed in Iceland Correct Response a flooded U-shaped glacial valley inlet the new monetary unit of the European Union a region of the former Yugoslavia Question 64 0 / 1 point Which of the following is a likely result of a stable population with a low birth rate? Immigration to European countries will decrease. The economy expands over time. Correct Answer Demand for skilled labor may go unmet. Incorrect Response More people are available to care for the elderly. Question 65 1 / 1 point The Western European state that is not a member of the European Union is: Austria Belgium Luxembourg the Netherlands Correct Response Switzerland Question 66 1 / 1 point Which of the following groups have formed a rapidly growing minority presence in many European countries? Hispanics Russians Correct Response Muslims North Africans Chinese Question 67 1 / 1 point The first civilizations in Europe were found in: Correct Response Rome Correct Response Greece France Portugal Question 68 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not a state created by the breakup of former Yugoslavia? Correct Response Slovakia Bosnia Slovenia Macedonia Croatia Question 69 1 / 1 point The size of the unemployed population in Russia declined after the collapse of the Soviet Union. True Correct Response False Question 70 1 / 1 point Which Scandinavian country borders Russia? Sweden Iceland Belgium Correct Response Finland Question 71 1 / 1 point Despite high gasoline prices, there has been a trend toward less energy-efficient but more flexible private motorized road transport in the EU. Correct Response True False Question 72 1 / 1 point Central Asia is naturally prone to drought and water scarcity. Correct Response True False Question 73 0 / 1 point Due to the North Atlantic Drift, the climate of northwestern Europe is warmer and wetter than other places at similar latitudes around the world. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 74 1 / 1 point When a state seeks to acquire the neighboring territory that is home to ethnically similar people and territory on the other side of its international border by appealing to a concentrated group, this action is termed: Correct Response irredentism devolution colonization interference Balkanization Question 75 1 / 1 point Where in Europe was the world's worst nuclear disaster? Moscow Correct Response Chernobyl Berlin St. Petersburg Question 76 0.8 / 1 point **Select all that apply** Which European countries have actively erupting volcanoes? Belarus Greece Correct Response Iceland Switzerland the Netherlands the Czech Republic Correct Response Spain Estonia Ireland Germany Question 77 1 / 1 point Russia has the world's largest natural gas reserves. Correct Response True False Question 78 1 / 1 point The capital and primate city of Greece is: Correct Response Athens Atlantis Cyprus Sparta Malta Question 79 1 / 1 point The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy is know as: Correct Response devolution transferability supranationalism irredentism complementarity Question 80 1 / 1 point The leading manufacturing/industrial complex in Poland is located in: Correct Response Silesia the Bohemian Basin the Vistula Valley the Warsaw area the Baltic coastal zone Question 81 1 / 1 point Though Russia remains closely associated with the post-Soviet states, each of these states is politically independent. Correct Response True False Question 82 1 / 1 point Which statement describes the Schengen Agreement? Correct Response It allowed free movement of people and goods among the nations of the European Union. It provided agricultural subsidies to European farmers. It encouraged the importation of foreign foods into Europe. It established EU peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan. Question 83 1 / 1 point Bolshevik ideals were inspired by communist principles developed by German revolutionary philosopher _____________. Correct Response Karl Marx Czar Nicolas II Vladimir Lenin Josef Stalin Question 84 0 / 1 point The only European country with coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and the North Sea is: Spain Correct Answer France Italy Germany Incorrect Response Portugal Question 85 1 / 1 point _____________ forces are divisive to a nation. Correct Response centrifugal situational disparitic charismatic centripetal Question 86 1 / 1 point Romania is not a member of the European Union. True Correct Response False Question 87 1 / 1 point The alphabet used in most of the countries of the Russian region is: Correct Response Cyrillic Armenian Roman Sanskrit Question 88 0 / 1 point Russian couples are now offered a bonus worth more than two years of wages for the average Russian, for having a second child. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False Question 89 1 / 1 point Why are the Mediterranean and Black Seas prone to heavier loads of pollution than the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea? The Mediterranean and Black Seas support heavier populations, which create more human and industrial waste. The countries bordering the Black and Mediterranean Seas are home to industries that create higher levels of pollution. Correct Response The Atlantic Ocean and North Sea are part of or closely connected to the circulating flow of the world ocean, allowing them to disperse pollution more easily. Higher temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea cause pollution to biodegrade much more quickly. Question 90 1 / 1 point The balkanization of a region implies its political unification. True Correct Response False Question 91 1 / 1 point Europe's relative location: is disadvantaged by its proximity to the sea is one of inferior global accessibility Correct Response is one of centrality within the land hemisphere has proven inefficient for international trade is disadvantaged by its closeness to Austrailia Question 92 1 / 1 point Which of the following is the best summary of Soviet ideology's approach to the environment? Correct Response Nature is the servant of industrial and agricultural progress. Nature is a powerful force and should be respected. Forests should be harvested, but water should not be polluted. Humanity should live in harmony with the land. Question 93 1 / 1 point The world's worst nuclear disaster took place in: Correct Response Ukraine Russia Chechnya North Korea Question 94 1 / 1 point The North European Lowland: Correct Response is the most densely populated of Europe's landscape regions has historically functioned as a barrier to contact and communication due to its marshy conditions contains the plains of Greece does not include southeastern England contains the mountain ranges of the Alps Question 95 1 / 1 point For what purpose were the waters of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers, both of which supply the Aral Sea, diverted? hydropower nuclear reactor cooling textile manufacturing Correct Response agricultural irrigation Question 96 1 / 1 point The event that led to the first major inclusion of common people in Europe's political process was the: Boer War Correct Response French Revolution Cold War Spanish Civil War Question 97 1 / 1 point Which of the following represents the defining feat of Europe's Industrial Revolution? colonization of Africa unionization of workers collectivization of agriculture Correct Response mechanization of production Question 98 1 / 1 point Which of the following cities is located in Italy's and Europe's core area? Barcelona Rome Naples Correct Response Milan Geneva Question 99 0 / 1 point Rapid industrialization under Stalin was made possible by a _____________ economy in which the government controls all land and means of production. Correct Answer centrally planned capitalist Incorrect Response communist glasnost Question 100 0 / 1 point France and Belgium have recently encountered political problems that are indirectly related to its former colonialist activities around the world. Correct Answer True Incorrect Response False

Test Four

Question 1 2 / 2 points Every map projection has some degree of distortion because Correct Response a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion the grid of latitude and longitude cannot be accurately measured parallels and meridians never cross at right angles on a globe a sphere is a surface which is developed by human activity Question 2 0 / 2 points All regions have the following characteristics except spatial extent relative location Incorrect Response boundaries Correct Answer derived location Question 3 2 / 2 points A street address is an example of prime position relative position Correct Response absolute location situation Question 4 2 / 2 points Which of the following statements about latitude is NOT true? Latitude lines are always parallel to each other. Latitude is a measure of distance north and south of the equator. Correct Response Latitude is always written as some number between 0 degrees and 180 degrees. Lines of latitude intersect meridians of longitude at right angles. Question 5 2 / 2 points The location of a place described by its local physical characteristics is called its _____. situation Correct Response site normative locale relative position Question 6 2 / 2 points ** Select all that apply ** Which of the following are examples of a quantitative thematic map? Correct Response choropleth map topographic map Correct Response cartogram Correct Response isometric map Question 7 2 / 2 points A contour is an isoline showing ____________. Correct Response points of equal elevation points equidistant from a known, central location average value of an item degree of small area distortion on a map Question 8 2 / 2 points The term "projection" designates the method chosen to depict the earth's curvature on a flat surface. Correct Response True False Question 9 2 / 2 points Regions are natural entities that exist independently of human perception. True Correct Response False Question 10 2 / 2 points A map scale is the ration between distance on the map and distance on the ground. Correct Response True False Question 11 2 / 2 points A thematic map displays a single category of date or a specific spatial distribution. Correct Response True False Question 12 2 / 2 points Globalization refers only to the spread of economic systems around the world. True Correct Response False Question 13 2 / 2 points Density and dispersion are independent statements about the location of things within a defined area. They are different in that density is a perceived relationship of things in space and dispersion is the mathematical relationship of spatial data Correct Response density is the number of items in the area and dispersion describes their proximity dispersion is a spatial statement valid for functional regions and density has meaning only for formal regions dispersion reports the mobility of items in the area and density reports their degree of permanence Question 14 2 / 2 points ** Select all that apply ** Which of the following is true about the globe grid? Parallels increase in length as one nears the poles. Correct Response All meridians are one-half the length of the equator. The scale on the surface of the globe changes depending on the direction. Correct Response Meridians and parallels intersect at right angles. Question 15 2 / 2 points ** Select all that apply ** Which of the following is characteristic of regions? Correct Response hierarchical arrangement Correct Response spatial extent Correct Response defined boundaries historical sequence Question 16 2 / 2 points The three elements common to spatial distribution are site, situation, and location accessibility, connectivity, and pattern concentration, dissonance, and connectivity Correct Response density, dispersion, and pattern Question 17 2 / 2 points ** Select the statement that is accurate ** Perceptual regions have meaning only in physical geography are perceived through the application of well-defined spatial criteria have boundaries of clearly visible, self-evident, physical or cultural change Correct Response reflect personal or popular impressions of territory and spatial divisions Question 18 2 / 2 points An isoline on a map measures dispersion of the mapped item measures the concentration of the mapped item outlines the area of the map with no globe grid distortion Correct Response connects points of equal value to the mapped item Question 19 2 / 2 points ** Select all that apply ** Which of the following is one of the four main properties of maps? Correct Response direction Correct Response shape Correct Response area Correct Response distance Question 20 2 / 2 points Scale implies the degree of generalization permissible or supportable. Correct Response True False Question 21 2 / 2 points The term "cultural landscape" suggests the impact of human activity on the natural environment. Correct Response True False Question 22 2 / 2 points For geographers, the terms "space" and "place" are synonymous. True Correct Response False Question 23 2 / 2 points Remote sensing is limited to images collected by satellites. True Correct Response False Question 24 2 / 2 points All of the following are key reference points in the grid system except the Correct Response Polar circumference Prime Meridian South Pole North Pole Equator Question 25 2 / 2 points Map scale defines the the angle between degrees of latitude and longitude Correct Response relationship between the size of an earth feature and its size on the map type of region that can be depicted by a dot or a line line pattern used by cartographers to draw boundaries Question 26 2 / 2 points The situation of a place Correct Response can change over time as external relations of the place change remains constant and is controlled by environmental factors remains constant and is defined by the globe grid can change over time as the globe grid is adjusted Question 27 2 / 2 points Geography as a discipline developed out of the tradition of cave painting and story telling developed as an outgrowth of the age of discovery in the 15th Centure developed in response to the demand to map the Wild West Correct Response originated in ancient Greek interest in the physical structure of the earth and in the nature and activities of different people groups Question 28 2 / 2 points The physical attributes of a place determine resource development of the place and cultural practices of the inhabitants Correct Response represent the current state of continuing processes of change and development are the active agents in the continual interplay of environmental and cultural forces are determined by natural processes Question 29 2 / 2 points Absolute location is a changing characteristic of a place Correct Response is a precise location on the surface of the earth is based on the relative spatial relationship of two or more things describes a place in terms of real-world circumstances Question 30 2 / 2 points You have to get across town before rush hour. You plan your route based upon previous driving experiences and expectations of traffic. This plan is also called a _________ map. absolute isometric dispersion Correct Response mental Question 31 2 / 2 points You are new in town and asked a random person on the street "How do I get to the local employment office?" Which of the following responses include both relative distance and relative direction? The unemployment office is located at 4596 Jones Street and is 1.25 miles from here. Correct Response Walking from here will take you about 12-15 minutes. First, go to St. Augustine's ahead, turn right and you'll see a bright white building. Go to that building and turn left. You will walk to the National Bank. The office is across the street from the National Bank. You can get there in 5 minutes by taxi. It is located at 40 degrees 48' North and 75 degrees 16' West. Go to the church ahead. You'll see a white building. Turn left and you'll see the national bank. The office is in the basement of the national bank. Question 32 2 / 2 points Since geography deals with existing physical and cultural landscapes and regions, geography deliberately avoids considerations of past conditions. True Correct Response False Question 33 2 / 2 points The smaller the scale of the map, the larger the earth area it displays. Correct Response True False Question 34 2 / 2 points Geography may be described as the study of spatial variation. Correct Response True False Question 35 2 / 2 points Functional regions are defined by established, administrative boundaries. True Correct Response False Question 36 2 / 2 points Latitude is measured in relation to the Prime Meridian. True Correct Response False Question 37 2 / 2 points Absolute location is determined by reference to an agreed-upon system of coordinates. Correct Response True False Question 38 2 / 2 points Google Earth is a web-based tool which represents the globe and is searchable to find specific locations on the earth's surface. Correct Response True False Question 39 2 / 2 points A mental map is depicted on the screen of your GPS receiver in your automobile. True Correct Response False Question 40 2 / 2 points A graticule is an object which holds scientific information. True Correct Response False Question 41 2 / 2 points A sense of place describes the attachment a person has to a location not the actual location itself. Correct Response True False Question 42 2 / 2 points A large-scale map shows: a large area the entire world an unbalanced area there is no relationship between the scale on a map and the size of the area shown Correct Response a small area Question 43 2 / 2 points The ratio of distance on a map to actual ground distance is know as: map legend map key map distortion Correct Response map scale cartographic rule Question 44 2 / 2 points Wegener's supercontinent is known as: Atlantis Wegneria Eurasia Tectonica Correct Response Pangaea Question 45 2 / 2 points Which water body is surrounded by a geologically-active Ring of Fire: Atlantic Ocean the Great Lakes Correct Response Pacific Ocean the Gulf of Mexico Arctic Ocean Question 46 2 / 2 points Which of the following is a systematic subfield of geography? Cartography Regional Geography Geographic Information Science Geology Correct Response Urban Geography Question 47 2 / 2 points The art and science of making and interpreting maps is called: Geology Correct Response Cartography Geomorphology Archaeology Climatology Question 48 2 / 2 points The prime meridian runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through: Correct Response Greenwich, England Sydney, Australia New York City, New York Berlin, Germany Question 49 2 / 2 points The globe is divided into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the: tropic of capricorn prime meridian tropic of cancer Correct Response equator Question 50 2 / 2 points To fit the spherical Earth onto a flat map, a Mercator projection: Correct Response stretches out the poles, depicting them with lines equal to the length of the equator. perfectly represents the shapes of landmasses. shows lines of longitude curving up toward the poles. flattens the Earth like an orange peel.

Test One

A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land bodies is known as a(n): archipelago spine peninsula Correct Response isthmus (isthmian) bridge land Question 2 2 / 2 points Which of the following statements is incorrect? Correct Response The Mayan civilization arose in the highland areas of Mexico. The ceremonial center of the Aztec civilization, named Tenochtitlan, was located in the Valley of Mexico. Tenochtitlan probably had over 100,000 inhabitants at its peak. The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish. The Aztec civilization was founded on the higher plateaus of present-day Mexico. Question 3 2 / 2 points Mestizos are persons who are of mixed __________ heritage. Portuguese and Spanish European and African Aztec and Maya Amerindian and African Correct Response European and Amerindian Question 4 2 / 2 points A maquiladora is: a person of mixed European-Amerindian ancestry the owner of an ejido a new miracle crop being introduced in Chiapas a Mayan plantation Correct Response a foreign-owned factory in northern Mexico that assembles duty-free goods Question 5 2 / 2 points Central America, as defined by geographers, is: the regional term for the Greater Antilles a region that incorporates all the lands and islands between the United States and South America Correct Response a region within Middle America lying between Mexico and Colombia the heartland or central zone of Middle America (Mestizo-America) the region covered by Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize Question 6 2 / 2 points Which of the following is not a major cause of tropical deforestation in Central America? the timber industry's demand for tropical hardwood trees population growth all of the above are major causes the need to clear land for cattle pasture Correct Response Costa Rica's large-scale paper and pulp industry Question 7 2 / 2 points To which country did Panama belong before its 1903 United States-supported revolution achieved independence? Mexico Hispaniola Costa Rica Correct Response Colombia Spain Question 8 2 / 2 points An industry whose success is a mixed blessing for the Caribbean region is: agriculture oil production online gambling Correct Response tourism illicit drugs Question 9 2 / 2 points An altiplano is a(n): type of Brazilian aircraft altitudinal zone lying above tierra firma agricultural area in Brazil Correct Response plain high in the Andes low area with small mountains Question 10 2 / 2 points The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 stipulated that a north-south boundary was to be drawn separating the South American territories of __________. France and Britain the Netherlands and France Correct Response Spain and Portugal the Incas and the Mayas Spain and France Question 11 2 / 2 points In the Latin American city model, the elite residential sector contains the: disamenity sector Correct Response commercial/industrial spine zone of peripheral squatter settlements zone of in situ accretion zone of maturity Question 12 2 / 2 points The slums of South America's large cities are known as: mestizos Correct Response favelas or barrios llanos altiplanos tierra templada Question 13 2 / 2 points A growth pole is: a high-technology field instrument that precisely measures a locality's economic growth Correct Response a location where a set of activities, given a start, will grow, setting off ripples of development in a surrounding area an established manufacturing center that dominates a substantial hinterland any large city in a national core area a location, now in decline, that served as a focal point for a developing region in the past Question 14 2 / 2 points After the revolution led by Castro, Cuba became partners with the United States. True Correct Response False Question 15 2 / 2 points There are volcanoes in the Caribbean region. True Correct Response False Question 16 2 / 2 points The two primary European countries that colonized South America were Great Britain and Germany. True Correct Response False Question 17 2 / 2 points Which of the following is a territory of the United States? St. Martinique Haiti Dominican Republic Correct Response Puerto Rico Question 18 2 / 2 points The Panama Canal is located at the mouth of the Amazon River to provide greater access from Brazil to shipping corridors of the Atlantic Ocean. True Correct Response False Question 19 2 / 2 points Of the following, which country does not have coastlines in both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean? Guatemala Correct Response El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Question 20 2 / 2 points __________ has had a major problem with rebel groups like the FARC and ELN funded by the cocaine drug trade. Argentina Chile Correct Response Columbia Brazil Question 21 2 / 2 points This country was formerly France's richest colony in the Caribbean, but is now one of the poorest countries in the world. Cuba Brazil Costa Rica Correct Response Haiti Question 22 2 / 2 points Which Middle American country once had control of a large geographic area in the United States? Correct Response Mexico El Salvador Belize Panama Question 23 2 / 2 points Middle America's largest country today in terms of both population and geography is _________. Brazil Correct Response Mexico Nicaragua El Salvador Question 24 2 / 2 points Which of the following colonial associations is incorrect? Correct Response Trinidad and Tobago - United States Jamaica, Bahamas - British Martinique, Haita - French Cuba, Dominican Republic - Spanish Aruba, Curacao - Dutch Question 25 2 / 2 points The dominant economic activity in Venezuala's Lake Maracaibo Lowland is ____________: coffee plantations Correct Response oil production cocaine refining tourism from cruise ships Question 26 2 / 2 points Which countries are located in South America and border the Pacific Ocean? **Select all that apply** Venezuala Correct Response Peru Correct Response Chile Correct Response Ecuador Correct Response Columbia Bolivia Uraguay Question 27 2 / 2 points In 1982, Argentina fought a war with the United Kingdom over ___________. Correct Response the Falkland Islands land claims in Antarctica independence as a British colony Tierra del Fuego Question 28 2 / 2 points Which of the following South American countries are landlocked? **Select all that apply** Correct Response Bolivia Correct Response Paraguay Uraguay Suriname Question 29 2 / 2 points Match the South American country with its capitol city. Correct Response __2__ Chile Correct Response __4__ Venezuala Correct Response __3__ Bolivia Correct Response __1__ Argentina Correct Response __5__ Columbia 1. Buenos Aires 2. Santiago 3. La Paz 4. Caracas 5. Bogota Question 30 2 / 2 points Which of the following cities is NOT the capitol of its country? Buenos Aires Montevideo Correct Response Rio de Janeiro Bogota Question 31 2 / 2 points Which mountain range is located along the western side of South America? Alps Appalachians Correct Response Andes Rockies Question 32 2 / 2 points The Amazon River is located in Chile, South America. True Correct Response False Question 33 2 / 2 points Mexico City is built on the ruins of what ancient civilization? Correct Response Aztecs Mayans Egyptians Cherokee Question 34 2 / 2 points Which South American country participated in the African slave trade? Peru Venezuala Mexico Correct Response Brazil Question 35 2 / 2 points Which Middle American and South American countries were not settled by the Spanish? Chile Honduras Correct Response Suriname Correct Response Belize Ecuador Correct Response Guyana Uraguay Question 36 2 / 2 points The part of South America where the dominant ethnic group is European, but not Spanish, is __________. western mountain area northwest bordering Central America Correct Response northeastern coast southern tip Question 37 2 / 2 points Which of the following statements is incorrect? The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish. Correct Response Mayan languages are still used in parts of Mexico today. There ceremonial center of the Aztec civilization, named Tenochtitlan, was located in the valley of Mexico. The Mayan civilization arose in the highland areas of Mexico. Question 38 2 / 2 points Central America's oldest democratic republic does not currently have a standing army. Belize Correct Response Costa Rica Honduras Panama Question 39 2 / 2 points Prior to recent immigration laws, people traveled easily between Tijuana and California. Correct Response True False Question 40 2 / 2 points The Caribbean Islands are territories of which of the following countries? **Select all that apply** Correct Response United States Correct Response the Netherlands Correct Response United Kingdom Correct Response France Question 41 2 / 2 points Which of the following is not a reason that has led to underdevelopment in Middle and South America? Correct Response Sustainable development of urban construction Incomplete revolutions Failure of elites to reinvest profits Dependence on raw materials exports Question 42 2 / 2 points Only 3 percent of the population of Middle and South America is poor and lacks access to land, adequate food, shelter, water and sanitation, and basic education; stories in the media propagate myths about push factors in order to bolster support of U.S. immigration laws. True Correct Response False Question 43 2 / 2 points South American is located in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres. True Correct Response False Question 44 2 / 2 points Per capita, North Americans contribute the largest amounts of greenhouse gases. Correct Response True False Question 45 2 / 2 points Which of the following crops were major exports of plantations located in Georgia, Virginia, North and South Carolina? Correct Response tobacco corn squash Correct Response cotton Question 46 2 / 2 points New England relied on the export of cash crops for its early economy. True Correct Response False Question 47 2 / 2 points Which region of the early United States was the economic core? Northwest region Southern region Correct Response mid-Atlantic region Delta region Question 48 2 / 2 points Women in North America mostly entered the workforce during WWII and now represent over half of the working population. Correct Response True False Question 49 2 / 2 points Inuit populations in Alaska and the Canadian Arctic were diminished due to diseases brought by trappers and missionaries. Correct Response True False Question 50 2 / 2 points Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the United States. Correct Response True False

Test Three

Question 1 1 / 1 point Montreal and the lower course of the St. Lawrence Seaway are located in the Canadian province of __________. Nova Scotia British Columbia Alberta Ontario Correct Response Quebec Question 2 1 / 1 point Brownfields have been attractive to developers because they are easy to convert to high-density housing. True Correct Response False Question 3 1 / 1 point The United States and Canada have governments that are representative democracies. Correct Response True False Question 4 1 / 1 point Native Americans chose to migrate from Georgia to Oklahoma, because they thought it would be a more prosperous place to establish a reservation. True Correct Response False Question 5 1 / 1 point By the mid-nineteenth century, North America's economy was based on which industry? Correct Response steel farming coal fishing Question 6 1 / 1 point The North American birth rate started declining in the early 1800s, rose again following World War II, then began declining again in the 1960s. Correct Response True False Question 7 1 / 1 point Native people (called "people of the first Nations" in modern times) in Canada primarily live on reservations in what territory or province? Quebec British Columbia Pacific Northwest Correct Response Nunavut Question 8 1 / 1 point San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver are all ________________. Correct Response port cities engaged in trade around the Pacific Rim losing population due to loss in manufacturing facilities increasing irrigation due to arid climate conditions losing population due to loss in agriculture Question 9 1 / 1 point Immigrants in North America are most likely to compete for jobs with ____________________. manufacturing jobs which required technical college degree Correct Response least skilled, least educated workers IT or engineering jobs medical practitioners Question 10 1 / 1 point Which water body is surrounded by a geologically-active Ring of Fire: Correct Response Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean the Great Lakes the Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean Question 11 1 / 1 point **Select all the at apply** The Antarctic Treaty provided territorial claims to which of the following countries? Correct Response Norway Correct Response Australia Sweden Correct Response France Correct Response the United Kingdom Correct Response New Zealand the United States Correct Response Chile Question 12 0 / 1 point When the soil erodes into the Mississippi Delta region causing the silt to push the Delta down into the Gulf of Mexico, this is called: Correct Answer subsidence silt pushing sustenance Incorrect Response siltation Question 13 1 / 1 point A narrow circular sandy island with a barrier reef and a shallow lagoon is called a(n) ________. fjord bay Correct Response atoll isle Question 14 1 / 1 point What do Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia all have in common? They are all territories of Great Britain. Correct Response They are common names for island groupings in Oceania and are based on ancient cultural or ethnic links. They are home to the world's most active volcanoes. They are all territories of the United States. Question 15 1 / 1 point Which of the following environmental disasters occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010? Hurricane Katrina Exxon Valdez accident Correct Response Deepwater Horizon spill Love Canal toxic leak Question 16 1 / 1 point Match the North American region with the economic activity which historically occurred in that region prior to the 1900's. Correct Response __3__ farming of grains Correct Response __2__ plantation farming Correct Response __4__ gold digging Correct Response __1__ logging timber 1. Pacific Northwest 2. Southern States 3. Great Plains 4. California/Southwest Question 17 1 / 1 point The first colonies in the Southwest were founded and inhabited by people from which country? Correct Response Mexico the Netherlands Canada France Question 18 1 / 1 point Coal mining waste called ________ is pushed into surrounding valleys during mountaintop removal. dumpings toppings Correct Response tailings coalings Question 19 1 / 1 point Even if ships were able to navigate through Antarctica during the summer months due to glacial melting, it would still be faster and more fuel efficient for Atlantic to Pacific Ocean shipping lanes to pass through the Panama Canal. True Correct Response False Question 20 1 / 1 point Which of the following patterns of movement has not been common for North Americans? Westward expansion rural to urban migration Correct Response from the United States to Latin America African American movement for freedom and opportunity Question 21 1 / 1 point Which of the following states are located in the Southwest United States? **Select all that apply** Kansas Hawaii Correct Response Utah Louisiana Correct Response Texas Correct Response Arizona Correct Response New Mexico South Dakota Correct Response Oregon Correct Response West Virginia Question 22 1 / 1 point Puerto Rico and Hawaii are both island territories of the United States located in the Pacific Ocean True Correct Response False Question 23 1 / 1 point The Rocky Mountains were created by the collision of the North American Plate with the: Correct Response Pacific Plate Rocky Plate Atlantic Plate Oceanic Plate Question 24 1 / 1 point Which of the following U.S. cities is located closest to an active volcano? Atlanta Ottawa Boston Correct Response Seattle Question 25 1 / 1 point Both Australia and New Zealand were penal colonies of Great Britain. True Correct Response False Question 26 1 / 1 point The Southwest is a tri-cultural region comprised of: blacks, whites, and Native Americans Correct Response Native Americans, Hispanics, and Anglos Mexicans, Alaskans, and Hawaiians Mexicans, Native Americans, and First Nations none of the above Question 27 1 / 1 point The majority of Australia's population lives in which region? Correct Response Southeastern Australia Tasmania New Zealand the Outback Question 28 1 / 1 point Which of the following would not contribute to deforestation? population growth Correct Response digital divide cattle ranching urban sprawl Question 29 1 / 1 point By reversing the flow of the Chicago River, the city of Chicago is now sending its wastewater to which water body? Lake Michigan Atlantic Ocean Hudson River Correct Response Gulf of Mexico Question 30 1 / 1 point A unique form of rural settlement developed in French Canada is called: ethanol farming the outer city Correct Response long lots township and range village-centered agriculture Question 31 1 / 1 point Which of the following are phases in globalization of Oceania? **Select all that apply** Correct Response began from a predominantly European focus Correct Response to the currently emerging linkage with Asia for economic trade in recent years to land grabbing in Mexico and Guatemala to increase food supply for Oceania to identification with the European Union and copied the economic system of modern Europe Question 32 0 / 1 point According to the text, which of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of most new immigrants to the United States? Correct Answer They tend to pay taxes. They commit crimes out of desperation. They use more public services than US citizens. Incorrect Response They are unemployed for several months after arrival. Question 33 1 / 1 point The country whose indigenous population was devastated by environmental pollution wrought by the Ok Tedi Mine is: Tongo Nauru Samoa Correct Response Papau New Guinea Question 34 1 / 1 point Which of the following states touch one of the Great Lakes? Correct Response Pennsylvania Correct Response Michigan Correct Response New York Correct Response Ohio New Jersey Correct Response Wisconsin Iowa Correct Response Minnesota Question 35 1 / 1 point Which of the following features on the North American physical landscape is the work of glaciers that once covered large parts of the continent as recently as 10,000 years ago? Cascade Volcanoes Florida Everglades Correct Response Great Lakes Rocky Mountains Question 36 0 / 1 point The nation of Kiribati is made up of how many islands? Correct Answer 22 Incorrect Response 1 8 11 Question 37 1 / 1 point Which North American mountain range extends from Georgia to Maine? Himalayas Alps Correct Response Appalachian Rockies Question 38 1 / 1 point The Great Lakes are depressions left by glacial scouring. Correct Response True False Question 39 0.88 / 1 point Which of the following states border the Mississippi River in North America? **Select all that apply** Oklahoma Correct Answer Arkansas Correct Answer Wisconsin Correct Answer Louisiana Alabama Correct Answer Tennessee Correct Answer Iowa Correct Answer Illinois Question 40 1 / 1 point The Pacific Way is a political and cultural philosophy that was articulated as a formal concept in Fiji around 1970. Correct Response True False Question 41 1 / 1 point Approximately 67 percent of African American children in North America are born into a single-parent family. Correct Response True False Question 42 1 / 1 point In general, which statement describes a recent trend in the lives of the women of Australia and New Zealand? Gender equality is more prevalent in the Pacific Islands than in Australia and New Zealand. Women are no longer expected to perform housewife roles. Correct Response Access to jobs has improved. Women's participation in government has declined. Question 43 1 / 1 point The North American Free Trade Agreement: makes North America the largest trading bloc in the world includes Central America Correct Response includes only the United States, Canada, and Mexico went into effect in the year 2000 was disbanded in 2007 Question 44 0 / 1 point A low, flat transition zone between land and sea, characterized by swamps, lagoons, and sandbars, is called a _______________.___coastal lowland___Incorrect Response(delta)Hint: There is one located at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Question 45 1 / 1 point In the United States, women are better represented in the federal government than in Canada. True Correct Response False Question 46 1 / 1 point New Zealand, Tahiti, and the Hawaiian Islands are all examples of atolls. True Correct Response False Question 47 1 / 1 point The Great Barrier Reef is located just off the northeast coast of which country? Japan Correct Response Australia Spain French Polynesia Question 48 1 / 1 point Mendota, a town in California's Central Valley, is known for which of the following industries? Correct Response agriculture service technology mining Question 49 1 / 1 point Which of the following is associated with the concept of continental drift? apartheid separate development Correct Response Pangaea land alienation continentality Question 50 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Dust Bowl? The Dust Bowl occurred after ten years of drought. Farmers left the Dust Bowl and migrated from the Great Plains to the Pacific Northwest and California. Wind blew away the arid topsoil in such amounts that growing crops become impossible which is why America's Breadbasket became called the Dust Bowl. Correct Response The Dust Bowl happened at the same time as WWII. Question 51 1 / 1 point **Select all that apply** Which of the following statements depict problems which have occurred in Oceania since the mining industry by foreign investors was developed? Correct Response Foreign-owned mining companies took advantage of poorly enforced or nonexistent environmental laws. Correct Response Mine waste has devastated river systems in Papau New Guinea. Correct Response Best-paying mining jobs go to people who migrated to the islands from foreign countries rather than to the locals. Correct Response Tens of thousands of indigenous subsistence cultivators were forced into new mining market towns. Question 52 1 / 1 point Settlers to New Zealand from what world region are responsible for nearly all of the introduced species of mammals, fish, and fowl in that country? Asia Correct Response Europe North America Africa Question 53 1 / 1 point Which island was created when the drifting continent of Australia collided with the Eurasian Plate? Palau Godwana Correct Response New Guinea New Zealand Question 54 1 / 1 point Which agricultural crop established the connection between Pacific Islanders and native populations in South America? sugar Correct Response sweet potatoes maize avocados Question 55 1 / 1 point Warming at the poles could bring industrial development such as mining for oil and natural gas. Correct Response True False Question 56 1 / 1 point In addition to irrigation, farmers on the Great Plains have turned to using fossil water from the Ogallala, the largest of what type of feature in the region? qanat crater lake Correct Response aquifer river Question 57 1 / 1 point Which of the following organizations associated with globalization serves as an international governmental/diplomatic structure? Paris Climate Accord World Trade Organization World Bank Correct Response United Nations Question 58 1 / 1 point What was established by the 1985 Treaty of Rarotonga? The Great Dingo Fence Independence of Polynesia from France Correct Response South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Oceania Free Trade Zone Question 59 1 / 1 point What term below means a chain of islands? Wallace's line Pigdin Correct Response Archipelago Collection Question 60 0 / 1 point Roman Catholicism dominates in which of the following areas of the United States in North America? Incorrect Response the Northeastern region the Southeastern region the Northwestern region Correct Answer the Southwestern region Question 61 1 / 1 point The largest concentration of Canadians is located in what part of Canada? provinces along Pacific coastline provinces along Atlantic coastline Correct Response along the US border in Southeast corner of Canada in the Canadian plains region Question 62 1 / 1 point China's economy has outgrown that of the United States in terms of its purchasing power. Correct Response True False Question 63 1 / 1 point What term is used to describe plant and animal species that exist in a particular place and nowhere else, such as many of the flora and fauna in Oceania? Correct Response endemic species cultural species invasive species pandemic species Question 64 1 / 1 point Which of the following mountain chains is the oldest, and hence the most eroded? American Rockies Correct Response Appalachian Sierra Madres Canadian Rockies Question 65 1 / 1 point Urban centers are located in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. True Correct Response False Question 66 0.86 / 1 point Which of the following states border the Gulf of Mexico? Correct Response Arizona Correct Response New Mexico Correct Answer Incorrect Response Georgia Correct Answer Correct Response Texas Correct Answer Correct Response Mississippi Correct Answer Correct Response Alabama Correct Answer Correct Response Florida Question 67 1 / 1 point Climate change at the poles my result in decreased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as the permafrost thaws and polar oceans warm. True Correct Response False Question 68 1 / 1 point Prior to 2009, the U.S.-Mexico border had about 10 times more border guards than the U.S.-Canada border. Correct Response True False Question 69 0 / 1 point According to the textbook, approximately __ percent of U.S. children live in poverty. 33 Incorrect Response 44 11 Correct Answer 22 Question 70 1 / 1 point Europeans were the first people group in North America. True Correct Response False Question 71 1 / 1 point The DeSoto expeditions began in the geographic area now known as: Correct Response Florida Virginia Louisiana Massachusetts Question 72 0 / 1 point Which statement describes the climate changes typically associated with an El Niño event in the western Pacific (Oceania)? Correct Answer Ocean temperatures cool down, which results in less cloud cover and rain. Ocean temperatures warm up, which results in less cloud cover and rain. Ocean temperatures cool down, which results in more cloud cover and rain. Incorrect Response Ocean temperatures warm up, which results in more cloud cover and rain. Question 73 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements best summarizes the story of how humans first came into North America? Viking explorers came across the North Atlantic Ocean in small sailing vessels. Peoples from the ancient Mayan and Incan civilizations traveled on horse from what is now Mexico. Correct Response Small bands of hunters came from eastern northeastern Asia by crossing the Bering land bridge. Many of Columbus's first crew remained and established permanent settlements. Question 74 0 / 1 point The trend of movement of people southward in the United States is called ________. Correct Answer counterurbanization rural to urban migration Incorrect Response sunbelt migration concentric zone model Question 75 1 / 1 point The Great Lakes of North America are located in between the states of Utah and Nevada. True Correct Response False Question 76 1 / 1 point What led to the ecological disaster of the 1930s in the Great Plains region? Correct Response A drought combined with dust storms that blew away the topsoil. A flood that eroded away all the topsoil in the region. A lack of available farm labor caused by the growth of employment on the East Coast during that decade. Mormon belief systems which advocate the clear-cutting of all land. Question 77 1 / 1 point Which subregion of the Pacific realm contains medium sized islands, people with relatively lighter-colored skin tones, and historically contained class-based societies where violent warfare was common (Hint: includes islands of Hawaii and Tahiti)? Micronesia Correct Response Polynesia Melanesia Amnesia Question 78 1 / 1 point What is another name for the core (often skyscrapers) at the center of the concentric zone model of urban development? zone of business gentrification urban center Correct Response central business district Question 79 1 / 1 point Most new immigrants to North America actually consume fewer public services than they pay for through taxes. Correct Response True False Question 80 1 / 1 point Canada and the United States were once the same country, but divided into two countries after the Civil War. True Correct Response False Question 81 0 / 1 point The introduction of which of the following allowed Native Americans to begin building cities by freeing up community members to engage in activities other than hunting and gathering? cattle Incorrect Response horses guns Correct Answer corn Question 82 1 / 1 point The passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has had which of the following effects? Correct Response reduction and removal of tariffs between Mexico, the United States, and Canada rising corruption in Canada due to United States and Mexican firms who have relocated there considerable decline in trade between the United States and Canada sharp decline in the flow of Mexican migrants into North America Question 83 1 / 1 point The Law of the Sea allowed pirates to conduct legal search and seizure operations during the age of exploration to the New World. True Correct Response False Question 84 1 / 1 point The largest river in North America is __________. Colorado Correct Response Mississippi Nile Amazon Question 85 0.75 / 1 point **Select all that apply** Which countries tested nuclear weapons in the island region of Oceania from the 1940's until the Cold War? Correct Response France North Korea Correct Response United States Russia (known as the USSR at that time) Question 86 1 / 1 point What is Wallace's Line? Correct Response a line separating Australian faunal species from Asian species a political boundary drawn between countries negotiating a treaty a mountain range in Australia a row of islands in the Pacific Ocean Question 87 1 / 1 point The North American region with the greatest disparity in income between rich and poor is: Correct Response the South the Southwest the Continental Core the Western Frontier New England/Atlantic Provinces Question 88 1 / 1 point Which of the following impact the climate variability found in North America? Correct Response landforms on the continent which influence the movement of air masses population growth outsourcing of production facilities tectonic plate activity Question 89 1 / 1 point The French-speaking province of Canada that has repeatedly hinted at seceding from Canada is: Nunavut British Columbia Ontario Correct Response Quebec Question 90 1 / 1 point Which of the following is not an example of the impact of globalization on culture in the United States? Correct Response introduction of country music outsourcing of communication service jobs to India Chinese restaurants Japanese comics Question 91 1 / 1 point The Amish of North America are an example of what type of culture? popular culture global culture cultural club Correct Response folk culture Question 92 1 / 1 point Australia experienced a revolution against British rule at the same time as the American Revolution. True Correct Response False Question 93 1 / 1 point During WWII, the United States established military bases on what island system in order to have power in the Pacific? Indonesia Correct Response the Phillipines Japan Madagascar Question 94 1 / 1 point Which of the following is true of coal mining in the United States? Coal mining mainly occurs in coastal areas. Coal use is increasing in the United States, while coal exports to Asia are decreasing. Correct Response Coal mining tailings can pollute waterways and threaten communities that depend on well water. Mountaintop removal is the least damaging form of coal extraction. Question 95 1 / 1 point What process resulted in the formation of the North American central lowland that lies in between the two major mountain ranges of the continent? Correct Response Material that erodes from the Rocky Mountains has been deposited by wind, rain, and rivers. Earthquakes opened and flattened what was once a mountainous area. Early European settlers cleared and flattened a hilly landscape so that they could more easily farm the area. A colossal volcanic eruption split North America in half, and the central lowland, once an intercontinental sea, was filled in by glacial activity. Question 96 0 / 1 point New developments in the polar regions are MOST likely to include: Correct Answer open pit copper mines and windmill farms. retirement communities and nuclear waste storage sites. tourism and commercial farming. Incorrect Response reindeer farms and paper recycling plants. Question 97 0 / 1 point Coal mining takes place in the North American region of the Pacific Northwest. Incorrect Response True Correct Answer False Question 98 1 / 1 point Which of the following cities are located in Canada? Correct Response Seattle Correct Response Montreal Correct Response Vancouver Correct Response Pierre Question 99 1 / 1 point After World War II, suburban growth accelerated greatly in North America as a result of ____________. subsidized public transportation Correct Response affordable automobiles foreign competition movement of companies from cities to suburbs Question 100 1 / 1 point The Marshall Islands located near Australia were once a territory of the United States. Correct Response True False

Test Two

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