World History Ch. 13 Test

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Church officeholders ignored their duties and hired underlings who were sometimes not apporpriately qualified


T/F: Pope Clement VII didn't annul King Henry's marriage because he sided with Charles V who was Catherine's nephew

FALSE (He joined with Francis because papal policy was guided by political considerations)

T/F: Pope Clement VII joined with Charles because the papal policy was guided by religious considerations, not political ones


T/F: The Catholic church excommunicated Martin Luther in January 1521

TRUE (Henry was a Catholic, though--with his help, the League was able to force Charles to negotiate a truce. After that he fled and gave up his titles to his brother)

T/F: The Schmalkaldic League allied itself with the new French king, Henry II


T/F: The northern humanists believed in one simple religion that they came to feel had been distorted by the complicated theological arguments of the Middle Ages.

FALSE (only the younger generation supported him.... people like Erasmus fled)

T/F: When it became apparent that Luther's movement threatened the unity of Christendom, the oldergeneration of Christian humanists decided to support Luther.


T/F: Zwingli abolished relics and images, and removed paintings/ decorations from the churches, replaced Mass witha new liturgy (reading, prayer, and sermons), abolished monasticism, pilgrimages, the veneration of saints, clerical celibacy, and the pope's authority


T/F: more and more people sought certainty of salvation through veneration of relics, causing collection of such objects to grow

Scripture alone

The Bible is God's written Word, and it alone, not human tradition or the church, is the final, perfect, authority for what we believe and do

To serve God, exit from the world

What are some reasons Christians might choose such a life?

Faith alone, Christ alone, Scripture alone, Grace alone, For God's glory alone

What are the 5 Solas of the Reformation?

Martin Luther

experienced a violent thunderstorm and swore to become a monk if he survived, became an Augustinian, forcues on the assurance of salvation, struggled with the sacrament of penance (confession)

human beings

Christian humanists believed that in order to change society, they must first change ______ _______


T/F: People didn't seek certainty of salvation in the popular mystical movement known as the Modern Devotion

The French, the papacy, the Turks, and Germany's internal situation

Chales V's four major problems (reasons why he couldn't maintain his enormous empire and preserve the Catholic faith trhoughout his empire)

Cardinal Ximenes

A Spanish archbishop who was especially active in using Christian humanism to reform the church, had lots of religious writing translated to Spanish

Habsburg-Valois Wars

A series of conflicts between Francis I and Charles V over disputed territories that was fought intermittently for 24 years, preventing Charles from concentrating on the Lutheran problem in Germany


All felt that the true Chrsitian church was a coluntary association of believers, advocated audlt baptism, no one should be forced to accept the truth of the Bible, all believers considered equal, minister was elected, accepted that they'd suffer for their faith, Lord's Supper was a rememberance, separation of church and state, refused to hold political offices or bear arms

Swiss Brethren

An early group of Anabaptists who practiced adult baptism and were expelled from the city


Charles V attacked _____ and sacked it

Thomas More

Became lord chancellor of England, an intimate friend of Erasmus, people praised his household as a shining model of Christian family life, wrote Utopia, Christian humanist


By the beginning of the sixteenth century, the unifaction of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden under the rule of one monarch (the king of Denmark) was flourishing/disintegrating?

Schmalkaldic Wars

Charles' attempts to battle the Protestants was known as the....?

Suleiman (Ottoman Empire)

Defeated and killed King Louis of Hungary (Charles's brother in law), caused his people to overrun most of Hungary, moved into Austria, advanced as far as Vienna (where they were repulsed in 1529)


Edited the Greek New Testament from the earliest available manuscripts and published it along witht he Latin translation

Schmalkaldic Leauge

Fearful of Charles's intentions, 8 princes and eleven imperial cities (all Lutheran) formed a defensive alliance know as....?


Following his own denunciation of clerical ________, Luther married a former nun, Katherina von Bora


Gace up his life opposing England's break witht he Roman Catholic Church over the divorce of King Henry VIII

For God's Glory alone

God alone will receive all glory, including for man's salvation. Man cannot boast in God's sight, but must honor God as supremely important and valuable


High church officials took over more than one church office

He passed a piece of legislation that essentially abolished papal authority in England, and no longer needed the pope for his divorce

How did Henry obtain an annulment?

He read the Bible (Romans)--by faith and not by works

How did Martin Luther discover the truth that salvation was by faith in Christ Jesus alone?

Translated the Bible from Latin to German

How did he occupy his time while there?

The Bible says we are to be the light of the world

How does the Reformation itself militate against the premises of monasticism?

They could forgive not only your sins and shorten your time in purgatory, but also that of your family members

How were Tetzel's indulgences more powerful than regular indulgences?

He threw the papal bull into the fire

In 1520 the pope issued Exsurge Somine, a papal bull listing 41 of Luther's beliefs as heretical and calling on Luther to repent and repudiate his views under threat of excommunication. The bull began, "Arise, O Lord and judge Thy Cause. A wild board has invaded Thy vineward." What did Luther do in response to this Proclamation?

it is not necessary for salvation to be in the hands of the pope

In Luther's debate with John Eck at Leipzig, Eck accused Luther of being a follower of John Hus. Though Luther came to his views independently of reading Hus, once he reread Hus' writings, he agreed with much of what Hus sad. What were some of Hus' ideas that Luther would agree with?


In the first phase of the Schmalkaldic Wars, Charles' forcces lost to/defeated the Lutherans at the Battle of Muhlberg

Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Cromwell

King Henry VIII's two new advisers were...?


Luther denied the Catholic doctrine of _____________, which taught that the substance of the bread and wine consumed in the rite is miraculously transformed into the body and blood of Jesus

Lord's Supper and baptism

Luther kept only two of the Catholic Church's seven sacraments. What were they?

This was good because you can't refute Scripture

Luther repeatedly said he must follow his conscience and his conscience was bound by Scripture, not the authority of popes or councils. To what degree was this a good position to hold? Weren't Luther's opponents following their consciences too?

Christian (northern) Renaissance Humanism

Major goal was the reform of Christianity

renounce family and friends, suffer for God, live in poverty, die to self, chastity, obedience, separated themselves

Martin Luther began his spiritual journey as a monk in the Augustinian order. What were some characteristics of monastic life?

religious; king

More's _________ devotion proved even more important than his service to the ________


More's idea of communal ownership, working 9 hours a day, everyone earns the same salary, cooperation and reson replacing power and fame

Oratory of Divine Love

Not a religious order but an informal group of clergy and laymen who worked to foster reform by emphasizing personal spiritual development and outward acts of charity

Gustavas Vasa

Overthrew Christian II, became king of an independent Sweden, established a Lutheran Reformation in Sweden

the pope

Pamphlets illustrated with vivid woodcuts portraying __________ as a hideous Antichrist were useful to the spread of the Reformation

Grace alone

People are saved only by God's grace. Salvation is a gift that cannot be deserved, bought or earned

Christ alone

People are saved only through Christ and do not need to go through a priest or anyone else

Faith alone

People are saved only through trusting Christ, not by good works

Failure of the Renaissance popes to provide spiritual leadership, papal court's preoccupation with finances, economic changes of 14th/15th centuries

Reasons the people wanted reform

Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians

Religious orders such as the _______ , _________, and _________ called for reform


T/F: Luther replaced Mass with a worship service consisting of a vernacular liturgy that focused on Bible reading, preaching the word of God, and song

Christian II

Ruler of the three Scandinavian kingdoms, overthrown by Swedish barons led by Gustavus Vasa, he then became king of Denmark by the Danish nobility

Elector of Saxony

Sent Luther into hiding at the Wartburg Castle


T/F: Marburg Colloguy produced an agreement and an evangelical alliance

FALSE (he did not recant)

T/F: Martin Luther recanted all his "heretical doctrines" in front of Emperor Charles V in Worms.


T/F: Martin Luther's reform movement was the first.


T/F: Northern humanists strongly supported education

Ulrich Zwingli

Strongly influenced by Christian humanism, ordained a priest, accepted a parish post in Switzerland, appointed as a cathedral priest in the Great Minster of Zurich, began the Reformation in Switzerland

Frederick I

Succeeded Christian II, encouraged Lutherans to spread their doctrines into the Danish church service

Christian III

Succeeded Frederick I, installed a Lutheran state church with the king as the supreme authority in all ecclesiastical affairs


T/F: Because Charles V sacked Rome, Clement came to terms with him, and Charles V stood supreme over much of Italy


T/F: Charles I, king of Spain and grandson of Emperor Maximilian, was elected Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V


T/F: City council held a disputation in the town hall, which became a standard method of spreading the Reformation to many cities, and in the end, the council declaired that Zwingli should continue to proclaim the Gospel


T/F: Erasmus believed that Christianity should be a guiding philosophy for the direction of daily life rather than the system of dogmatic beliefs and practices that the medieval church seemed to stress.

FALSE (his whole program was based on reform within the church)

T/F: Erasmus wanted to destroy the unity of the medieval Christian church


T/F: In order to resolve the problem in Germany, Charles brought a sizable imperial army of German, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish troops to do battle with Protstants.

To build St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome

The Dominican friar John Tetzel wasn't selling just ordinary indulgences. What was the money raised by the sale of his indulgenced to be used for?


The Peasant's War made Luther more/less dependent on state authorities for the growth and maintenance of his reformed church?

Francis I

The Valois king of France who became embroiled in a series of conflicts with Charles V over disputed territories in southern France, the Netherlands, the Rhineland, northern Spain, and Italy


The most important characteristic of northern humanism was its ______ program


The most influential of all the Christian humanists


The primary means of disseminating Luther's ideas was through (sermons or throught the written word?)

the Bible

This became Luther's chief guide to religious truth

Edict of Worms

This made Luther an outlaw

He was still a sinner and God was an angry judge

Though Martin Luther lived an exemplary life within the monastic tradition, he was not satisfied with his life. Why?


To Luther, humans are saved not through their good works but through _____ in the promises of God, made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Swiss Protestant; Catholic

War erupted between the ____ ____________ and the _______ cantons (a civil war)

Sent him to Rome to fortify his faith and sent him to Wittenberg to preach

What did the monastic leaders recommend that Luther do to assuage his guilt feelings?

saints and relics (they prayed to them, not Jesus)

What had the medieval church put in place of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation?

King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon (she didn't produce a male heir)

What started the English Reformation?

He was merciless and condemned Luther, not loving

What was Luther's attitude towards God at this point?


What was the name of Anne Boleyn's daughter?

Peasants hadn't been touched by gradual economic improvements, influential local lords continued to abuse peasants, demands for taxes and other services

What were some of the reasons the peasants revolted in the Peasant's War?

The Bible says to LOVE one another

While Luther was in the Wartburg, some of his followers began using their new-found freedoms to implement more radical reforms, tearing down religious statures and disrupting the church services. Luther came from his Wartburg retreat to restore order. What argument did he use against a disruptive, chaotic use of Christian liberty?

Anne Boleyn

Who did Henry VIII marry after Catherine of Aragon?

He was captured on his way to Wittenburg, his friend arranged it to protect him

Why did Luther spend 10 months in the Wartburg Castle?

Jesus already paid for our sins fully

Why was Martin Luther so opposed to the sale of indulgences


Wrote The Handbook of the Christian Knight, called his conception of religion "the philosophy of Christ", emphasized inner piety, de-emphasized the external forms of religion

The Lord's Supper

Zwingli hoped to form an alliance with Protestant political leaders in order to fight the forest cantons in Switzerland that remained staunchly Catholic. However, they split over the interpretation of __________________

Thomas Muntzer

________ ______ inflamed the peasants against their rulers with his fiery language


________ became a haven for Anabaptists from the surrounding neighborhood


belief that the end of the world was at hand and that they would usher in the kingdom of God with Munster as the New Jerusalem

northern humanists

cultivated a knowledge of the classics, returned to the writings of antiquity, focused on the sources of early Christianity, the Holy Scriptures, and the writings of such church fathers as Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome


the act by which a person is made deserving of salvation

Peace of Augsburg

this granted Lutherans equal legal standing with Catholics; it accepted the right of each German ruler to determine the religion of his subjects

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