World History (Exploration)

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_____ is a system in which family members worked in their homes to make part of a product.


Who was the first person to direct a voyage that went all the way around the world? a) Ferdinand Magellan b) Pedro Cabral c) Francis Drake d) Bartolomeu Dias

Ferdinand Magellan

One result of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of Christianity. What other reason for Christianity's spread have you learned about this year? a) the Crusades b) the Spanish Inquisition c) the Reformation d) the Catholic Reformation

the Catholic Reformation

Which of the following types of food is native to the region listed next to it? a) chocolate—Americas b) tomatoes—Europe c) sweet potatoes—Africa d) pineapple—Asia


Killed more than three-quarters of Native Americans and helped the Spanish gain power over large parts of North and South America


Millions of Native Americans were wiped out by Europeans unknowingly bringing this.


Kepler proved that planets did not move in circular orbits around the sun, but rather in _____ orbits.


In the 1500s a nation's power depended mainly on a) the size of its army b) its balance of trade c) the number of colonies it founded d) its wealth in gold and silver

its wealth in gold and silver

A system in which a government controls all economic activity in a country and its colonies to make the government richer and stronger.


Along with plants and animals, Europeans brought two key aspects of their culture to the Americas like _____.

religion (Christianity) and language

Disease killed so many Native Americans, that _____ were imported from Africa to work on the _____.

slaves, plantations

The improvement of this instrument helped Galileo overturn many ancient ideas.


Africa supplied slaves to the Americas. Slaves worked to provide raw materials like sugarcane and gold to Europe. Europe provided manufactured goods to Africa and the Americas. Mercantilism created this new trade network, which was called the _____.


Colonies were good for European countries' balance of trade because manufactured goods were more valuable than _____.


European countries tried to maintain a favorable _____ - to export more goods than they imported - in order to remain rich.


He was a Portuguese sailor who is credited with being the first to round the tip of South Africa (the Cape of Good Hope).

Bartolomeu Dias

Who protested the terrible way Spanish colonists treated the American Indians? a) Ponce de León b) Bartolomé de las Casas c) Francisco Pizarro d) all of the above

Bartolomé de las Casas

Discovered the Americas during an attempt to discover a western route to Asia

Christopher Columbus

Sailed around the southern tip of South America during the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe

Ferdinand Magellan

He discovered that planets orbits were elliptical.

Johannes Kepler

This country primarily colonized the New World.


Which of the following is NOT a technology that Europeans introduced to the Americas? a) wheel b) gunpowder c) steel d) cotton gin

cotton gin

Name of the book Newton wrote

Pricipia Mathematica

He said "doubt everything until it can be proven with reason".

Rene Descartes

Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes are credited with developing this

Scientific Method

In a(n) _____, individuals decide what goods and services they will buy.


Power in Europe shifted from Spain and Portugal to England and the Netherlands as a result of new trade routes, increased manufacturing, and _____.


_____ is a system in which the government controls all of the economic activity in a country and its colonies to make itself richer and stronger.


_____ is an economic system in which individuals and private businesses run most industries.


What was the name given to the exchange of plants, animals, ideas, and technology between the Old World and the New World that brought many changes to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas? a) globalization b) mercantilism c) the Columbian Exchange d) capitalism

the Columbian Exchange

The Columbian Exchange is responsible for all of the following except a) the spread of disease from Europe to America b) the introduction of the horse to Europe c) the spread of American crops to Africa and Asia d) the introduction of the wheel to America

the introduction of the horse to Europe

Exploration disproved Ptolemy's ancient map of the known world, which had _____ continents on it.


According to the policy of mercantilism, what was the main purpose of colonies? a) to be a source of slaves to work in the ruling country b) to provide a place where the ruling country could send undesirable people c) to help the ruling country have a favorable balance of trade d) to serve as bases from which the ruling country could launch attacks on enemies

to help the ruling country have a favorable balance of trade

He discovered the Americas in 1492.

Christopher Columbus

The exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the New World and the Old World is known as _____.

Columbian Exchange

The first European credited with circumnavigating the globe.

Ferdinand Magellan

Stole gold and silver from Spanish galleons at his queen's request

Francis Drake

He improved the telescope and used it to find the craters on the moon.

Galileo Galilei

Built a navigation school to teach sailors how to find their way and paid people to sail on voyages of exploration

Henry the Navigator

He came up with the law of gravity and the laws of motion.

Isaac Newton

In Grade 6 you learned that the Greeks were inspired by the explorations and adventures Homer reported in the Odyssey. What European explorer's adventures later similarly inspired other Europeans to explore? a) Genghis Khan b) Marco Polo c) Admiral Zheng He d) Mansa Musa

Marco Polo

Europeans considered people in the Americas to be living in the _____ World.

New World

He came up with the Heliocentric Theory.

Nicolaus Copernicus

He found and claimed Brazil for Portugal.

Pedro Cabral

Which of the following statements does NOT describe a part of the Columbian Exchange? a) Asian crops such as bananas and sugarcane were transplanted to the Americas. b) The Spanish brought pigs and horses to the Americas. c) South Americans knowingly transmitted smallpox and measles through rats to Europe. d) American crops such as tomatoes and avocados were transplanted to Europe.

South Americans knowingly transmitted smallpox and measles through rats to Europe.

Fleet of ships that once ruled the open seas but was defeated by the English in 1588

Spanish Armada

An economic system in which the government controls all aspects of a country's economy to make it stronger is called capitalism.


Christopher Columbus led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe.


In 1588 an English navy destroyed a fleet of Spanish ships called the balance of trade.


The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the Old World and the New World.


The Spanish created large farms called plantations in the Americas.


The first person to reach India by sailing around Africa was Bartolomé de las Casas.


Ptolemy's ancient Geocentric theory stated this:

The universe revolves around the Earth.

Discovered a sea route from Europe to Asia by sailing around Africa

Vasco da Gama

He is credited with being the first European to reach Asia (India) by sea.

Vasco da Gama

What determined the social order of the Americas? a) skin color b) ethnic background c) conquest d) all of the above

all of the above

An instrument that measures changes in pressure in the atmosphere and helps predict the weather.


The United States has this type of economy, wherein individuals and private businesses run most industries.


This type of ship used lateen (triangular) sails to be able to sail into the wind.


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