World History-Industrial Revolution-Chapter 27

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How did the Second French Republic form?

The first revolution of 1848 was in France. French workers rose up because of depression and unemployment and national guard turned against Louis Phillipe which led to the King leaving and Second French Republic forming.

How is the Third Republic created?

Third Republic is created from demonstrations and has many crises

The revolutions in France of 1848 inspired what?

This inspired other people to rise up against the Austrian empire and each revolt was crushed except Hungary which was eventually, from the help of Russia

Why were factories created instead of having machines in the home?

•Machines replaced people and made goods cost less. But, they were also big and expensive and therefore had to be put in factories where people had to work instead of their homes.

Why were steam engines built in Britain?

•More energy was needed than slaves could supply and the industry needed more flexibility than the machines always having to be built near water

How did the cotton boom in Britain affect American slavery?

•No one could compete with British quantity and speed in making cloth •This demanded a huge supply of raw cotton from America who cut costs of making it with the invention of the cotton gin •This also boosted need for slave labor on American plantations and slaves were pushed and exploited to produce the fibers

What revolution happened in German states?

-Workers rebelled in Germany fighting for a united Germany under a liberal constitution -The Prussian King promised a constitution -The German states sent delegates to Frankfurt to draft a constitution -They offered the King to be the emperor, he declined the offer and sent his army to get rid of the Frankfurt Assembly

What was romanticism?

-Romanticism was a cultural movement in arts and rejected Enlightenments rationalism -It brought beliefs in emotion and passion and many people wrote and created pieces showcasing this -Some people tried to promote nationalism through their romanticism work

What was the resistance response to Western domination by non-Westerns?

-Some countries saw westerners as outsiders and resisted -However, they soon realized that Western power was to strong and they were too advance to be resisted -They realized they would fall behind which made them more easily controllable if they didn't get on board

What was the Irish Home rule movement?

-The Irish Home Rule movement pressed for independence and by 1921 the Catholic majority of Irish people were their own country while Northern Ireland remained with Britain

What did Karl Marx and Freidrich believe about society in regards to Communism?

-They believed any society was rooted in the economy, whoever ran that, ran the country -They believed the Urban Proletariat ended up overthrowing the bourgeoisie and forming a proletarian dictatorship and a socialist classless society

What prompted Tsar Nicholas to end serfdom?

-Tsar Alexander II came after Tsar Nicholas in 1855 and end the Crimean War -Russia lost the war to the Ottomans -Russian defeat to the Ottomans, and serf revolts, prompted him to end and serfdom

Who wrote the Communist manifesto and what did it claim?

Friedrich Engels helped Karl Marx write the Communist Manifesto which claimed to unite all workers to have a communist revolution

What were the Factory Acts of 1833 and 1847 and where was it passed?

In Britain, to make factory conditions better and restirct child labor, the gov passed the Factory Act

men right?? 1832-1849-What was the Reform Act and where was it passed?

In Britain, workers were threatening to rebel and so the government passed the Reform Act which gave voting rights to middle class people in the industrial towns

Why did the British Labor force increase from 1750-1850?

Three reasons: -Large landowners stopped giving surplus land to peasants and often Parliament (which they ran) passed laws approving these enclosures The land-less peasants became wage laborers working the land of the owners. They formed the group called a proletariat. -Urban populations increased due to smaller rate of child mortality -New farming methods don't need as many people working on the farm caused the greater population of landless poor people to work in factories for cheap paying jobs

What is socialism?

-Socialism-believed freedom was only good if you could enjoy it, wanted equality, cooperation, redistribution of society's wealth, improve worker's lives, public welfare policies to support poor

What happened in France's Second Empire?

-The Second Empire had an economic boom but Napoleon III like Napoleon I, was a repressive dictator -Prosperity didn't last and the Second Empire was hurt from many affairs overseas such as the American Civil War ending

How did railways impact countries?

-The search for resources, markets, and investment opportunities was aided by the new steel and transportation technologies -Railways were built that united countries and allowed farms to transport products to markets faster to ports -Ships were built that cut trip lengths -Different countries were able to trade and were connected more than ever

What was the women suffrage movement?

-The women suffrage was a movement that tried to gain women voting rights -Suffragists were mad that they hadn't gained the right yet and in 1910, used violent acts to bring attention to their cause

***What classes formed in society?

-The working class (the exploited class) form the urban proletariat -The urban middle classes were called the Bourgeoisie

From 1850-1880, what was Britain in the economy?

Britain was the lead industrial country, dominated local markets and provided the majority of resources for the world

What was the Reform Act of 1867 and where was it passed?

Britain passed Reform Act of 1867-extended voting rights to urban working-class males

What is Communism?

Communism was another form of socialism, but a promoted the violent overthrow of the current ruling.

What was the economic cooperation response to Western domination by non-Westerns?

Economic cooperation-Some countries cooperated and Europeans owned the land, paid minimal wage, invested the profit out of the country, and put locals out of business by putting cheap European goods in local markets -These countries therefore, didn't make enough money back to industrialize their countries and compete with the West

Why happened between classes now that cities were forming?

-Now that cities were forming, different levels of classes were coming closer in contact

Why did British parliament legalize labor unions after the Reform Act of 1867?

-Parliament legalized labor unions -By doing this, Britain gave British workers the opportunity to go on strike vs. rebelling which kept Britain stable

***imperialism?? What were the three different responses to Western domination by non-Westerns?

-Resistance -Economic cooperation -Adaptation and Westernization

HELP_WHAT WAS PAST? How was the British textile production transformed? How did this change industrialization from home to factory?

-One of Britain's key resources was cotton because it was more stylish and convenient •Raw cotton imported from India transformed the old system of textile production •Machines were created to speed up the weaving process and were more productive •But, they were too large and complex to be at home so factories were created owned by wealthy industrialists •This onset the industrialization stage from home to factory

Why did workers begin to strike during this time?

-Other countries caught up economically, which hurt Britain economically and workers began strikes

Why was there a mass migration to the Americas until the 1930s?

-A mass migration of millions from Europe and Asia to the Americas up until the 1930s occurred -They escaped overcrowded cities due to industrialization and persecution -This impacted countries cultures making them more diverse

What was the adaptation and westernization response to Western domination by non-Westerns?

-Adaptation and Westernization-Some countries adapted western ideals, technologies, etc., to resist western rule -Some adopted western ideals that benefitted them and turned countries into economic competitors

What did Emperor Francis Joseph do about revolts in 1848-49 by different nationalities?

-Austrian Empire survived revolts in 1848-49 by different nationalities -Emperor Francis Joseph suppressed the nationalism and centralized his country through modernizing reforms

What reforms were pushed to improve workers lives?

-Conditions such as safety and wages improved in factories and in city life

How did cotton textiles affect industrialization?

-Cotton textile mills made more goods and made them a lot cheaper which increased market size -Nobles started investing in factories and textile mills -They used the money to create steel which created railways.

How was Italy unified?

-Count Camillo de Cavour, the prime minister of Piedmont Sardinia sought to unify Italy by first liberating Lombardy and trying to liberate Venetia from Austria. -Giuseppe Garibaldi helps to unify Italy's South and Italy was proclaimed unified in 1861 -Rome was added and released from the power of the Pope when France's garrison left Rome in the Franco-Prussian war

How was Austria Hungary formed?

-External efforts and losses hurt the Austrian empire forcing it to sign the Ausgleich -This split the Austrian Empire into two self-governing countries giving the Hungarians long awaited autonomy -The two countries shared the monarch Francis Joseph making it the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary and the Austrian regime survived through power sharing

Who was King Phillips and what did he do?

-France was becoming an industrial society and King Phillipe knew that he needed to educate people in order for the industry to survive -He implemented schools, and education laws etc.

How was Germany unified?

-Germany unified by Otto von Bismark, Prussia's prime minister -He strengthened Prussia's army with the hope of unifying Germany -He defeated Austria, and united north and then south German states in the Franco-Prussian War -1871-German Empire united -Germanys economy grew

Who were Chartists and what did they promote?

-In Britain, working people called the Chartists promoted universal male suffrage (voting rights for all men, including running for parliament) -The charter was never passed but its demands were put into law in the next decades

What happened to family structure as a result of Industrialization?

-Industrialization disrupted family structure because everyone worked in different fields now

Why were steam engines better than previous ways of making goods?

-It was previously done by hand or by water wheels -Steam engines used coal (which was abundant in Britain) instead of wood, in order for machines to make Iron •It was cheaper, faster to make, and you could make more of it •Iron was shaped with tools that could be made for countless uses driven by steam engines

Who started the revolutions in 1848 in Europe?

-Liberal and nationalists started revolutions in 1848 in Europe but some were crushed by armies

How did the Second Empire end?

-Napoleon III wasn't able to block Prussia from unifying Germany and fought Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War but was captured, ending the Second Empire -Germany replaces France as Europe's dominate power and France is in turmoil

What is nationalism? What two revolutions promoted nationalism and why?

-Nationalism promotes unified independent nation states embracing all who shared common values, heritage etc. -The French revolution transferred the peoples' allegiance from the ruler to their own country promoting nationalism -Industrial Revolution also promoted nationalism because when people to cities the stopped associating themselves with their village and became more informed

How did nationalism, liberalism, and racism affect imperialism?

-Nationalism was rising in European nations -Nationalism and Liberalism combined with Christianity helped shape imperialism to help spread western ideals to African and Asian people -Racism backed by fake science provided the reasoning and support for imperialism

How did Europeans advance in imperialism?

-New industry, technology and weaponry helped advance European nations in imperialism

What was the Emancipation edict? How did Tsar Alexander III rise to power?

-Tsar Nicholas signed the Emancipation edict to help serfs own land and support themselves -Great Reforms were implemented to deal with the new freed serf eventually failed -Revolutionaries rose up and killed the Tsar -His son Tsar Alexander III rose up and repressed the people taking back the reforms his father implemented -He industrialized with an industrial proletariat and poor peasant class

How did industrialization change women work and roles?

-Women's work in factories became more unfashionable -It became embarrassing if your wife had to work outside the home and made women financially dependent on their husbands

How did Labor unions help workers improve their lives?

Labor unions helped the working class work to improve their lives by pushing for urban reforms

What two ideas arose from the Enlightenment and Atlantic revolutions?

Liberalism and Socialism

What is Liberalism?

Liberalism-wanted freedom, limited government, success based on talent, competition in economy, capitalism, and laissez-faire or free-market economy

What were the Corn Laws and why were they repealed?

Liberals and the Industrialists repealed the Corn Laws to reduce food prices because originally the Corn Laws prevented the import of grains from other countries to protect the landed nobles

What were two reactions against the Enlightenment period?

Nationalism and Romanticism

How did Louis Napoleon Bonaparte get elected?

The new government of the Second French Republic was unstable which led to riots and a new constitution which elected Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte

Where does Industrialization spread in Europe after Britain?

•Belgium advances and industrializes first, after Britain and then France follows •Industrialization spread to other European countries

How did some displaced workers respond to machines in factories taking over their work?

•Displaced factory workers who lost their job to machines attacked factories in England and elsewhere, known as Luddites

What was irons impact on transportation? Are steamships made if iron?

•Land transportation was difficult in Britain until a locomotive was invented and sped up the shipping of goods and passengers. -Steamships were also born making trips shorter and more certain of getting to the destination on time.

How was France's Second Empire formed?

•Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was president of the successful Second French republic and overthrew it to rule again as emperor Napoleon III of the second empire in 1852.

How did workers loose connection to their craft in factories?

•People lost the connection to their goods because they sometimes didn't see/make the finished product -Some jobs were lost to machinery

How did factories change peoples work lives?

•People were used to controlling their hours and now they had to come to work at a certain time and the machines dictated what they do and at what pace -Conditions weren't good in the factories, but more jobs opened up for people

What allows Germany to industrialize?

•After a customs union helps Germany unify its independent states by eliminating tariffs and develop its national German economy, it industrializes as well

What happened to urbanization as a result of industralization?

•As a result, more people moved to cities around those factories they were working at •Cities grew but everyone was crammed and they were very unhygienic

How did Industrialization spread in the U.S.? What made it a main leader in industrialization?

•The U.S.'s north began to industrialize while the south remained agrarian •When the North won in the civil war, this opened more industrial growth •U.S. became main leader in industrialization through resources, government that supported the industry, and immigration making more workers

How did Victorian rules impact society and culture Britain?

•Victorian cultural values fought poverty and immorality •That caused an increase in private charities and gov reforms which improved working class conditions and increased living standards

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