World History Test 02/08

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Explain the use of the divine right of kings.

The idea that monarchs are God's representative on earth and are therefore answerable only to God

A historian wishing to argue that Cahokia served as a center of trade would least likely use which of the following to support that conclusion?

The presence of defensive walls throughout the site

How did King Philip II of Spain use the Inquisition?

To quell the resistance.

Which of the following is the least important reason the English wanted to capture Spanish treasure ships as described in the excerpt?

To significantly disrupt Spanish gold flowing from the Americas

How did Portuguese sailors improve their navigation methods?

To tack against prevailing winds they used square and lateen sails.

Drake and other European mariners' explorations of the Pacific Ocean basin were most strongly connected to which of the following?

A desire to find a northwest passage to Asia

Why did China's Yongle Emperor support seven major sea expeditions in the early 15th century?

After holding a bad relation to the Mongol Empire, his imperial fleet was to form new, better relationships

Who was an influential defender of early colonial Amerindians?

Bartolome de Las Casas

Why did sixteenth century Italian states dominate Mediterranean trade?

Because of the Muslim Trade Alliance

Why did Russian serfdom exist when capitalism emerged elsewhere in Europe?

Because of the cheap labor and nobility control, not considered chattel slaves.

Why was overland trade stabilized under the Mongols?

Because the Mongol Empire controlled the Silk Road, they safely patrolled it and kept rest stops at a continuous distance to keep traders healthy. They also crafted a "passport" system in which those to present the card were allowed to trade. (Pax Mongolia)

How did epidemics affect the indigenous population in the Americas?

Because they had weak immune systems, the exposure to deadly diseases killed a large population of the indigenous peoples.

How does the Maya civilization compare to the Aztec civilization?

Both civilizations centralized in Mexico and Central America observed a 365 day calendar and worshipped a pantheon of gods during religious ceremonies which include bloodletting and sacrifice.

How did the Mongol Empire ensure trade stability?

By safely monitoring trade over the Silk Road with guards and a "passport" system. (Pax Mongolia)

How did the Protestant Reformation impact European kingdoms?

By the middle of the 16th century, Lutheranism, a resulting denomination of Christianity through the Protestant Reformation, had spread into the various principalities and kingdoms of northern Europe.

Why was the authority of the Holy Roman Empire challenged?

Charles V failed to unite Europe causing French resentment and a divided empire.

The activities described in the excerpt are best understood in the context of which of the following?

Commercial and trade rivalries between European states

Which of the following least represents the main goals of Prince Henry the Navigator and Portugal in their West African explorations?

Conquer new territories

The diffusion of American crops across the Atlantic most profoundly affected the peoples of the eastern hemisphere through...

Dietary diversity and population growth

Which of the following developments least represents the long-term results of the voyages depicted in the image?

Disruptions of maritime trade networks

How did the Spanish integrate and communicate with indigenous American societies?

Doña Marina aided Cortes with communication, there was also the Mita labor system.

How did the Dutch improve trade and exploration?

Establishing a trade on products from the Indies, forming themselves as a joint-stock company, reducing the risk of overseas cargo trade by attracting many investors, thus spreading out the financial burden, and allowing trade of stock in the markets of Amsterdam.

Which of the following contributed least to the distribution of Eurasian trade networks in the 14th century?

European connections with the African trade market

After the death of Prince Henry in 1460, Portugal mariners most likely adopted a maritime policy based on...

Extension of their influence and control into the Indian Ocean basin

How do Mesoamerican civilizations compare to one another?

First they were hunt and gathers, but because of the hot climate many animals were on the road to extinction. Instead many communities turned either to fish and small game, or agriculture.

Commercial competition among European maritime nations led most directly to which of the following 15th century developments?

Fortified trading post empires

The astrolabe and other navigational advances allowed mariners on their voyages to...

Gather data regarding the geography of the world

One direct long-term effect of the activities depicted in the excerpt was...

Global military conflicts spread over multiple geographic locations

How did Prince Henry of Portugal affect European expansion through exploration?

He discovered new trade routes, made alliances to combat Muslim power, and helped gold trade. He sponsored a series of voyages down the West African coast.

How did Luther's promotion salvation differ from the church?

His faith in Jesus Christ.

How did the Bourgeoisie impact European society?

In a society dominated by the middle class a caste system was established with the middle class on top.

How did birthplace and race impact Spanish colonists' social status?

If they had children born in America they would be called Creoles, American born whites that affected their ability to amass wealth and gave them no political power.

Why was the Peace of Westphalia important for European development?

It affected sovereign European states

How did religious interpretations impact the relationships between Protestants and Catholics?

It caused the War of Religion

How did the Columbian Exchange impact the world in the 16th and 17th centuries?

It expanded agriculture and American colonization.

How does mercantilism impact colonial relationships?

It reflects a nations power.

How was the Versailles Palace a reflection of royal absolutism?

It represented a monarch's superiority.

How is the astrolabe used for navigation?

It was designed to measure latitude in the discovery of current location and allows mariners to gather date regarding the geography of the world

How was Australia initially used by the British?

It was used as a penal colony.

Why is the mit'a important for South American production?

It's a rotational labor organization. It was a forced labor system in which Amerindian men in Peru worked 2 to 4 months out of the year to cultivate and harvest crops, a good source of income for the land owner.

How does Calvinism compare to Lutheranism?

John Calvin preached that salvation was granted by Predestination. Calvinism went further than Lutheranism in simplifying religious rituals.

The building of the earthen mounds at Cahokia best illustrates the development of which of the following?

Labor and social class divisions

Describe long distance trade among the Aztecs and the rest of the Americas.

Long distance travel was confined to lightweight like gold and animal skins.

Which of the following was most likely the main motivation for the intensification of European maritime exploration of the 1200s and 1300s?

Lure of trade and new trade routes

Why were European explorers motivated to travel the world's oceans?

Major motivations for exploration were to extend Christianity, ensure direct trade with Asia, and settle and cultivate new lands.

The astrolabe depicted in the image least represents which of the following?

Mariners' ability to determine longitude

How did the English Civil War transition the British Iles?

Monarchs were executed and replaced by Oliver Cromwell.

How did the Scientific Revolution challenge traditional understanding of the universe?

People wondered of the natural workings of the universe, a Ptolemaic Universe challenged by Nichola Copernicus, Galileo Galilei with sun spots and moon mountains and Isaac Newton with universal laws.

Why did narratives such as Marco Polo's create a desire to explore in Europe?

People sought to find easier routes to Asia.

How did the Peace of Augsburg (1555), affect the rule of Emperor Charles V?

People were now given a choice of religion, Lutheranism or Catholicism.

How did Spanish America and Brazil exports compare by the seventeenth century?

Spanish America was dependent on silver and gold mines while Brazil's main export was sugar.

The environmental exploitation of North America by European explorers least likely resulted in which of the following by the late 16th century?

Surplus grain supplies due to overplanting

Why did the British and French merchants surpass the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean?

The 2 main advantages the British and French held over Portugal were better ships and joint-stock companies.

Which of the following best represents the main difference between the Columbian Exchange, which was initiated by the mid-Atlantic voyages shown on the map, and the Islamic diffusions that took place earlier between 700 to 1100 C.E.?

The Columbian exchange involved exchanges of radically different biological agents

How do the main dietary staples in the Western Hemisphere compare to the Eastern Hemisphere?

The Eastern Hemisphere's dietary staples are less fulfilling and do not benefit the diets of those eating them while the Western Hemisphere's are more hearty and contain more calories.

Compare the Glorious Revolution and the English Civil War.

The Glorious Revolution featured the overthrow of King James II by his daughter and son-in-law, while the Civil War was a battle between the supporters and opponents of Charles I, who was executed because of his refusal to share power.

How were the Manila galleons used by the Spanish Empire?

The Manilla galleons were noted for carrying large cargoes between Mexico and the Philippines.

Why did King Henry VIII of England severe his bond with the Catholic Church?

The Papal Annulment was refused

How did New World social classes compare to Old World social classes?

The New World contained a caste system and gave those born in it less power above others in the Old World. The Old World people are given more power.

How did the reign of Tsar Peter I (1682-1725) impact Russia reforms?

The Tsar took place in a reconnaissance to the Netherlands, Germany, and England to observe western administrative practices, a new capital was constructed on the banks of the Baltic Sea, and the Tsar reorganized and recognized the army by drafting peasants to serve as soldiers for life.

Based on the informations in the map, the European voyages depicted led most directly to which of the following 15th and 16th century developments?

The beginning stages of European colonization of the Americas

How did the Protestant Reformation contribute to the Thirty Years' War?

The challenge was intense and emotional, resulting in bitter "wars of religion." It also caused the Thirty Years' War because the Holy Roman Emperor tried to force Bohemia back to Roman Catholicism, triggering the start of the war.

How does the environment impact the way early American societies live?

The hot climate leads many communities to agriculture.

Which of the following was least likely a cause for the weakening and eventual decline of Portuguese influence in the late 1500s?

The ongoing conflict with Spain

How did early sixteenth century Portuguese mariners succeed in building a trading-post empire?

The ruthless policies of naval commander d'Alboquerque, the use of heavy artillery to overpower other craft and onshore sites, and the head start that Portugal enjoyed over other European powers in the exploration of the Indian Ocean.

Why did a caste system develop in the Americas?

There was a blending of classes between the mestiza and the mulattos, and creoles who had the most power.

Why did the Latin American economy with from the Encomienda system to a Slave Labor system?

There was a cheap labor demand because of plantations.

How did labor transition in English Colonial North America?

They began the use of compulsory labor, indentured servants.

Why are Mesoamerican sacrifices important?

They believed that ritual bloodletting would please the gods who they thought to have set the world in motion.

Why were "New World" foods a revolutionary experience for "Old World" agriculture?

They brought new cash crops and new foods that could benefit the peoples in a greater way.

Examine the development of syncretic religions of Africans in the Americas.

They developed a religion of their own from catholicism, vodou.

How did the conflict between the Il-khans and the Golden Horde originate?

They had conflicts over the conversion of Islam (Golden Horde)

Between 1500 and 1750, why were Europeans interested in the colonies of the Americas?

They hoped to find easier routes to Asia and expand trade.

Why are the beast of burden limited in central and South America?

They only had access to llamas and alpacas.

How are Chinampas important to Central America?

They permitted year long agriculture.

How did the Catholic Church influence cultural developments in Spanish America and Brazil?

They were the most important agent for transmitting European beliefs, language, and culture to South America and Brazil.

How did the understanding of math and science expand during the scientific revolution?

Though free thought was still restricted, advanced thought and challenges to existing beliefs came about with increased literacy during the Elizabethan Age.

How did Andean rulers keep track of population and tribute obligations?

Through khipus, or census and tribute counts.

How did some European's rejection of the pope's authority create a religious movement?

Through the Protestant Reformation

How was trade and travel impacted by the interactions of Africa, New World colonies, and Europe?

Trade was expanded, and the trade of African slaves began. Many explorers of Europe traveled to the New World in hopes of finding and claiming land as their own, and taking back goods to Europe.

Why did cash crop production alter perceptions of the New World?

With the introduction of sugar, a luxury used to sweeten dishes and meals, the highly valued crops could be sold specifically for the purpose of selling, boosting European and Asian economic status with the sell of the cash crop and generation of new job opportunities.

How did the western Catholic Church respond to Protestant movements?

With their own reformation, the clergy education was reformed and there was a society of Jesus Christ. (Ignatius of Loyola)

How are many American Societies' family systems organized?

Women are inferior to men.

Why were some people accused of being witches?

Women were "susceptible to evil" when seen learning for it lacked male authority

What were the main food staples for many early American societies?

maize, beans and squash

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