World History The American Revolution Ch 6 Section 4
weak national government
Articles of the Confederation created what
The French and Indian war
Britain and colonists seized nearly all French land in America
How many colonies were there in the mid-1700s
George Washington
Virginian, commander of the army voted on by the Second Continental Congress
Federalists Papers
a work that argued the new government would provide a better balance between national and state powers
Bill of Rights
amendments that protect basic rights
United States of America
became a model for many nations of the world
Nations of Europe
colonies thrived on trade with who?
Boston Tea Part
colonists dumped huge amounts of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an import tax on tea
Stamp Act
colonists had to pay a tax to have an official stamp put on wills, deeds, newspapers, and other printed material
Constitutional Convention
created to revise the Articles of the Constitution
April 19, 1775
date the American Revolution began
Declaration of Independence
document that stated reasons American colonies were breaking away from Britain
during the war, even though victorious, Britain had accquired a huge
feared that the constitution gave the central government too much power
British colonies
formed a lared and thriving settlement along the eastern shore of North America
Second Continental Congress
formed to debate the next move to help Boston
Glorious Revolution of 1688
gave England a constitutional monarchy
The First Continental Congress
group of colonies formed together to protest the treatment of Boston
ideas that helped spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a new nation
September 17, 1787
new constitution was signed
Articles of Confederation
plan of government to ratify a constitution in 1781
Thomas Jefferson
political leader that wrote the document that was based on John Locke's ideas
federal system
power is divided between national and state governemnts
Navigation Act
prevented colonists from selling their most valuable products to any country except Britain
supporters of the constitution
checks and balances
system that provided a way for each branch to check the other
July 1776
the date the famous document was written that ended by declaring the colonies' separation from Britain
the number of delegates that attended the first session of the convention
legislative, executive, judicial
three branches formed by delegates to keep power from one person or one group
wanted something in place to protect the rights of individual citizens
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
what are some of the important lines of the Declaration of Independence