Written in Our Hearts: The Old Testament Story of God's Love Final Exam Review

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true worship

- put together everyday actions and concerns to form one whole, holy life. Genuine if it is expressed in how people treat one another

Yom Kippur

- special day for Jews, Day of Atonement p. 77


- when Jews began to be sent of forced by circumstances to live in foreign lands away from Jerusalem and their temple p. 77


- when debts are to be canceled

retell 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings from priestly perspective, sometimes exact quote sometimes condense material, emphasize David as founder of worship in Jerusalem and Solomon as builder of Temple

1 and 2 Chronicles

David's death, reign of King Solomon- known for his wisdom, when he died kingdom split in 2: northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah

1 and 2 Kings

tells of transition from period of the judges to the coming of the monarchy; prophet ______ is a key figure, last of the judges; First book- people wanted king--- YHWH is only king, Saul is king when people argue, but they were warned they's regret decision; Saul faltered in obedience to God, new King David

1 and 2 Samuel

Birth of Buddhism

1,000 B.C.

What were the two most difficult challenges Moses faced?

1. Getting Pharaoh to release Israelites 2. Keeping the faith of God through the hardships of the desert.

Number of tribes in Israel


How many books are in the Historical Books? What are they?

16; Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel 1 & 2, Kings 1 & 2, Chronicles 1 & 2, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Maccabees 1 & 2

In Luke's gospel the city of Jerusalem and the temple in Jerusalem stand together as a symbol of the ___________ people


How many books are in the Prophetic Books? What are they?

18; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

trace history of Jews up to 2nd century BC; books relate how rulers following Alexander the Great tried to stamp out Jewish identity by imposing Hellenistic culture; cruelest leader= Antiochus Epiphanes

1and 2 Maccabees

What are the three comings of Jesus?

1st coming-when Jesus was born; 2nd coming-Jesus comes to us in our hearts; 3rd coming- He comes again at the end of time

New Testament

27 books containing the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the epistles (which are letters written by saints) and Revelation


Jews living outside Palestine or Israel; also called the Jewish Dispersion

Phoenician princess, wife of Ahab, wicked


Deuteronomy is..

3 of Moses' sermons

Birth of Christianity

30 A.D.

How long is Advent? Christmas? Triduum? Lent? Easter?

4 weeks; 12 days or roughly 2 weeks; 3 days; 40 days; 50 days

How many years did the people wander in the desert?


How long after Easter is Ascension Thursday? Pentecost?

40 days; 50 days

number of books in the Old Testament for the Catholic canon


Old Testament

46 books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people

How many books are in the Pentateuch? What are they?

5; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Birth of Islam

622 A.D.

How many books are in the Wisdom Books? What are they?

7; Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)

Birth of Confucianism

900 B.C.


A traditional story accepted as history

Western Wall of the JewishTemple in Jerusalem

A wall of the temple in Jerusalem that the Romans destroyed in 70 A.D.; a site that is sacred to the Jews

tell the trials of an innocent man and raises the question of why bad things happen to good people; teaches that God;sways aren't our ways


Therese of Lisieux

A young woman who went into obscurity in a Carmelite monastery, lived a loving but quiet life in the late 1800s, and kept a journal of her reflections. She died at age 24 and became one of the favorite saints of modern Catholicism and was proclaimed a doctor of the church.

the evangelist who opens his gospel with the story of creation is ___________


Who makes an idol for the Israelites while Moses is away?


the brother of Moses who was supposed to speak for him


the second wife of David whom he marries because of love, not politics


Saul's general in the north


father of biblical faith


Chosen People

Abraham and his descendants whom God had selected to receive his word; people who choose to follow God's will today

Saul's son and David's loyal friend



Abraham was a Semitic nomad who struggled to understand God. While praying he learned that God is above any other god, so he worshipped Him and became the Father of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. He also is known as Abram.


Abraham's son by Hagar, Sarah's servant. He and his mother, Hagar, were cast out after Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham. He became the founder of the Arab tribes.

the son of Saul, good friend of David


river that Israelites were able to cross because God ceased the waters from moving


If this man hadn't been of the house of David, Jesus might not have been born in Bethlehem



Abraham's son with Sarah who was almost sacrificed by his father but who lived to become the second patriarch of Israel. Not Abraham's first child but his only child born of Sarah, which made him the heir of God's promises.

God made Abraham take Isaac to a place in the mountain to sacrifice him. He is about to do the deed when God stops him and praises him for his devotion

Abraham's test


Abraham's wife. Also known as Sarai.

the original names of Abraham and Sarah

Abram and Sarai

He kills Amnon for raping Tamar and betrays his father, David


David fails to recognize whose treacherous intentions


the first humans on earth, the causers of original sin

Adam and Eve

the first son of Rachel and Jacob


son of Omri, most wicked king of the North


Judah's youngest king


town who defeated the Israelites because they broke the ban


David's firstborn son who rapes his half sister Tamar


the angry prophet, defended the poor by angrily yelling at all who disrespected them


Writing Prophets

Amos - a heardsman Hosea - a betrayed husband Isaiah - great, from Jerusalem Micah - a devotee of the poor

writing prophets

Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah


An academy for the advanced study of Jewish texts (primarily the Talmud)


An ancient kingdom of Hebrew tribes on the Mediterranean Sea.


Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation are known as sacraments of


Another name for "good news" is?

Wisdom Literature

Any of the biblical books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus) that are considered to contain widom

the fiercest, most brutal empire of the ancient Near East



Azah's son, who is faithful to God. He destroys the pagan shrines his father erected and insisted that sacrifices be made only in the Jerusalem Temple. Prays to Isaiah and the Lord that Jerusalem isn't destroyed by the Assyrians. The Assyrian army is about to storm the capital, but during the night, "the angel of the LORD" strikes the soilders down in their camp.

a false god of the Canaanites


written to encourage the hope of returning home someday


the third wife of David whom he marries because she bears his child


the second son of Rachel and Jacob


the house, or abode, of God


The ______________ has been translated into more than two thousand ___________________ and is always at the top of any best-seller's list.

Bible, languages

a generous farmer who marries Ruth


kinsman of Naomi's late husband who eventually marries the widowed Ruth


It sets the story into the framework of three sermons by Moses to the Israelites

Book of Deuteronomy

the second part of the gospel of John, includes the Passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus

Book of Glory

tells about one of Israel's greatest heroes, Joshua

Book of Joshua

tells stories of how God rose up deliverers to save Israel

Book of Judges

handbook of instructions of Israel's worship

Book of Leviticus

complex work which has a census and a list of priestly regulations

Book of Numbers

the first main part of the gospel according to John, which includes many stories of miracles, or signs, in the life of Jesus

Book of signs

Historical books

Books about early Israelite tribes as they evolve into cities

describe the transition to nationhood

Books of Samuel, First Book of Kings

Deuterocanonical Books

Books that are in the Old Testament but not in the the Hebrew Bible (the Torah)

Relationship between Scripture and Church Tradition

Both scripture and tradtiion are forms of the Word of God; tradition sheds light on what God is revealing in Scripture, and vice versa

Why Christians need to understand both the Old and New testaments

Both the Old and New Testaments shed light on each other; both are Sacred Scriptures inspired by God

How does God appear to Moses

Burning bush

the sons of Adam and Eve who go on to sin even more

Cain and Abel

Two guys who trusted on God and would be protected in Canaan

Caleb and Joshua

the land where the Israelites would settle


Solomon designs the Temple based on..

Canaanite models

They sing a song for the victory of God



Carries on his mentor's (Elijah's) mission. Purifies Jericho's water supply, helps a widow avoid selling her children, blesses a childless child and they have a boy, and raises this child from the dead, purifies poinsened stew and multiplies loaves of bread for a hundred people. Cures Naaman, a commander in the Syrian army, of leprosy - bathes seven times in the Jordan River. After his burial, a dead man's body is thrown into his grave, and springs back to life.

Catholic Teaching about the Jews

Christians are forever linked with the Jewish people, the first people on earth to hear the Word of God. See St. Paul's words on this subject.

___________ is the process of turning from sin and drawing closer to God


Promise that said God would be with the Israelites forever as long as they upheld his commandments

Covenant of Sinai

God summons this man to overthrow Babylon even though he is not a Jew

Cyrus the Persian

Saul's children give their loyalty to..


Secretly anointed king by Samuel, he is publicly anointed king over all Israel at age thirty


The Scripture writers repeatedly hold him up as a model of faithfulness to God


from the line of Jesse, chosen by Saul to be the next king of Israel after Saul


The Davidic Covenant is God's promise that..

David's royal line of descendants will endure forever

God told David that his line would endure forever

Davidic Covenant

called Yom Kippur - a day where sacrifices of atonement took place

Day of Atonement

referred to as both a judge and a prophet, this person is also a magistrate of the tribe of Naphtali and accompanies Barak in leading an army against Sisera


reveals to Barak, the commander of the Israelite militia, that God wants him to lead an army against Jabin's general; accompanies him but he loses credit for the victory


Another name for the 10 Commandments


___________ is a word derived from the Greek word meaning "ten"


another term for the ten commandments


composed of the books of Joshua, Judges, the First and Second Books of Samuel, and the First and Second Books of Kings

Deuteronomic history

those who composed the Book of Deuteronomy


"Second Law", sermons delivered by Moses, repeats materials from previous 3 books, obedience-loyalty, warns of dire consequences of Chosen People don't follow Law and live up to the terms of the covenant, Moses appoints Joshua as his successor and dies


Brought the story of Israel to the brink of the Promised Land


Gave us insight into the essential spirit of Judaism


Joshua as God's chosen in charge of the Israelites


The last book of the Pentateuch


another word for second law


When Jews began to be sent or forced by circumstances to live in foreign lands away from Jerusalem and their Temple


when the Jews began to be sent or forced by circumstances to live in foreign lands away from Jerusalem and their Temple


cofounder of the Catholic Worker Movement

Dorothy Day

What did the pharaoh do to the Israelites after Moses and Aaron first ask for him to let God's people go?

Doubled their workload

"someone who calls an assembly", Qoheleth not referring to historical person, rather ________ and questions to teach important lessons on how to live; key passage: "all things are vanity" meaning nothing's permanent


A priest at the shrine of Shiloh who is Samuel's mentor


prophet to King Ahab and Queen Jezebel; had to trust a starving widow and God completely


nonwriting prophets

Elijah, Elisha

took over for Elijah after his ministry was over; performed many wonders


The first twin, son of Rebekah and Isaac


Showed how God freed the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt


Showed how God made the Covenant of Sinai with the Israelites


Which book proclaims the great truth that God freed the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from oppression and slavery in Egypt?


central book of Old Testament, tells how Israelites were enslaved by Egyptian pharaoh and freed by God, recounts 40 years wandering in desert, Mount Sinai, Moses, 10 Commandments


the prophet's symbolic actions, his acted out message from God before the Exile


authors likely also authors of 1and2 Chronicles; tell story of Chosen People after returned from exile in Babylon, report details of rebuilding Jerusalem Temple and reorganization of Jewish life, Israelites known as Jews from now on because the only tribal identity that survived the Exile was the tribe of Judah

Ezra and Nehemiah

Who becomes the Israelites' new leader as they prepare to enter Canaan


military leader ______ led Israelites to Promised Land, conquered it, divided land among various tribes; book contains pattern of judgement on Israel introduced in Deuteronomy, apostasy (abandoning God) oppression by Gentiles, repentance by Israel, deliverance to freedom


the assistant of Moses who was filled with wisdom


the first sin of humankind


By the end of the era of judges, Israel was united as one people under God's law


God pleases with Solomon's reign because Solomon remained wise and faithful throughout his life


Moses does not want Aaron's help because Aaron is slow of speech and tongue.


Moses preached sermons that make up most of the Book of Deuteronomy


Samson ultimately conquers the Philistines


The Israelites hated the 10 Commandments.


A vigorous movement in Judah that began about 30 years before the exile

Josiah's reform

When Josiah, king of Judah, began to change the hearts of people back to God

Josiah's reform

For Christians it is seen as a prophecy of Christ's coming


Because of Solomon's idolatry, his line loses the throne on all tribes but..


the city in which Jewish people lived


a story that shows how bad things can get once sin spreads its ugliness


Story of God's Love

Formation, Deformation, Reformation and Transformation


Formerly called Canaan

another name for the gospel according to John

Fourth Gospel


From Judah, goes north to preach against the sinful kingdom of Israel. Condemns the rich for unjust, expoitative actions toward the poor and weak, and tells them God will punish them.

Taught us about the origins of the people of Israel


means "beginning", first 11 Ch. = prehistory/time w/out writing, passed down by word of mouth, Adam and Eve---Cain and Abel---Noah and the Flood---Tower of Babel, last Ch. = patriarchs, fathers of the Chosen People, Abraham and God's Covenant w/ him, Jacob---12tribes


What were in Canaan?


lowly farmer who was chosen by God, destroyed the altar of Baal; organized the victory in which they tricked their enemy into believing they had a much large troop than they actually had


nicknamed Jerubbaal, this person starts the Israelites' resistance to the Philistines


meaning "circle", refers to the 12 stones made into a circle after crossing the Jordan River


________ is the main author of Sacred Scripture


How the Bible was Created

God inspired people to write the books of the Bible and guided the Church in selecting the books that are in the Bible

Fourth step of Israelites relationship with God

God redeems them

God of Abraham

God revealed who He is to Abraham, and the Jews recognized the "God of Abrham" as the one and only God.

The story of Ahab and Elijah:

God sends Elijah to tell King Ahab that he will be punished by a drought, because Queen Jezebel killed all of the prophets. Elijah is fed by a stream, ravens, and a starving widow. Elijah goes to the court of Ahab, and Ahab blames Elijah for the drought. Elijah challenges to prophets of Baal to see whose God can produce rain, but they fail. Elijah builds an alter to the Lord and all unfaithful people worship the God of Israel, and Elijah kills the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatens his life, so he flees to the desert where an angel tells him to go to Horeb (Mount Sinai), where he takes shelter in a cave. He stands outside the cave to experience God's presence as a tiny whisper.

God's Promise to Abraham

God told Abraham to go to a land "that I will show you," which was Canaan. This was the first mention of his Promise to establish the people of Israel as a great nation and a blessing for the world.

What idol was worshipped while Moses was away for forty days?

Golden calf

the unfaithful wife of Hosea



Greek translation of the Old Testament

Alexander the Great

He and his successors controlled Israel for nearly 300 years.

St. Paul's Teaching about the Jews

He said, "To them (the Jews) belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and from them ... comes the Messiah."


Hebrews wrote law on and stories on

the son of Ahaz who is faithful to God and destroys pagan shrines


Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 3 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther, Judith, Tobit, 1 and 2 Maccabees; narrate how Chosen People lived out Covenant in Promised Land; Salvation History, 1020BC to 142 BC

Historical Books

teachings from chapters 17 to 26 of Leviticus

Holiness Code

another name for Sinai


a prophet who was forced to feel the same pain as God did by taking an unfaithful wife and suffering through the same relationship that God had with the Israelites


The story of Gomer and Hosea:

Hosea is a prophet from the Northern Kingdom, whose wife Gomer deserted him for other lovers. God commands Hosea to take an unfaithful wife. Hosea sees his cal to marry Gomer as prophetic. They have three children, whom Hosea is told to give strange names. The names stand for "shameful butchery," "not pitied," and "not my people." By the time the third name is spoken, the people recognize what Hosea is saying - that God will break the Covenant.


How many accounts of creation are in the Bible


How many books are in the New Testament.


How many books are in the New Testament?


How many books are in the Old Testament?


How many books are in the new testament?


How many sacraments of initiation are there?

all the time

How often does the Loard engourage us to prayer.

sayings of Jesus in John's Gospel revealing Jesus' divinity and that he is one with God

I am

What does Yahweh mean?

I am Who I am

the uncle of Jacob who hosted him after he fled from his life with his brother


group of five poems expressing Judah's grief over the loss of Jerusalem



Land dominated by the Egyptians between 2000 - 1200 B.C.; today it is called Palestine

Jesus' meal with his disciples the night before he died, a seder

Last Supper

also called the Mosaic Law or the Law

Law of Moses

the older daughter of Laban whom Jacob first marries


priests of ancient Israel, who led worship in the Temple were members of this tribe


Contains the Holiness Code


Sacrifice of an animal is described in the first part of the book


examines particulars of the Law, deals with theme of holiness in all aspects of life, "Holiness Code" = (Lv) 17-26


For the Israelites, what is blood a symbol of?


Canon of the Scriptures

Listing of the books of the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments).


Live in about the same time period as Isaiah. Came from humble origins from the countryside. His sympathy for the poor came from his own experience. His passionate condemnation of those who oppress the poor reveals an intimate knowledge of the sufferings of poverty.

the nephew of Abraham that goes with him to fulfill the Promise


official teaching voice of the Church


the wicked son of Hezekiah who rules as king of Judah


___________ gives the impression that God is completely overtaking the world and overpowering it with good


Service of Communion

Marriage is a sacrament of


Matriarchs and patriarchs in the Bible between 2000 and 1700 B.C.

___________ the evangelist took into consideration the importance of the Torah for his first readers


portrays Jesus as the kingly Messiah promised to the Jewish people



Mazry's prayer of praise is called the

The surviving son of Jonathan, he tries to take away the throne from David


means "the anointed"; "God is with us"


a poor prophet who sympathized with the poor


Saul gives this David's wife to another man


daughter of Saul, wife of David


the sister of Moses who nursed him as he grew up


In the Book of Numbers, who challenges Moses' authority?

Miriam and Aaron

Ruth is a..


made The Covenant with God


the structure of Matthew's gospel suggests that Jesus is the new ___________



Moses' brother who accompanied Moses on the journey to the Promised Land


Moses' sister; punished temporarily for questioning Moses' power

Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments?

Mount Sinai


Name another kind of prayer besides private prayer

The Book of Revelation

Name the last book of the Bible

she urges her daughters-in-law not to accompany her back to Israel


the mother in law of Ruth


prophet for David


a man consecrated to God from birth


a man consecrated to God from birth and forbidden to cut his hair or consume strong drink


king of Babylon

Nebuchadnezzar II

fulfills the Old Testament

New Testament

Does God allow Moses and Aaron to enter Canaan?


the only man to find favor with God during the Flood


Priestly regulations and inspiring stories


The second part of the book "The Wilderness", tells stories about jealousy, rebellion, and greed among the Israelites


picks up the story of the Jews in the desert and takes them to the border of the promised land, stresses the need for Israel to be totally dedicated and committed to God if it is to succeed as a nation


prepares for the New Testament

Old Testament

sixth king of the Israelites


November 1

On what date do we celebrate the feast of All Saints

August 15

On what date dow e celebrate the feast of the Assumption


Oone of the 150 lyrical poems and prayers that comprise the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament

the Christian term for the Fall

Original Sin

Worshipping a false God


Dorothy Day

In 1933, when she was in Washington D.C., for a hunger march, she prayed she could use her gifts for her fellow workers and the poor. Later, she became cofounder of the Catholic Worker Movement, who today has more than 100 houses of hospitality for the hungry and homeless.

six major judges

Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson

the Passover events of Jesus' Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension, the passing over of Jesus from death into a new and glorious life, the name we give to God's plan of saving us in Jesus

Paschal Mystery

A ritual/memorial meal of the Israelites


also called Pesach, meal to celebrate the freeing of the Israelites from Egypt


Debts were to be canceled ever 50 years


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; "five books", sacred, Torah, Jewish Law, Creation, Adam-Eve, Noah, Abraham, patriarchs, YHWH's covenant w/ Chosen People, the Exodus, Moses, 10 Commandments, Moses originally thought to have written this but he is just an influential figure behind these books


The first five books of the Bible


the ___________ is the name given to the first 5 books of the old testament


What are the four sections of the Old Testament?

Pentateuch, Historical, Wisdom, Prophetic

What is another name for the Passover?


Who gave the command all Israelite males must be slain at birth


the leader of Egypt who was holding the Israelites captive


the sea people who had invaded Canaan from the Mediterranean Sea


the people who wrote the Book of Leviticus

Priests of Levi

the opening section of John's gospel revealing that Jesus is the eternal Word of God


The land of Canaan first promised to Abraham

Promised Land

the land of Canaan first promised to Abraham

Promised Land

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekial, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadia, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; prophets were powerful figures who spoke for YHWH, word remain forceful reminders of a just and faithful God who loves justice and requires believers to live faithfully and compassionately

Prophetic Books

prophet speaks for God; prophets of Old Testament receive a direct call from God and their prophecies are God's Word, messages to the Chosen People and to all people; biblical prophet was a messenger of God, one God called in difficult times to challenge or comfort the people; themes include "worship the one true God", :accept God's love and mercy", "Be just, especially to the poor", "know that God will ultimately triumph"

Prophetic Books

lists short sayings, often poetically, of rules or lessons for moral living, educate reader on how to live a good life


5 books of poetry or lyrics, something like a hymnal without the music notes; praise and thank God, petition Him for help, lamentations, crying out to Him in the midst of suffering


the son of Abraham and Sarah that means "laugh" in Hebrew


the greatest writing prophet; there were 3 of this person all living during different times


Saul's eldest son


Saul's eldest son, whom Abner originally made king over the northern tribes


father of the Arab peoples


the son of Hagar, and Abraham's first child


the religion of the Muslims


one who has contended with divine and human beings


The second twin, son of Rebekah and Isaac who tricks his twin into swearing his birthright over to him


Kills Sisera after offering him hospitality


another terrible king after Josiah


book that recounts that prophet's call, his struggle to make the kings listen to God, his persecution, the fall of Judah and Jerusalem, and the exile


the city which Joshua was able to seize with the help of God


A prophet tells who that God would have him lead Israel in the north


chief of the labor force fortifying the wall of Jerusalem


a Canaanite walled city in between the twelve tribes captured by David to become the capital city


the religious and political center of the life of the Jewish people


___________ came to fulfill the law and prophets


The early Christians saw the Davidic Covenant as fulfilled in...

Jesus Christ

the youngest daughter of Laban whom Jacob loves


a prostitute who recognized Israelite spies but hides them anyway in order to save her family


the wife of Isaac


son of Solomon, became king after him



Relating to the Semites.

self-communication of God and his will to us


a Moabite widow, she pledges her life to God of Israel in order to help a family member


short story centering on life of 2 women, Naomi and ___; God can work things for the best even in the midst of suffering


the daughter in law of Naomi who chooses to go with Naomi to her homeland after her husband dies


a day of rest each week


the four gospels are the center and heart of all the ___________ ___________

Sacred Scripture


Sacred writings

Luke's gospel teaches that all people are recipients of God's plan of ___________


capital city for the North


known for great strength, this person starts the Israelites' resistance to the Philistines


the prophet who had hair that made him strong, but with a love of women that made him weak


A priest and judge who leads the Israelites and warns them against having a king


a Nazirite who had a special connection with God and serves as a priest, judge, and prophet; he appoints the kings of Israel


Non-writing Prophets

Samuel - rejected Saul's flawed kingship and anointed David as king Nathan - denounced David's adultery Eljiah and Elisha

the wife of Abraham


A farm worker who was a first king anointed by Samuel but turns out to be unfaithful


the first king of Israel who was originally a lowly farmer but goes on to be an unsuitable king


David refuses to punish..

Saul's family and Amnon

ancient peoples of the Near East, from whom the Israelites are descended


the ___________ is a discourse in the Gospel of Matthew

Sermon on the Mount

the first main discourse in Matthew's Gospel, the summary of the teaching of Jesus on discipleship that are grouped in chapters 5, 6 and 7 of Matthew's Gospel

Sermon on the Mount

the place where the Israelites renewed the Covenant


This prayer has been called the essence of Judaism


a prayer that is at the heart of all the laws in Deuteronomy; means "hear"


only book of Old Testament whose author is identified: Jesus, Ben (son of) Sira; recounts many wise sayings and maxims; aka Liber Ecclesiasticus meaning "Church Book" because it was used extensively by early Church in preparing catchumans

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)

wicked cities that God chose to destroy - however Lot and his family were to be saved as long as they did not turn around; the wife of Lot did turn around and turned into a pillar of salt

Sodom and Gomorrah

the son of David who becomes king after him - very wise



Someone who speaks by divine inspiration


Something that is revealed


Son of Amoz, lived in Jerusalem. He was well educated, and was of a perhaps priestly background. He had a vision of God in the Temple at Jerusalem (about 742 BC). Sees God enthroned, surrounded by chanting angels. The angel cleanses his lips to purify him of his sinfulness. Says "Here am I; send me!" Decries the greed and injustice of Jerusalem's leaders and warns them that God will punish them if they do not change.Insistent on the magesty and glory of God. Describes the coming fall of Judah and the people's deportation to foreign lands, and only the poor and weak will be left in the land.

poem that celebrates the ideal of romantic love between a woman and a man; beautiful reflection on God's great gift to human beings; allegory for Jesus' love for His bride, the Church

Song of Songs


Stories and information began to be written down under King...

the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke


built by Solomon in Jerusalem to house God


also called the Decalogue, rules given to Moses for all people to follow

Ten Commandments

Word of God

That which God communicates through revelation

Was written to remind the exiles in Babylon that it was the people, not God who broke the Covenant

The Books of Kings


The ability to judge correctly, to discern what is just, not only through human reason, but also in the light of God's will

Old covenant

The agreement recorded in the Olt Testament that God made with the nation of Israel, making them his people

The Book of Joshua contains accounts of battles and victories in which Israelites pillage cities and slaughter their inhabitants


The judges were a hero or a tribal leader


The story of the Battle of Jericho may not have happened as in the Scripture


the "chosen" from whom God will build the new Israel


the exiles and former exiles who remained faithful to YHWH during the time of captivity and who were expected to restore Jerusalem


significant, symbolic number for Israelites


the original husband of Bathsheba whom David has killed on the battlefield because he committed adultery with his wife


make us sharers in the Paschal Mystery of Christ


sacrifice where an animal is killed and the blood is poured out on the altar to signify life itself given to God

sacrifices of atonement

the Story of God's actions and the people's responses over many centuries

salvation history

The offering of refuge and aid to the persecuted and homeless, a practice established be the Israelites that remains a universal custom



What do we call God making himself known to us.


What does the word Eucharist mean

Ascension Thursday

What feast is celebrated forty days after Easter

Immaculate Conception

What feast is celebrated on Dec 8th

Mary, Mother of God

What feast is celebrated on Jan. 1


What is GOd's name in the Old Testament


What is God's life within us callled

Our Father

What is another name for the Lord's prayer


What is another name for the Torah.


What is the name given to the first joyful mystery

Coronation of mary

What is the name of the 5th glorious mystery

Finding of Jesus in the Temple

What is the name of the 5th joyful mystery


What is the name of the second glorious mystery


What is used in anointings as the sacrament sight of the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit

Crowning of Thorns

What ist he name of the 3rd sorrowful mystery

Regina Colli, Queen of Heaven.

What prayer replaces the Angelus during the Easter season.


What type of virtue is hope

The book of Gensis

Which book of the Bible contains the story of creating


Which sacraent cleanses us from original sin


Which sacrament gives us access to the other sacarments


Who is instituted the sacraments


Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation

encourage Jews inn Egypt to remain faithful to their heritage; clearly states the beliefs in an afterlife where those who lived good life are rewarded


Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sirach (aka Ecclisiasticus), Wisdom; contain some of the most beautiful and practical religious literature in the world

Wisdom Books

application of how God works in our everyday lives; offers instruction on the right way to live

Wisdom Books

that which God communicates through Revelation

Word of God

Dead Sea Scrolls

Written scrolls (containing nearly all of the Old Testament) found in a cave near the Dead Sea in the late 1940s

"I am who I am"


Jewish Academy


The Day of Atonement, celebrated by Jews as the holiest day of the year

Yom Kippur

son of Jehoiakim, becomes king, weak and wishy-washy


books that speak of a coming time when God's justice will finally be done

Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk

Many Jews in Palestine at the time of Jesus believed that..

a Messiah was to come from the line of David

What words how Balaam have for the king of Moab?

a blessing for Israel

Golden Calf

a calf made by Aaron by melting the Israelites' jewelry who the Israelites worshiped as God; sacrifices were offered to the calf and the Israelites did not think it was a problem


a celebration every 50 years where debts are canceled and those who have lost their property have the opportunity to redeem it

The Book of Leviticus can be thought of as

a handbook of instructions for Israel's worship


a man consecrated to God from birth, never to touch strong drink or cut his hair or beard


a prayer that is known as the essence of Judaism; repeated daily by Jews from biblical times up to the present; this profession of faith constantly reminds the Jews that God is one, and the one whom they are to love with their entire being - heart, soul, strength


a scroll that has the verses of the Shema inscribed on it; reminds Jews of God's holy presence as they enter and leave their home


a town that Joshua's men scouted; it is predicted it will be an easy conquest but Joshua's men are defeated

the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles teach that God's plan of salvation is for _____ ________

all people

Solomon forms...

an elite group of administrators


another word for the Ten Commandments

After Saul becomes king, he is..

anxious, instead of trusting and unfaithful to God

Greek word for revelation; refers to type of highly symbolic literature containing apparitions about the future and the Final Judgement; this form of lit. was used to give hope to a persecuted people that God's goodness will triumph over evil


__________ is a Greek Word that means "hidden". For Catholics, it refers to pious literature related to the Bible but not included in the canon of the Bible. also, "withdrawn from common use"; this is how Protestant Bibles refer to the Hebrew scriptures

apocryphal books

"___________" means "one who is sent"


those chosen by Jesus and sent to preach the gospel in his name and to make disciples of all people


all four writers use Resurrection ___________ to share the good news of God revealed in Jesus


the container for the stone tablets of the Law

ark of the Covenant

another name for the Passover


examination of conscience


deep peace of God


a practice in which conquerors destroy everything in a conquered town and take nothing for their own


Part of the Sermon on the Mount, a list of attitudes and actions of those blessed by god


The Holiness Code in Leviticus is a collection of teachings that

show how true worship is expressed in a person's everyday life

Ruth is significant to Israelites because..

showed perseverance through tough times

nomadic Arab



being greedy and wanting something that belongs to someone else

God's word to us


the Holy Spirit guided the human authors of the bible to teach without error the truths of God that are necessary for salvation

biblical inspiration

in John's gospel Jesus said "I am the ___________"

bread of life

Second step of Israelites relationship with God



called on by God and was surprised because he was a lowly person; destroys altar of Baal, asks for sign from God so that people know he is chosen

the list of books recognized as divinely inspired and thus the primary source and guide for religious belief and practice


the official list of inspired books of the Bible. Catholics list 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books in their _____. comes from "kaneh" which was a long reed used to measure things, but eventually means "standard, measure, rule"


the list of books that the Catholic Church teaches to be the inspired word of God

canon of scripture

the list of writing approved by the Catholic Church as inspired by God is called the ________

canon of scripture



the ___________ of all gospels is the Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus



charity is also known as

continues the mission and work of Jesus until the fullness of the kingdom of god comes about


As the Israelites prepare ti storm Jericho, they..

circle the city 7 times and blow rams' horns


community worship was crucial - it expressed who they wre - God's own beloved people

a word meaning "turning toward", turning our hearts back toward God's love and away from choices that weaken our friendship with God, the deepening of our friendship with God and the church


Jesus is the new and everlasting __________


solemn promise


the faithful loving commitment God has entered into and fulfilled in the new testament is called the ___________


people who believe that the account in Genesis is factually true


Mark constructs his gospel so that everything in it leads up to the _________


It has had a great impact on our language and ________________ because it is filled with knowledge, wisdom, and ____________.

culture, truth

cycle of the Israelites

cycle of sin, disaster, repentance, and deliverance


The first five books of the Hebrew Bible


The first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

In Mark's gospel every part of Jesus' ministry up to his entrance into Jerusalem leads to his ___________


those who believe in God or will believe because of Abraham


The Books of Samuel and the beginning of the Fist Book of Kings

describe the time of Israel's transitions to nationhood and tell stories of Saul, David and Solomon

Greek term for "second canon" which refers to those books in the Old Testament that weren't found in the Hebrew scriptures. These books are Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, and certain additions to Esther and Daniel; this is how Catholic Bibles refer to the Hebrew scriptures


Salt of the earth and light for the world are symbols for ___________ __ ___________

disciples of Jesus

the five long speeches in Matthew's Gospel


civil disobedience

disobeying legal laws for moral reasons in a nonviolent way

St. John is often portrayed as a(n) _________


a word meaning "sharer of good news"


people who believe that the Bible's Creation account was not intended to be a factual explanation, but it is supposed to hold a significant religious truth


Joshua represented everything that Israel was supposed to be..

faithful to God


The grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac; his name was changed to Israel and his 12 sons became the 12 Tribes of Israel


The living and authentic transmission of the teachings of Jesus in the Church


The maid with whom Abraham had a child when he and his wife Sarah thought they would remain childless.

Church Tradition

The official teaching and practice of the Church

Biblical Inspiration

The process by which God the Holy Spirit assisted a human author in writing a book of the Bible

geneology is a word meaning ________

family tree


for the Jews the name Yahweh stresses the unutterable mystery of God, and out of reverence they prefer not to pronounce it; instead they substitute titles such as this which means "the Lord"

the Gospel of Mark begins with a ________


the image of a _____ __________ is used by Jesus for himself

good shepherd

a word meaning "good news", the good news of God's mercy and love revealed in Jesus Christ


Book of leviticus

handbook of instructions for israelite worship ; contains HOLINESS CODE

Why does God tell Moses to remove his sandals?

he is standing on holy ground

Canaanite prostitute Rahab

helps Joshua escape

holy of holies

high priest in the temple sanctuary

What does the book of Leviticus remind us?

holiness is how you live everyday life and treat one another

a solemn obligation of biblical times


giving worship to someone or something other than the true God



in the first half of leviticus these were the sacrifices of atonement

episodes and stories heralding the birth of Jesus

infancy narratives

sacrifices of atonement

israelites believed if they sinned. they needed to do somthing to make up for it. SACRIFICIED ANIMAL.

Community worship was central in the Israelites lives because

it expressed who they were, it bound them together pouring out faith and trust in God

a day every fifty years to celebrate and cancel debts


a ___________ _______ was a celebration every fifty years when all debts were forgiven or canceled

jubilee year

a tribal leader through whom God delivers the people from destruction



judge who gains power by length of hair; falls in love with Delilah and then hair is cut; gets put in jail and hair grows back and gets power; goes into temple of Philistines and crushed two pillars killing him and Philistines

military leaders who directed campaigns of various Israelite tribes versus their neighbors; Israel sins by worshiping false gods, God punishes Israel by allowing enemy to conquer it, Israelites cry to God for help, God sends an _____ (Samson, Deborah, Samuel) to deliver Israel from enemy


the image used in the bible for eternal life and to describe all people and creation living in eternal communion with god when Christ comes again in glory at the end of time

kingdom of God


kinsman of Naomi's late husband; asks Ruth to glean the fields and marries her


leader of Israelite army; asks for help from Deborah


led worship of the tribe of Levi in the Temple


lets Israelites hide in her house; asks not to be hurt during invasion; hangs red cord in her window and her family survives

An animal's blood signified


the 4 gospels have some important things in common, but each emphasizes different details from Jesus' ______


a term that includes the variety of types of writing in sacred scripture is called ___________

literary styles

Luke's gospel contains many stories about _____ _______ and lost things

lost people

Luke's gospel contains many stories about lost people and _____ ______

lost things

4 of the latter prophets- Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel- whose books in the Old Testament are quite lengthy

major prophets

holy bread



men and women who served the Hebrew people as tribe leaders and military commanders; settled disputes and proclaimed the will of God; charismatic leaders whom the Holy Spirit inspired to lead the Israelites when they were a loosely knit federation of tribes; empowered the faith of the people in times of crisis and focused their attention on the promises of the Covenant

The Book of Judge..

might better be called the Book of Deliverers

the 12 prophets of the Old Testament whose recorded sayings are much briefer than those of the _____ prophets- Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi

minor prophets

a word meaning "goal or purpose", a work done in someone else's name


the church continues the ___________ and work of Jesus


taking only one wife


worshiping one God



mother in law of Ruth and Orpah


The scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) are written; also called the Pentateuch

Jewish Dispersion

The settling of Jews outside the Promised Land, including places like New York City and Chicago; also known as the Diaspora


The skin of a sheep or goat that has been prepared for writing on

Salvation History (definition)

The story of God's actions and the people's responses over many centuries


name the moral virtue that ensures frimness in tiems of difficulty

The ancient Israelites assumed there were the punishments from God

natural disasters

What happens when in a dispute between two women over a child Solomon calls for a sword to divide the child between them?

The true mother gives up her claim to the child

What does the Jordan River do while Joshua tries to cross it

The water ceases


The wife of Isaac, daughter-in-law of Abraham and Sarah, and the mother of Jacob and Esau.


The year when 2,000-year old Hebrew scriptutal rolls were found in limestone caves near the Dead Sea

God's new promise to the people that he would instead write on their hearts instead of stone tablets

new Covenant

established by Jesus to fulfill the law of god revealed to Moses and the Israelites

new law

a Greek name literally meaning "Lover of God"


came during the time of King David - protects people guilty of accidental or unintentional killing from being attacked

places of refuge

Third step of Israelites relationship with God

plead to God

taking more than one wife


worshiping many gods


saint and doctor of the Church who was quiet and just kept a journal of her feelings

Therese of Lisieux


This was when Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and to the promised land called Canaan


To make a promise or commitment; a major theme of the Bible

written as 3 short novels, T____recounts how God works in people's lives in order to further his plans, God rewards the faithful; God cared for Israel, working through the hand of the brave heroine J_____; E_____ reveals how God worked through the actions of humans to preserve Chosen People when they were threatened w/ destruction in a hostile world

Tobit, Judith, and Esther

Matthew's gospel deliberately parallels the ___________


The Law of God revealed to Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament, which are also called the pentateuch


the ___________ is the body of core beliefs that describes the relationship of the Jewish people to God


What is the purpose of the sixth commandment?

protect marriage and family

12 spies were to scout Canaan


At one point, the Israelites don't want anything to do with God. They think the Lord has not protected them, but increased their sufferings.


Gideon enrages the townspeople by destroying an altar to Baal that the Israelites built


God tells Samuel to warn the Israelites of the troubles a king could bring, but go ahead and give them a king if they still want one


Moses attacked a slave driver, killed him, and buried him in the sand.


Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince by the Pharaoh's daughter.


Originally the fourth commandment, (honor mother and father) addressed adults and sought to protect aging parents.


Rules can actually free people by giving them lines or boundaries that everyone in the community pledges not to cross.


The Bible favors peacemaking over war



takes over when Moses dies

the 2 main activities of Jesus' ministry identified by Mark are that Jesus ___________ people and ___________ people

taught and healed

the purpose of the book of Ruth was..

teach how God could create a blessed ending out of a difficult situation/to show King David's sweet great grandmother

by living the ____ ____________ we live the covenant God entered into

ten commandments

a portable tent where Moses meets God in prayer throughout the journey

tent of the meeting

comes from a word that means "covenant"


Yom Kippur

the Day of Atonement for Jews; a special ritual where the high priest entered the Temple sanctuary and offered incense, then blood of a bull and blood of a goat; this sacrifice was meant to represent the life of the people, offered to God to reconcile them with him

The themes in the Book of Joshua

the Israelites arrival in Canaan was a gift from God, the Israelites were unworthy to enter Canaan

What was the point in God's asking that Gideon scale down his army?

the Israelites might credit their triumph to their own might, not to God's power

The point of the sun standing still until Joshua and his army had overcome the local kings is that..

the Israelites' victory was a gift from God

Mosaic Law

the Law of Moses, the Ten Commandments

The collection of laws from Exodus through Deuteronomy is called

the Mosaic Law, the Law, the Law of Moses


the Promised Land that was first promised to Abraham


the altar signified the presence of God

devotion to God for destruction - when the Israelites conquered a place they were required to destroy everything there

the ban


the book describing the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses; this event is celebrated at Passover as the liberation of the Chosen People


the book of the Bible that tells the story of Israel's liberation, Covenant with Yahweh, and wanderings in the desert

Deuteronomic history

the books of Joshua, Judges, the First and Second Books of Samuel, and the First and Second Books of Kings; Book of Deuteronomy was a kind of introduction to that history, laying out the story of God's Covenant with Israel before they reached the Promised Land; these books used many old oral and written sources, compiling, editing, and rewriting them into these several books of the Bible

Where does the Book of Numbers get its title?

the census mentioned in the first part of the book


the city that Joshua's soldiers laid siege to; Rahab and her family are the only ones spared during the attack because she took care of Joshua's spies

New Covenant

the coming of Jesus Christ and the fullness of God's Revelation

Ark of the Covenant

the container for the stone tablets of the Law, the Ten Commandments


the deep peace of God


the disasters that struck Egypt after the Pharaoh refused to listen to Moses and Aaron when they gave Pharaoh God's message to free the Israelite slaves


the extreme lack of food


the food that was provided to the Israelites while they were in the wilderness; the Israelites depended on it as their "daily bread"


the long awaited promise land p. 85

Mt. Sinai

the mountain that Moses goes up to receive the Ten Commandments from God


the practice of protecting people, offering aid to the persecuted and the homeless


the prayer of Israel that is recited every morning and evening, p 88


the ritual meal of the Jewish people


the sacred writings of the Christian religions


the seventh day of the week; refers to the day God rested after Creation; celebrated on Saturday by Jews and Sunday by Christians


the sign of the binding of God and the people of Israel

Ten Commandments

the ten laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai as the fundamental rules of conduct for the Chosen People

What do the twelve pillars represent on the altar Moses builds?

the twelve tribes of Israel

Why did God punish Moses and Aaron so harshly after they berated people as rebels

they did not show forth God's holiness in how they treated people


this book shows a remarkable sensitivity to the poor and oppressed; Moses recounts the giving of the law; this is the last book of the Pentateuch which brings the Israelites to the brink of the Promise Land


this day stopped the animal sacrifice


those in society who are looked down upon, rejected, or ignored

Why might the Deuteronomists have listed Samson among the judges?

to marvel at God's people/boost spirit of exiles/remind the exiles of their weak nation

The purpose of the Joshua account

to show that God was with Joshua and that Canaan and his gift to the Israelites

Solomon divides the land into..

twelve districts


two small square leather boxes in which the verses of the Shema are kept

Relationship between Ruth and Naomi

unbreakable/Ruth remained loyal to Naomi

First step of Israelites relationship with God


Bread made without yeast or sourdough culture



used in the Hebrew scriptures to indicate the name for God; this word represents the four consonants YHWH; often translated as "I AM WHO AM"


what do we call the habit of doing good


when Jews began to be sent or forced by circumstances to live in foreign lands away from Jerusalem and their Temple

Covenant of Sinai

when Moses builds an altar with twelve pillars, then sacrifices a bull and divides the blood into 2 bowls; he splashes one bowl of the blood on the altar and sprinkles the other bowl on the people as a sign of the binding of God and the people


where the Israelites renew the Covenant, and where Joshua dies


who is the primary author of the Sacred Scripture

israelite priest

who wrote the book of leviticus?

law of moses

whole collection of laws from exodus through deuteronomoy


widowed, travels to Bethlehem and stays with Naomi; ancestor of David


widowed, travels to Bethlehem at first, but then turns around


"devotion to God for destruction;" destroying everything in a city but taking nothing for yourself

Solomon worshipped at...

"high places"


A collection of Jewish law and tradition


A feast held in memory of God's deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery


A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa.


A member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons.


A profession of belief; either of the two main parts of the Christian Bible


The Jewish religion (called Judaism) looks for an unknown Messiah; Christianity recognizes Jesus Christ as the Messiah. the One who fulfilled God's promise to Israel.

The four sections of the Hebrew Scripture are:

The Pentateuch - Exodus The Historical books - Judges The Wisdom books - Proverbs The Prophetic books - Isaiah My exegesis was based on a story from the Pentateuch, in the book of Exodus. I learned that this book was meant to be a source of hope for the Israelites when they were abandoned.

God's promise to the people that from Abraham's offspring would come a great nation

The Promise

The "fathers of the faith" male rulers, elders, or leaders. The __________ of of the faith are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Stories of brutal warfare in the Book of Joshua are..

not intended to give us moral direction about war

the 46 books inspired by the Holy Spirit that make up the first part of the bible, written before the birth of Jesus and centered on God's Covenant with Israel and the promise of the Messiah or Savior

old testament

The Deuteronomists believed that..

only God is the king of Israel

these traditions came from the experiences the people had with God and with each other. before stories were committed to writing, they had to be related by word of mouth.

oral traditions

Luke the Evangelist is often portrayed as an ___________


___________ is a form of story that includes teaching and preaching


a type of story Jesus used to teach, comparing one thing to another, inviting his listeners to make a decision to live for the kingdom of God


The Deuteronomists

part of Josiah' reform movement, composed book, believed the exile was inevitable


some laws the israelites will experience long after their period of wandering in the desert


son of Gideon; takes over kingdom; kills siblings so that they don't inherit the throne


state another name of the moral virtues

innocent man who suffers greatly in the Second Book of Isaiah

suffering servant

Solomon introduces labor and taxation to provide...

supplies for government officials

images that point to a deeper meaning than the literal meaning of the words, language that helps us broaden our relationship

symbolic language

Mark portrays Jesus teaching in the ___________ as leaving people amazed


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