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"Living space" major motivation for Nazi Germany territorial aggression (for example: taking over Austria, Czechoslovakia & Poland)


"Phony War" with Hitler in 1939-1940 where Hitler prepared for his attack


"Sit-down war". The period of several months during which Germany held off any attacks on the allies, as the allied held their defenses in France. October 1939-April 1940. Hitler prepared for his attack.

For what purpose was the Polish Corridor established?

(Territory located in Domerelia) Provided the second Republic of Poland with the access to the Baltic Sea, dividing the bulk of Germany from the province of East Prussia OR land route to port city of Domzoy (access to sea). What were Germany's gains and losses during the early years of the war?

*Gains:* Poland Denmark Norway Holland Belgium France Greece Parts of North Africa Russia (Small Parts) *Losses:* June 1940 -- Hitler's attack on Britain led to failure of the Nazi's June 1941 -- Hitler's troops head to Russia only to face a harsh winter November 1942 -- Russians win first victory over Germany How did the tide of battle turn against Germany, Italy, and Japan? (ASK KOREY FOR MORE)

*Italy:* Axis forces in Tunisia surrendered on May 13, 1943 Allies crossed the Mediterranean and carried the war to Italy After taking Sicily, the Allies began an invasion of mainland Italy in September After Sicily fell, Mussolini was arrested *Germany:* German troops moved in and occupied much of Italy June 4, 1944 -- The Allies took Rome After the Soviet Union defeated Germany, they began to move into the Baltic state causing Hitler to hide underground and kill himself. (War ended two days later) *Japan:* After the U.S. joined the war, they bombed two Japanese cities, killing thousands, led to the surrendering of Japanese forces Why did Japan want to seize other countries?

*Japan needed resources and raw materials to live and industrialize, so they began to take over other nations* Mukden Incident allowed blame the Chinese and allowed them to justify taking over Manchuria for resources Full seizure created suspicion from the League of Nations, so Japan left Slowly Japan began to take over parts of China, which led to them declaring war on China

Operation Torch

-Allied invasion of North Africa. begun Nov 1942, -American forces landed in Morocco and Algeria, and pressing eastward trapped the German and Italian armies being driven westward by the British, forcing German and Italian troops to surrender, despite Hitler's orders to fight to the death. -Codename for allied invasion of North Africa from Novermber 1942 to September 1943. -General Dwight D Eisenhower landed British and American troops in north Africa. Eisenhower and Bernard Montgomery's troops trap the troops of field marshal Erwin Rommel in Tunisia. Allies keep control of the Suez Canal. Allowed for an Allied invasion of Southern Europe(Italy)

Joseph Stalin

-Communist dictator of the Soviet Union -Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communists after 1924, and dictator of the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1953. He led the Soviet Union with an iron fist, using Five-Year Plans to increase industrial production and terror to crush opposition -Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953)

Fall of France

-Summer, 1941 - Germany invaded France and set up the Vichey government, which lasted until the Allies invaded in 1944. Left Britain alone against Hitler. France and Britain created a Maginot Line, which is a system of fortifications along France's eastern border. The Germans rode through an area of wooded ravines in northest France, completely avoiding the blockade. Then Germans marched to Paris and trapped the soldiers; soon Hitler gave them terms of peace. -after the allied evacuation at Dunkirk, the German army turns south and sweeps through France. June 10, 1940: the German army takes Paris. June 22, 1940: the French army surrenders to the German forces. Vichy France-In order to govern France, Hitler places Philippe Detain in charge of the German puppet government and the resort town of Vichy. This government acted in the interest of Hitler and the Nazi party

Operation Overlord

-The codename of the Allies Invasion of Normandy, France (D-Day) What was Hitler's motivation for German expansion?

1) Believed Germans belonged to an "Aryan race" that was superior to all other races 2) Believed Germany was capable of building a great civilization 3) To be a great power, he thought that Germany needed more land to support a larger population 4) The Treaty of Versailles (Article 231 -- Blames Germany for being the cause of the war, Hitler felt this was wrong)

Causes of WWII

1) MAIN 2) Treaty of Versailles 3) Great Depression 4) Fascist Movement 5) Appeasement 6) League of Nations What brought the United States into the war?

1930s -- The US passed a series of neutrality acts that kept them from becoming involved in European wars (Isolationism) U.S. joins European nations and Nationalist China to defeat Japan December 7, 1941 -- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor (Damaged 350+ aircrafts, damaged/sunk 18 ships, & killed/wounded 3,500 Americans) December 11, 1941 -- Hitler declares war on the U.S.

Rome-Berlin Axis

1936; close cooperation between Italy and Germany, and soon Japan joined; resulted from Hitler; who had supported Ethiopia and Italy, he overcame Mussolini's lingering doubts about the Nazis.

Neville Chamberlain

1938; gullible British Prime Minister; declared that Britain and France would fight if Hitler attacked Poland. Great British prime minister who advocated peace and a policy of appeasement.

German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

1939 agreement dividing Poland & Eastern Europe into spheres of influence. Enemies, Hitler & Stalin, agreed to not attack each other for a period of 10 years.

Lend-Lease Act

1941 legislation allowing the United States to supply war materials to Great Britain on credit.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd US President - He began New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression, and he was the nation's leader during most of WWII

Mukden Incident

A "Chinese" attack on a Japanese railway near the city of Mukden (had actually been carried out by Japanese soldiers disguised as Chinese); used by Japan as an excuse to seize Manchuria

What was the Atlantic Charter?

A broad set of principles modeled after the Fourteen Points that specified the type of peace Great Britain and the United States sought. Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt met in August 1941. US/Britain's goals for fighting war: no territorial gain, no territorial changes without consent, people's choice of government, nations have equal rights to raw materials, cooperation in economic matters, freedom of seas, abolish use of forces as a means to solve problems. By the end of 1941, US would be giving the British all aid short of joining the war.

Winston Churchill

A noted British statesman(Prime Minister) who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many allied campaigns. He predicted an iron curtain that would separate Communist Europe from the rest of the West.


A suicide mission in which young Japanese pilots would intentionally fly their planes into enemy targets. The word means "divine wind" in Japanese.

Japanese Internment Camps

Actions taken by the U.S. and Canadian governments to combat potential domestic aid to the Japanese. The forcible relocation of approximately 110,000 Japanese Americans to housing facilities called "War Relocation Camps", in the wake of Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Agreement made between the United States & France in 1928 that was supposed to make war illegal.

Following Hitler's example, what country did Mussolini invade and conquer in April 1939?


Axis Powers

Alliance including Germany, Italy (known as the "soft underbelly of the Axis"), & Japan. As these countries tried to expand their territory after WWI (in violation of the Treaty of Versailles), Britain & France were unwilling to take action that might start another war. Losers of WWII, surrendering in the following order: Italy, Germany & Japan.

Axis powers

Alliance including Germany, Italy(known as the "soft underbelly of the Axis"), and Japan. As these countries tried to expand their territory after WWI(in violation of the Treaty of Versailles), Britain and France were unwilling to take action that might start another war. Losers of WWII, surrendering order: Italy, Germany, then Japan.

Allied Powers

Alliance that included Great Britain, France, Russia (later known as the Soviet Union), the United States, & other countries during World Wars I & II. The winner of both wars.

Allied powers

Alliance that included Great Britain, France, Russia (later, the Soviet Union), the United States, and other countries during World Wars I and II. The winners of both wars.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

American General who began in North Africa and became the Commander of Allied forces in Europe. Leader of the Allied forces in Europe during WW2 then was elected to be president of US--leader of troops in Africa and commander in DDay invasion-elected president-president during integration of Little Rock Central High School. What led to the cold war?

An ideological conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union The Soviet Union feared that the next attack would be on them -- Truman had a huge dislike of Stalin (This caused the two countries to turn their back on each other and give the "cold shoulder" to one another)

What battle is the deciding battle in Southern Europe?

Anzio, Italy

What was Hitler's first defiance of the Treaty of Versailles?

Armament of the German military.

What is the reason the U.S. entered the war? Give Franklin Roosevelt's quote

Attack on Pearl Harbor. "Yesterday, December 7, 1941- a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." -FDR

Adolf Hitler

Austrian born Dictator of Germany, implement Fascism and caused WWII and Holocoust. Austrian-born founder of the German Nazi Party and chancellor of the Third Reich (1933-1945). His fascist philosophy, embodied in Mein Kampf (1925-1927), attracted widespread support, and after 1934 he ruled as an absolute dictator. Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in the invasion of Poland (1939) and the subsequent outbreak of World War II. His regime was infamous for the extermination of millions of people, especially European Jews. He committed suicide when the collapse of the Third Reich was imminent (1945).

Battle of Stalingrad

Battle between Germany & the Soviets in the summer of 1942; Soviet victory greatly weakened & drove back Germany forces. This six month battle was the turning point on the Eastern Front. The Soviets, who suffered the greatest loss of life in WWII, used a scorched-earth strategy to help defeat the German invasion during the war.

What is the battle that lasted over an 18-24 month period where the ground forces were stalled and the air forces has a significant impact

Battle of Britain

What battle is the deciding battle in the Pacific?

Battle of Midway

Choose two events that happened in the Pacific theater during WWII: Battle of Midway and Pearl Harbor. Describe your two chosen events. What are the immediate impacts/effects of those events?

Battle of Midway was an important naval battle where the US defeated Japan. Japan wanted to take control of Midway Island by taking out US' carrier fleet which was around that area, but they didn't get their wish. The US first breaks Japan's codes for their offensive plans and they use the information of the location, time, and launching point of the attack to attack before Japan gets the chance to. The US was spotted and shot at, but they came back, harder and destroyed Japan's defense. This battle signified Japan's inability to maintain naval combat against US. This battle also showed Japan couldn't reproduce enough ships to keep up with the US. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the last straw for the US. Hideki Tojo was the Prime Minister of Japan and he believed the US was the most dangerous potential enemy of Japan. The best chance of Japan's victory and total control of the Pacific Ocean was to knock out the US fleet who was stationed at Pearl Harbor. Japan decided to launch a bomb raid on the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and the US didn't expect it. Japan failed to sink any aircraft carriers but they sank several battleships and destroyers while making the casualties as high as 2,300. The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US declares war on the Axis.

What battle is the deciding battle in Eastern Europe?

Battle of Stalingrad

Advantages of Germany

Better weapons and design, German engineering, superior firepower, better tanks(Panzers), better planes (Luftwaffe), and a better commanders/soldiers

What is the word for the strategy used by Hitler and what does it mean?

Blitzkrieg "lightning war" it means quick lightning warfare. Tanks, planes, artillery (infantry), and bombers along a narrow front.

France and Britain's response towards Germany during the invasion of Poland

Britain and France, standing by their guarantee of Poland's border, had declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. Also, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action, but Britain and France were not convinced. On September 3, they declared war on Germany, initiating World War II.

Royal Air Force (RAF)

Britain's air force. They were known as "the few" who stood strong and won and had no sense of death. They ultimately defeated Germany's Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain (air battle).

What was hitlers first aggressive act

Capturing Rhineland

Manhattan Project

Codename for the World War II project to develop the first atomic bomb. The U.S., who feared a land invasion of Japan, dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in the summer of 1942.

Japan's goal in Asia

Create an Empire in the Pacific

After the Munich conference which area did hitler take over?

Czechoslovakia or Sudetenland

What battle is the deciding battle in Western Europe?


What was the reaction of Great Britain to Hitlers invasion in September 1939 and why?

Declared war on Germany and Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain announced British deadline for the withdrawal of German troops from Poland had expired.

Phony War

Early phase of World War II marked by little activity in Western Europe. This period saw no fighting between the Axis & Allied Powers.

What areas of Poland did the Soviet Union get after the attack?

Eastern Poland and the Baltic states How did countries mobilize for war?

Economic mobilization was more extensive and so was the mobilization of women Soviet workers dismantled and shipped factories to the western part of the Soviet Union Soviet women began taking jobs in the factories and some even fought in the war as snipers U.S became the arsenal for the Allied Powers Construction of new factories created boom towns African Americans began joining the U.S. army Japanese Americans were boarded up in camps after Pearl Harbor attacks Germany -- Schools, theaters, and cafes closed & slightly more women in factories Japan -- government created a planning board to control prices, wages, labor, and resources & female employment only increased in textile industry and farming

What general was the leader of the allied military forces


What battle is the deciding battle in North Africa?

El-Alamein, Egypt How did the involvement of the United States change the war?

Entry of the U.S. created a new coalition, The Grand Alliance (Great Britain, U.S., & Soviet Union -- Agreed to fight until the Axis powers surrendered) February 2, 1943 -- Soviets launch a counterattack (Causes the entire German Sixth Army to lose) May 7 & 8, 1942 -- American naval forces stop Japanese from invading Australia August-November 1942 -- Japanese fortunes begin to fade

Who was the "Desert Fox"?

Erwin Rommel

What country in Africa did Mussolini take over in an attempt to solve some of Italy's economic problems


What is the evacuation of British French troops from the continent of Europe called?

Evacuation of Dunkirk

True or False: March 7th, 1935, Hitler annexed Germany and the allies do not respond.


True or False: The policy of appeasement is successful through long term negotiations by Neville Chamberlain.


The Axis powers were all ______ Nations


What kind of government did Franco establish after the nationalists won the civil war?

Fascist Dictatorship

Maginot Line

French defense system built along the French/German border. A line of concrete & steel fortifications.

What was the Maginot Line?

French defense system built along the French/German border. A line of concrete and steel fortifications


German Air Force in WWII. Hitler effectively used this air force to take control of much of Europe 1942.

Heinrich Himmler

German Nazi who was chief of the SS and the Gestapo and who oversaw the genocide of six million Jews (1900-1945)

Erwin Rommel

German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II (1891-1944). "Desert Fox"-May 1942; German and Italian armies were led by him and attacked British occupied Egypt and the Suez Canal for the second time; were defeated at the Battle of El Alamein; was moved to France to oversee the defenses before D-Day; tried to assassinate Hitler.


German for "lightning war". The fast, forceful style of fighting used by Germany during World War II. Hitler effectively used this military strategy to take control much of Europe by 1942.

Define lebensraum

German for "living space" major motivation for nazi Germany territorial aggression (ex: taking over Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland)

Battle of France

Germany invaded France & the Low Countries in May of 1940, ending in June with France agreeing to an armistice. French official, Philippe Petain, led the Vichy government in southern France during the German occupation.

What happens right before WWII begins?

Germany invades Poland

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

During the 1930's in Spain civil war broke out between the nationalist (fascists led by General Francisco Franco) and the loyalists. What countries sent aid to the nationalists in Spain?

Germany, Italy, and Portugal

Give an example of appeasement

Giving Hitler Austria Rhineland and Czechoslovakia. Also, Britain, France, and Italy agreed at the Munich conference to let Hitler have Sudetenland.

What was the Weimar republic

Government set up after ww1 in Germany but ended when hitler took it over

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, U.S.S.R., U.S.A.

Hitler's Rise to Power

Hitler come to power in many ways. He promised to undo the Versailles of Treaty which said Germany had to reparation to England and France. He also promised to to restore hope and the deal with the depression. Hitler also blamed the Jews for inflicting tragedy to Germany. Also, Hitler promised to create a new Germany free of class and differences and party infighting. His appeal to national pride, national honor and traditional militarism struck chords of emotions in his listeners.

At the Munich Conference, Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier agreed to.....

Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland.

Battle of Midway

Important battle in which the Americans defeated the Japanese in 1942. (The Japanese had taken over several islands in the Pacific & had invaded China which led to their involvement in WWII.)

Anti-Comintern Pact

In 1936 Japan signed this with Germany and it was later ratified by Italy. It was in opposition to Communism(not to spread communism) but actually proved to be the foundation for diplomatic alliance between these three powers. Each now had allies and pushed their demands for individual success. In 1938 Mussolini was willing to accept the German absorption of Austria which he had resisted in 1934. What alliances and events contributed to the outbreak of WWII?

Italy & Germany formed the Rome-Berlin Axis Germany & Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, promising a common front against communism August 23, 1939 -- Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact Japan slowly began taking control of Manchuria, raising suspicions in the League of Nations (Caused the leaving of Japan and the creation of The Grand Alliance) What characterized the New Order in Asia?

Japan needed its new possessions in Asia to meet its growing need for raw materials (Used economic resources for its war machine and recruited the native peoples to serve in local military units or in public work projects) Japanese officials in occupied territories promised that local governments would be established under Japanese control Japan forcibly took rice to sell from Vietnam -- 1 million + starved in 1944-1945 Japanese military forces often had little respect for the lives of their subject peoples

What was the US's reaction to Japan's attack on China?

Japan withdrew from League. US refused to recognize Japanese takeover of Manchuria but was unwilling to threaten forces.

Axis powers

Japan, Germany, Italy

Admiral Yamamoto

Japans Greatest naval strategists, who called for the attack on Pearl Harbor. He also commanded the fleet that attacked Midway Island.


June 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II. -(FDR) , June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which "we will accept nothing less than full victory." More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day's end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy.

By the late 1920's militarists controller the Japanese government and began aggression against the mainland and China: what region did Japan occupy in 1931?


V-E Day

May 8, 1945, the day of Allied victory in Europe in World War II. U.S. & Britain were concerned that if the Soviets captured Berlin, then Germany would become communist.

Island Hopping

Military strategy of capturing only certain islands of a country & bypassing the others. America used this strategy against the Japanese in the Pacific to gain islands that had airfields & ports.

Island hopping

Military strategy of capturing only certain islands of a country and bypassing the others. America use the strategy against the Japanese in the Pacific to gain islands that had airfields and ports

Advantages of Allies

More military, more military divisions, more nations on their side, more tanks planes ships and artillery, more industrial power(once USA and USSR join)

The final solution

Name given to Hitler's/Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe

Final Solution

Name given to Hitlers/Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe.

How did Germany gain Memel, Lithuania, and the adjacent territory?

Navi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact How did Germany establish a New Order in Europe?

Nazi Germany directly annexed some areas, such as western Poland, and made them German provinces Most of occupied Europe was run by German military or civilian officials Nazi administration was especially ruthless Nazis began to put their racial program into effect soon after the conquest of Poland German Colonization (Poles, Ukrainians, & Russians -- Slave Labor : German Peasants -- Sent to "Germanize the above)

What agreement did Hitler and Stalin have that allowed Germany to attack Poland?

Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

Who represented Great Britain at the Munich conference?

Neville Chamberlain


New mechanized Battle strategy where speed of movement is critical. This strategy coordinated attacks of dive bombers, tanks, artillery, and infantry used by the Germans. How did Adolf Hitler's views of race influence the New Order?

No aspect of the New Order was more terrifying than the deliberate attempt to exterminate the Jews Hitler saw two sides of people (The Aryans -- creators of human cultural development : The Jews -- blamed for Germany's defeat in WWI & the Depression) The SS was given the responsibility for the Final Solution (the Mass genocide of the Jews) Einsatzgruppen : Special strike forces : Killed 1 million

Battle of Britain

Nonstop German air raids on Britain during 1940-1941. This was a unique battle because victory was decided in the air. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill refused to surrender to the German Luftwaffe in this battle.

In what direction did hitler attack after Poland

North or East

How was France divided after the Germans defeated them?

Occupied zone and Vichy France

Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, Japanese attack the U.S. Hawaiian military base which led to the U.S. joining World War II. The U.S. had placed an embargo on the sale of oil & steel to Japan to prevent Japan from building an empire in the Pacific.

Neutrality Acts

Originally designed to avoid American involvement in World War II by preventing loans to those countries taking part in the conflict; they were later modified in 1939 to allow aid to Great Britain and other Allied nations.

For a short while the war stalled and Hitler waited. What was this period called?

Phony war/Sitzkrieg

Which country did Hitler invade in September 1939?



Policy of national isolation by abstaining from alliances & other international political & economic relations.


Policy of trying to avoid conflict by accepting some demands of the aggressor. Example: Britain & France allowed Hitler to merge with Austria, annex the Sudetenland & build up fortification in the Rhineland because they thought he would be happy with these few territorial gains.

Nuremberg Trials

Post-war trials of Nazi leaders charged with crimes against peace & humanity.

What was hitters first defiance of the treaty of Versailles?

Rebuilding the German army and creating new air force


Restrictions intended to enforce international law

Economic Sanctions

Restrictions intended to enforce international law.

What was the alliance between Germany and Italy called?

Rome-Berlin axis (1936)

Process of appeasement (various steps by German pre-war)

SAAR PLEBISCITE In 1935, the historian HAL Fisher wrote that 'a country which is determined to have a war can always have it.' The Treaty of Versailles had put the Saar under the control of the League of Nations for 15 years. In 1935 the inhabitants of the Saar voted to return to Germany. The Saar plebiscite is cited by many historians as the first step to war. 2. CONSCRIPTION and RE-ARMAMENT Hitler began to build up his armed forces. In 1935 he introduced conscription (calling up men to the army). This broke the Treaty of Versailles, but Britain and France let him get away with it. 3. RHINELAND Hitler invaded the Rhineland on 7 March 1936. This broke the Treaty of Versailles. It was a bluff - the German army had only 22,000 soldiers and had orders to retreat if they met any resistance. But once again, Britain and France did nothing. 4. AUSTRIA In 1938, Hitler took over Austria. First, Hitler encouraged the Austrian Nazis to demand union with Germany. Then Hitler invaded Austria (11 March 1938). This broke the Treaty of Versailles, but Britain and France did nothing. 5. MUNICH In 1938, Hitler tried to take over the Sudetenland. First, Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Nazis to demand union with Germany. Then, Hitler made plans to invade Czechoslovakia. Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler. At Munich, on 29 September 1938, Britain and France gave Hitler the Sudetenland. 6. CZECHOSLOVAKIA On 15 March 1939, Hitler's troops marched into the rest of Czechoslovakia. This, for most British people, was the time when they realised that the only thing that would stop Hitler was a war. 7. USSR/NAZI PACT In summer 1939, Hitler began to unfold his plan to take over Poland. First, the Germans in Danzig demanded union with Germany. Then, Hitler threatened war. Chamberlain promised the Poles that Britain would support them if Germany attacked Poland. In August 1939, Hitler made a secret treaty with Russia. He thought this would stop Britain & France helping Poland. 8. POLAND In April 1939, Chamberlain announced the 'Polish Guarantee' - a promise to defend Poland if Hitler invaded (this was the event which ended appeasement). On 1 September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. On 3 September 1939, Chamberlain declared war on Germany.

What was the reaction of the League of Nations to Manchuria?

Sent in investigators and the League of Nations protested the attack and condemned it and Japan withdrew from the League.

Battle of Poland (Invasion of Poland)

September 1st-6th, 1939, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union invaded Poland marking the beginning of World War II. France & Britain had pledged to declare war on Germany if Hitler were to invade Poland. Honoring this pledge, they declared war on Germany on September 3rd.

V-J Day

September 2, 1945, the day the Japanese surrendered to the United States in WWII.

Tripartite Pact

Signed between the Axis powers in 1940 (Italy, Germany and Japan) where they pledged to help the others in the event of an attack by the US

Why did both leaders sign the Nazi-Germany non-aggression pact???

So the couldn't go to war with each other


Systematic elimination of European Jews & others by the Nazis.


Systematic extermination of a people.

Harry S. Truman

The 33rd U.S. president, who succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt upon Roosevelt's death in April 1945. Truman, who led the country through the last few months of World War II, is best known for making the controversial decision to use two atomic bombs against Japan in August 1945. After the war, Truman was crucial in the implementation of the Marshall Plan, which greatly accelerated Western Europe's economic recovery. a. Atomic bombs dropped (1945) b. Yalta Conference (1945) c. The beginning of the Baby Boom (1945) d. Truman Doctrine (1947) e. Marshall Plan (1947) f. NATO formed (1949) g. Cold War (1946-1991)

Rome-Berlin Axis

The alliance between Germany and Italy that creates the Axis Powers. How did the bombing of cities impact the home front?

The bombing of civilians led to public outcry, leading many leaders that bombing the civilians would force governments to make peace *Britain:* Despite extensive damage of lives and property, Londoners' morale remained high Believed that bombing German communities, they'd destroy their civilian moral and bring victory *Japan:* Open to air raids because the air force was almost completely destroyed Crowded cities were built of flimsy materials that were vulnerable to fire ATOMIC BOMB


The process of assembling troops & supplies for war.

Munich Conference

This was a meeting between Great Britain, France, Italy, & Germany to determine what to do about Hitler's aggressions & demands for the Sudetenland. European leaders agreed to allow Hitler to have it with hopes he would stop. Hitler did not stop & continued to take over Czechoslovakia.

What was the purpose of the Munich conference

To discuss Germany's demand for the Sudetenland, to avoid war, and to determine the fate of Czechoslovakia

What was the purpose of the kellogg-briand pact

To make war illegal and it was made between US and France in 1928.


Took control of

September of 1931 the Japanese attack Manchuria, invading China and the Allies respond with economic sanctions.


True or False: September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland, starting WWII.


True or False: September 15, 1938, Hitler demands the Sudetenland and the Allies meet with him at the Munich Conference to negotiate the terms of taking the region.


Allied powers

US, USSR, Great Britain, and France

What country sent materials to aid the loyalists?

USSR, France, and Mexico

What is the last significant event that signals the end of the war in Europe

V-E day

What is the last event that ends the war in the pacific

V-J day

Spanish Civil War

War between Falangist Nationalists of Spain & the Republicans during the 1930's.

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

War between Falangist Nationalists of Spain and the Republicans during the 1930s

Who was the leader of the British military forces?

Winston Churchill

hitler organized his supporters into fighting squads known as _______ or ___________

storm troopers, brown shirts


the deliberate mass murder or physical extinction of a particular racial, political, or cultural group

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