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westminister college, Fulton, Missouri> built in 1840, femain of 1st building

*all those columns in row not holding anything* *Is where and built when

This is the bodleian library at the oxford university, oxford England (1613-1619). This is an example of the superimposed orders, meaning the orders are stacked on top of eachother. Another example is the roman colosseum (72-80) but they are engaged columns.

*gothic church with stacked columns* what, where, when. what is the other classical example

When was filippp Brunelleschi alive


Very similar interior but Santa Croce has shoulder space and had the coat of arms of back to back sea horses and had each evangelist. Also has odd swirls between columns. This is considered a mistake.

COmpar san Larenso and Santa Croce

Both exsist in most cities, both can be traced to founders both wanted to be in the middle of the common people. Both took vow of impoverishment . Have different tensaesa . Fran:kind. Dim: stern refused to as the dogs of the lord

Compare and contrast the Dominican and. Franciscan orders

1418-1436: Brunelleschi knew how to build it. Forced to work with competitor,lorenZo ghizerti. Built with herringbone stitch and sideway ribs. It is not a true barqu building, it has gothic arches

Describe he de of Florence cathedral

Slightly Different From Doric, Slightly Shorter. Main Difference is in the Frieze. It is less decorative. Name is derived from the the ETRUSCANS the lived in north Rome.

Describe the Tuscan Order and where the Name is from

Shows the tailed of john, and between them is the Sheld that is the symbol for the Medici family. The art is dons by Donatello

Describe the decorations on the pendendeves

Sits on pendendeves. Which is dome on a square base that creates a triangle

Describe the dome of San Lorenzo

He is trying to create a new church facade so that church is direct releation to temples.

Describe the facade of santa maria novella

it is as if you break the cornic open and have a horizontal and a broken one. the panel is called tymanum. Round= Segmental, Tringle=Triangular.

Describe the parts of the pediment. What are the two kinds

left is saint steven(first Christian Marter) and saint lorance. Right is saint cosmas and Damian. They had last name medico and the plural is medici. This is a pun

Describe the statues

He was in the goldsmith guild-: "arts Della sere=silk" . Naples, Papal States, Venice, Floriance, andiamo. Father was a notary and was an important person.

Discribe Brunelleschi' life and 5 important cities. Who was his father

Done in 1401 . Brunelleschi came in 2nd. Lost to Lorenzo Ghiberti because his design was less violent and more economic. Portrays the binding of Issic. After he lost, he fled to Rome and studied architecture

Discribe the competition for the bronze doors of the Florence babristry. (Know what looks like)

Commissioned in 1409 by Sandra potzi. 1434 design made. 1442-1461 built. Unclear how much was Brun.

Discribe the time line of the Santa Croce

base (not in greek doric), shaft, Capital, Entablature

Four main parts of a column

Started the nave but didn't finish before died. Taken over. Y michelizzo

How far into San Lorenzo did Brun get and who took over


How many layers are in an architrave?

It became the name for any book over the orders. Example: The American Vignola by William R Ware

How was Vignola's name used. Give and example

Started 1421. First thing in the complex built.

Know what San Lorenzo old sacristy looks like. When was it built

Main difference is in the capital. Composite order has an icinus.

Main difference between the Composite order and the Corinthian order?

Triglayph, Metope

Parts of doric Frieze

Flutes, and the sharp edges are called Arris

That is the ridge and bowl of the column shaft called

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

The three orders

Architrave, Frieze (Decorative Band), Cornice

Three Parts of entablature (bot to top)

Umbrella dome

WHat kind of dome does old San Lorenzo have

no but the coin shows the finished facade with large dome. This coin is given to beneficiaries. But he changed the design. A letter from alberti shows the the new intended design and is the only drawing of alberti's that was sent to Matteo de Pesti

Was the facade finished/ describe it

Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Composite

What are the 5 Orders of the Renaissance

Triglyphs and Metopes. Metopes can be anything decorative (ex. flowers or ox skulls). Triglyphs are above columns and sometimes halfway. look like vertical lines usually.

What are the Two parts of a doric Freize and what do they generally look like and where are they located

out is called Torus and in is called Scotia

What are the base molding of the column called? The in and out.

(top to bot) gymatium(sticking out based on curvature Syma recta or syma reversa (S)) can be), corona, mutule, bed mold. Bed mold usually called Dentals because look like teeth.

What are the parts of the Cornice

Cornice, Frieze, Architrave

What are the three parts of the Entablature

Batrovious's book because it was in bad latin.

What book is alberti's book similar/ in reply to?

From horror vacui, fear of leaving anything empty

What does Brunelleschi suffer from

Church of holy cross. Begun 1294. It is technically a chapter house of pazzi Chappell. A meeting room for the monks who live there. It is associated with the Franciscan order

What does santa croce mean and when was it built and what is is and what order is it associated with

Young maiden, delicate. Someone invented in in 14th century. Possibly Callimachus or Polycleitus

What does the Corinthian Column symbolize and where is it located

adult women, Spirals in her hair, and republic or turkey and Asian minor. East of Aegean ocean

What does the Ionic order symbolized and where is it located

Strong Sturdy youth, main land Greece and Athens

What does the doric order symbolize and where is it mostly located

MAGRIPPALFCOSTERTIVMFEGT ="Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, consul for the third time, built this" This is false

What does the inscription say

T shape. Tall nave with short aisles

What is basillica


What is everything above an arch called

He relates everything to the radius of the Base. He used the Diam. and made everything in terms of it.

What is interesting about The America Vignola

The bronze panel brunilleahi made

What is the allure table in San Lorenzo made of

The loggia (porch) has a detail. It is a dietra Serena stone. The. Lie circles represents the babie of the church. Made way after by Andrea paella robbia

What is the detail on the arcade of the innocent

Latin cross

What is the floor plan of San Lorenzo

Begun 1419. Founded by guild: arts Della seth (silk) name refutes to babies who died during Jesus thing. Brunellshi designed arcade. First independent design.

What is the hospital of the innocents and when built

Impost block

What is the part between an arch and column called?

Doesn't have correct porportionss, the Corinthian capital isn't correct, and it has bent architrave

What is wrong with the innocents

The internal corner had to fold in half due to the math of the layout

What is wrong with the old sacristy San Lorenzo

convent of the camaldolese order. it is the first church of the Renaissance that has a centralized floor plan. Not based on a cross but on a circle or polygonal

What order is Santa Maria Degli Angeli made for and what is ground breaking about it design

Discovered in Florence, announced dec. 14, 2012

When and where was the brick model found

wooden 1436, built 1445-1467)

When was the Florence Cathedral Lantern was built (wooden and real)

On Francesco Bella Luna because he lost control of the building in 1430

Who does Brunelleschi blame the bent architrave on

Barozzi Vignola (5 orders, 1572). Taught in school still in 1950

Who first described and published a book on the orders? (year). How long was it taught

Cloth importers ( artesian calimala)

Who payed for the doors

Vasari : 1550 Antony manetti: 1480. He was a pioneer of bios. Wasn't published till 1920s

Who were the two people who wrote boigraphies about Brunelleschi and when

It has an attic story ( a story that goes on top of a story that has the orders but is too short) and the facade does not fit which is why they don't think Brunelleschi actually did it. Often it is attributed to Michelozzo

Why is the facad of the pizzi chapel at Santa Croce so odd

Malatesta called upon alberti to remodel it to improve his image. Pope wrote nasty things about him in his biography.

Why was albreti hired to remodel the tempio malatestiano

to work and build with harmony with nature. art imitates nature. in IX "beauty is a sympathy of nature"

alberti's values

wrote on architecture and cursed those who invited Gothic architecture

antonio averlino =filarete

Values = what is goal= harmony with nature methods= how do we get = build like roman justifications=why= because acient roman knew how

architectural theory richard bets

He can do it all, he is the renaissance man (1404-1472)

describe Leon Batttister Alberti

Built 1434-1437. means Saint Mary of the angels. it shows a turning point in Brunelleshchi's design. In his old age, he became more creative. This started after 1435

describe Santa Maria Degli Angeli. Where when what does it mean and what is special about it's relations to Brun

he was a bastard and was born in Genoa. His father was a wealthy, paid for private school in padova, went to lay school in bologna. He memorized everything in Latin. He wrote a play in Latin. Pretended it was an ancient roman play just found.

describe alberti history

they were great patrons of the arts and architecture. they commissioned two churches. one being Sant andrea, Mantua Italy

describe the Gonzago Family and what they commissioned

the arches are intended to hold remains of dead scholars to represent the leading light of his cort. the details are the symbol of he and his mistris together.

describe the arches and details of column base

this was a reclading that was never finished. Malatesta died before finished. Alberti couldn't be on site. Matteo de pasti over saw the construction.

describe the redesign of Tempio malatestiano

Latin cross. alberti designed the bot. It is a Nave with rows of chapels and no side aisle. This is an example of sicapade. the rhythm of the facade. Alberti's greatest achievement

discuss the plan pf sant' andrea mantura

facade by alberti, in florence started in 1458. the sponce is the local merchant Javani Rucellai who is the patron for alberti

know what Santa Maria Novella looks like. where when why and who is the donner

looks like white building, built in rimini, italy, 1450.

know what Tempio Malatestertiano looks like and where

Tetrapylon, palmyra, Syria: lade 3rd century A.D. ISIS blew up in Syrian civil war

ruins with four columns and corinthian columns. when, what happen, where

volutes there is also an abacus

the swirls

Echinus( usually round), Abacus (usually square), Valute (Spiral)

three parts of capital


what are books printed before 1500 called

1-3 materials 4-5 building types 6-9 beauty and ornaments 10 orders and ends

what are chapters alberti's book

Drums. Example, The column drums of the temple of Athena, Polias at Prince, Turkey. The inside is made of bronze connection.

what are column shafts made out of? Give example

very complicated because it wasn't finished while Brunelleschi was alive but 500 years late. Brunelleschi only finished the plan. Doesn't really work

what are the negatives of Danta Maria Degli Angeli

He wrote in latin because less but more important people could read it. the book on painting, architecture, Sculpture

what books did Alberti write and what language and why

Aedicul. Which means little house. Generally used to frame windows and doors or statues.

what is a pediment with just two columns called

De re aedifictaoria (italian 1550) and english in 1726. and it means "of the things relating to buildings. it is also called 10 books on architecutre. First writen around 1450. first printed 1486 at request of ruler of florence. Second book printed.

what is alberti's architecture book called and what does it mean

It is smaller than the building behind it. it is a real attempt to make look like temple. Almost separate construction. Great big parch. Has Pilaster, pediment. he has a clear preference for pilasters. This facade has layers of both triumphal arch and temple front

what is different about the facade of sant' andrea, Mandua

funny arch on top: ombrellone "big umbrella". no one knows why he designed it. possible that it refers to the holy object that is held in the church.

what is odd about Alberti's design of Sant' andrea, mantura

San Miniato al Monte, Florence, italy. Alberti added large Corinthian columns and entablature to the freize and the Javani's family seal. The upper part is a perfectly proportioned romaine temple

what is santa Maria novella facade similar to

it is the first corinthian cap. It is about a girl who died and people left the leaves in baskets and Vitruvius

what is special about Temple of Mars Ultor Rome capitals

created by the gods or human image

what is the design idea behind the columns in the 17th century

rucellai's symbo which is a sail in the wind.

what is the detail in the freize of the Santa Maria Novella Facade

Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 118-128 AD

what is this example of monolithic columns and when was it built

The Embassy has diagonal Volutes that can be seen from all sides where the Memorial has strait so it is ugly from side)

what is wrong here (See British Embassy, Washington compared with the Jefferson Memorial)

like the arch of augustus in rimini italy (27 B.C) because of the same round madalians at the same places.

what other arch does tempio malatestiano look like

he worked on 1470-1472. First phase 1494. This was a very late work, he died in 1472. Dome is from 1800s. coir is not him. Gothic tower isn't him. Facade is alberti.

what parts of the church was Alberti

He tried to make it look like a temple. it is missing Greek pediment but doesn't have intabliture with inscription. It has been compared to triempful arches such as acrch of Constantine. Both have entablisher overhanging and a larger center arch. Buy why 2nd floor? Doesn;t relate to triumpful arch.

what was alberti's design decisions for tempio malatestiano


when was the florence cathedral: "tribune morte" built

it is located in the Santa maria novella Nave. It is a painting of the trinity in a one point perspective and the two doners. Below it is a reminder of death.

where is the Trinity located and what is it

portrait of leon battista alberti from his book opuscoli morali (published 1568) "gentlemen of Florence"

who is this drawn portrait and what is it from

this is leon battista alberti, and this is his self-portrait medallion (1435)

who/what is this

lantern to let light into the dome.

why was the Florence cathedral lantern built

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