1. The Armistice and Big 3, 2. The Treaty of Versailles

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How did the Treaty of Versailles affect German territory?

-13% of land and 6 million people were lost -Alsace Lorraine was given to France -Saar coalfields were given to France for 15 years -The Polish Corridor was given to Poland -Eupen and Malmedy given to Belgium

What happened as a result of the Kaiser abdicating in 1918?

-A new democratic government was set up, called the Weimar Republic, in 1919 -People felt the new government wasn't strong enough -There were still revolts and attempts to overthrow them

What evidence was there that the peace settlement was fair?

-Germany already agreed to several terms of the treaty at the armistice -Germany only paid a fraction of the reparations owed -Germany managed to rebuild its military and economy for another war within 20 years -It wasn't unfair to expect Germany to repay France for the damage caused -It was normal for the losing side to be treated harshly

Why did WWI come to an end?

-The war had dragged on longer than expected, the amount of damage was catastrophic -The allies made several key advances after the USA joined -Germany made and failed one last attempt to win, the Spring Offensive

How did the German people treat those who signed the Treaty of Versailles?

-They hated them for it and accused them of stabbing Germany in the back -They called them the 'November Criminals'

Did Clemenceau achieve his aim of punishing Germany?

-Yes: Germany suffered from the Treaty -No: Many French people thought it wasn't harsh enough. He was voted out at the next election

How did Germany's exclusion from the League of Nations affect them?

Made them angry and isolated them from Europe

Did Lloyd George achieve his aim of trade with Germany?

No: Germany was crippled by the war and reparations and couldn't afford trade

What was the War Guilt Clause (Article 231)?

Germany had to accept complete blame for starting WWI

What terms did the Treaty of Versailles have about reparations?

Germany had to pay Britain, France and the USA £6.6 billion in reparations in annual installments

Why did Germany call the Treaty of Versailles a 'diktat'?

They were banned from going to the peace talks and, if they refused to sign, the allies would resume the war. They had no choice

How did the Treaty of Versailles affect Germany's role in the League of Nations

They weren't allowed to join

What was the armistice?

-An agreement to stop fighting at the end of WWI. -Was signed between France, Britain and Germany on 11th November 1918

How did Clemenceau feel about the Treaty of Versailles afterwards?

-He was furious that Germany was allowed to keep an army -He wanted the Rhineland to be a small, powerless, independent state -He wanted bigger reparations

Did Clemenceau achieve his aim of reducing Germany's power?

-Yes: The Rhineland was demilitarised, Anschluss was forbidden and the German military was reduced -No: He had argued that there should be no German army and that the Rhineland should be independent, not just demilitarised

Did Wilson achieve his aim of preventing future war?

-Yes: The countries in the League agreed to work together to prevent war -No: Wilson was worried the Treaty was too harsh and would lead to Germany seeking revenge

Did Lloyd George achieve his aim of punishing Germany?

-Yes: many British liked the war guilt clause -No: he was worried it was too harsh and would lead to another war

What problems did the new states face after being formed in the peace settlement?

-Yugoslavia was formed from different ethnic groups that frequently had tension -Poland was surrounded by hostile countries like Germany and the USSR

Give some examples of events proving Germany's instability between 1918-23

1919 - Communists attempt to overthrow the government 1920 - The Kapp Putsch 1923 - Germany misses a reparation payment and the French invade the Ruhr industrial zone 1923 - The Munich Putsch

Did Lloyd George achieve his aim of protecting the British empire?

Yes: Britain gained territory from the German Empire

Did Lloyd George achieve his aim of reparations?

Yes: Britain received reparations covering civilian damage

Did Lloyd George achieve his aim of retaining naval supremacy?

Yes: The German navy was heavily reduced

Did Wilson achieve his aim of setting up the League of Nations?

Yes: The League was created and 42 countries joined

Why did Germany agree to the armistice?

-After the Spring Offensive they were short of supplies -The USA was sending more troops, so it was only a matter of time before the German army were defeated -Thousands of German civilians were protesting about the burdens of the war -To try and calm the protests the German chancellor persuaded the Kaiser to step down and flee to Holland

How did Lloyd George feel about the Treaty of Versailles afterwards?

-Although we was praised, he wasn't happy with it -He thought it was too harsh and could cause another war -Thought German trade would be damaged

What did Wilson want from the WWI peace treaty?

-America didn't see the need for revenge as the fighting was far from American soil -Wilson didn't want to be too harsh and start another war -He was an idealist and suggested fourteen points to make the world better

How did the territorial losses of the Treaty of Versailles affect Germany?

-Anger and hardship as they felt like their land and people had been stolen -Huge money problems as a big portion of industry was taken from an already bankrupt country

How did the Treaty of Versailles affect the German army?

-Army reduced to 100,000 men -No airforce -Navy limited to 6 battleships, no submarines -The Rhineland to be demilitarised for 15 years

What were the consequences of the wider settlement across Europe?

-Austria's loss of industrial areas caused their economy to collapse -The successful revolt over the Treaty of Sevres showed that nobody wanted to use force to impose a treaty -Eastern Europe was made up of lots of small new countries

How did the German people react towards Kaiser Wilhelm II after the war?

-Blamed him for starting the war -Forced him to abdicate

How did the reparations affect Germany?

-Caused an economic crisis as Germany was already nearly bankrupt from the war -They thought they would never pay them back and that Germany would never be a strong country again

What did Clemenceau and Lloyd George disagree on after WWI?

-Clemenceau wanted to reduce Germany's military -Lloyd George thought a strong Germany was needed to stop the spread of communism from Russia -Clemenceau wanted huge reparations -Lloyd George wanted Germany's economy strong enough for trade

What were the two problems with the creation of new states following the peace settlement?

-Countries were eager to receive the reparations they were owed, putting pressure on negotiators to reach agreements -This made mistakes more likely -Some people were unhappy to find themselves in a different country

List some of Wilson's fourteen points

-Freedom of the seas any country could sail and trade where they wanted -Self-determination, countries could rule themselves -End to secret treaties -Returning Alsace-Lorraine to France -Creation of the League of Nations

What did Clemenceau want from the WWI peace treaty?

-French land was devastated after most of the fighting had gone on there -He was under pressure to take revenge on Germany -He wanted Germany to pay to rebuild France -Wanted to make Germany too weak to attack France again

What were the terms of the armistice?

-German troops were to leave France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Alsace-Lorraine -The treaties Germany had forced on Russia and Romania would be cancelled -The German fleet had to be surrendered and seized -All French, British and Italian prisoners of war were to be released immediately -Germany would take the blame for the war and pay reparations

How did Wilson feel about the Treaty of Versailles afterwards?

-He was scared that the USA would be pulled into another war -His 14 points were mostly ignored -The senate's refusal to agree meant the US couldn't join the League of Nations

How did the military restrictions affect the German people?

-Humiliation as Germany was no longer a strong country to be feared, but a weak one at the mercy of the allies -Caused millions of soldiers to be unemployed

How did views on the Treaty of Versailles change over the coming decades?

-In 1919 many agree with the treaties outside of Germany -However in the 1930s opinions began to change -People blamed the peacemakers for being too harsh

What terms were in the treaties signed by Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria as part of the peace settlement?

-Land given away to Romania and other countries -Militaries limited -Reparations -Some land gained

What did Wilson and Lloyd George disagree on after WWI?

-Lloyd George opposed 'Freedom of the seas' because he wanted to protect Britain's naval supremacy -He also opposed self-determination as it threatened the British empire

How did the War Guilt Clause affect Germany?

-Made them angry as they believed they weren't the only ones to blame

What did Lloyd-George want from the WWI peace treaty?

-Many British people wanted revenge -But Lloyd George thought that a severe punishment could start another war -He wanted Germany to be strong enough to continue trade with Britain -Wanted to protect the British empire by taking Germany's colonies

What were the reactions to the armistice in Germany?

-Many Germans were angry at how the war ended -Germany was facing the possibility of a civil war as the country was divided and desperate

How did the British people react to the Treaty of Versailles?

-Most felt it was fair -The press declared Germany would never threaten Britain again -Lloyd George was welcomed back as a hero

How did the French people react to the Treaty of Versailles?

-Some elements of the Treaty were popular -Many were angry that their suffering wasn't compensated -Clemenceau was voted out at the next election

What evidence was there that the peace settlement was unfair?

-The Germans weren't actually the only ones to blame for the war -The Germans signed the armistice thinking the Treaty would be based on Wilson's 14 points -It wasn't, but they weren't allowed to negotiate -At the time, people like Wilson and Lloyd-George thought it was too harsh

How did the American people react to the Treaty of Versailles?

-They found it too unfair and thought it made Britain and France too powerful -Many were isolationist (thought the US shouldn't be involved in foreign affairs) -The senate refused to agree to the Treaty

How did Turkey react to the Treaty of Sevres?

-They were so angry that they overthrew their government -The new government threatened to go to war with the Allies over the treaty -Britain didn't want this so they agreed to the Treaty of Lausanne

What 3 treaties did Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria face as part of the peace settlement?

-Treaty of St Germain -Treaty of Trianon -Treaty of Neuilly

What did the Treaty of Lausanne involve?

-Turkey regained control of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus -Limits on armed forces were lifted -Some of the land Greece had taken was given back -Allies withdrew their troops from turkey

What did the Treaty of Sevres (1920) involve?

-Turkish empire split up -Allies took control of Turkish finances -Turkey lost all European land to Greece -Army was limited -Allies could keep troops in Turkey

What did Wilson and Clemenceau disagree on after WWI?

-Wilson wanted to build a fairer world, not punish Germany severely -Clemenceau wanted Germany crushed

Did Clemenceau achieve his aim of reparations to rebuild France?

-Yes: France received the biggest share of the £6600 million reparations and coal from the Saar for 15 years -No: These reparations were less than the cost of the war and he wanted full ownership of the Saar

Did Wilson achieve his aim of self-determination?

-Yes: Small nations from Austria-Hungary became independent -No: Germany's empire was given to the League of Nations as mandates

What were the reactions to the armistice in ally countries?

Britain, France and the USA celebrated the end of the fighting

Did Wilson achieve his aim of freedom of the seas?

No: Germany's navy was reduced and Britain retained naval supremacy

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