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What is the first step in examination of the cardiac system?


What is true about Erb's point?

It is where the S1 and S2 are of equal intensity

What is the sound created by turbulence of blood flow through a malfunctioning heart valve?


What would the nurse do in order to accurately assess the carotid pulse?

Palpate in the groove between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid muscles one side at a time

When auscultating the carotid artery, the nurse hears a swishing sound (a bruit). What would this suggest?

Possible narrowing of a vessel

What sound would the nurse normally hear loudest in the 2nd intercostal spaces, right and left of the sternal borders?


What would be an expected finding on auscultation of the heart?

S1 heart sound is louder at the apex of the heart

When auscultating the client's heart sounds the nurse notes a murmur. What sound would the nurse have noted during the examination?

A raspy machine-like or blowing sound

The client has a Grade V/VI murmur over the pulmonic valve area. If the nurse palpates in the area, they might feel?

A thrill

Starting at the top of the chest, what order does the nurse ausculate the heart valves?

Aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, mitral

The nurse knows that the proper technique for assessing a patient's carotid arteries is to:

Ausculate with the bell of the stethoscope on the side of the neck, listen for bruits, and palpate for thrills.

When listening to the heart sounds, you can best hear S2 in which area?

Base of the heart

What heart action results in the second heart sound, S2?

Closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves

What heart sound does the carotid pulse coincide with?


What guideline may be used to identify which heart sound is S1?

S1 coincides with the carotid artery pulse

What is the part of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles are contracting and pushing blood out of the chambers?


Where is the point of maximal impulse (PMI) located?

The 5th intercostal space, left midclavicular line

What is important to remember when palpating the carotid arteries?

The carotids should be palpated seperatly

In what situation would the nurse hear a rub when auscultating the heart?

The pericardium is inflammed

On auscultation of the heart, the nurse notes a swooshing sound loudest in the 4th intercostal space, left sternal border. This indicates a problem with which valve


The ability of the heart to contract independently of any signals or stimulation is due to:


The first heart sound (s1) is produced by the

closure of the AV valves

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