100 Question Final Exam Review

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What is an example of a learned behavior?

A dog catching a bone

The name for heat transfer between two solids which are in direct contact is _____________.


A girl drying her hair in the morning with a hair dryer is an example of ____________________ where heat is being transferred.


Define ectothermic.

An organism that has a body temperature that changes due to environmental temperatures

Define endothermic

An organism that has a constant body temperature

What instrument looks like a propeller and can measure the wind speed?


How does a paramecium get round?


What front is shown using blue triangles on a weather map and can cause short periods of storms and heavy rains?

Cold front

Dr. Bob hypothesizes that drug X causes cuts to heal more quickly. He performs a medical experiment on a group of 100 people and confirms his original hypothesis. In the control group, a 1 cm cut took seven days to heal. In the experimental group, a 1 cm cut took four days to heal. What should Dr. Bob do next?

Communicate results

The process by which hot and cold air are transferred in the atmosphere is __ _______________.


How does a motor transform energy?

Electrical to Mechanical by a rotating magnet

What happens to the electricity as it flows through a closed circuit?

Electrical to Mechanical to light to heat/test goes through circuit.

Fades into outer space, no clear upper boundary, not all scientists agree that it is part of atmosphere. What atmosphere layer is this statement referring to?


When low pressure systems move through an area, stormy weather often results. A barometer reading that is _____________ indicates that such a front is approaching.


Which animals are ectothermic, obtain dissolved oxygen in water through gills, have scales, have fins, and live in water?


What does Euglena use to move and hunt for food?


What forms when air masses with different temperatures meet?


Which kingdom is MOST LIKELY to contain organisms that are decomposers?


What scenario can you think of that would BEST describe how plants respond to heat? (HINT: think of spring)

Germinate/sprout if seeds and bud if starting leaves or blooms.

A farmer's automatic irrigation system under waters his crop, what could be a solution to develop a better automatic irrigation system?

He has to make a design plan to make sure that the moisture in the air is right for that plants.

In order to be a member of the kingdom Animal, what are 4 characteristics are required to be classified as an animal?

Heterotroph, multicellular, prokaryotic, reproduces sexually.

"Roots grow down and shoots grow up." That is the conclusion drawn by a group of plant scientists. To validate their results a pea seedling was planted as illustrated. A porous pot of water is placed in the soil close to the pea seedling. How would you respond to the plant scientists' initial conclusion?

Incorrect because it is responding to a positive hydrotropism based on the experiment even though geo or gravitropism pulls roots down.

Consider this pulley system. It is used to pull objects up an inclined plane. How can this system be changed to use less force moving heavy objects to the top of the ramp?

Increase the distance of the ramp to lower the angle.

Ms. Sullivan's class is investigating simple machines. They built a ramp to roll tennis balls down, and measured how far they rolled. The tennis balls released at the top of the ramp all traveled about the same distance. If they wanted the balls to roll even further, what could they do?

Increases angle of ramp or mass of the ball.

Why does a metal spoon left on a bowl of hot soup become warm?

It's a conductor and heat was transferred through conduction.

When a television is turned on it converts electrical energy into many other forms of energy. Which set of words correctly lists MOST of these forms?

Light, heat, and sound

What does the M stand for in DRY MIX?


How does a generator transform energy?

Mechanical to Electrical

Peter's mom is cooking brownies in a pan in the oven. Which pan should she choose if she wants the pan that will heat up and cool the quickest?


Braddy connected the loose wire to the battery and created an electromagnet. He picked up 45 thumb tacks with his electromagnet, though his goal was to pick up 50 thumb tacks. What could Braddy do to increase the strength of his electromagnet and pick up more thumbtacks?

More coils of wire around the iron core.

Which organisms contains hyphae and produces spores?


What is the highest gas percentage found in the atmosphere?


For the Earth's atmosphere, what is the second highest gas percentage found in the atmosphere?


The long, hot days of summer are here. We would expect this dog to _______________ to cool off.


These sunflowers are all facing the same way in the morning. The direction of all the flowers will change together as it gets later in the day. What other plant activity example can you think of that is like this one?

Phototropism(the need light)

How does Amoeba move?


What is the difference between rain and snow after it has fallen as precipitation?

Rain is warm (most of the time) and more of a liquid (become groundwater and run off faster) while snow is cold and almost a solid

Debbie and Ben are performing a frog dissection in their biology class. What is the first thing they should do as a lab safety precaution?

Read procedures ,goggles, gloves

What does the R stand for in DRY MIX?


A bee is pollinating a flower. This is an important step in the ____________ of flowering plants.

Sexual reproduction process

Kevin decides to find out which fertilizer is best for tomatoes. He set up three plants, all with the same soil, giving one no fertilizer, giving the second type A fertilizer, and giving the third type B fertilizer.In this experiment, what is the independent variable?

The type of fertilizer

What is the MAIN reason water from the oceans turns to water vapor, and then evaporates into the air?

Sun's warm air causes the water to evaporate

Prior to the 1600s it was believed that all living things were either plants or animals. Which of these inventions led to the development of a more detailed classification system?

Taxonomy/dichotomous key

What is the GREATEST effect on the rate of photosynthesis in a plant?

The amount of sunlight and water a plant gets.

At what of the location is the hurricane predicted to be LEAST intense? (Hint: On the coast or farthest point inland)

The farthest point inland.

Kevin decides to find out which fertilizer is best for tomatoes. He pots up three plants, all with the same soil, giving one no fertilizer, giving the second type A fertilizer, and giving the third type B fertilizer. In this experiment, what is the control, or Kevin's standard for comparison?

The plant without fertilizer.

Which part of a tree always grows down because of gravity?

The roots

Define independent variable.

The variable that a scientist changes

Define dependent variable

The variable that a scientist measures.

Where is the independent variable located on a graph?

The x-axis.

Where is the dependent variable located on a graph?

The y-axis

What is a shared characteristic of all animals?

They all grow and develop, reproduce, obtain and use resources, respond to stimuli, heterotrophs

An experiment was conducted to determine which type of fruit attracts the most fruit flies. Equal sized pieces of apple, pear, and banana were placed in separate containers at different areas around the school. The containers allowed the fruit flies to enter, but the fruit flies were unable to escape. After one day, observations were made by the students.What error did the students make in the experiment?

They changed two variables, the type of fruit and where they were.

Some organisms, like the platypus, are difficult to classify as they have characteristics which fall into multiple categories. Which characteristics of a platypus would lead scientists to classify them as mammals?

They have lungs and hair/fur, live birth, milk for young.

Why might a scientist repeat an experiment if she/he didn't make a mistake in the first one?

To retest and make sure the result were the same.

What is the function of the phloem?

To transport food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

What is the function of the xylem?

To transport water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant.

What climate is characterized by constant high temperatures at sea level with an average temperature of 18 °C or higher, and is found near the equator?


Scientist classify animals and sort them into groups, vertebrate and invertebrate. How do scientists classify humans?


What stage of the water cycle is : what happens to the water in the oceans before it becomes water in the atmosphere?

Warms up and evaporates changes from a liquid to gas.

What gas in the atmosphere forms into clouds?

Water Vapor

Euglena use ____ ______ to move through their environment and to help collect food.


Using a simple machine can make ____________ easier.


The pollen is found on the _________________________.


What phylum does a lobster belong to? _____________________________


A(n) __________________________ is an organism that can make its own food.


What phylum does a duck belong to? ____________________________


What is an example of an inherited behavior?


A snake will bask in the sunlight in order to get warm. The snake is doing this in response to his ___________________________.

body temp. and change in environmental temperature

The process of photosynthesis is essential in the oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle. Photosynthesis removes ____________________ from the atmosphere and produces and releases ___________________ into the atmosphere.

carbon dioxide;oxygen

A battery uses _________________ energy to generate _______________ energy.


A metal spoon sitting in a hot bowl of soup is an example of ___________________ where heat is being directly transferred from the liquid to the spoon.


What type of heat transfer occurs when cool air sinks and warm air rises.


A generator converts mechanical energy into ___________________ energy.


Sally and Juan's science teacher has directed the class to build a paper airplane. The challenge is to build an airplane that flies the farthest distance. The students have two days to design and test their planes. The assignment will end with a "fly-off". Sally and Juan built their first plane. Whenever they tested the plane, it would take a nosedive into the floor. They changed the design by reshaping the nose of the plane and adding some weight to the tail. The plane flew, but did not get very far. Next they tried to change the way they threw the plane. After many tries, their plane flew an average distance of 35 meters. Sally and Juan's trial and error airplane design could be described as ___________________ in the technological design process.


The anther is held and supported by the _______________________.


A(n) _______________________ is an organism that must find an external food source.


During the winter, many creatures are able to drastically decrease their body temperatures and energy use and enter a reduced state of metabolism. This state is known as __________________________.


In order for any animal to grow, repair its body, reproduce, and carry out daily activities, it must have energy. When an animal does not have enough energy to maintain its bodily functions, its most immediate response to solve these problems is to feel _________________.


The plants growing high in the tree canopy send out roots. The roots are searching for water vapor in the humid air of the forest. This response that helps aerial plants find water is called _______________________tropim


An object that has kinetic energy must be ___________.

in motion

Animals that do not have a backbone are known as _______.


A spider is an ________________ that means it has no backbone and it belongs to the _________ phyla.


In a dense forest, some trees are very tall. The type of plant MOST LIKELY to survive underneath these trees is one that needs ______________________________ sunlight.


We know that animals can be separated into two big groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. An example of each would be a horse and a horse fly. Even though these animals are very different structurally, they have several things in common. Both animals MUST have a method for ____________ because they are both classified as heterotrophs.

obtaining resources

Where the egg cells are kept is called the ________________________.


Eggs cells are called ____________________.


The whole female reproductive part of a flowering is called the _________________


The sperm cells are found in ___________________.


Rain, hail, sleet and snow are all examples of ___________________________________.


___________________________ is what will happen.


Both the euglena and paramecium have _____________.

projectiles to move

_________________________ is an observation using the five senses.


___________________________ means an observation used with numbers, amounts, or measurements.


The Sun beating down on Earth is an example of ___________ where heat is being transferred.


What phylum does a bearded dragon belong to?


A solar powered car converts _______________ energy into ________________ energy.


The whole male reproductive part of the flowering plant is called _________________.


The sticky top where pollen lands is called the ________________


The tube structure that grows after pollination is called the __________________.


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