1.12.M - Lesson: Topic 8: Virginia and the Civil War Review

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What were the major provisions of the Compromise of 1850? (choose all that apply)

-allowing new territories to decide the issue of slavery -a stronger Fugitive Slave Act -ending of the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

Over the course of the nineteenth century, differences in what things were evidence of divisions in the United States? (choose all that apply)

-economy -culture -social structure -education

Match the following: Abraham Lincoln Stephen Douglas John C. Breckenridge John Bell

Abraham Lincoln = Republican Stephen Douglas = Democrat - North John C. Breckenridge = Democrat - South John Bell = Constitutional Union Party

The Civil War effectively ended at the village of...

Appomattox Courthouse.

Because of violent conflicts there during the 1850s, Kansas came to be known as "___________ Kansas."


The introduction of this ship revitalized the Confederate campaign to break the Union blockade of the South:

CSS Virginia

What Supreme Court decision in 1857 drove the free and slave factions even further apart?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

The first land battle of the American Civil War was at...


In 1864, Grant sent this General to destroy the threat posed by the Shenandoah Valley:

Philip Sheridan

What is popular sovereignty in the context of the sectional crisis?

Popular sovereignty would have caused people to flood people to Nebraska and Kansas to put their votes in the ballot box for their side.

At Cold Harbor, Grant realized he couldn't take ________________ directly.


By May 1861, the capitol of the Confederate States of America was in __________________.


Which of these famous Virginians was the son of a Revolutionary War hero, a graduate of West Point, an experienced officer, and was offered command of both the Union and Confederate armies?

Robert E. Lee

What was the first state to secede from the Union following the Election of 1860?

South Carolina

Which of the following was the last chance to make changes to the federal system to avoid open war?

The Compromise of 1850

When the Deep South seceded from the Union, they formed a new country called...

The Confederate States of America

Which of the political parties in the Election of 1860 wanted to take the nation back to the original Constitution with an emphasis on state sovereignty?

The Constitutional Union Party

What federal act showed the flaw in the system of popular sovereignty?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

What nineteenth-century crisis nearly ended in armed conflict?

The Nullification Crisis of 1832

Whose stand against advancing Union troops shaped the outcome at First Manassas?

Thomas J. Jackson

In March 1864, Abraham Lincoln gave command of the Army of the Potomac to...

Ulysses S. Grant

The loss of what town gave the Union control of the Mississippi River and divided the South?


When Lincoln decided to call up Union troops to fight against the South...

Virginia voted for secession.

After Fort Sumter, the capitol city of the Union was________ and the capitol of the Confederacy was__________ .

Washington D.C., Richmond

The Dred Scott decision stated that slaves could not be...


What action by General McClellan in the Peninsula Campaign allowed time for Confederate forces to consolidate and react?

pausing after each engagement

At the Battle of Fredericksburg, General Burnside used five _______________ bridges to cross the Rapahannock River.


At first, Virginia decided to...

remain loyal to the Union.

The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act led to a new occupation, the __________ ____________.

slave catcher

Which battle remains the bloodiest single day in American military history?

the Battle of Antietam

Which Civil War battle can be considered both Lee's greatest victory and his greatest loss?

the Battle of Chancellorsville

Victory in what battle allowed General Lee to take the fighting out of Virginia?

the Second Battle of Manassas

What battle was the first meeting of Generals Grant and Lee?

the Wilderness

What signaled the beginning of the American Civil War?

the attack on Ft. Sumter

Violence in Kansas eventually spread to...

the floor of the Senate.

What were the goals of Lee's advance into Union territory in July 1863? (choose all that apply)

to threaten Washington, D.C. to gain support from Britain to force the Union to give up

The Dred Scott decision declared the Missouri Compromise...


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