12 EnvSci Energy Resources & Consumption Test

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Hydrogen fuel cell

a device that produces electricity by separating hydrogen into protons and electrons

Carbon dioxide

a gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.

Oil rig

a large structure with facilities to extract and process petroleum and natural gas that lie in rock formations beneath the seabed

Energy return on energy investment (EROEI)

a measure of the net energy from an energy source obtained/investment

Ground source heat pump

a network of pipes that circulates water from the ground and back into the ground

Active solar energy

energy captured from sunlight with advanced technologies, convert the sun's energy into a more usable form, such as hot water or electricity.

Geothermal Energy

harnesses heat from the Earth's interior for electricity generation and heating How Energy is Harnessed: Geothermal power plants extract heat from the Earth's subsurface to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators Impacts/Effects: Positive: Reliable and consistent source of baseload electricity, minimal greenhouse gas emissions Negative: Surface instability and subsurface depletion may occur. Drilling for geothermal fluids can release trace gases

trends in energy use, by consumption and by energy source, worldwide and in the U.S.

- U.S. uses about the same amount of fossil fuels (1% less than the rest of the world - slightly more oil - 35% compared to 30% - U.S. uses less (10%) coal while the row uses 26% coal/peat - less renewable (12%), row uses 15% - more nuclear 9%, row uses 5% - U.S. uses more natural gas 34% vs 24%


1 carbon greenhouse gas

Describe the step by step process of fossil fuel electricity generation from primary energy source to distribution into the electric grid.

1. Extraction of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels are extracted from underground deposits. May involve mining for coal, drilling for oil, or extracting natural gas from wells 2. Transportation to Power Plants: Fossil fuels are transported to power plants, often through pipelines (for natural gas) or by trains and ships (for coal and oil) 3. Combustion or Gasification: At the pp, fossil fuels are burned in combustion chambers or undergo gasification to release energy in the form of heat. The heat produces steam 4. Steam Generation: The heat produces high-pressure steam that is generated by heating water in boilers using the released energy 5. Turbine Operation: high-pressure steam is directed through turbines, causing the blades to spin and turn the generator connected to them 6. Electricity Generation: spinning turbines generate mechanical energy, which is converted into electricity by the connected generators. cu coils and magnets on the generator induce an electric current. 7. Voltage Transformation: The generated electricity is initially produced at a low voltage. Transformers increase the voltage to facilitate long-distance transmission with minimal energy loss 8. Transmission: The high-voltage electricity is transmitted through power lines and transmission towers to substations and ultimately to distribution centers 9. Distribution: At distribution centers, transformers lower the voltage to levels suitable for local distribution. Electricity is distributed through local power lines to homes, businesses, and industries 10. End-User Consumption: Electricity reaches end-users, where it powers various appliances 11. Grid Connection: The entire process is integrated into an electrical grid, a network that connects power plants, substations, and end-users. allows for efficient distribution of electricity across a wide area

Discuss current and potential limitations of renewable energy resources.

1. Intermittency and Variability: CL: R sources like solar and wind are intermittent, depend on weather conditions and time of day --> fluctuations in energy generation, hard to match supply with demand PM: Advances in energy storage technologies (like batteries) can store excess energy during periods of high generation for use during low-generation. better grid management and smart technologies 2. Energy Storage Challenges: CL: Hard to store large amounts of energy for extended periods- limitations in cost, efficiency, and env impact PM: research and development in energy storage tech--battery technologies and alternative storage methods 3. Land Use and Environmental Impact: CL: large-scale R energy projects, like solar farms, can use lots of land, can impact ecosystems and biodiversity. Hydropower projects can alter river ecosystems PM: Responsible siting, planning, and design. tech advances like floating solar installations can reduce land use 4. Resource Availability and Location: CL: Some regions have limited access to certain renewable resources like areas with low sunlight PM: diversified energy mix combining multiple R sources can help w resource limitations. Improving transmission infrastructure and expanding renewable projects to different regions can improve resource availability 5. Technological Maturity and Cost: CL: Some R technologies are still emerging and face challenges in terms of maturity and cost competitiveness compared to conventional sources PM: Continued research and development, as well as economies of scale through increased deployment, can lead to cost reductions. Supportive policies and incentives to encourage investment in R technologies 6. Social and Economic Considerations: CL: Transitioning to R energy can cause job displacement, eco impact on ex

Identify the steps taken during an oil spill or leak to mitigate the impact on ecosystems.

1. Source Control: Stop or control the source of the oil release- capping a well, shutting down a pipeline, or sealing a breached vessel to prevent further oil discharge into the environment. 2. Containment and Recovery: Booms, barriers, and skimmers are deployed to contain and recover the spilled oil. Booms are floating barriers used to corral and contain the oil, skimmers remove oil from the water's surface. 3. Chemical Dispersants: break down oil into smaller droplets, so it is easier for natural processes and microorganisms to degrade the oil. Risk of potential environmental impacts 4. In-Situ Burning: Igniting the oil on the water's surface to reduce the volume of oil and minimize its impact. May produce air pollutants. 5. Bioremediation: Microorganisms break down and metabolize oil. Microbial agents or nutrient supplements can enhance the natural degradation of oil by bacteria 6. Physical Removal and Shoreline Cleanup: Manually collecting oil from the water and cleaning oil-contaminated shorelines. vacuum trucks and absorbent materials, may be used 7. Wildlife Rehabilitation and Protection: rescue and rehabilitate affected wildlife- medical care, cleaning, and rehabilitation for oiled animals before releasing them back into the wild 8. Monitoring and Assessment: Continuous monitoring and assessment of the spill's impact on ecosystems are crucial - track the movement of the oil, evaluate effectiveness of response efforts, and assess long-term ecological consequences 9. Legal and Regulatory Measures: Authorities hold responsible parties accountable for the spill, must fund and execute the cleanup efforts. Penalties and fines 10. Community Engagement and Communication: Open communication with affected communities to help manage public concerns, ensure cooperation, and allow residents to take necessary precautions

Hubbert curve

A bell-shaped curve representing oil use and projecting both when world oil production will reach a maximum and when we will run out of oil


A device with blades that can be turned by water, wind, steam, or exhaust gas from combustion that turns a generator in an electricity-producing plant


A diesel substitute produced by extracting and chemically altering oil from plants


A fossil fuel that occurs in underground deposits, composed of a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, water, and sulfur, another name for oil

Natural gas

A gas with high methane content, found along with various fossil fuels and is used as a fuel. A fossil fuel in the gaseous state

Oil/Tar sands

A heavy, black oil known as crude bitumen that is trapped in sticky, dense conglomerations of sand or clay. It can be mined and processed to produce a substitute for petroleum.

Oil well

A hole drilled or dug in the earth from which petroleum flows or is pumped

Open pit mining

A mining technique that uses a large pit or hole in the ground, visible from the surface of Earth.


A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed Solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, geothermal, and ocean energy.

Electrical grid

A network of interconnected transmission lines that joins power plants together and links them with end users of electricity

Photovoltaic solar cell

PV cells made of thin layer of semiconductors and when sunlight strikes it an electrical current is provided. A system of capturing energy from sunlight and converting it directly into electricity


A resource where flowing or falling water turns a turbine in a dam, which is connected to a generator that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. Commonly used in hydroelectric power plants. How Energy is Harnessed: Water flowing through turbines turns generators, converting mechanical energy into electricity. Impacts/Effects: Positive: Provides a reliable and consistent source of electricity. No greenhouse gas emissions during electricity generation. Negative: Alters river ecosystems, affects fish migration, and can lead to habitat loss. Dam construction may displace communities and impact water quality.

Nonrenewable energy resource

A source of energy that is a finite supply capable of being exhausted.

Wind turbine

A turbine that converts wind energy into electricity

Yellow cake

A type of uranium concentrate powder obtained from leach solutions, in an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores; it is a step in the processing of uranium after it has been mined, before fuel fabrication or enrichment; after processing of all the non-uranium element; purified as uranium but not enriched; uranium oxide helped make the yellow color of Fiesta ware's plates


Alcohol made by converting starches and sugars from plant material into alcohol and CO2.

nondepletable energy source

An energy source that cannot be used up

Power plant

Any unit that converts some form of energy into electrical energy, such as a hydroelectric or steam-generating station, a diesel-electric engine in a vehicle, or a nuclear power plant.

Compare and contrast electricity generation from nonrenewable energy sources versus renewable energy sources.

Availability: NR: Finite resources, limited availability. Extraction and consumption depletes reserves over time R: Inexhaustible and naturally replenished resources. Generally, sustainable in the long term Environmental Impact: NR: air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, habitat disruption, and ecosystem degradation. Nuclear energy risk of radioactive waste and accidents R: lower env impact w reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. localized environmental impacts, like habitat disruption for hydropower or collisions with wind turbines Carbon Emissions: NR: Significant carbon emissions, especially coal and oil. Major contributor to climate change R: Generally, lower or 0 carbon emissions during electricity generation, mitigates climate change Energy Security: NR: Vulnerable to geopolitical uncertainties, supply chain disruptions, and price fluctuations R: Diverse and distributed sources--energy security, less dependence on specific regions or countries Land Use: NR: Coal and oil extraction can cause land disturbances. Nuclear power requires facilities R: Generally requires less land. Solar and wind farms can be deployed on marginal or non-agricultural land Water Usage: NR: Some fossil fuel extraction methods can use lots of water R: Water use varies; hydropower and geothermal can have larger water use, while solar and wind have minimal Technological Maturity: NR: Established technologies, long history of use. Ongoing improvements improve efficiency and reduce emissions R: Advancements with ongoing technological innovations. Costs are decreasing Economic Considerations: NR: Long-established industries w established infrastructure. Transitioning can cause economic challenges and job displacement R: Growing industries with increasing investment and job opportunities. Reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels

Solar Power

Captures energy from sunlight for electricity generation and heating. How Energy is Harnessed: Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity (solar panels), while solar thermal systems use sunlight to heat a fluid that produces steam to drive turbines. Impacts/Effects: Positive: Clean and abundant energy source, reduces reliance on fossil fuels, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Negative: Manufacturing solar panels involves energy-intensive processes, and improper disposal may lead to environmental issues. Land use changes can affect ecosystems.

Chemical dispersant

Chemicals sprayed to disperse (break up) oil particles from a spill. These chemicals can spread oil out, but can also be toxic themselves.

Fossil fuels

Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals.

Identify the four nonrenewable energy sources and how each is used.

Coal: Usage: Coal is a sedimentary rock burned for electricity generation and industrial processes. In power plants, coal is burned to produce steam, which turns turbines connected to generators, generating electricity. However, coal combustion is associated with environmental issues, including air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Oil (Petroleum): Usage: Petroleum, commonly known as oil, is a versatile liquid fossil fuel used for transportation fuels (gasoline, diesel, jet fuel), heating oils, and as a feedstock for the petrochemical industry to produce various chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials. Oil is refined in refineries to separate and process different fractions, each serving specific purposes in various sectors of the economy. Natural Gas: Usage: Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily composed of methane. It is used for electricity generation, heating, and as a fuel for various industrial processes. In electricity generation, natural gas is often burned in power plants to produce electricity. It is considered a cleaner-burning fossil fuel compared to coal and oil, emitting fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases per unit of energy produced but methane is 25x as potent Nuclear Energy: Usage: Nuclear energy is derived from the fission (splitting) of uranium or plutonium atoms in nuclear reactors. The heat produced during fission reactions is used to generate steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, producing electricity. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload electricity generation due to their consistent output. While nuclear energy does not produce direct greenhouse gas emissions during electricity generation, it poses challenges related to nuclear waste disposal, safety concerns, and the potential for nuclear proliferation.


Compounds composed of only carbon and hydrogen

Compare conventional and unconventional extraction methods of nonrenewable energy sources and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each.

Conventional Extraction Methods: Coal Mining: Advantages: Established technology with a long history of use. Disadvantages: Environmental impacts- habitat disruption, water pollution, and land degradation. Health risks to miners, and the release of pollutants during combustion. Oil Drilling: Advantages: High energy density and versatile applications in transportation, industry, and petrochemicals. Established infrastructure for extraction, refining, and distribution. Disadvantages: Environmental risks- oil spills, habitat destruction, and water pollution. Contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Natural Gas drilling: Advantages: low cost, established network disadvantages: harms land and the environment Unconventional Extraction Methods: Coal Bed Methane Extraction: Advantages: Utilizes methane trapped in coal beds for energy. Potential for increased gas recovery from coal deposits. Disadvantages: Groundwater contamination risk due to the release of methane and other substances. Land disturbance and habitat disruption. Fracking for Oil and Gas: Advantages: Extracts oil and gas from unconventional reservoirs. Can enhance domestic energy production and reduce reliance on imports. Disadvantages: Environmental concerns- water contamination, induced seismicity, and habitat disruption. High water usage and wastewater disposal challenges. Oil Sands Extraction (Bitumen): Advantages: Abundant reserves in certain regions. Potential for increased oil production. Disadvantages: Intensive energy and water requirements for extraction and processing. Habitat destruction, greenhouse gas emissions, and challenges in land reclamation. - Conventional methods often have established environmental risks, while unconventional methods may introduce additional concerns, such as water contamination and habitat disruption.

Wind Power

Converts the kinetic energy of wind into electricity using wind turbines How Energy is Harnessed: Wind turbines use the movement of the wind to spin blades, which turn a generator and produce electricity Impacts/Effects: Positive: Clean and renewable energy source with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Negative: Visual and noise impact, potential harm to birds and bats, and land use changes in windy areas.

On/offshore drilling

Drilling for oil or natural gas in the ocean

why are different forms of energy are best suited for certain purposes?

Each source of energy is best suited for certain activities, and less well suited for others. • Energy efficiency is an important consideration in determining the environmental impacts of energy use. • The energy source that entails the fewest conversions from its original form to its end use is likely to be the most efficient. - consider energy density, portability, storage, environmental impact, reliability, and cost.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Energy cannot be changed from one form to another without a loss of usable energy - energy lost during electricity transfer

Geothermal energy

Energy derived from the heat in the interior of the earth

Wind energy

Energy generated from the kinetic energy of moving air, the energy captured by transforming the motion of air into electrical energy using a turbine

Tidal energy

Energy that comes from the movement of water driven by the gravitational pull of the Moon.

NOx & SOx

NOx (from cars, factories) and SOx (from coal burning power plants) produce acid rain. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) cause acid rain and air pollution

Describe the formation of fossil fuels and how each is preserved over geologic time.

Fossil fuels, including coal, oil (petroleum), and natural gas, are formed from the remains of ancient organisms buried and subjected to geological processes over millions of years. 1. Organic Material Accumulation: Organic material, primarily derived from plants and microscopic marine organisms, accumulates 2. Sedimentation: layers of sediment, such as mud, silt, and sand, accumulate over the organic material. the organic material is buried deeper within the Earth and compresses the organic matter 3. Pressure and Heat: Burial under layers of sediment leads to increasing pressure and temperature. The organic material transforms into peat (partially decayed organic matter) 4. Formation of Peat, Lignite, and Bituminous Coal: Continued burial and exposure to heat and pressure cause the peat to turn into lignite, then bituminous coal, as water content decreases, and carbon content increases 1. Formation of Oil and Natural Gas: Marine microorganisms, such as algae and plankton, accumulate on the ocean floor and are buried under layers of sediment. heat and pressure cause the organic material to undergo a transformation into hydrocarbons 2. Maturation into Oil and Gas: At shallower depths and lower temperatures, organic material forms oil. At greater depths and higher temperatures, it turns into natural gas. This process occurs over millions of years. - burial of organic material in sediments occurs in environments with limited oxygen, preventing complete decomposition and allowing preservation of carbon-rich remains - The transformation of organic material into fossil fuels takes millions of years, geological processes help preserve the fossil fuels - geological formations containing fossil fuels may become sealed by impermeable rock layers, trapping the hydrocarbons and preventing their escape

Greenhouse gas

Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and ozone in the atmosphere which are involved in the greenhouse effect.


Hydroelectricity generation, water behind a low dam and runs through a channel before returning to the river.


The use of organisms to detoxify and restore polluted and degraded ecosystems.

Crude oil

Liquid petroleum removed from the ground

Subsurface mining

Mining techniques used when the desired resource is more than 100 m (328 feet) below the surface of Earth.

Differentiate between nonrenewable, renewable, potentially renewable, and nondepletable energy sources. Identify examples of energy sources for each category listed above and explain the characteristics of each.

Nonrenewable sources have a limited supply and are depleted with use, renewable sources are continually replenished, potentially renewable sources can be sustainable with responsible management, and nondepletable sources are essentially limitless and sustainable over the long term. transitioning to renewable and nondepletable sources is crucial for long-term energy sustainability and environmental well-being. Nonrenewable Energy Sources: finite and cannot be replenished on a human timescale. Once these resources are depleted, they are gone. Examples: Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are common nonrenewable energy sources. Characteristics: Limited availability, environmental impact during extraction and use, and contribute to climate change. Renewable Energy Sources: replenished naturally and are sustainable over the long term. Examples: Solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy. Characteristics: Infinite availability, low environmental impact during operation, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Potentially Renewable Energy Sources: can be sustainable if managed properly but may become nonrenewable if overexploited Examples: Wood and certain types of biomass. Characteristics: Can be replenished through responsible management, but improper use can lead to depletion. Nondepletable Energy Sources: practically inexhaustible on human timescales. Examples: Solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. Characteristics: Virtually limitless availability, minimal environmental impact during operation, and can provide a constant and reliable source of energy.

Explain how nuclear fission generates energy.

Nuclear fission is a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy 1. Nuclear Fuel: The most common nuclear fuel used in power plants is uranium-235-a fissile material, meaning its nucleus can be split by absorbing a neutron 2. Neutron Initiation: A neutron strikes the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom, the collision causes the uranium-235 nucleus to become unstable 3. Nuclear Fission: The unstable uranium-235 nucleus undergoes fission, splitting into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing lots of energy 4. Release of Neutrons: Along with the fission fragments, neutrons are released and initiate further fission reactions in nearby uranium-235 nuclei, creating a self-sustaining chain reaction 5. Control of the Chain Reaction: Control rods made of materials that absorb neutrons (such as boron or cadmium) are inserted into the reactor core. Adjusting the position of the control rods controls the number of neutrons available to sustain the chain reaction 6. Heat Generation: The kinetic energy of the fission fragments and the gamma radiation produced during fission increase temperature within the reactor core 7. Heat Transfer: The heat is transferred to a coolant, typically water or gas, circulating through the reactor core. The coolant absorbs the heat, preventing the reactor from overheating 8. Steam Generation: The heated coolant produces steam by passing it through a heat exchanger. The steam is used to drive turbines 9. Turbine Operation: high-pressure steam drives turbines connected to generators. As the turbines spin, electrical generators convert mechanical energy into electricity 10. Electricity Generation: generated electricity is transmitted to the power grid, providing electrical power for various applications, like homes, industries, and businesses


Organic materials, such as wood, agricultural residues, and biofuels derived from plants. used for electricity generation, heating, and as a feedstock for biofuel production. How Energy is Harnessed: Biomass energy is harnessed through processes like combustion, where organic materials are burned to release heat, or through biofuel production, where biomass is converted into liquid fuels like ethanol or biodiesel. Impacts/Effects: Positive: Biomass can be a renewable and carbon-neutral energy source when managed sustainably. It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide energy from organic waste. Negative: Intensive biomass cultivation may compete with food production and lead to deforestation, impacting biodiversity and releasing pollutants during combustion

methods of extraction

Petroleum (oil) & Natural Gas Extraction: Conventional extraction method: On/Off-Shore Drilling Unconventional extraction method: Cyclic Steam Stimulation Natural Gas Extraction: Conventional: drilling into rock Unconventional extraction method: Hydraulic fracturing (Fracking) Coal Formation & Extraction: Conventional extraction method: Surface (open-pit) mining or Subsurface (strip) mining unconventional: Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is an industrial process which utilises high pressure combustion to convert coal in non-mined coal seams into gas Uranium Extraction (for Nuclear Energy): Conventional extraction method: Open-pit mining of uranium ore deposits Other extraction method: In-situ Leaching (As of 2020, 58% of uranium is mined using this method)

Describe positive and negative impacts of nonrenewable energy use on humans and the environment.

Postive impacts: - power human societies and drive economic development - provided a reliable and consistent supply of energy, contributing to the growth of industries, transportation, and technological advancements - The accessibility and affordability of nonrenewable energy have improved living standards and facilitated the modernization of communities worldwide. - supported job creation and economic stability in regions with significant reserves, fostering socio-economic development. Negative Impacts: - environmental and health concerns - releases pollutants into the air, soil, and water, leading to air pollution, acid rain, and water contamination - habitat disruption, deforestation, and the degradation of ecosystems, leading to the loss of biodiversity - Nuclear energy poses risks such as accidents, radioactive waste disposal challenges, and the potential for nuclear proliferation

Potentially renewable

Resources that are generally renewable, but can become nonrenewable if not used wisely

potentially renewable

Resources that are generally renewable, but can become nonrenewable if not used wisely

Describe the Hubbert curve and explain how it relates to predicted oil production and use over time and identify any limitations it has.

The Hubbert Curve illustrates the production and depletion of a finite resource over time, particularly applied to oil extraction. Oil production reaches its maximum level before entering a period of decline. Production increases, reaching a peak, and then declines. As new oil fields are discovered and exploited, production increases. However, once the majority of economically viable reserves have been tapped, production peaks, and the curve descends as extraction becomes increasingly challenging and costly. - after the graph, there should be an increase again after new technology is discovered and the process repeats - oil sand refinement

Phantom energy

The energy that is being used when devices are plugged in, but not in use or on.

Bituminous coal

The most common form of coal; produces a high amount of heat and is used extensively by electric power plants.

energy efficiency

The percentage of energy put into a system that does useful work - more output from the same amount of input energy or achieving the same output with less input energy

energy conservation

The practice of reducing energy use

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking)

The process used to extract natural gas from the deep layers of rock in which it is embedded. fracture the rocks to create channels that gas and oil can seep up through - unconventional - injects water into the ground that becomes polluted with heavy metals

Energy efficiency

The ratio of the amount of work done to the total amount of energy introduced to the system


The splitting of an atomic nucleus to release energy.


a combustible black or dark brown rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits and widely used as fossil fuel.


a resource that cannot be replaced, finite supply Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and nuclear fuels (uranium).


an isotope used to fuel most nuclear fission reactors

Cap rock

barrier of impermeable rock to prevent oil from seeping out

Define energy conservation and energy efficiency and explain why they are considered the best approach to sustainable energy use.

better environmental impacts, resource preservation, offer cost savings, enhance energy security, drive technological innovation, and mitigate the impacts of climate change

In-situ burning

controlled burning of spilled oil to remove it can produce toxic smoke

Uranium ore deposit

economically recoverable concentrations of uranium within the earth's crust


electricity generated by the kinetic energy of moving water

Describe how energy efficiency is quantified and calculated using the EROEI equation.

energy obtained/energy invested - higher EROEI means more efficient since it produces more useful energy relative to the energy invested - measures the ratio of the amount of usable energy obtained from a particular energy resource to the amount of energy expended in extracting, processing, and converting that resource into a usable form.

Hydrogen Power

energy produced by passing an electric current through water to burn hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for transportation and electricity generation How Energy is Harnessed: Electrolysis of water using electricity from renewable sources produces hydrogen. It can also be extracted from natural gas, a process called steam methane reforming (SMR). Impacts/Effects: Positive: When produced using renewable energy, hydrogen is a clean fuel with no direct emissions. Negative: Current hydrogen production methods may rely on fossil fuels, leading to carbon emissions. Storage and transportation present challenges, and the overall efficiency of hydrogen production can be low.

Renewable energy resource

energy resource that is replaced as fast as, or faster than, it is used

Inflatable oil boom

equipment used in environmental response and spill control efforts, particularly in cases of oil spills or hazardous material releases in bodies of water. contain oil at the surface of the water

Liquid Biofuel

ethanol and biodiesel

Energy conservation

finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently

Discuss how human innovation and technological advances are the driving force behind moving from one energy resource or technology to the next.

human ability to harness and utilize energy has been closely linked to technological ingenuity. Innovation not only enhances the efficiency of existing energy sources but also enables the exploration and integration of new, more sustainable alternatives. For example, the evolution of steam engines during the Industrial Revolution marked a transformative shift from traditional forms of energy to coal-powered machinery. Similarly, the ongoing development of renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, showcases the dynamic interplay between human innovation and the energy landscape. Advances in materials science, engineering, and efficiency improvements have made these renewable sources increasingly viable and cost-effective, paving the way for a more sustainable energy future. As we start to see the environmental and geopolitical challenges associated with conventional fossil fuels, the pursuit of cleaner and more efficient energy solutions becomes imperative

Sediment deposits

laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice. Sediment can be transported as pebbles, sand and mud, or as salts dissolved in water


materials used to absorb oil, and include peat moss, vermiculate, and clay

Solid Biomass

potentially renewable, eliminates waste from environment; can cause deforestation, erosion, and indoor/outdoor pollution. A source of energy from materials including wood, sawdust, and crop waste, which can be used directly or processed into briquettes and charcoal wood, charcoal, manure

Acid rain

rain containing nitric and sulfuric acids

In-situ leaching

small holes are drilled into the site and water based chemical solvents are used to flush out desired minerals. In the processing plant, the water used to leach the uranium ore is evaporated off and the concentrated uranium powder left behind is known as Yellowcake can be used to obtain uranium


solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, tidal energy = nondepletable in the span of human time. no matter how much you use there will always be more. tomorrow's resource does not depend on today's use

Nuclear fuel

substance used in nuclear reactors that releases energy due to nuclear fission, Fuel derived from radioactive materials that give off energy

Cyclic steam stimulation

the alternating injection of steam and production of oil with condensed steam from the same well or wells.


the cleanest-burning coal; almost pure carbon


the least pure coal

Particulate matter

the mix of both solid and liquid particles in the air harms lungs


the process of burning something, a substance burns in the presence of Oxygen, giving off heat and light in the process

Strip mining

the removal of strips of soil and rock to expose ore

Passive solar

this type of solar involves light energy transforming into thermal energy-it heats a space without the use of any moving parts or expensive equipment, the use of sunlight to heat buildings directly

Water impoundment

water is stored behind a dam and the gates of the dam are opened and closed controlling the flow of water

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