12.4 Feudal Powers in Japan

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"Way of the Kami"; Japanese worship of nature spirits


"origin of the sun" or "land of rising sun"

What are the 3 reasons the rich Fujiwara were experiencing decline of central power in the 11th century?

- large landowners living outside the capital set up armies. -Countryside became lawless and dangerous. -Armed soldiers on horseback preyed on farmers and travelers and privates took control of the seas. -Small landowners traded land to strong warriors for protection.

4 expectations of a Samurai Warrior?

1. Show reckless courage 2. Reverence for the Gods 3. fairness 4. generosity towards weaker.

4 characteristics of a Japanese Samurai dress code?

1. helmets- made from iron plates to repel sword blows. 2. Iron mask- protect face and frighten enemy. 3. Samurai swords- Made by artisans. curvature of blade makes weapon more effective when slashing. 4. individual iron plates- protection and free movement.

What are the 2 ways upper class women spent their time during the Heian court?

1. spent time on grooming. 2. spent time reading.

How many islands does Japan have?



A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name


A person appointed to administer a country when the monarchy is absent.

Why does the feudal powers in Japan matter now?

An openness to to adapting innovations from other cultures is still a hallmark of Japanese society

Who was the cultural leader historically between Japan and China?



Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.

What are the 6 examples of Japan's cultural borrowing from China?

Cooking, gardening, drinking tea, hair dressing, painting, modeling government, writing.


Divine spirits dwelling in nature from the Shinto religion. ex: waterfall, flower.

How do concepts of the clan relate to early Japan?

Each clan worshiped its own nature god and Goddess. In different parts of Japan people honored thousands of local gods. (honored the god of their choice)

What happened in 1192 that relates to the Shogun?

Emperor gave Yoritimo the title of shogun, or a "supreme general of the emperors army", powers of a military dictator.

What is the term used for local lords gaining powers?

Feudal system

Explain how the disconnect between Kyoto and Kamakura in terms of location set up the ideas of a puppet emperor.

He was the puppet emperor in Kyoto. Real center was the Kamakura shogunate. Puppet state is a government in which shoguns ruled through puppet emperors.

Why did the civil service system adoption not work in Japan?

If you were the first born, you had the key to work in the government/civil service system.

What was Japanese civilization shaped by?

It was shaped by cultural borrowing from China and the rise of feudalism and military rulers.

What is the concept of a figurehead and a ruling power behind the throne?

Japan had an emperor who additionally served as a figurehead and a ruling power that reigned behind the throne. This meant there was technically 2 emperors. figure head- spokes person/president ruling power= behind throne/congress

Explain how the Japanese beat the Mongols in the late 13th century and how it led to civil war?

Kamakura shoguns were strong enough to defeat 2 naval invasions sent by the Mongols, but these wars drained the Shogun treasury. Samurai warriors were better when government didn't pay them, so the shoguns lost prestige and power. Samurai attached themselves to local lords.

What country is Japan closest to?

Korea, then China

What are the 5 ways etiquette was shown in court life?

No laughing aloud, poetry, painting, sword lengths, color of robes, forms of address, number of skirts a women wore.

Pro's and con's of the 500 mile distance.

Pro's - Close enough to feel civilization effect, safe from invasion con's - hard for cultural diffusion to occur.

How do the terms animism, polytheism, and Shinto relate to another?

Shinto worshipers believe in kami; divine spirits that swell in nature. they worship their many ancestors.


The Feudal Japanese code of honor among the warrior class.

What happened in Japan from 794 to 1185?

The capital was moved to Heian, many of the noble families also moved there. it is known as the Heian period.

Why did the Japanese en formal missions to China in the 9th century.

They had learned enough from Tang China. Formal missions had fallen into decline.

How does cultural diffusion apply to China?

They had the ability to take new ideas and make them uniquely their own.

What is the significance of the Tale of Gengi?

World's first novel.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of japans geography?

advantages - mild climate - rainfall -mountainous disadvantages -12% of land is suitable for farming - low supply of natural resources - typhoons, earthquakes, and tidal waves are common

How did cultural diffusion bring Buddhism and Shinto rituals together?

cultural diffusion occurred because some Buddhist rituals became Shinto rituals.

What are the three characteristics of the unwritten Bushido code?

honor, bravery, and loyalty

What is an archipelago and what is the significance of how long the the range stretches?

it is a group of islands extending in an arc more than 1200 miles long, covering a vast area of land and making for easier trade.

When was Buddhism introduced to Japan?

mid 700's

Who was Prince Shokotu?

most influential convert to Buddhism, served as a regent for his aunt Empress Suiko.

How many islands did most Japanese live on?

they lived on the 4 largest islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)

What is the irony that the Japanese people accepted an emperor by the 7th century?

they were emperors but they held no power.

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