1.3.W - Lesson: Body Composition

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Which of the following BMIs would be considered underweight for an adult? (Select all that apply.)

12.5 10.9 18.2

Which of the following BMIs would be considered obese for an adult? (Select all that apply.)

33.0 30.0 37.3

Which of the following BMI percentiles is/are considered obese for a teen? (Select all that apply.)

95th percentile 98th percentile

Which of the following would be considered overweight for an adult? (Select all that apply.)

A BMI of 29.9 A BMI of 25.0 A BMI of 28.4 Weighing ten to fifteen pounds more than a healthy weight for height

Which of the following is considered overweight in a teen?

BMI at the 90th percentile

The ratio of fat tissue to lean body mass is called __________.

Body composition

What is the calculation of body weight in relation to height called?

Body mass index (BMI)

In general, males and females store body fat differently. Males generally store fat in which areas of their bodies? (Select all that apply.)

Buttocks Abdomen Thighs

A teen with a BMI at the 4th percentile would be considered which of the following?


Essential fat is stored in which of the following? (Select all that apply.)


In general, males and females store body fat differently. Females generally store fat in which areas of their bodies? (Select all that apply.)


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