16.2 notes

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What did the Mayans believe about time?

Time was a burden carried on the back of a god; at the end of the day, month or year one god would lay the burden down and another would pick it up; the day would be lucky or unlucky depending on the nature of the god

What other civilization areas were eventually incorporated into the Aztec area

Toltec; Teotihuacan;

What did the glyphs stand for ?

Whole words or syllables

What type of agriculture did the Mayans practice?

slash and burn agriculture

Why was it important to have an accurate calendar?

In order to know which god was in charge of the day

Why did the Mayans decline ?

Increase warfare between city-states; disrupted trade and produced economic hardship; over farming led to food shortages, famine and disease

How were the important Mayan sites ruled ?

Independent city-state; ruled by god-king; serving a center for religious ceremonies and trade

How were the Mayan city-states linked

Independent city-states; linked thru alliances and trade;

What was Tikal ?

Major center in northern Guatemala; built during the Classical period

Did the Mayan have a uniform currency and if not what was used as currency ?

Maya did not have a uniform currency; Cacoa or chocolate beans were sometimes used as currency

Who influenced the Mayan civilization?

The Olmec people

What did the calendars help identify?

The best times to plant crops, attack enemies and crown new rulers

What did Mayan religious beliefs lead to ?

The development of the calendar, mathematics and astronomy

What happens to throne when the Mayan king dies ?

The throne is passed on to his eldest son; the others are expected to join the priesthood

How many site did archeologists identify ?

50 major Mayan sites; monumental architecture;

What did the Mayan writing consist of ?

800 hieroglyphics symbols or glyphs

What is Popol Vuh?

A book that recounts the Highland Mayas version of the story of creation.

What did the Mayas develop

A highly complex civilization based on city-states and elaborate religious practices.

What provided the basis for Mayan life?

Agricultural; growing of maize, beans and squash

What did each Mayan city feature and why was it important?

Ball court; religious and political significance; Mayan believed the playing of this game would maintain the cycles of the sun and the moon and bring life giving rains.

What are codex ?

Bark-paper books used to record important events

What was the numerical system used for?

Calendar and astronomical work

Describe the Mayan king ?

Sat at top of class structure; regarded as a holy figure; his position was hereditary;

What symbols did the Mayans use for their math system?

Shell symbol for zero; dots for numbers one to four; Bar for five

What area is included in the Mayan homeland ?

Stretch's from southern Mexico to northern Central America; includes highland and lowland regions; includes dry scrub forest; steamy jungles, mountains

Which civilization occupied the Yucatán peninsula?

The Maya civilization

How was the Mayan calendar so precise ?

The Mayan astronomers used a math system with the concept of zero

What are the 4 social classes in the Maya society?

1. Maya king 2. noble class - leading warriors and priests 3. Merchants and skilled artisans 4. peasant majority

What is cenote?

Deep sinkhole lake; captives were thrown into with gold, jade and other offerings

What did Mayans believe about each day ?

Each day was a living god; that gods behavior could be predicted with the help of a system of calendars

What is slash and burn agriculture?

Farmers clear land by burning existing vegetation; planting crops in the ashes

When is the Classic period of Mayan civilization?

From AD 250 to 900

What did Mayan cities feature?

Giant pyramids, temples, palaces; elaborate stone carvings dedicated to gods and important rulers

What did Mayans believe about human sacrifice?

Human sacrifice of captured enemies; pleased the gods; kept the world in balance

What did Mayans use their writing system to record?

Important historical events;

Who developed the most advanced writing system in ancient Americas ?


What new evidence points to the Mayans using a different agriculture method ?

More sophisticated methods; planting on raised beds above swamps and on hillside terraces

What was the Maya calendar based on ?

On the observation of the planets, sun and moon;

What type of gods did the Mayans believe in ?

Polytheism- many gods; gods of corn, death, rain and war; gods were associated with different directions and different colors; gods could be good or evil or both

How did the Mayans worship their gods?

Prayed; Made offerings of food, flowers and incense; pierced and cut their bodies and offered their blood believing it would nourish the gods; human sacrifices

How many calendars did the Mayans develop and how ere they linked?

Religious calendar; solar calendar; linked together like mesh gears; any given day could be identified in both cycles

What did the Mayan city-states trade?

Salt, flint, feathers, shells and honey; craft goods, cotton textiles and jade ornaments

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