2.4 Legal and Ethical Responsibilities; liability and ethics

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problem solving

A clinically depressed woman who takes antidepressant medication becomes pregnant. Antidepressants, though, could harm the fetus. Her physician lists possible solutions, evaluates each, chooses the best one, and closely assesses its affects.

risk management

A nursing home identifies that it has been sued for several adverse events. The facility discovers that the patients who sued experienced poor relationship with staff. To prevent future lawsuits, the facility institutes a communication training program for staff.

filing event reports

A physician prescribes penicillin to a patient with a documented allergic reaction to penicillin. When the penicillin is administered to the patient, the patient again has an allergic reaction. The physician's supervisor reports the physician's violation.

keeping proper documentation

A registered nurse records a patient's care completely, objectively, legibily, and in a timely manner.


Health care workers should try to force their opinions about bioethical dilemmas on patients. T or F?

following policies and procedures

In a hospital, lab specimens are to be labeled properly. As a result, when labeling a blood sample, a medical assistant records the patients surname, first, and middle, as well as the patients ID number. Then the medical assistant records the date, time, and his intials.


Rules of conduct enacted and enforced by governments


Rules of proper conduct among a group of people, such as a religion or profession


Rules of proper conduct among a group of people, such as a religion or profession, are called _____.


What are the principles that direct a facility's activities and state what a facility does?

Direct the behavior of the people belonging to the group, and directs the decisions of the people belonging to the group when faced with ethical problems

What does a code of ethics do?

If they breach a contract, If they commit a criminal offense, If they do not meet the established standards of care

When are health care workers liable?


When problem solving, health care workers should identify the objective that must be achieved before making and implementing a plan. T or F?


an individuals personal values

Respect patients' right to make decisions regarding their health care, Care for patients according to their profession's scope of practice, Maintain confidentiality of patients' health information, Treat patients equally and without discrimination

According to their code of ethics, what should health care workers do?


Ethical dilemmas occur when laws conflict. T or F?

applying risk management

What is a process of identification, evaluation, and prevention?


Being legally responsible for causing harm is called _____.


Event reports are personal accounts of events. T or F?

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