2A6X3 Egress 5 Lvl CDC Self Test Vol 1

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004 - 3. What acronym will help you in the event of a shop fire?

(S) ound the alarm. (P) hone the fire department. (E) vacuate the building. (E) xtinguish the fire if possible. (D) irect the firefighter to the fire.

009 - 2. How often should an AF IMT 2047 be reviewed?

.At least annually for continued requirement and applicability.

018 - 3. What TO series provides maintenance management information?

00-20 series.

018 - 1. What TO series provide information on the TO system, TCTO system, and TO numbering schemes?

00-5 series.

018 - 1. What TO series provide information on the TO system, TCTO system, and TO numbering schemes?


001 - 7. During what five activities should you remove finger rings?

1) Climbing, ascending, or descending activities where personnel could fall or jump from elevated surfaces (ladders, scaffolds, roofs, etc.). (2) Most material handling operations such as warehousing, parts handling, operating equipment and packing and crating. ( 3) Work activities where personnel are exposed to moving machinery, rotating or revolving parts, or any task that could result in hands being caught in moving parts. (4) Work activities where personnel are exposed to energized electrical circuits. (5) Performing maintenance or inspections on aircraft or ground support equipment.

021 - 3. What full equipment category of TOs covers ejection seats?


001 - 5. What type of ladder should you avoid while working on electrical circuits?

A ladder with conductive side rails.

022 - 3. How many discrepancies can recommended changes be submitted against?

A single discrepancy.

017 - 4. Within how many days of receipt of an urgent action TCTO must the work be done?

A specified time limit (1-10 days).

005 - 13. What documents do you require to operate a government vehicle on the flightline?

A valid state driver's license, AF Form 483 and AF Form 2295.

020 - 3. Until a formal TO is fully verified, what must it contain?

A verification status page, identifying those functions which have not been verified.

006 - 3. When you become a supervisor, what will you use to document your subordinates' completed training?

AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record or equivalent product.

003 - 1. What Air Force publication is intended to minimize the incidence of chemically induced occupational illnesses and injuries in the workplace by establishing guidance for training employees on the health and physical hazards associated with, and proper preventive measures to be taken when using or handling hazardous chemicals in workcenters?

AFI 90-821.

001 - 3. What Air Force publication lists the personal responsibilities for the AFOSH Program?

AFI 91-203.

002 - 1. What is a hazard?

Any real or potential condition that can cause injury or occupational illness to personnel; damage to or loss of a system, equipment, or property; or damage to the environment.

006 -4. When would you accomplish job specific training?

As required based on job tasks and documented prior to your subordinates performing the task.

005 - 4. What basic precaution can you take to avoid exposure to RF radiation?

Avoid the area of radiating power from radar antennas and never stand in the radar beam.

021 - 2. What does a "B" in the first part of a TO stand for?

Bomber aircraft.

021 - 1. How are methods and procedures TOs identified?

By a double zero at the beginning of the TO number.

002 - 4. How is a hazard's risk assessment code determined?

By plotting the probability that a mishap will occur and its potential severity.

004 - 2. What are the fire prevention rules for coffee makers?

Coffee makers must be placed on noncombustible surfaces and the area around them should be free of combustibles. They should be unplugged at the end of the day unless they have integral timers. Coffee makers with integral timers need not be unplugged. Do not use timers unless the coffee maker comes with an integral timer.

013 - 1. What is the purpose of the PRP?

Designed to select and maintain personnel whose conduct and behavior demonstrate the highest levels of integrity, reliability, trustworthiness and allegiance to the United States. Only those who meet those standards will be authorized to perform duties on or around nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons systems.

005 - 3. What two protection devices can be used together to provide increased protection from higher noise level exposures?

Earplugs and earmuffs.

005 - 8. List three major danger areas that exist around an operating jet engine.

Engine intake, turbine plane of rotation, and exhaust.

011 - 2. As a minimum, what five areas should your shop's local written safety standards cover if no TO for an explosive operation is available?

Explosive and personnel limits. Operating locations. Safety requirements. Actions to be taken during emergencies. Step-by-step procedures.

011 - 3. Who is tasked with keeping the commander informed of the status of the explosives safety program?

Explosives safety NCO.

010 - 1. How many fire extinguishers must explosives-laden vehicles have and where are they mounted?

Explosives-laden vehicles must have at least two extinguishers one mounted outside the cab on the driver's side and the other inside the cab

005 - 2. What are some early symptoms that indicate that you've been exposed to potentially damaging sound?

Faintness, nausea, pain in the ears, and vertigo.

013 - 2. List five examples of PDI which may cast doubt about an individual's ability or reliability to perform duties related to nuclear weapons.

Financial irresponsibility; Legal issues; Traffic violations or citations; Alcohol related problems; Medical issues.

005 - 15. What's the maximum speed for vehicles operating near aircraft?

Five miles per hour.

013 - 3. Who holds the final say on whether or not you will be approved for PRP duty?

Gaining commander.

008 - 2. When are explosives considered compatible?

If they may be stored or transported together without significantly increasing either the probability of an accident or, for a given quantity, the magnitude of the effects of such an accident.

001 - 2. When is PPE retraining required?

If you exhibit a lack of understanding or skill with the required work task, or hazards involved with the work task or PPE.

017 - 2. Which TCTO has a series of red Xs (XXXXX) printed around the border of the first page?

Immediate action TCTOs.

017 - 1. What are the three priorities of TCTOs?

Immediate action, urgent action, and routine action.

021 - 6. If you know the part number for a piece of equipment, where do you enter it on the TO/Equip XREF screen in the ETIMS?

In the "Equipment Number" spot.

005 - 14. At a minimum, what steps does an FOD check of your vehicle consist of?

Inspect your tires. Ensure all external vehicle components are secured. Secure any/all items loaded on payload vehicle, including all tiedown device loose ends such as chains, ropes, packaging or other item that may become dislodged during movement while on the flight line area. A thorough walk around the vehicle to check for damaged, loose, or worn parts.

019 - 3. What type of abbreviated TOs is used primarily for scheduled inspections and depict a basic planned work schedule or sequence in which inspection work cards may be used?

Inspection sequence charts.

019 - 2. What type of abbreviated TOs cover a specific type of inspection and normally the system on which the inspection is to be performed?

Inspection workcard sets.

005 - 1. What are the three noise factors that affect hearing loss?

Intensity of the noise, frequency (Hertz) level of the noise, and duration of exposure to the noise.

020 - 5. What are the types of authorized interim TOs?

Interim TCTOs, interim safety supplements to technical manuals, and interim operational supplements to technical manuals.

020 - 4. When a change needs to be accomplished to a TO for safety reasons, and waiting for a printed change to be sent to the field just isn't practical, what type of TO will be prepared and distributed?

Interim TO.

022 - 2. What is a legacy, automated TO management application which employs a distributed database and operates over a wide area network?


016 - 1. What types of TOs are included in Organizational Maintenance Manual Sets?

Job guides, general vehicle technical orders, and wiring diagram manuals.

015 - 2. What index-type TO can you use to establish a TO file for a specific weapon system?


003 - 2. On what documents can you find a chemical's precautions for safe handling and use?

Material Safety Data Sheets.

007 - 4. How must waste materials, oily rags, and combustible scrap be disposed of?

Must be kept separated from each other in approved, properly marked containers. The containers must be emptied at least once each working day or shift, but be sure you empty them as often as needed.

008 - 1. What four special explosive storage provisions apply to egress shops?

NEW limitations don't apply for those components installed in egress seats not being worked. Egress explosive items will be stored in a secure space used only for explosives storage. Storage of uninstalled components must meet NEW limitations. Within the egress maintenance work area, the NEW limitations apply to the number of seats and spare components undergoing maintenance at any one time. Unserviceable items will be turned in to the base storage activity as soon as possible.

010 - 3. When can you leave an explosives-laden vehicle unattended?


007 - 1. Who should handle explosives?

Only properly trained personnel under the direct supervision of someone who thoroughly understands the hazards and risks involved.

006 - 1. What's the first rule of good housekeeping?

Personal cleanliness.

013 - 4. What type of nuclear reliability deals with engaging the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration and other government agencies to ensure nuclear warheads and related interfaces continue to meet Air Force warfighting requirements?

Physical competence, mental alertness and technical proficiency commensurate with duty requirements. Dependability in accepting responsibilities and effectively performing in an approved manner; flexibility in adjusting to changes in the working environment, including the ability to work in adverse or emergency situations. Good social adjustment, emotional stability, personal integrity, sound judgment and allegiance to the United States. Positive attitude toward nuclear weapons duty, to include the purpose of PRP.

001 - 4. What are the primary causes of surface mishaps?

Poor housekeeping, dangerous surface conditions and inadequate lighting.

007 - 3. Where is the maximum amount of stored explosives of each class/division clearly posted?

Posted in each room or building used for storing explosives.

010 - 2. When inspecting a vehicle used to transport explosives, what do you check the tires for?

Properly inflated and free of defects.

009 - 1. When planning an explosive storage area, what environmental conditions must the explosive items be protected from?

Protected from moisture and high temperatures. The area should be free from steam pipes, stoves, and other heat-producing equipment, or the items must be as far away from such equipment as possible.

002 - 2. After discovering a hazard, what is your first step in correcting it?

Report it to your supervisor or the appropriate local agency.

017 - 5. What type of TCTOs are issued when material, mechanical, operational, or tactical deficiencies occur which could result in conditions that have a negative effect on operational efficiency?

Routine action TCTOs.

006 - 2. What PPE should you use any time cranes are used to remove egress components from aircraft or when cranes are used to move egress components inside the egress shop?

Safety helmets or hard hats.

007 - 2. Besides qualified egress personnel, who may visit during an explosive operation?

Safety, quality assurance, or other inspection personnel.

012 - 1. What characteristic of nuclear surety includes inherent warhead design features that prevent accidental or unauthorized nuclear yields, delivery platform design features, and operational procedures that prevent accidental or unauthorized use?


021 - 5. When TOs have more than three parts, what do the fourth and fifth parts show?


016 - 4. What term describes division of a TO into sections or smaller TOs?


012 - 3. What characteristic of nuclear surety includes procedures for moving nuclear weapons to other bases to enhance survivability?


008 - 4. What explosive items should be given the greatest protection from the results of inadvertent ignition in an egress shop's explosive storage area?

Self-propelled explosives.

005 - 18. List five causes of major accidents involving electricity.

Short circuits, overloading, accidental grounding, poor electrical contacts, and misuse of equipment.

005 - 11. What are some examples of power-actuated surfaces?

Speed brakes, spoilers, flight control surfaces, weapon bay doors, and arresting tail hooks.

005 - 5. What is an imbalance in the amounts of positive and negative charges in the surface of objects?

Static electricity.

002 - 3. If a hazard can't be eliminated at your reporting level, what is the next step?

Submit an AF IMT 457 to the base safety office.

018 - 4. Which TO provides policy and guidance for individual maintenance activities (such as the egress shop) for the collection and documentation of maintenance data?

TO 00-20-2.

018 - 5. Which TO would you use to find procedures for tracking the maintenance processing of a faulty F-16 canopy actuator?

TO 00-20-3.

018 - 6. What TO tells you how to calculate due dates and how to establish dates of installation and manufacture for time change documentation?

TO 00-20-9.

016 - 2. Which TO covers the Air Force's Technical Order Numbering System?

TO 00-5-18.

015 - 1. Where would you go to find information about all active Air Force TOs?

TO catalog.

021 - 7. What aids for locating information do most TOs provide?

Table of contents and alphabetical index.

022 - 1. What are two methods for correcting TOs?

The JCALS or an AFTO Form 22.

008 - 3. Where can you find information concerning the assigned storage compatibility group for specific explosives items?

The JHCS website.

003 - 3. Where can you find a chemical's MSDS if your shop is missing one?

The chemical manufacturer or supplier, installation or unit Hazardous Materials Pharmacy, DOD HMIRS on-line or CD-ROM, or through the ESOH-MIS. If the MSDS is not available from these sources, the Bioenvironmental Flight may be contacted for further assistance.

003 - 4. In what section of the MSDS would you find the PPE you need to use to handle the specific chemical you're using?

The control measures section.

005 - 9. What do red stripes along the side of a jet engine shroud or AGE equipment indicate?

The engine's turbine plane of rotation danger area.

005 - 12. What are the greatest hazards inside fighter and bomber aircraft cockpits?

The explosive charges that eject seats, canopies, and hatches.

014 - 2. What are two methods for safety wiring and sealing within a no-lone zone?

The first method is seals composed of a malleable material installed with a crimping device and controlled die in order to form an impressed distinctive mark or unique identifier. The second method is seals applied with a self-locking, non-reversible feature with a singularly unique serial number or alpha, color control system. Both types of seals are used with safety wire connected to certain switches, covers, handles or levers.

011 - 1. As a minimum, what six subjects should your shop's explosive safety lesson plan cover if no MAJCOM lesson plan is available?

The individual's role and specific responsibilities in the unit weapons safety program. Explosive and hazardous aspects of the specific weapons systems. Safety equipment provided. Unique handling and transportation problem areas. Lessons learned from past local and like-unit experiences involving mishaps, hazard reports, deficiency reports, inspection reports, and so forth. Requirements of TO 11A-1-33 for all personnel involved in explosives-loaded aircraft operations.

019 - 4. How can you determine if a technical order is a checklist?

The letters "CL" identify it as a checklist.

020 - 2. Who can authorize using a PTO during hands-on training?

The program manager or representative along with concurrence from the lead command.

021 -4. In equipment TOs, what does the third part of a TO number tell you?

The type of instructions found in the TO.

019 - 1. What is one of the main advantages of abbreviated TOs?

They simplify work.

005 - 16. What actions must you take if you're driving at night on the flight line, and a taxiing aircraft approaches?

Turn off your headlights, turn on your parking lights, and pull over out of the path of the aircraft until the aircraft is out of range.

017 - 3. Which TCTO has alternately spaced red diagonals and red Xs bordering the first page?

Urgent action TCTOs.

005 - 6. What measure can you take in extremely cold weather to reduce the risk of static electricity?

Use a warm metal object, such as a wrench, to make contact with a grounding point to prevent your skin from freezing to the grounding point.

001 - 6. Why must you ensure that maintenance stand guardrails are secured by bolts or quick release pins and not damaged?

Using stands with damaged rails or with removal guardrails installed, but not secured with a bolt or quick release pin can result in serious injury or death.

005 - 7. When you approach an aircraft to perform maintenance, what's the first indication that the aircraft is armed?

Warning signs placed near the cockpit entrance and safety pins with red streamers installed on armed devices.

012 - 4. What type of nuclear reliability deals with engaging the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration and other government agencies to ensure nuclear warheads and related interfaces continue to meet Air Force warfighting requirements?

Weapon system reliability.

012 - 2. What rules ensure that nuclear weapons are not detonated, intentionally or otherwise, unless authorized?

Weapons system safety rules

014 - 1. When is the two-person concept violated?

When a lone individual in a no-lone zone has the opportunity to tamper with or damage a nuclear weapon, nuclear weapon system or certified critical component.

020 - 1. When can a PTO be used to maintain equipment?

When authorized by Air Force Headquarters.

005 - 10. What's the main hazard of an aircraft's variable wing feature?

You could be caught between the trailing edge of the wing and the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer or the overwing fairing.

004 - 1. Who designates approved smoking areas?

Your USR.

001 - 1. Who must provide you training in job safety, fire prevention and health, as required by OSHA and AFOSH directives, Air Force policy directives, AFIs, AFMANs and any other associated directives?

Your supervisor.

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