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Pulmonary alveoli

B) are incredibly fragile and get accumulate damage as one ages.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) true vocal folds. b) eustacian tubes. c) rima glottidis. d) thyroid cartilage. e) arytenalis muscle.

b) eustacian tubes.


b) has two roots.


b) mainly elevated in response to allergens

Which of the following muscles are not used in pulmonary ventilation

b) masseter.

Which of the following does not belong? a) masseter b) middle scalene c) temporalis d) medial pterygoid muscle. e) lateral pterygoid muscle.

b) middle scalene c) temporalis d) medial pterygoid muscle. e) lateral pterygoid muscle.

Goblet Cell

b) produce mucus.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) zymogenic cells. b) oxyntic cells. c) Kuppfer cells. d) goblet cells. e) enteroendocrine cells.

c) Kuppfer cells.


c) elevated in response to larger parasites & allergens

The large intestine

c) functions in water reabsorption.


c) grinding and mashing


c) initiate clot formation.

The Aorta

c) is a part of the systemic circuit.


c) is made of the same material as bone.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events an erythrocyte would see on the way out of a villus in the jejuneum?

c) mesenteric vein, hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein, inferior vena cava.

Nasal Conchae

c) moisten and condition air before it goes to the lungs

The apex of the heart:

c) occurs at the lowermost part of the interventricular septum.

Chief Cell

c) produces digestive enzyme precursors.


c) requires both layers of the muscularis to contract.

Which of the following is a correct sequence of structures a red blood cell might see on its way through the heart?

c) right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve, left atrium, mitral valve, aorta.

Peyer's Patches: a) occur in the submucosa. b) function in immunity. c) help keep intestinal flora in the right place.

d) all of the above

The aortic ligament: a) is a relic from the fetal stage of development. b) used to be a blood vessel. c) enabled blood to bypass the pulmonary circuit at an earlier point in development.

d) all of the above

The coronary sulcus: a) is a surface feature. b) may be covered by fat deposits. c) contains blood vessels.

d) all of the above.

The oropharynx: a) is behind a ring of tonsils. b) contains tastebuds that detect meaty/nutty flavors. c) is posterior to the oral cavity.

d) all of the above.

The pulmonary circuit: a) receives deoxygenated blood pumped out from the right ventricle. b) is where blood drops off CO2 and picks up oxygen. c) includes only the lungs

d) all of the above.

Vibrissae: a) help filter out particulate matter. b) are found in the ear canal. c) are a part of the upper respiratory tract.

d) all of the above.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) Peyer's patch. b) palatine tonsil. c) lingual tonsil. d) appendix. e) hepatopancreatic ampulla.

d) appendix.

8) Which of the following doesn't belong? a) stomach. b) liver. c) duodenum. d) esophagus. e) colon.

d) esophagus.


d) is initiated by arterioles.

The oropharynx:

d) is posterior to the oral cavity.


d) phagocytizes stuff

Parietal Cell

d) produces hydrochloric acid.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) stomach. b) liver. c) pancreas. d) salivary glands. e) parotid gland.

d) salivary glands.

Wisdom tooth

d) takes a long time to grow out.

The gastroileal reflex a) causes the pyloric sphincter to open when food is ingested. b) causes the urethral sphincter to open when food is ingested. c) causes the anal sphincter to open when food is ingested. d) all of the above.

e) none of the above.

Which of the following does not belong?: a) 93% water. b) electrolytes. c) immunoglobulins. d) glucose. e) myosin.

e) myosin.

Pharyngeal constrictor muscles: a) assist with gustation. b) are used mainly in forced inspriation. c) assist with mastication. d) are used mainly used in relaxed expiration.

e) none of the above

Capillaries: a) are the site of gas exchange. b) tend to occur in large clusters. c) may be inactivated if need be. d) all of the above.

e) none of the above.

Pneumothorax: a) occurs when air gets into the sub-arachnoid space. b) occurs when air gets into the blood stream. c) occurs when air gets into the dural sinus. d) occurs when air gets into the urinary bladder. e) none of the above.

e) none of the above.

The Eustacian Tubes: a) open into the rima glottidis. b) help equalize pressure with the orbital cavity. c) branch off into numerous terminal bronchioles. d) house the cough reflex.

e) none of the above.

The hepatopancreatic ampulla: a) opens into the cecum. b) drains into the pancreas. c) empties into the gallbladder. d) provides a refuge for intestinal flora.

e) none of the above.


e) not actually a cell

Enteroendocrine Cell

e) produces hormones that regulate other cells.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) Sino-atrial node. b) Purkinjie fibers. c) Atrioventricular node. d) conduction myofibers. e) sarcomeres.

e) sarcomeres.

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) vallate papillae. b) intrinsic muscles. c) lingual tonsil. d) frenulum. e) trigone.

e) trigone.


stabbing and holding

Memory B-cells kill bacteria with perforin proteins.


The falciform ligament partitions the kidneys into lobes.


The fossa ovalis is a weak spot in the interventricular septum.


The inferior pharyngeal constrictors are mostly skeletal muscle tissue.


The pH of the duodenum is slightly acidic.


The piriformis muscle forms the pyloric sphincter.


The pulse is the result of the valves closing.


The sound of a heartbeat is caused by elastic recoil of large arteries.


The superior pharyngeal constrictors are all smooth muscle tissue.


A surfactant is a chemical that allows water to spread farther over a surface


Arteries carry blood from the heart.


Fetal hearts shunt the blood from the right atrium directly to the left atrium


Gastric rugae help increase surface area and enable stretching.


Heart murmurs are typically produced by valves that cannot close properly.


Kuppfer cells phagocytize stuff in the hepatic plates


Smooth muscle is responsible for vasodilation.


The esophagus is lined with non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.


The greater omentum attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach.


The heart exhibits autorhymicity.


The liver produces bile fluid.


The myenteric plexus innervates two layers of the musclaris


The pH of the stomach is acidic.


The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood


The vermiform appendix may act as a refuge for beneficial intestinal flora.


Veins carry blood to the heart.


Ventricles have thicker, more muscular walls than atria


A lacteal:

b) absorbs the product of lipid digestion into the lymph system

The hepatic portal vein

b) brings blood from the GI tract to the liver.

The liver a) helps regulate blood sugar. b) helps detoxify poisons. c) recycles old worn out erythrocytes.

D) all of the above.

Brunner's glands are located behind the prostate.


Conduction myofibers comprise large powerful muscles such as the biceps brachii. FALSE


Cytotoxic T-cells form the basis of long-lived immunity.


Leukocytoblasts form platelets.


Which of the following doesn't belong? a) alveolar macrophages. b) parietal cells. c) chief cells d) goblet cells. e) enteroendocrine cells.

a) alveolar macrophages

Papillary muscles

a) are found in the ventricle walls.

The gingiva

a) covers the neck of teeth.

Stem Cell

a) divide to produce new cells.

The coronary sinus:

a) drains into the right atrium.


a) elevated in response to bacterial infection

The pancreas:

a) helps regulate blood sugar.

Chordae tendonae

a) reinforce the AV valves.

The fluid Compartment

a)should comprise about 55% of blood by volume

Which of the following doesn't belong? a) Arytenoid cartilage. b) Costal cartilage. c) Epiglottis d) Corniculate cartilage. e) Thyroid cartilage.

b) Costal cartilage.

Arteries: a) usually carry oxygenated blood. b) have thick layers of elastic proteins in their walls. c) may have to handle blood pressures in excess of 200mm Hg. d) have a thick tunica muscularis.

e) all of the above.

Bilirubin: a) is a bile salt. b) is the product of breakdown of hemoglobin. c) is produced by the liver. d) is stored in the gallbladder.

e) all of the above.

Chemical digestion: a) occurs mainly in the stomach. b) also occurs in the small intestine. c) is initiated in the mouth. d) can even occur in the colon courtesy of bacteria.

e) all of the above.

Hemoglobin: a) is one reason why you need iron. b) carries oxygen atoms. c) is a protein. d) gives blood its characteristic red color.

e) all of the above.

Hepatic lobules: a) are about 1mm across. b) number around 1,000,000. c) produce bile fluid. d) filter blood.

e) all of the above.

Mesenteries: a) contain blood vessels. b) contain nerves. c) attach to the small intestines along their entire length. d) are made of fibrous connective tissue

e) all of the above.

Microvili: a) occur in the jejuneum. b) increase surface area for absorption. c) are cytoplasmic extensions of individual cells. d) are found on epithelial cells.

e) all of the above.

The Pancreas: a) is retroperitoneal. b) is considered to be a "mixed gland". c) is a part of the endocrine system. d) is a part of the digestive system.

e) all of the above.

The skeletal muscle pump: a) consists of veins with one-way valves. b) provides a return-assist for blood to get back to the heart. c) requires that a person get up and move around if they're standing in one spot all day. d) uses muscle contractions to push blood.

e) all of the above.


e) cutting and shearing

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