3.2 If - else

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What is the equality operator?


What is an if statement?

A statement that executes a group of statements if an expression is true.

What surrounds the if branch's statements?

Braces {}

An if or elseif branch only execute when?

Their statement ist rue

What is an if-else statement?

a statement that executes one group of statements when an expression is true, and another group of statements when the expression is false

What is a nested if else?

an if statement that is within an if statement

What is/are a multi-branch if-else statement(s)?

an if-else statement with three (or more) branches, each branch's expression is checked in sequence, as soon as one branch's expression is found ot be true, that branch's statement execute and no subsequent branch is considered, if no expression is true, the else branch execute

How do multi-branch if-else statements work

each branch is checked in sequence, as soon as one branch is found to be true that branch's statements execute and no other branch is considered, if no expression is true the else branch executes

What does the equality operator do?

its an operator that evalues to true if the right and left side are equal...ex 10 == 10

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