3rd Millennium Alcohol-Wise Post Quiz (Guaranteed 80%)

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At what BAC does a person experience impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing? ~ .06 BAC ~ .08 BAC ~ .15 BAC ~ .25 BAC

~ .08 BAC

Which of these is considered a "standard drink?" ~ A large glass of wine (approx. 10 oz.) ~ A can of beer (approx. 12 oz.) ~ Two shots of liquor (approx. 3 oz.)

~ A can of beer (approx. 12 oz.)

How long does it typically take to metabolize a standard drink? ~ A half-hour ~ Two hours ~ An hour

~ An hour

Which of these will raise your BAC faster? ~ Drinking slowly ~ Chugging your drink

~ Chugging your drink

What is the recommended low-risk threshold for avoiding negative health consequences from drinking? ~ Drink less than 10 drinks in a sitting ~ Drink less than 10 drinks per week ~ Drink only once a week

~ Drink only once a week

What does it mean when you have a high "tolerance" for alcohol? ~ It takes more alcohol to feel the same effects ~ You are more likely to experience withdrawals when quitting ~ You react more quickly to alcohol than other people ~ You are more likely to become dependent on alcohol

~ It takes more alcohol to feel the same effects ~ You are more likely to experience withdrawals when quitting ~ You are more likely to become dependent on alcohol

Which of the following is true about drinking and age? ~ It doesn't matter how young you are when you start drinking ~ People who start drinking younger learn how to manage better than those who start when they are older ~ People who start drinking younger are more likely to become dependent on alcohol

~ People who start drinking younger are more likely to become dependent on alcohol

Which factors affect a person's BAC? ~ The amount of alcohol consumed (how many drinks and how strong they are) ~ Exercising while drinking (ex. dancing, walking, etc...) ~ Drinking on an empty or full stomach ~ Birth gender ~ Time spent drinking (ex. 1 hour vs. 5 hours) ~ Weight ~ Chasing down a drink with a water


What is the "positive phase" of drinking? ~ The phase before you blackout from drinking, anything below .20 BAC ~ The phase when drinking makes me more lively and interesting ~ The early phase when my BAC is below .06 ~ Any time I am drinking and feeling good; it's not about BAC

~ The early phase when my BAC is below .06

In general, what do students and staff think about how many students drink? ~ They think that fewer students are drinking than really are. ~ They have a pretty good idea about how many students are drinking. ~ They think that more students are drinking than really are.

~ They think that more students are drinking than really are.

Students drink for many reasons. Which of these reasons is most likely to result in negative consequences? ~ To feel the "buzz" ~ To fit in with the group ~ To help me enjoy a party ~ To cope with negative emotions

~ To cope with negative emotions

What does "alcohol blackout" mean? ~ You are awake but can't recall later what happened ~ You pass out or fall asleep

~ You are awake but can't recall later what happened

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