3rd Quarter Exam (Hayes)

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The Jazz Singer

first movie with sound

Negotiating as a group with an employer for higher wages or better working conditions

collective bargaining

Ownership of the business is shared by number of people


People who take risks to build businesses to make a profit


What political reform was enacted through the ratification of the 17th amendment

Direct election of senators

Voters select party's candidates

Direct primary

Big Stick Policy


The great white fleet sent around the world


President Theodore Roosevelt received the Nobel peace prize for helping to negotiate a peace treaty between

Russia and Japan

In the late 1800s, what motivated the United States to claim territories abroad

The United States was eager to find new markets and military advantages

The 1918 sedition act made it illegal for Americans to

say, write, or publish any disloyal language criticizing the government, the flag, or the military.

Why did southern states pass black codes

to force freedmen to work as cheap labor on plantations

What was the purpose of the 14th amendment

to give all American citizens equal protection under the law

By the late 1800s industrialized western nations such as Great Britain, France, Germany looked to Africa, Asia, in Latin America for new customers, places to invest, and

raw materials

Allows voters to remove elected official


Allows citizens to vote on proposed laws


The social gospel is the idea that

religious faith should be expressed through good works

Ernest Hemingway

Lost Generation writer, spent much of his life in France, Spain, and Cuba during WWI, notable works include A Farewell to Arms

Specific areas set aside by the government for Indians use


The populist party platform called for an income tax, bank regulation, government ownership of the railroads, and

unlimited coinage of silver

Charlie Chaplin

A "silent comedian," this movie star continued to lengthen the silent film style and offer an alternative to the sound film with his trademark tattered suit, derby hat, and cane, playing the "little tramp" who made audiences laugh with his silent jokes.

Palmer Raids

A 1920 operation coordinated by Attorney General Mitchel Palmer in which federal marshals raided the homes of suspected radicals and the headquarters of radical organization in 32 cities

Harlem Renaissance

A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished

Marcus Garvey

African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.

Henry Ford

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.

What was the year of Spanish American war


Scopes Trial

1925 court case in which Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan debated the issue of teaching evolution in public schools

The struggle for women's suffrage resulted in a final victory with the ratification of the

19th amendment

Model T

A cheap and simple car designed by Ford. It allowed for more Americans to own a car.

installment buying

A consumers buys products by promising to pay small, regular amounts over a period of time


A cultural movement embracing human empowerment and rejecting traditionalism as outdated. Rationality, industry, and technology were cornerstones of progress and human achievement.

Propose the 10% plan

Abraham Lincoln

What is the Roosevelt corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine declaring the US would now also police the Western Hemisphere

Known as the inventor of the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

What is the triple alliance

Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Attempts to assimilate Native Americans into white cultural life


How did Americans view the Cuban revolt against Spain

Americans sympathized with the Cubans

Made his wealth in the steel industry

Andrew Carnegie

Was impeached over the tenure of office act

Andrew Johnson

At this battle, Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer led his troops in an attack against the Sioux and lost

Battle of Little Bighorn

Served between two non-consecutive terms of President

Benjamin Harrison

Volstead Act

Bill passed by Congress to enforce the language of the 18th Amendment. This bill made the manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal within the borders of the United States.

African-American leaders who promoted vocational education and acceptance of segregation

Booker T. Washington

Wanted to move slower toward equal rights for blacks

Booker T. Washington

Leader of Tammany Hall political machine

Boss Tweed

Congress passed three enforcement laws in 1870 and 1871 to

Break the power of the ku klux klan

Republican candidate defeated for president in 1916

Charles Evans Hughes

Leader of the radical Republicans in the Senate

Charles Sumner

Elected vice-president in 1880; assumes presidency at death of president

Chester Arthur

Nez Perce leader who surrendered to US army near Canadian border

Chief Joseph

President Garfield's assassination indirectly helped to bring about

Civil service reform

The United States supported Panamanian Revolutionaries in 1903 in their fight for independence from


The famous "I Want You for the U.S. Army" poster was created by artists hired by

Committee on Public Information

What ended Reconstruction in the South?

Compromise of 1877


Conservative beliefs in the Bible and that it should be literally believed and applied

Made his wealth in railroads

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Secretary of war who worked with radical Republicans

Edwin Stanton

Wrote private message containing the claim that the president of United States was weak

Enrique Dupuy de Lome

One of the leaders of the Pullman strike who was jailed

Eugene Debs

U.S. Secretary of State John Hay proposed the Open Door Policy in China in opposition to

European spheres of influence

Thaddeus stevens and other Republicans in Congress thought Lincoln's ten percent plan was

Far too lenient

This government agency enforces antitrust laws and unfair business practices like deceptive advertising

Federal trade commission

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

The Schlieffen plan called for the surprise invasion of France by


Members of the Triple Entente

Great Britain, France, Russia

Only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms

Grover Cleveland

What was the compromise of 1877

Hayes lost the popular vote, but the special Electoral Commission gave him the presidency after a compromise was struck:Hayes got the presidency; Democrats got federal troops out of LA & SC, funding for Southern railroads and waterways; Conservative Southerner in Hayes' cabinet.

Babe Ruth

He was a famous baseball player who played for the Yankees. He helped developed a rising popularity for professional sports.

Developed process for making strong but light weight steel

Henry Bessemer

US senator who opposed the treaty of Versailles

Henry Cabot Lodge

Wrote about the ruthless methods of Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Co.

Ida Tarbell

assembly line

In a factory, an arrangement where a product is moved from worker to worker, with each person performing a single task in the making of the product.

What is one reason that the Platt amendment was significant

It led to the establishment of the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay

Why was the transcontinental railroad important

It promoted trade and provided jobs for many Americans.

Sacco and Vanzetti

Italian radicals who became symbols of the Red Scare of the 1920s; arrested (1920), tried and executed (1927) for a robbery/murder, they were believed by many to have been innocent but convicted because of their immigrant status and radical political beliefs.

Shocked the nation with his work how the other half lives

Jacob Riis

Elected president in 1880

James Garfield

Founder of the hull house in Chicago

Jane Addams

Made his wealth with standard oil company

John D Rockefeller

Cuban patriot who lef independence movement

Jose Marti

Published New York newspaper with stories of Cuban mistreatment by the Spanish

Joseph Pulitzer

Louis Armstrong

Leading African American jazz musician during the Harlem Renaissance; he was a talented trumpeter whose style influenced many later musicians.

Wrote about corruption in the nations cities

Lincoln Steffens

"We shall make war together, make peace together," Zimmerman wrote in a note as Germany proposed an alliance with


the jazz age

Name for the 1920s, because of the popularity of jazz-a new type of American music that combined African rhythms, blues, and ragtime

Favors native-born inhabitants or immigrants


Why was the election of 1876 considered controversial

One of the parties got an extra vote because both the Republicans and Democrats military ballots


People who produced, smuggled, or sold alcoholic beverages illegally during the era of Prohibition

After the Spanish-American War, a controversy arose over whether the United States should annex


How did President Wilson's vision differ from that of the other world leaders at the Paris peace conference

President Wilson wanted a treaty that stressed openness, Fair trade, and fewer weapons, but other leaders wanted to punish Germany for starting the war

What is the 14 points

President Wilson's plan for peace

18th Amendment (Prohibition)

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages

In 1890 Congress passes Sherman antitrust act to

Promote competition and free trade

21th Amendment

Repeal of Prohibition

What was a poll tax

Required voters to pay a tax prior to the election to be able to vote

Republican who won election of 1876

Rutherford B. Hayes

Helped to found the American Federation of labor

Samuel Gompers

Invented the telegraph

Samuel Morse

Democrat who lost controversial election of 1876

Samuel Tilden

American plantation owner who became leader in Hawaii

Sanford Dole

How did sharecropping and tenant farming differ?

Sharecroppers received a share of their employer's crop; tenant farmers rented land and could grow any crops they chose.

Sioux chief who defeated the US Army at Little BigHorn

Sitting Bull

Unlike the immigrants in earlier times most of the immigrants coming to the United States between 1880 and 1910 came from

Southern and Eastern Europe

Heavily involved in women's rights, especially the right to vote

Susan B Anthony

Department of labor established


Dollar Diplomacy


important leader of the Knights of Labor

Terrence Powderly

Leader of the radical Republicans in the House of representatives

Thaddeus Stevens

What was President Wilson's plan for a just and lasting peace

The 14 points

When the Spanish-American war broke out, Commodore George Dewey's fleet rushed to

The Philippines

In 1914, what was the official US position in regard to the war in Europe

The United States declared neutrality

How did the United States ensure that materials needed at the front were produced

The government regulated industry through the work of the War Industries Board.

Upton Sinclair's shocking novel the jungle sparked an investigation that led to

The passage of the meat inspection act

Strongly believed in Forest conservation

Theodore Roosevelt

How did muckrakers prepare the way for political reforms

They exposed corruption by writing about it.

Developed the electrical light bulb

Thomas Edison

Cartoonist who exposed illegal activities of Tammany Hall political machine in New York

Thomas Nast

A 1917 law give Puerto Ricans

US citizenship

President who's 2 terms were full of scandal

Ulysses S. Grant

The nation that emerged as the overriding economic world power at the end of World War I was

United States

Charles Lindbergh

United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974)

His novel led to the passage of the meat inspection act

Upton Sinclair

Every American who supported full and immediate equality for blacks

W.E.B DuBois

Demanded immediate rights for blacks

W.E.B. DuBois

How did the boxer rebellion increase support for the open door policy

Westerners realized that they could more effectively exploit China if they stuck together

The main issue over the readmission of southern states wss

Whether secession had actually been accomplished

What was the ironclad oath

White males had to take "ironclad oath" swearing they did not support the confederacy in order to vote.

Supported high tariffs which angered progressives

William Howard Taft

Gave famous cross of gold speech

William Jennings Bryan

President during Spanish American war

William McKinley

Won elections but was assassinated

William McKinley

"He kept us out of war"

Woodrow Wilson

Proposed the federal reserve system

Woodrow Wilson

What groups' needs did Theodore Roosevelt feel should be balanced in the square deal

Workers, businesses, consumers

Who were the rough riders

a cavalry regiment organized by Teddy Roosevelt

What did members of terrorist groups that operated in the South after the Civil War have in common?

a desire to undo the South's new hierarchy and restore the old social and political order


a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.

Two popular ideologies contributed to imperialism: a sense of nationalism and

a feeling of cultural superiority

Reconstruction plans of Congress and the president were

a source of great controversy

Bull Market

a steady rise in the stock market over a period of time

13th amendment

abolished slavery

quota system

arrangement that limited the number of immigrants who could enter the United States from specific countries

In the late 1800s, American expansionists were interested in Hawaii as a potential

coaling station and naval base

Red Scare

fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life

Ku Klux Klan

founded in the 1860s in the south; meant to control newly freed slaves through threats and violence; other targets: Catholics, Jews, immigrants and others thought to be un-American

Theodore Roosevelt created the US forest service in the national Park service because

he recognized that natural resources were limited and believed that their use needed to be controlled

Roosevelt formed the bull moose party because

he thought that Pres. Taft had failed to continue his policies of progressive reform

John Wilkes Booth thought that by assassinating the president, he would

help the south win the civil war

President Andrew Johnson was

impeached but not convicted

Allows citizens to propose laws


Allows businesses to operate under minimal government regulation


What was the purpose of the grandfather clause

law that excused a voter from a literacy test if his father or grandfather had been eligible to vote on 1/1/1867 was ways in which the southern states prevented the Freedmen to vote.

What were the black codes

laws that greatly limited the freedom of African Americans

Complete control of a product or service


Gives an inventor the exclusive right to develop use or sell an invention


buying on margin

paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest

In the 1850s United States government policy toward the Indians changed from pushing them farther West to

sending them to reservations

During Radical Reconstruction, many african Americans in the south

served in Congress and state governments

Favors public instead of private control of property and income


President Wilson believe that this action by Germany violated the laws of neutrality

submarine warfare

The event that triggered a US declaration of war on Spain in 1898 was

the destruction of the USS Maine

What is Pan Americanism

the idea that the US and Latin American nations should work together

The US government borrowed more than $24 billion from the American people through

the sale of liberty bonds


the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics

Of the methods of warfare developed in World War I, which did traditional officers consider unfair and barbaric

the use of poisonous gas

what plan for reconstruction was killed with a pocket veto

the wade-davis bill

Social Darwinism encouraged people in industrialized nations to believe that

they were superior to people who lived in less-developed countries

What was the purpose of the committee on public information

to convince Americans to support the war

What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws

to enforce the separation of African-Americans and white people in most public places

According to the provisions of the Ten-Percent Plan, southern states could be readmitted to the Union

when 10 percent of voters had pledged loyalty to the Union

In the compromise of 1877 following a disputed presidential election, Leaders promised to

withdraw federal troops from the South

F. Scott Fitzgerald

wrote The Great Gatsby

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