40 Hour RBT Training: (Review 1-4)

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Jenny is a Registered Behavior Technician. She is working with a client and shaping the response of saying "Help." Which response should she reinforce?


Behavior analysts must comply with legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements when

**all of the above** collecting data storing data transporting data

Bobby engages in repetitive and stereotyped behavior. This means he might:

*Flap his hands rapidly *Intelligently talk about the train schedules he knows Prefer to play alone **Both A and B**

What do we currently know about the cause of autism?

*There is currently no definitive cause for autism *There is no biological marker for autism There is a specific genetic condition that causes autism **Both A and B**

Functional Analysis Conditions

+Attention: social postive reinforcement +Escape: social negative reinforcement +Alone:automatic reinforcement +Control: serves as the condition of comparison

Before implementing punishment-based procedures, behavior analysts ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to implement reinforcement-based procedures unless the severity or dangerousness of the behavior necessitates immediate use of aversive procedures

-4.08c of the BACB Professional and Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts

MSWR Preference Assessment Instructions

-Allow the child to interact with each item for @30 seconds. -Place the selected items in an array in front of the child. -Instruct the child to select one item to interact with. -Return the item to the array. -Rearrange the items. -Mark the data sheet to record the choice. -Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 until all items have been selected. -Repeat the assessment several times. -Score the results by ranking the items.

What are some predictability measures you could gather up when setting up a session? (Select all correct answers)

-An activity or visual schedule - timer or visual timer -A first/then board -Token board

Functional Behavior are those behavior that

-Are useful to the learner in their every day life -Allows the learner to get their own reinforcers from the environment -Results in independence

Behavior Analysts/RBTs should:

-Be truthful and honest -Should not engage in fraudulent, illegal, or unethical conduct

For escape/avoidance maintained behaviors, there are several ways to increase instructional control and compliance such as

-Behavior or learning momentum -Teach to ask for breaks or provide breaks based on work completion

In a preference assessment, several possible reinforcers are placed in front of the child. The instructor says, "choose or pick one", The child chooses one and consumes or plays with it for up to 10 seconds. The instructor will also.........

-Block the learner when they attempt to grab more than one and reissue the instructions -Documents the item that is chosen -Re-arranges the array of items repeats the selection trials up to 3-5 times using the same items

Environmental Manipulation

-Bridge Between Descriptive and Experimental -Takes Place in Natural Setting -Analyst Assigns Antecedents and Consequences, Collects Data -Still Correlational -Incomplete Control of Variables -Higher Certainty than Purely Descriptive Analysis

Tips for Improving Environmental Manipulation Data

-Collect Good Pre-Assessment Information -Pre-Plan the Manipulation -Prepare Confederates -Create Comparative Manipulations

If a client/patient's legal rights are being violated, or if there is the potential for harm, behavior analysts must take necessary action to protect the client, including:

-Contacting authorities -Following organizational policies -Consulting with appropriate professionals

Attention condition special considerations

-Define the preferred attention -saliency -is shared attention relevant?

IISCA Process

-Design a control condition ----Essentially create an ideal "play condition" in which behavior rate will be zero -Design test conditions ----Based on the interview, the conditions that are hypothesized to evoke the problem behavior. Keep the reinforcers used in the control condition available. -Begin with the control condition ----If problem behavior occurs during control, run another control condition. If problem behavior occurs again, redesign the control condition. -Running test conditions ----Goal is to evoke the behavior immediately and then reinforce it so strongly that it immediately ceases. Adjust the condition if this does not happen. Keep running and adjusting until the assessors can "turn behavior on and off" immediately and reliably. Control condition = noncontingent reinforcement Test condition = create the *establishing operation* for problem behavior then reinforce for @30 seconds. Repeat for duration of session. Problem behavior in an IISCA is NOT limited to the target behavior. If other problem behaviors occur during the assessment, they are added to the definition of the target behavior and all data is analyzed with regard to all problem behavior that occurs in response to the EO.

An essential component in crisis prevention is for practitioners to practice self-care by consistently engaging in activities that

-Divert their attention -Are fun and enjoyable -Are doable -Can be done almost every day

The importance of the inter-trial interval in Discrete Trial Teaching is that it

-Ensures each trial is distinct -Ensures an optimal working pace -Allows the learner to process information -Teaches the learner to wait -Allows for the instructor to take data -Allows for the instructor to prepare materials for the next trial -Allows for the instructor to clear materials from the table -Allows for the learner to consume the reinforcer and then become deprived for more

In time-out procedures, the client....

-Has a clear understanding of the contingency -Understands the distinction between "time-out" and "time-in" -Doesn't get reinforcement in any form during "time out"

An individual's request to access PHI can be denied for which reason? (protected health information)

-If the PHI access is reasonably likely to endanger the physical safety of another person -The PHI refers to another person and access is reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to that person -If the PHI is created during research, the access to PHI may be temporarily suspended if the individual is notified in advance

What are variables that might affect the client's response to intervention?

-Illness -Relocation -Medication

Prompts are used to produce

-Independence -Accurate response or performance

A prepared data sheet is one of the most important materials to have when starting a session because

-It can guides the session -Allows for decision making -Provides productivity feedback -Reminds the instructor on what needs to be targeted as outlined in the skill acquisition plan

Why do we teach functionally equivalent replacement behaviors?

-It is not good enough to just try to suppress a problem behavior -Positive behaviors that get the same results as negative behaviors produce are more socially acceptable and provide social reinforcers as well.

Some of the basic readiness indicators to start teaching social skills are:

-Learner can follow basic instructions Correct answer -Learner has sufficient eye contact Correct answer -Low levels of challenging or problem behaviors Correct answer -The learner should know how to ask for what they want -Ability to play with toys appropriately

Which behaviors may positive punishment procedures produce?

-May produce lasting emotional and aggressive reactions -May cause an increase in escape and avoidant behaviors that were not there initially -The person receiving the punishment may start imitating the punishment behaviors or deliver the punishment to others

Objective session notes should include all EXCEPT:

-Overall perception of the individual's response to treatment

MSWO Preference Assessment Instructions

-Place all of the selected items in an array in front of the child. -Allow the child to interact with each item for @30 seconds. -Instruct the child to select one item to interact with. -Remove the item from the array. -Rearrange the remaining items. -Record the order in which the item was selected. -Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 until all items have been selected. -Repeat the assessment several times. -Score the results by ranking the items.

Components of a Crisis Plan

-Prevention Based on FBA Included as BIP Prevention and Response Strategies -De-Escalation Usually taught by a certified crisis interventionist Requires intensive training outside the scope of this course Focuses on developing skills of displaying empathy, giving choices, and controlling your tone and affect. -Re-Integration Occurs once the person's behavior is safe again Focuses on safely re-integrating the person into their regular routine

Using a consistent operationally & measurable definition for target responses in DTT

-Prevents the learner from starting to respond before the SD is presented -Avoids skewed data -Increases consistency across practitioners

Paired Stimulus Preference Assessment

-Prior to beginning, allow the child to sample all of the stimuli -Remove stimuli from sight. -Present a randomly selected pair of stimuli -Allow @30 seconds of interaction with the selected item -Mark the data sheet -Repeat steps 3-5 until all possible pairs have been presented. -Calculate the percent of trials each item was selected.

Behavioral Crisis Safety Considerations

-Protecting Bystanders -Protecting the Person -Protecting Yourself -Protecting the Environment

Skills assessments are important in behavior-analytic services because they

-Provide a baseline of skills and deficits -Show us if the client is progressing -Help us choose what skills to teach to improve independence and replace problematic behaviors

What can we do to treat excessive sensory behaviors by managing and controlling them?

-Put them on a schedule so that the sensory need is met regularly and the client can count on it. -Teach the child to engage in behaviors that are more socially acceptable that have similar or the same reinforcing effect for the child while still getting their needs met. - Teach the child to ask for the sensory behavior as a way to expand communication and other prevent problem behaviors.

Errorless teaching is a preventive technique for challenging behavior because it

-Reduces frustration -The student has access to plenty of reinforcement -Reduces task avoidance when the task is difficult

Shaping involves:

-Reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior -Creating response differentiation between responses that are closer to the terminal behavior and those that are not -Placing responses that are not a closer approximation of the terminal behavior on extinction

What are some contributing events that elicit challenging behavior during teaching sessions? (select all correct answers)

-Requesting that the child do what will lead to a control battle when you are not ready to management it appropriately in that environment that will ensure their success -Boredom -Repeated work on programs or targets that are mastered -Not giving enough variety in what you teach -Teaching in a chaotic setting -Overreacting -Not allowing the learner to make enough choices themselves

Free Operant Preference Assessment Instructions

-Select 5-10 items and arrange them -----All of the items should be accessible to the individual. -Allow individual to familiarize self with all items prior to assessment -----To rule out novelty effects once assessment begins -Remove individual from the area while items are set up in a new arrangement -----All should still be accessible -Return the individual to the area and instruct her that she may play with one, all, or none of the toys -----Ensure she understands she is free to play as she pleases during the assessment -Collect Partial Interval Data -----Place a check mark in a column representing each toy the child interacted with in each time interval. -Do not use social reinforcement as the child interacts -----This muddies the data. -Calculate the percent of intervals each item was interacted with -----Rank the items in order of preference

Single Stimulus Preference Assessment Instructions

-Select 5-8 items for presentation -Allow the child to familiarize self with all items prior to testing -Inform child he may play with the items you present for a couple of minutes, or give them back if he finishes early. -Do not pair playing with social attention. -Collect duration data for each item. -Repeat several times to ensure accurate results. -Sum the duration across trials

Is The Identified Preference Also a Reinforcer?

-Select a Target Behavior to Increase -Collect baseline data -Present the item immediately after the target behavior occurs. -Present a neutral item immediately after the behavior occurs -Compare rates across the conditions.

Functional Analysis

-Single Subject Research Design -Controlled Setting -One Variable Manipulated at a Time -Systematically Change Antecedents & Responses While Measuring Behavior -Compare Behavior Measurements Across Conditions

Preference Assessment refers to a variety of procedures to determine

-Stimulus that a person prefers -The relative preference values (high vs low) of those stimuli -The conditions under which those preferences value remain in effect

Incidental teaching is different from natural environment teaching (NET) in that in incidental teaching,

-The curriculum is not planned ahead of time -The focus is to usually to expand or enhance language

Ways that a behavior technician can know that the new skill they have taught is NOT useful to the learner is

-The skill is not maintained easily and requires re-training of the skill in DTT -There is not enough ongoing reinforcement for the behavior in everyday life

Why are visual schedules important to use for prevention of problem behavior?

-They capitalizes on the visual memory strength most people have (75%) -Sometimes people have slower processing times so they miss a lot of what is said to them. Visual schedules provide a concrete method to know what is going to happen next. -Provides organization and increases on task behavior

Behavior analysts never disclose confidential information without the consent of the client, except as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose such as

-To provide needed professional services to the client -To obtain appropriate professional consultations -To protect the client of others from harm -To obtain payment for services in which instant disclosure is limited to the minimum that is necessary to achieve the purpose

Sanitizing the environment in behavior-analytic services means

-To remove preferred items and put them out of reach of the learner -Prepare the environment so that the learner is required to ask or work for what is wanted

IISCA Details

-Typical Session Duration ----3-5 minutes -Typical Session Order (Total time 18-25 minutes) ----Control Test Control Test Test *this can be modified if the results of a session indicate a need to reconfigure the condition. It is good to signal with your body whether you are running a test condition or a control condition. If the synthesized contingency is correct, these cues will heighten the subject's motivation to engage in the behavior. -Data Collection ----Best to score video Frequency counts within intervals Behaviors counted as "dangerous" problem behavior or "non-dangerous" problem behavior, as opposed to specifically naming the target behavior. -Typical Duration of Analysis ----Analysis continues until zero rates occur during control conditions and stable, but predictable and controllable rates occur during test conditions.

Dangers in a violent or crisis situation are

-We may not assess accurately or respond in that way that decreases the likelihood of a future crisis -We may inadvertently reinforce the challenging behavior -We may overreact to the problem and/or cause the crisis -Someone may get hurt both emotionally or physically

Functional behavior assessment types

-descriptive +natural enviroment +correlation +no control +higher social avlidilty +lower resposne -experimental Fx analysis +lab enviroment +caustion control +lower social validity

Types of Preference Assessments

-free operant=duration of interaction ( how long the stay with one stmulus they pick ) -single stimulus =duration of interaction ( how long they take with that stimulus) -multiple stimulus with replacement=frequency -multiple stimulus without replacement =rank order -paired stimulus = frequency

punishment processes

-positive-undesired consequence presented after behavior -negative-desired stimuli removed after behavior

Control condition special considerations

-type of preferred attention -array of preferred tangibles -what is considered demanding ? -skill of therapist for not responding

The theory that knowledge derives from sensory experience is known as

. Empiricism

Severity of ADHD is rated based on...

. Impact on life functioning

The data collection method for free operant preference assessments is

. Partial Interval

The majority of high school students with disabilities receive accommodations and modifications, but most of them do not receive any accommodations in college.

. True

When a breach of client dignity occurs, it is a good idea to have a ________________ session afterward.

. debriefing

Reinforcer assessments are a specific form of

. single subject design

Interview skills and customer service skills are examples of _________ skills.

. soft

What do behavior analysts mean by the word function?

. the purpose of a behavior -This is an example of a word that has a different meaning in common language. You should enter it into your workbook.

The services you provide to clients must be supervised for ______________ of the total time you provide services each month.


the alone condition

01: The EO -individualized based on preliminary info 02: The SD -no interaction/ no stimulation 03: the target Bx: individualized based on preliminary info 04: The Sr+ -no change in enviroment

The escape condition

01: the EO -individualized based on preliminary info 02:the SD- presentation of disliked task 03:the target Bx: individualized based on preliminary info 04:The Sr+: brief removal of work requirement +verbal "you don't have to.

the attention condition

01:The EO- individualized based on preliminary info 02: The SD -person in room, not attending 03: The target BX -individualized based on prelimianry info 04: The Sr+: Brief attention (individually tailored)

the control condition

01:The EO: -individualized based on preliminary info 02: The SD -continuous schedule of positive attention+access to tangibles 03: The target BX- individualized based on preliminary info 04:The Sr+-no change in environment

How many of the haircare guidelines were met, according to this permanent product photo? 1. Hair is dry 2. Hair is parted on the right 3. Bangs are swept to the left


How many of the haircare guidelines were met, according to this permanent product photo? Hair is dry Hair is parted on the right Bangs are swept to the left


Ways we measure behavior

1. Count it 2. Time it 3. Use ruler or measuring device

Typically a functional analysis session lasts

10 mins

An applicant for the RBT credential must complete their 40-hours of ABA training along with all other application requirements within

180 days

Defining your research question is what step in the scientific method?


Differential reinforcement is a procedure involving how many separate behaviors?


Each month, you must have _______ face to face contacts with your supervisor during which they watch you working with a client.


How many columns of data are required to create a scatterplot?


How many times must you meet with your supervisor each month?


When creating a scatterplot in Excel, how many places do you have to adjust the settings in order to create black data points?


How many levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder are currently diagnosed?


How many trials did it take Mr. L to meet criterion for the term "esurient" in session 2?


The RBT Task list has ___________ areas of competencies.


You are setting up a spreadsheet to graph data into a line chart. You are tracking three target behaviors across three major conditions on this graph. How many columns do you need in order to create this graph?


For how many years should client records be retained?

7 years

Minimum acceptable IOA in ABA is


Which section of the skill acquisition plan can the instructions to the client be found?

A - Discriminative Stimulus

Walden Two describes

A Utopian community based on Skinnerian principles

Which of the following is a risk associated with exclusionary time-out?

A and B

Which is an example of "Person First" language?

A child with autism A person with a developmental disability An individual with cerebral palsy **All of the above**

Which of the following situations should be immediately reported to your supervisor?

A client is considering terminating services due to dissatisfaction with the organization

Which of the following should be reported to your supervisor?

A client who is normally very energetic seems tired and falls asleep a couple times during one of your sessions Your client's mother tells you that she will be traveling for a few weeks and that her husband will be bringing their son to the sessions until she returns Your client's teacher tells you that the client's medication regiment was changed **All of the above**

Delay/Denial Tolerance

A component of functional communication training that teaches the learner to first accept delays in receiving requested items/activities, then to accept denials, without displaying problem behavior.


A decrease in an individual's response to stimuli after the stimuli are repeated

Functional Communication Training

A differential reinforcement technique that teaches the person to engage in communicative responses as a replacement for problem behavior.

The following is not an example of reinforcement:

A dog barks when a stranger approaches.

The following is an example of reinforcement:

A dog barks, the owner fills the bowl with food and barking is strengthened.

ABC Recording

A method of descriptive data collection in which the antecedents and consequences surrounding a behavior of interest are recorded.

Which of the following statements is true?

A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

A previously neutral stimulus that takes on the eliciting properties of an unconditioned stimulus through repeated pairings with that unconditioned stimulus.

Functional Behavior Assessment

A process for determining the environmental events that elicit problem behavior.


A requirement to perform effortful behavior that is functionally or logically related to the problem behavior as consequence for the problem behavior.

Preference Assessment

A set of procedures used to identify stimuli that might function as reinforcers.

Skill Acquisition Plan

A set of teaching procedures for achieving goals that have been broken down into benchmark objectives.

Behavioral Crisis

A situation in which a person's behavior requires immediate intervention to prevent serious harm.

The Basics

A stimulus is presented, a behavioral response is made, and either a punishing or reinforcing consequence occurs.

Neutral Stimulus (NS)

A stimulus that does not elicit the response of interest.

Unconditioned stimulus (US)

A stimulus that elicits a reflexive response.

Which is an example of learning?

A student is taught to clear her place after eating lunch at school. Four weeks later she still clears her place after lunch at school and is clearing her place after dinner at home. After a couple days of teaching a student is able to zip her jacket independently. The student is still able to zip her jacket three weeks later. A student is taught to dial his phone number and can still dial the number two months later. **All of the above are examples of learning**

The following is an example of reinforcement:

A toddler cries, dad gives her a toy, and crying is strengthened.

Behavior Reduction Plan / Behavior Intervention Plan

A written set of instructions for preventing and responding to problem behaviors, which is based on functional behavior assessment results.

Behavior Reduction Plan (BRP) / Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

A written set of instructions for teaching behavioral skills to replace problem behavior.

RBT Task List: Measurement

A-1 Prepare for data collection. A-2 Implement continuous measurement procedures (e.g., frequency, duration). A-3 Implement discontinuous measurement procedures (e.g., partial & whole interval, momentary time sampling). A-4 Implement permanent-product recording procedures. A-5 Enter data and update graphs. A-6 Describe behavior and environment in observable and measurable terms.

How many levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder are currently diagnosed?

A. 3

Which of the following situations should be immediately reported to your supervisor? A. A client is considering terminating services due to dissatisfaction with the organization B. A client is scheduling a vacation next month that will interfere with your ability to get all of your hours C. You are accommodating a client request that you to take off your shoes when entering their home

A. A client is considering terminating services due to dissatisfaction with the organization

Three Professional organizations interested in behavior analysis are: A. ABAI, APBA, BACB B. APBA, BACB, BAAA C. BACB, PBAA, SEAA


Another name for the three-term contingency A. ABCs of behavior B. Functional Analysis C. Positive Reinforcement

A. ABCs of behavior

Repeated presentation of a single stimulus with a single response occurs during which cases of skill building? A. Acquisition and Fluency B. Fluency and Maintenance C. Maintenance and Generalization

A. Acquisition and Fluency

The processes involved in learning something well are... A. Acquisition, Fluency, Maintenance, Discrimination and Generalization B. Acquisition, Discrimination, Maintenance, and Generalization C. Acquisition, Maintenance and Fluency

A. Acquisition, Fluency, Maintenance, Discrimination, and Generalization

Shoe tying would be assessed using what type of assessment? A. Adaptive skills B. Communication skills C. Pre-academics

A. Adaptive skills

In school-wide PBIS, emphasis is placed on A. Antecedent interventions B. Enforcing school-wide disciplinary codes C. Both a and b

A. Antecedent interventions

Interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors. A. Antecedent interventions B. Punishment C. Both a and b

A. Antecedent interventions

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder often have high rates of... A. Anxiety B. Confusion C. Depression

A. Anxiety

Systems such as schools and workplaces usually deal with problem behavior through the process called. . . . A. Applied Behavior Analysis B. Progressive Discipline C. Neither A nor B

A. Applied Behavior Anaysis

A probe session is conducted to... A. Assess whether a skill can be preformed without prompts B. To assess whether the person will initiate the test independently C. To assess the reason for multiple errors

A. Assess whether a skill can be preformed without prompts

Skill acquisition goals are based on... A. Assessment results B. Previous objectives C. Session length

A. Assessment results

Nancy's RBT puts her shoes on for her, straightens the tongue, and pulls the strings tight. Nancy then ties her shoes. Nancy is learning to put on her shoes via A. Backward Chaining B. Forward Chaining C. Total Task Chaining

A. Backward Chaining

Parasha is learning to make his bed. He struggles most with smoothing the sheets, but finds it easy to place his pillow and coverlet. He loves to see his bed completely made, but curses a great deal when smoothing the sheets. What form of chaining does this information suggest you try first? A. Backward Chaining B. Forward Chaining C. Total Task Chaining

A. Backward Chaining

Quincy wants to teach his student to complete a chain of tasks using Forward Chaining because the learner is more likely to comply with a difficult task if he has had several successes in a row before being presented with that difficult task. In other words, Quincy is relying on the concept of...? A. Behavioral Momentum B. The Premack Principle C. Total Task Chaining

A. Behavioral Momentum

Skill acquisition plans have goals that are broken down into A. Benchmark objectives B. Mile markers C. Neither a nor b

A. Benchmark objectives

Which of the following can be categorized as a developmental disability?

A. Cerebral palsy

Teaching by reinforcing the sequential completion of steps in a task analysis A. Chaining B. Differential Reinforcement C. Shaping

A. Chaining

Pavlov's dogs demonstrated the process of... A. Classical Conditioning B. Conditioning Emotions C. Human Conditioning

A. Classical Conditioning

Confidentiality is a... A. Client's right B. Therapists's duty C. Both a and b

A. Client's right

Skills that serve as building blocks for larger behavior skills or skill sets are called... A. Component skills B. Composite Skills C. Deficit Skills

A. Component skills

Three components of adaptive behavior are...

A. Conceptual, practical, and social skills

How to use money is a . . . skill; whether to give my money to a person in need is a . . . skill; how much money to pay for my groceries is a . . . skill. A. Conceptual; social; practical B. Practical; conceptual; social C. Social; practical; conceptual

A. Conceptual; Social; Practical

Time delay may be progressive or. . . . A. Constant B. Contingent C. Continuous

A. Constant

If you are not sure what to do next in your session, and a mistake might cause a significant problem, the best plan of action is to A. contact your supervisor before implementing the procedure B. make the best decision you can and then discuss it with your supervisor at the next supervisory session C. skip the procedure and let the next RBT do that one

A. Contact your supervisor before implementing the procedure

The best reinforcement schedule for rapidly teaching a brand new behavior. A. Continuous B. Fixed interval C. Variable Interval

A. Continuous

7.14 is a.... A. Continuous number B. Discrete number C. Continuous data collection

A. Continuous number

Which method of differential reinforcement allows reinforcement for ANY behavior except the target behavior? A. DRA B. DRI C. DRO


Which method of differential reinforcement allows reinforcement for ANY behavior except the target behavior? A. DRA B. DRI (x) C. DRO


When a breach of client dignity occurs, it is a good idea to have a.... session afterward. A. Debriefing B. Decompressing C. Disciplinary

A. Debriefing

Which of the following procedures includes extinction? A. Differential Reinforcement B. Shaping C. Task Analysis

A. Differential Reinforcement

The Lovaas method relies heavily on A. Discrete trial training B. Positive practice C. Punishment

A. Discrete trail training

Inattention symptoms include three types of symptoms: task incompletion, disorganization, and... A. Distractibility B. Lack of focus C. Verbal inattention

A. Distractibility

The data collection method for single stimulus preference assessment A. Duration B. Latency C. Momentary Time Sampling

A. Duration

I know you are hungry because I heard your stomach growl is a(n)..... argument A. Empirical B. Rational C. Irrational

A. Empirical

If your verbal message does not match your nonverbal message, people will pay more attention to your verbal message.

A. False

Person-centered planning teams are the same as IEP teams. A. False B. True

A. False

In the sentence "the ball is red," red is a . . . .of the ball A. Feature B. Function C. Class

A. Feature

A process used to examine the antecedents and consequences of behaviors in order to determine the purpose of the behavior.

A. Functional Behavior Assessment

Heidi wants to increase her exercise. Currently she works out after work on average one day per week. The other days she goes out with friends. She has decided to shape her behavior by asking her friends to refuse to go out with her unless she has met her exercise goal for the week. The goal rate of exercise will be incrementally increased each week. This is a method of differential reinforcement called differential reinforcement of A. High rates of behavior B. Incompatible behavior C. Other behavior

A. High rates of behavior

A behavior is generally considered problematic when it occurs too frequently, too intensely or... A. In the wrong context B. Unfairly C. With the wrong people

A. In the wrong contex

When adding explanatory text to a graph, where should it go?

A. Inside the plot area

RBT: "Where should we go?" Child: "The aquarium!" In this scenario, the child's response is a(n) A. Intraverbal B. Mand C. Tact

A. Intraverbal

Which type of language training requires the most sign language fluency from the RBT? A. Intraverbals B. Mands C. Tacts

A. Intraverbals

The most salient question when considering most-to-least vs least-to-most is the degree to which. . . . is likely to negatively impact learning. A. Making Errors B. Physical prompting C. Subjectivity

A. Making errors

The most conservative estimate of behavior is provided by the discontinuous data collection method known as

A. Momentary Time Sampling

The three-term contingency becomes the four-term contingency if we add... A. Motivating operations B. Punishers C. Reinforcers

A. Motivating operations

In which of the following preference assessments is the individual only allowed to choose each item one time? A. Multiple Stimulus without replacement B. Multiple stimulus with replacement C. Paired stimulus

A. Multiple stimulus without replacement

The ultimate goal of prompting is to fade to... A. Natural Cues B. Textual Prompts C. Visual Schedules

A. Natural cues

What is the most important factor in determining how detailed your task analysis should be? A. Needs of the user B. Task difficulty C. Time available for constructing it

A. Needs of the user

Marla does not read well. When called on in class, to read she always says she has a headache. Teachers stop calling on her. The behavior of claiming she has a headache is being... A. Negatively Reinforced B. Positively Reinforced C. Punished

A. Negatively Reinforced

FCT often teaches the child to use. . . . . communication in the early stages, regardless of what communication is being used outside the sessions. A. Picture B. Sign C. Vocal

A. Picture

Sr+ is the abbreviation for... A. Positive Reinforcement B. Conditioned Stimulus C. Unconditioned Reinforcement

A. Positive Reinforcement

Reinforcement can be based on... A. Presentation or removal B. Punishment or reward C. Reward or coercion

A. Presentation or removal

Which of the following is and example of a prompt strategy to prevent problem behavior? A. Providing a model for how to complete an algebra problem B. Reducing the number of algebra problems required C. Both a and b

A. Providing a model for how to complete an algebra problem

Problem behavior is best addressed if a ..... behavior is taught. A. Replacement B. Social C. Suppression

A. Replacement

Problem behavior is best addressed if a ____________________ behavior is taught. A. Replacement B. Social C. Suppression

A. Replacement

The BACB's codes of ethics for RBTs has three sections: ____________________ , responsibility to clients, and competence and service delivery A. Responsible conduct B. Responsibility to the BACB C. Responsibility to self

A. Responsible conduct

Caroline loves bubble gum. Her teacher gives bubble gum to every child who finishes their math facts work sheet in less than one minute. Caroline never finishes in one minute, and she cries when everyone gets bubblegum except for her. The faster she writes her answers, the more mistakes she makes. The most likely reason for the reinforcer not working is... A. Restricted Range of options B. Sensitivity to the consequence C. Either A or B could be correct

A. Restricted range of options

Decreasing reliance on others to access resources and assert ones' rights. A. Self advocacy B. Self management C. Self monitoring

A. Self advocacy

Which of the following is an example of a cuing strategy to prevent problem behavior A. Teaching the child to follow a visual schedule B. Telling the child to ask for a break when tired C. Both a and b

A. Teaching the child to follow a visual schedule

An author who has Autism and writes about the differences between how people with Autism and neurotypical people experience the world is A. Temple Grandin B. Tom Clancy C. Tony Attwood

A. Temple Grandin

A speaker's mand is an SD for the listener to act. A. True B. False

A. True

A stimulus is any environmental event that elicits a behavioral response. A. True B. False

A. True

ABA is only interested in solving socially meaningful behavior problems of humans. A. True B. False

A. True

All behavior intervention plans must include data collection procedures A. True B. False

A. True

An advanced skill within the category of task-related behavior includes accepting feedback and correcting errors. A. True B. False

A. True

An advanced skill within the category of task-related behavior includes accepting feedback and correcting errors. A. True B. False

A. True

BIPS (Behavior intervention plan) are often revised A. True B. False

A. True

Behavior Intervention Plans are derived from Functional Behavior Assessments A. True B. False

A. True

Behavior analysis often uses terms that have slightly different meanings than the way they are used in common language.

A. True

Behavior intervention plans are confidential documents A. True B. False

A. True

Behavior intervention plans typically include strategies for prevention as well as response to problem behavior A. True B. False

A. True

Differential reinforcement is a process of behavior change in which one behavior is reinforced while others are placed on extinction. A. True B. False

A. True

Discrete Trial Training consists of massed trials of stimulus - response - reinforcement. A. True B. False

A. True

Extinction can be explained as negative punishment? A. True B. False

A. True

Extra documentation is required when using punishment procedures. A. True B. False

A. True

For purposes of diagnosis, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors are categorized together A. True B. False

A. True

Frequency data is useless without a timeframe. A. True B. False

A. True

Games can be used as a natural activity for teaching social skills. A. True B. False

A. True

Games can be used as reinforcers for social skills instruction. A. True B. False

A. True

Group dependent contingencies may lead to stigmatization of one group member. A. True B. False

A. True

Group membership can be rotated in the Good Behavior Game. A. True B. False

A. True

If you have personal issues that are interfering with your ability to do your work, you must report this to your supervisor A. True B. False

A. True

Information gleaned from environmental manipulation has higher social validity but lower certainty than functional analysis results.

A. True

It is acceptable for your BCBA to modify the way conditions are set up in a functional analysis to meet the particular needs of the subject.

A. True

It is acceptable for your BCBA to modify the way conditions are set up in a functional analysis to meet the particular needs of the subject. A. True B. False

A. True

Listeners serve as both reinforcers of and discriminative stimuli for speaker behavior A. True B. False

A. True

Local, state, and regional behavior analysis organizations are the best way to become informed about issues relevant to working as an RBT in your area.

A. True

Maintaining social relationships is often a special challenge for older adults with developmental disabilities A. True B. False

A. True

Maintaining social relationships is often a special challenge for older adults with developmental disabilities.

A. True

Maintenance trials usually occur less often over time. A. True B. False

A. True

Mary and Murray could be exhibiting the exact same behavior at the exact same time in the exact same setting for totally different functions. A. True B. False

A. True

Milton's RBT is collecting duration data on how much time he spends with friends all day on Friday. This is continuous data collection using continuous numbers. A. True B. False

A. True

Modern research indicates biology can influence behavior A. True B. False

A. True

Multiple Stimulus with Replacement scored by rank ordering. A. True B. False

A. True

Of all the communication modes, we are least knowledgeable about the effects of picture communication on the development of spoken language A. True B. False

A. True

Operant conditioning relies on the manipulation of consequences according to the law of effect.

A. True

PLA-CHECK underestimates behavior.

A. True

Permanent product recording is an indirect method of data collection. A. True B. False

A. True

Permanent product recording is an indirect method of data collection. A. True B. False

A. True

Person-Centered Planning processes may affect the behaviors that are selected for behavior analytic intervention. A. True B. False

A. True

Point-to-point correspondence in motor imitation means the child exactly duplicates the movements of the adult model. A. True B. False

A. True

RBTs are mandated reporters under the Elder Abuse laws A. True B. False

A. True

RBTs are mandated reporters under the Elder Abuse laws.

A. True

RBTs must follow skill acquisition plans exactly. A. True B. False

A. True

Replacement behavior strategies must include reinforcement procedures. A. True B. Fasle

A. True

Requiring students to run laps if they did not exert enough effort in PE class is a type of contingent exercise punishment. A. True B. False

A. True

Self monitoring is a good approach for ensuring you uphold a client's dignity.

A. True

Senior citizens with developmental disabilities are at increased risk for inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic medications.

A. True

Some devices will allow a person to say any word they can think of, even if it was not pre-programmed.

A. True

Stereotypical behaviors sometimes include objects A. True B. False

A. True

Supervisors may use a TA to monitor your work. A. True B. False

A. True

System-wide approaches such as positive behavior support and trauma-informed care have decreased the social acceptability of punishment procedures.

A. True

Task analysis steps may be used to create visual schedules for people to self-monitor their own activities. A. True B. False

A. True

The basic principle of reinforcement is: stimulus - response - consequence. A. True B. False

A. True

The best way to ensure a child maintains a skill learning through DTT is to select skills that are used in natural contexts. A. True B. False

A. True

The main difference between teaching communication goals with students who speak and those who cannot is that the RBT must also learn the mode of communication. A. True B. Flase

A. True

The majority of high school students with disabilities receive accommodations and modifications, but most of them do not receive any accommodations in college. A. True B. False

A. True

The most intrusive prompt type is the full physical prompt. A. True B. False

A. True

This is a good behavior goal: Upon entering his workplace each morning, Mr. Miller will greet at least three coworkers with a wave, smile, or head nod for 3 consecutive days by the 14th treatment session.

A. True

Tokens are conditioned reinforcers. A. True B. False

A. True

The SD for them and is... A. an MO B. Auditory C. Visual

A. an MO

Establishing operations are often associated with

A. both a and b

Problem behaviors may lead to negative outcomes such as

A. both a and b

Crisis intervention plans often include procedures for

A. de-escalation

Implementing a behavior plan in a public setting brings new challenges because

A. there are new antecedents and consequences for the learner B. there are new antecedents and consequences for the RBT

Sports Performance

ABA can be used to improve sports performance by shaping specific skills (such as running faster or swinging a bat more accurately) or by identifying situations in which errors typically occur in order to teach a new response to make in that situation.

Why would a parent choose an ABA-based intervention for their child?

ABA-based interventions are supported by the Surgeon General ABA-based interventions are known to improve language acquisition To date, interventions based on Applied Behavior Analysis have the strongest scientific support showing effectiveness in treating individuals with autism. **All of the above**

Three professional organizations interested in behavior analysis are:


This is an example of a _____________ used to collect data for a functional behavior assessment (FBA). (Select all correct answers)

ABC Data Form/Sheet ABC Checklist Form/Sheet

Another name for the three-term contingency

ABC's of behavior

Which of the following organizations is less focused on research and more focused on the practical side of being a behavior analysis professional?


Which of the following is not true about the prevalence of autism?

ASD is 6 times more common in boys than girls

Repeated presentation of a single stimulus with a single response occurs during which phases of skill building

Acquisition and Fluency

The processes involved in learning something well are

Acquisition, Fluency, Maintenance, Discrimination & Generalization

Preparing for a Preference Assessment

Allow the individual time to become acquainted with novel stimuli before collecting data Otherwise she may select novel stimuli just to see what it is.

Positive Behavior Support

An approach to supporting people who have challenging behavior that utilizes applied behavior analysis aligned with the values of normalization and person-centered care.


An automatic response to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs in all members of a species. Also called an unconditioned response (UR)

Motivating Operation

An event or condition that alters the value of consequences and the probability of behaviors that have been previously associated with such consequences. MOs may be categorized as establishing or abolishing.

The RBT Task List is...

An outline of core tasks that the RBT may be responsible for Created by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board Not an exhaustive list **All of the above**

A role of the BCBA Supervisor in the behavior-analytic service delivery system is

Analyze data

How often must the renewal competency assessment be completed?


The three-term contingency is

Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence


Any environmental event that elicits a behavioral response.


Any human action that can be observed and measured.

Select the correct list of 7 dimensions of ABA:

Applied, Behavioral, Analytic, Technological, Conceptually Systematic, Effective, Generalizable

What are three ways to identify potential reinforcers?

Ask the learner what they prefer Observe the learner in a free operant setting to see what they choose A formal trial-based preference assessment

If Yang is crying real tears, ask what is wrong. If Yang is crying without tears, ignore. If Yang says she is upset, ask what is wrong. If Yang is crying without tears and says she is upset, tell her to say it correctly. What should you do if Yang is crying with tears and says she is upset?

Ask what is wrong - Although you do not have a specific if/then statement for this, you have two separate statements that point you in the same direction.

Social Skills

Attending to Others - Social Approaches - Cooperative Play - Competitive Play - Nonverbal Communication -- Perspective Taking - Manners - Private vs Public

Behavior Analysis is used for a variety of reasons. The most well known is the treatment of ______________________________ .


Escape/Avoidance Behaviors Emerge

Avoiding the punisher Avoiding the task or environment Substance use/abuse Emergence of negative behaviors that enable avoidance (lying, cheating, etc.)

RBT Task List: Assessment

B-1 Conduct preference assessments. B-2 Assist with individualized assessment procedures (e.g., curriculum-based, developmental, social skills). B-3 Assist with functional assessment procedures.

Defining your research question is what step in the scientific method? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

B. 2

Which of the following statements is true?

B. A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus

Which of the following statements is true? A. A conditioned stimulus becomes a neutral stimulus through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus B. A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus C. An unconditioned stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with a neutral stimulus

B. A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus

A person with a complex vocabulary and multiple motor impairments would probably prefer... A. a communication app B. a standalone speech-generating device C. Sign language

B. A standalone speech-generating device

Which of the following organizations is less focused on research and more focused on the practical side of being a behavior analysis professional?


Which of the following organizations is less focused on research and more focused on the practical side of being a behavior analysis professional? A. ABAI B. APBA C. BACB


Child: "Ball" RBT: (Gives child the ball) In this scenario, "ball' is an... A. Intraverbal B. Mand C. Tact

B. And

The three-term contingency is

B. Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence

What determines whether a particular professional serves on a person-centered planning team? A. Services the family is requesting B. Assessment Results C. Client Choice

B. Assessment Results

Once informed consent is given, it can be revoked A. Annually B. At any time C. With 30 days notice

B. At any time

Diagnostic assessments may be completed by... A. Psychologists B. BCBAs C. Both a and b


Christy's 17-year-old son is in your adolescent social skills group. He disclosed that he has a girlfriend but his mother will not allow him to go on a date with her. He wants you to role play talking to his mother about this. You are sure his mother will pull him out of the group if you do, though. What do you do? A. Call his mother and ask permission to do this role play. B. Call your BACB supervisor for instructions C. Do the role play

B. Call your BACB supervisor for instructions

The part of the BACB ethical code for RBTs that is most relevant to issues of client dignity is... A. Professional Conduct B. Client Dignity C. Competence and Service Delivery

B. Client Dignity

Which of the following is NOT a method of differential reinforcement? A. DRA B. DRE C. DRI


The RBT code of ethics encourages you to solve most ethical conflicts by A. Deferring to your supervisor B. Directly discussing the issue with the person with whom the conflict is occurring C. Calling the BACB for guidance

B. Directly discussing the issue with the person with whom the conflict is occurring

Rate and frequency counts require. . . . . behaviors. A. Covert B. Discrete C. Subjective

B. Discrete

The last step in the scientific method is to... A. Analyze your data B. Draw a conclusion C. Make an inference

B. Draw a conclusion

Amy has been biting her fingernails for five years. Her mother applied a terrible tasting medication to her fingernails to discourage her from biting them. So far, the nail biting has not decreased much even with the medication. What's one possible reason?

B. Either A or B could be correct

After brainstorming several possible options for how to resolve an ethical issue, you should narrow down your choices by A. Ask your supervisor which play of action is best B. Eliminating choices that are not supported by the BACB's ethics code C. Eliminating choices that could lead to you getting fired

B. Eliminating choices that are not supported by the BACB's ethics code

The theory that knowledge derives from sensory experience is known as? A. Behaviorism B. Empiricism C. Rationalism

B. Empiricism

Risk/Benefit Analysis is an example of a(n)....? A. Communication Skill B. Executive Functioning Skill C. De-escalation Procedure

B. Executive functioning skill

The form of functional behavior assessment that directly tests antecedents and consequences to determine function

B. Experimental Functional Analysis

The form of functional behavior assessment that directly tests antecedents and consequences to determine function... A. Descriptive Functional Assessment B. Experimental Functional Analysis C. Both a and b

B. Experimental Functional Analysis

A Continuous reinforcement schedule is also called? A. FI 1 B. FR 1 C. VI 1

B. FR 1

If you have a problem with a supervisor or coworker that is inspiring a great deal of emotion in you, the best way to address this is usually. A. Formal documentation into the client record B. Face-to-face verbal communication C. Informal documentation, such as an email

B. Face-to-face verbal communication

A tact is a procedure- short for tactic. A. True B. False

B. False

According to the BACB, punishment is only to be used after reinforcement has failed.

B. False

According to the BACB, punishment is only to be used after reinforcement has failed. A. True B. False

B. False

After the BCBA has conducted initial training with parents on their child's BIP, it is ok for the RBT to do an occasional refresher training if she observes them implementing it incorrectly. A. True B. False

B. False

All token economy systems should include a response cost component. A. True B. False

B. False

Another name for a noncontingent schedule is a continuous schedule. A. True B. False

B. False

Automatic reinforcement is reinforcement delivered noncontingently.

B. False

Behavior analysts do not believe thoughts or feelings are real. A. True B. False

B. False

Behavior intervention plans are used in clinical settings only A. True B. False

B. False

Behavioral skills training is not recommended for generalization training. A. True B. False

B. False

Behaviors are responses to needs. A. True B. False

B. False

Behaviors that are negatively reinforced decrease over time. A. True B. False

B. False

Behaviors that have a sensory function are always reinforced via automatic positive reinforcement A. True B. False

B. False

Behaviors that have a sensory function are always reinforced via automatic positive reinforcement. A. True B. False

B. False

Data collection is useful if you can work it in, by ABA plans do not require it. A. True B. False

B. False

Developmental disabilities may result in four types of functional limitations: physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral. A. True B. False

B. False

Discrete Trail Training (DTT) is another name for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). A. True B. False

B. False

Discrete Trials are usually presented at a slower pace so that the child with Autism has enough time to process what is being asked. A. True B. False

B. False

Discrete Trials are usually presented at a slower pace so that the child with Autism has enough time to process what is being asked... A. True B. False

B. False

Functional analysis provides higher certainty results with lower response effort than descriptive functional assessment. A. True B. False

B. False

Goals are more specific versions of benchmark objectives. A. True B. False

B. False

Graphing is required, but RBTs have a great deal of flexibility about how to set up their graphs to best show the data.

B. False

IQ is more important than adaptive behavior when making a diagnosis of intellectual disability.

B. False

IQ is more important than adaptive behavior when making a diagnosis of intellectual disability. A. True B. False

B. False

IQ tests are not affected by things like language skills. A. True B. False

B. False

If a person is in a car wreck that causes vision loss and loss of cognitive abilities at age 30, he or she can be diagnosed with a. developmental disability. A. True B. False

B. False

If my child continues to make low grades even though I am giving him praise and stickers every time he brings home an A, that proves he needs a punisher instead. A. True B. False

B. False

If one or more students sabotage the group contingency, the teacher should never do intervene; the children will work it out themselves. A. True B. False

B. False

In overcorrection, the required movements do not have to be related to the problem behavior.

B. False

In overcorrection, the required movements do not have to be related to the problem behavior. A. True B. False

B. False

In partial interval data collection, the behavior must occur for the duration of a time interval A. True B. False

B. False

In the Good Behavior Game, students are divided into teams and the team with the most points at the end of the day earns a special reward. A. True B. False

B. False

It is uncommon for the students that RBT's work with to use idiosyncratic signs. A. True B. False

B. False

It is unethical for an RBT to be an interventionist and to be an informant on a skills assessment. A. True B. False

B. False

James is hyperactive is a behavioral statement. A. True B. False

B. False

Jamil's teacher gives partial points for math questions that are worked correctly except for a calculation error. Jamil's total score on his last homework page was 99.3. Jamil's score is based on a discrete scoring system. A. True B. False

B. False

Least effective prompt data collection is a method that is used to track progress in errorless learning.

B. False

Least-to-Most prompting follows this sequence: no prompt, gestural prompt, verbal prompt, model, physical prompt. A. True B. False

B. False

Making statements expressing empathy should not be required until the child learns to experience empathy.

B. False

Memory loss is almost always irreversible.

B. False

Minors have no say in whether or not they receive services. A. True B. False

B. False

Negative reinforcement is another word for punishment A. True B. False

B. False

One of the best things about using games to teach skills is that you don't need additional reinforcers. A. True B. False

B. False

One of the best things about using games to teach skills is that you don't need additional reinforcers. A. True B. False

B. False

PBIS is not based on the principles of behavior analysis A. True B. False

B. False

People who serve on person-centered planning teams keep within the boundaries of their professional roles. A. True B. False

B. False

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, may have been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, NOS in the past. A. True B. False

B. False

Positive behavior support is only used in school settings. A. True B. False

B. False

Problem behavior associated with Dementia does not respond to ABA approaches.

B. False

RBTs should dedicate all of their reading time to reading about behavior analysis.

B. False

Reflexive responses are elicited by conditioned stimuli A. True B. False

B. False

Reliable data is valid data A. True B. False

B. False

Research demonstrates time-out should cease when the time limit is up, even if the person is engaging in the problem behavior at that moment.

B. False

Retirement usually does not bring about the same kinds of feelings of loss for people with developmental disabilities as it does for people without disabilities.

B. False

Retirement usually does not bring about the same kinds of feelings of loss for people with developmental disabilities as it does for people without disabilities. A. True B. False

B. False

School-wide PBIS eliminates the need for functional assessment and individualized behavior intervention plans. A. True B. False

B. False

Skinner believed his research was too scientific for the average person to understand and apply. A. True B. False

B. False

Sleep training is not a target for behavior analysis.

B. False

Tacts are easier to tech than mands. A. True B. False

B. False

Teenage boys have the highest incidence of suicide in the U.S.

B. False

The ABAI approves requests to sit for the RBT exam? A. True B. False

B. False

The Good Behavior Game and Token Economy are not intended to be implemented simultaneously. A. True B. False

B. False

The first step in the scientific method is to form a hypothesis. A. True B. False

B. False

The first thing you should do when you see your customer/client is outline the plan for the session A. True B. False

B. False

The main difference between direct clients and indirect clients is the power to consent A. True B. False

B. False

The main difference between direct clients and indirect clients is the power to consent.

B. False

The most important thing for school readiness is pre-academic skill development.

B. False

The only symptom of ADHD is typically outgrown is inattentiveness. A. True B. False

B. False

The processes used in problem behavior intervention vary across the lifespan. A. True B. False

B. False

The processes used in problem behavior intervention vary across the lifespan. A. True B. False

B. False

The temperature of your bath water can punish you? A. True B. False

B. False

There are four types of task analysis. A. True B. False

B. False

Time-out is seclusion A. True B. False

B. False

Time-out is seclusion.

B. False

Treatment integrity is best assessed through self report. A. True B. False

B. False

When conducting listener skills training, it is best to have the child master one skill before introducing a second skill. A. True B. False

B. False

When my supervisor presents me with multiple situations to see if I know when to implement a certain skill, (s)he clearly does not trust me to know what I am doing.

B. False

When punishment leads to a behavior improvement in one context, it may also improve in other contexts without punishment. This is called behavioral contrast.

B. False

When punishment leads to a behavior improvement in one context, it may also improve in other contexts without punishment. This is called behavioral contrast. A. True B. False

B. False

When starting a new match-to-sample program, it is a good idea to choose items the child finds highly reinforcing. A. True B. False

B. False

When using games to teach skills, you should never modify the rules because you may confuse the learner. A. True B. False

B. False

You should not contrive teaching situations in the NET. A. True B. False

B. False

You should not contrive teaching situations in the NET. A. True B. False

B. False

Benny and Elaine say "I love you" at the end of every phone conversation. What reinforcement schedule is that?

B. Fixed ratio

Will is a waiter who receives a tip for every customer he serves. What reinforcement schedule is this?

B. Fixed ratio

Will is a waiter who receives a tip for every customer he serves. What reinforcement schedule is this? A. Fixed interval B. Fixed ratio C. Variable ratio

B. Fixed ration

Overlearning is a concept related to... A. Acquisition B. Fluency C. Generalization

B. Fluency

Nicholas is reinforced for smoothing his sheets, tucking them in, and pulling the comforter up to the top of the bed,. His RBT places the pillows. This is an example of teaching bed making via... A. Backward Chaining B. Forward Chaining C. Total task chaining

B. Forward Chaining

Patrick has a short attention span for watching others and displays problem behaviors when presented with too many tasks in a row. What chaining procedure is probably best for him? A. Backward chaining B. Forward Chaining C. Total Task Chaining

B. Forward Chaining

Usually, data collection in a functional analysis is based on A. Duration B. Frequency C. Momentary Time Sampling

B. Frequency

The sentence "We play games with balls" indicates the ball's.... A. Feature B. Function C. Class

B. Function

Behavior that occurs in response to similar stimuli without additional training A. Discrimination B. Generalization C. Stimulus Control

B. Generalization

Mary is an RBT who has been taught to feed her client, John, who has swallowing problems. She now wonders if she could provide the same service to other people who have similar swallowing problems. She is wondering if her skillset.......between clients A. Discriminates B. Generalizes C. Maintains

B. Generalizes

You are working with a learner whose BIP defines "tantrum" as screaming, crying, and throwing self to floor. While implementing her BIP today, she slapped the leg of a peer who walked by during a tantrum. The peer was not harmed, but was startled. What should you do? A. Have someone else monitor the children and immediately call your supervisor B. Have someone else check on the peer while your continue to implement the tantrum procedure. Notify your BCBA as soon as the tantrum ends C. Since no one was hurt, continue to implement the tantrum procedure and include information about the incident in your daily note

B. Have someone else check on the peer while your continue to implement the tantrum procedure. Notify your BCBA as soon as the tantrum ends

Which of the following teacher questions about a BIP is most likely appropriate for an RBT to answer?

B. How many minutes do I put on the timer for his break today?

Which of the following teacher questions about a BIP is most likely appropriate for an RBT to answer? A. We are going on a field trip tomorrow. What should I do if he tried to run away while we are int he store? B. How many minutes do I put on the timer for his break today? C. Yesterday he spit on me, and that is not in the behavior plan. What should I have done?

B. How many minutes do I put on the timer for his break today?

Intellectual disability must be manifested in childhood and the person must have deficits in A. Attention and Self-care B. IQ and adaptive behavior C. Practical skills and social skills

B. IQ and adaptive behavior

While at work one day, you learn your BCBA supervisor has been in a car wreck and is expected to be in the hospital for several months. What do you do? A. Continue services and note on your forms that your supervisor is in the hospital B. Immediately inform your agency that you must have a new supervisor before you can continue working C. Go to the hospital for supervision meetings between your supervisor's naps and physical therapy sessions

B. Immediately inform your agency that you must have a new supervisor before you can continue working

Mrs. Sallis has set a goal for everyone to score 50% higher on their post-test than they scored on their pre-tests. Every student who meets that goal will be able to participate in a pizza party at the end of the instructional unit. This is a(n) __________________ group contingency. A. Dependent B. Independent C. Interdependent

B. Independent

Which type of group contingency capitalizes least on positive peer pressure? A. Dependent B. Independent C. Interdependent

B. Independent

A teacher of a child you are providing ABA services to is an example of a(n). . . . client A. Direct B. Indirect C. Supplemental

B. Indirect

Extinction procedures will vary based on behavior... A. Function B. Intensity C. Topography

B. Intensity

Fred has noticed that when Ricky ends a rant, he typically pauses for three or four minutes then resumes ranting. He decided to introduce a self-calming activity during the pause to try to eliminate the repetitive rants or at least extend the amount of time between iterations. To assess effectiveness, he would need to collect ____________________ data.

B. Inter-response Time

How much time passed between iterations of the same behavior? A. Duration B. Inter-response time C. Latency

B. Inter-response time

Conversing and answering questions are examples of... A. Echoics B. Intraverbals C. Tacts

B. Intraverbals

What is wrong with including the following sentence in a report documenting a crisis situation? She wanted to be in control, so she threw the teacher's globe across the room

B. It is not objective

The earliest lessons on emotion management are focused on...

B. Labeling emotions as they occur

The earliest lessons on emotion management are focused on... A. Expressing emotions correctly B. Labeling emotions as they occur C. Preventing aggressive expressions of anger

B. Labeling emotions as they occur

Length of time that passed before initiating a behavioral response

B. Latency

Fred is working with Ricky to decrease his ranting behavior by having him insert a pause before responding to stimuli that typically precede a rant. Inserting a pause is the replacement behavior. Which of the following methods could you use to measure Ricky's progress with using the replacement behavior?

B. Latency between stimulus and rant

Repeated punishment in the absence of reinforcement for alternative behaviors leads to a cessation of all actions. A. Behavioral contrast B. Learned helplessness C. Passive-Aggressiveness

B. Learned Helplessness

Repeated punishment in the absence of reinforcement for alternative behaviors leads to a cessation of all actions.

B. Learned helplessness

Repeated punishment in the absence of reinforcement for alternative behaviors leads to a cessation of all actions. A. Behavioral Contrast B. Learned helplessness C. Passive-Aggressiveness

B. Learned helplessness

If you arrive to an in-home service appointment and the child's parent tells you they are not interested in continuing services, you should A. Ask questions about why and wait at the home until the BCBA arrives B. Leave the home and immediately notify the supervising BCBA C. Try to convince them to continue with services until the BCBA can schedule an appointment with them to discuss their concerns and options

B. Leave the home and immediately notify the supervising BCBA

The only verbal operant that directly serves the speaker. A. Intraverbal B. Mand C. Tact

B. Mand

The only verbal operant that directly serves the speaker. A. Intraverbal B. Mand C. Tact

B. Mand

Skill acquisition plans include goals, objectives, . . . ., and data collection A. Benchmarks B. Materials C. Timelines

B. Materials

Benny dislikes the taste of vegetables and refuses to eat them anywhere except his grandmother's house. He eats whatever his grandmother puts on his plate. Benny's vegetable eating behavior is explained by... A. Lack of Stimulus Control B. Multiple Stimulus Control C. Single Stimulus Control

B. Multiple Stimulus Control

Reprimand is considered...

B. Negative Punishment

If Fred likes chocolate and gumdrops are not chocolate, is it correct to say Fred does not like gumdrops?

B. No

If Fred likes chocolate and gumdrops are not chocolate, is it correct to say Fred does not like gumdrops? A. It depends B. No C. Yes

B. No

If a person is believed to talk too much, the best way to collect data on this in natural contacts would be to us a frequency count. A. Yes, counting the words per second would be ideal B. No, counting the words of a fast talker would be too difficult. Taking duration data would be more practical

B. No, counting the words of a fast talker would be too difficult, take duration data would be more practical

The First step in the scientific method is... A. Hypothesize B. Observe C. Question

B. Observe

Abby and Lucy had a huge argument on the playground last year. Lucy has refused to play with Abby since then. Her new best friend, Allie, recently started inviting Abby into their games. Lucy is now tolerating Abby as long as Allie is there, too. This is an early step in the process of... A. Doubling B. Pairing C. Squaring

B. Pairing

The end product of a Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement preference assessment is items scoring based on . . . . A. Duration of engagement B. Percent of Opportunities C. Rank ordering

B. Percent of Opportunities

Which form of sign language is used frequently by native oral speakers who later lose their hearing and study ASL? A. Formal sign B. Pidgin Sign C. Idiosyncratic Sign

B. Pidgin Sign

ADHD has three types: A. Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive, and predominantly impulsive B. Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined type C. Predominantly hyperactive, predominantly impulsive, and combined type

B. Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined type

ADHD has three types:

B. Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined type

During maintenance training, we see to determine how well the learning can... A. Preform the skill in isolation B. Preform the skill when distracted C. Preform the skill when timed

B. Preformed the skill when distracted

The first step in the prevention of sexual abuse is teaching...

B. Private vs Public

The first step in the prevention of sexual abuse is teaching... A. Good touch, bad touch B. Private vs Public C. Stranger Danger

B. Private vs Public

Three methods of stimulus control transfer are: prompt fading, stimulus fading, and ... A. Primary Reinforcement B. Prompt delay C. Reinforcement Fading

B. Prompt Delay

Which of the following is NOT a good way to measure behavior? A. Counting B. Rating Scale C. Timing

B. Rating Scale

Crisis plans typically include components for prevention, de-escalation, and... A. Intervention B. Re-integration C. Seclusion

B. Re-integration

Punishment procedures are best used in combination with...

B. Reinforcement for alternative behaviors

A stimulus change that strengthens behavior is a... A. Punisher B. Reinforcer C. Reward

B. Reinforcer

Valid data are accurate, representative, . . . ., and significant A. Realistic B. Relevant C. Reverent

B. Relevant

Escape extinction is ethically implemented by A. Forcing the person to comply B. Responding to refusals by presenting the stimulus again C. Neither a nor b

B. Responding to refusals by presenting the stimulus again

Escape extinction is ethically implemented by... A. Forcing the person to comply B. Responding to refusals by presenting the stimulus again C. Neither a nor b

B. Responding to refusals by presenting the stimulus again

Prompt fading plans should include criteria for advancing and. . . . A. Reducing B. Reversing C. Rewriting

B. Reversing

One example of an antecedent control strategy for a child motivated by escape. A. Scheduled attention B. Scheduled breaks C. Both a and b

B. Scheduled breaks

Which component of Darwin's theory of evolution was particularly important for the development of behavior analysis? A. Adaption B. Selection C. Variability

B. Selection

The RBT Task list has. . . . . areas of competencies A. Four B. Six C. Eight

B. Six

One example of a repetitive, stereotypical behavior is... A. Doing jumping jacks B. Spinning in circles C. Waving Hello

B. Spinning in circles

When a behavior is elicited by a stimulus without additional prompts and reinforcer, . . . has been attained A. Behavioral momentum B. Stimulus Control C. Stimulus Equivalence

B. Stimulus Control

If your client stops exhibiting the target behavior for a while after receiving reinforcement, what should you consider doing? A. Increase your prompting B. Switch to a variable schedule C. Use non contingent reinforcement

B. Switch to a variable schedule

If your client stops exhibiting the target behavior for a while after receiving reinforcement, what should you consider doing? A. Increase your prompting B. Switch to a variable schedule C. Use non-contingent reinforcement

B. Switch to a variable schedule

Behavior intervention plans are sometimes difficult to implement in natural settings due to which of the following

B. Systems barriers such as lack of resources and differing guiding philosophies

Behavior intervention plans are sometimes difficult to implement in natural settings due to which of the following... A. Demonstrated lack of efficacy of ABA in natural settings B. Systems barriers such as lack of resources and differing guiding philosophies C. Both a and b

B. Systems barriers such as lack of resources and differing guiding philosophies

Positive and negative reinforcement have this in common. A. The behavior occurs less often in the future B. The behavior occurs more often in the future C. The behavior is unaffected by the consequence

B. The behavior occurs more often in the future

If students are not earning reinforcement in the Good Behavior Game, the first thing your BCBA will consider adjusting is A. The goal B. The reinforcement interval C. The group membership

B. The reinforcement interval

Who holds the power in a service relationship? A. The service provider B. The service recipient C. Power is shared

B. The service recipient

Some problem behaviors disappear when personally valued outcomes are honored through the process of person-centered planning.

B. True

Some problem behaviors disappear when personally valued outcomes are honored through the process of person-centered planning. A. False B. True

B. True

In teaching echoic, we shape by reinforcing. . . before requiring correct words. A. Similar words B. Word approximations C. Both a and b

B. Word Approximations

Skill acquisition goals are based on

B. assessment results

When summarizing your ABC Recording data, it is important to focus on

B. both a and b

Risk/Benefit Analysis is an example of a(n) ___________________________.

B. executive functioning skill

A teacher of a child you are providing ABA services to is an example of a(n) ______________________ client.

B. indirect

Which of the following has ABA NOT been shown to be effective for treating?

B. neither a nor b

RBTs may participate in debriefing sessions as a

B. participant

Crisis plans typically include components for prevention, de-escalation, and

B. re-integration

A stimulus change that strengthens behavior is a

B. reinforcer

Who argued for an analysis and examination of the three-term contingency?

B.F. Skinner

Who founded the experimental analysis of behavior, a natural science approach for discovering orderly and reliable relations between behavior and vaious types of environmental variables of which it s a function?

B.F. Skinner

Growing In The Profession

Be a Lifelong Learner Know Your Professional Development Goals Know Your Supervisor's Opinion of Your Skills Welcome Observation and Feedback Revisit with Improvement Ask for More When You Need It

Why is it important to establish yourself as a reinforcer through relationship building?

Because the client will be motivated by you and fewer contrived reinforcers will need to be used during sessions Because sessions will be more enjoyable Because session will become more productive **All of the above**

Drawing 3 inch tall letters


Science and Human Behavior

Behavior analysis as a science useful in predicting and controlling behavior

Supervision from a behavior analyst is __________________________________.

Behavior analytic

Personal Counseling

Behavior analytic personal counseling is delivered by a counselor, social worker, or psychologist with specific training in applied behavior analysis. Common modalities include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Clients are taught to identify antecedents to the behaviors they would like to change, new behavioral responses they could exhibit instead, and reinforcers for making choices that align with their behavioral goals. Reinforcers may take the shape of immediate gains, as in having more time for family, or long-term delayed gains, as in making decisions that align with their personal values.

The two domains of Autism Spectrum Disorder are...

Behavior and Social Communication Skills

Behavior of Organisms

Behavior change is based on selection by consequences

Which of the following is not true about the dimension "Generalizable?"

Behavior change must occur in humans

Behavioral Contrast

Behavior decreases in contexts in which it is punished, but increases in other contexts.

three-term contingency

Behavior is explained by analyzing it according to the antecedent stimuli and the consequences that follow; i.e., antecedent - behavior - consequence.

To diagnose a child with autism, we must look at their ______ as well as their history of _______.

Behavior; development

Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics is based on the tenet that it is easier to engage in behaviors that yield an immediate reinforcer (such as purchasing a cool jacket) than it is to engage in behaviors that yield a delayed reinforcer (such as putting the money into a mutual fund). Behavioral economists work with industries such as investment companies and insurance companies to help set up systems that will encourage people to make those hard choices. Their work is also applicable on an individual level, as people struggle personally with these decisions on a daily basis.

Law of Effect

Behaviors followed by pleasant consequences are likely to be repeated. Behaviors followed by unpleasant consequences are not likely to be repeated.

Social Skills

Being a Friend - Recognizing a Friend - Slang and Sarcasm - Perspective Taking - Expressing Disagreement - Bullying - Internet Personas - Social Boundaries

Which of the following activities would be found in the Behavior Reduction task category?

Being able to discuss challenging behavior in an appropriate manner

Which of the following affects reinforcer effectiveness?

Both A and B

Which of the following should be considered when selecting an augmentative or alternative method of communication?

Both A and B

Which of the following can cause a developmental disability?

Both a and b

Money Skills

Budgeting - Price Comparison - Banking - Digital Currency - Financial Safety - Paying Bills

RBT Task List: Skill Acquisition

C-1 Identify the essential components of a written skill acquisition plan. C-2 Prepare for the session as required by the skill acquisition plan. C-3 Use contingencies of reinforcement (e.g., conditioned/unconditioned reinforcement,continuous/intermittent schedules). C-4 Implement discrete-trial teaching procedures. C-5 Implement naturalistic teaching procedures (e.g., incidental teaching). C-6 Implement task analyzed chaining procedures. C-7 Implement discrimination training. C-8 Implement stimulus control transfer procedures. C-9 Implement prompt and prompt fading procedures. C-10 Implement generalization and maintenance procedures. C-11 Implement shaping procedures. C-12 Implement token economy procedures.

Which of the following behaviors observed during a social skills group might be considered a red flag requiring immediate notification to the supervisor? A. a child shows up wearing dirty clothes one day B. A child cries because she has no friends one day C. A child hints that she thought about suicide one day

C. A child hints that she thought about suicide one day

One way to prevent yourself from insulting your client's dignity is to... A. Think of yourself as a service provider rather than service enforcer B. Identify power culture behaviors you do not with to replicate C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

Speakers serve as SDs for listeners to... A. Say B. Think C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

Which of the following affects reinforcer effectiveness? A. Consistency B. Schedule C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

Which of the following areas are commonly addressed through skill acquisition plans? A. Communication B. Social Skills C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

Which of the following is a common symptom of hyperactivity? A. Fidgeting excessively B. Interrupting others' conversations C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

Which of the following should be considered when selecting an augmentative or alternative method of communication? A. Cost B. Visual Acuity C. Both A and B

C. Both A and B

A significant portion of time for behavioral gerontologists is spent on helping older adults __________________ skills.

C. Both a and b

A significant portion of time for behavioral gerontologists is spent on helping older adults..... skills. A. Maintaining existing skills B. Recover lost skills C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Consequences that result in a reduction of the behavior in the future are called... A. Negative reinforcement B. Punishment C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Creating a task analysis can be enhanced by... A. Creating the TA by watching a video of someone completing the task B. Following the steps of a completed TA to verify it is correct C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Establishing operations are often associated with... A. Temporary emotional states B. Sensory processing issues C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

For every target, the behavior intervention plan should list the. A. Function B. Replacement behavior C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Implementing a behavior plan in a public setting brings new challenges because. A. There are new antecedents and consequences for the learner B. There are new antecedents and consequences for the RBT C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Motor imitation is important for...

C. Both a and b

NET introduces certain concerns that are less prominent in clinic-based services, such as... A. Confidentiality B. Safety C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

One example of a pre-academic skill is. . . . A. Matching to sample B. Sitting in seat C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

One way to prevent yourself from insulting your client's dignity is too.... A. Think of yourself as a service provider rather than service enforcer B. Identify power culture behaviors you do not wish to replicate C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Problem behaviors may lead to negative outcomes such as... A. Health problems B. Social isolation C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Stimuli are types of... A. Antecedents B. Consequences C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Which of the following has been shown to prevent problem behavior among children?

C. Both a and b

Which of the following has been shown to prevent problem behavior among children? A. Opportunities for choice making B. Providing a consistent schedule C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Which of the following is a a possible side effect of punishment?

C. Both a and b

Which of the following is a risk associated with exclusionary time-out? A. Aggression B. Incidental Reinforcement C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Which of the following is an example of joint attention?

C. Both a and b

Which of the following is an example of joint attention? A. Following another person's eye gaze B. Bringing a favorite toy to show a patient C. Both a and b

C. Both a and b

Motor imitation is important for... A. Developing a generalized repertoire of imitation B. Preparing to learn argumentative communication C. Both a and b

C. Both a and bN

The sentence "a ball is a toy," demonstrates the ball's... A. Feature B. Function C. Class

C. Class

What determines whether a particular professional serves on a person-centered planning team?

C. Client choice

The Little Albert studies demonstrated that what was possible? A. Conditioning of cats to escape a puzzle box B. Conditioning of dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell C. Conditioning of emotions in humans

C. Conditioning of emotions in humans

Jaime's RBT is going to collect 15 minute time samples of his hand-raising behavior in each class over a three-week period by a frequency count. This is... A. Continuous data collection using continuous numbers B. Discontinuous data collection using continuous numbers C. Discontinuous data collection using discrete numbers

C. Discontinuous data collection using discrete numbers

Amy has been biting her fingernails for five years. Her mother applied a terrible tasting medication to her fingernails to discourage her from biting them. So far, the nail biting has not decreased much even with the medication. What's one possible reason? A. Previous learning history B. Sensitivity to the consequences C. Either A or B could be correct

C. Either A or B could be correct

In order to ensure a behavior definition is complete, it is often important to include... A. Completion criteria B. Confidence intervals C. Exclusionary examples

C. Exclusionary examples

Behaviors that do not allow the individual to contact reinforcement in the environment are eliminated over time through the process of...? A. Elimination B. Exaggeration C. Extinction

C. Extinction

What is a process for determining the environmental events that elicit problem behavior?

C. Functional Behavior Assessment

The acronym for remembering the dimensions of applied behavior analysis

C. Get a Cab

Intellectual functioning is normally measured with a(n).... test. A. Academic Achievement B. Adaptive Behavior C. IQ


Which of the following is included in a functional behavior assessment? A. A description of the environmental requirements for successful functioning B. A description of the supervision style of the parent or teacher C. Identification of reinforcers that are maintaining the behavior

C. Identification of reinforcers that are maintaining the behavior

Teacher takes advantage of naturally occurring situations to teach the targeted skills.

C. Incidental Teaching

Teacher takes advantage of naturally occurring situations to teach the targeted skills. A. Chaining B. Differential Reinforcement C. Incidental Teaching

C. Incidental Teaching

In which of the following types of group contingencies do all members win or lose together? A. Good behavior game B. Independent C. Interdependent

C. Interdependent

James' RBT is working with him to reduce the time required for him to begin work when told to do so. The data needed here is A. Duration B. Frequency C. Latency

C. Latency

Length of time that passed before initiating a behavioral response

C. Latency

Fred is working with Ricky to decrease his ranting behavior by having him insert a pause before responding to stimuli that typically precede a rant. Inserting a pause is the replacement behavior. Which of the following methods could you use to measure Ricky's progress with using the replacement behavior? A. Duration of rant B. Frequency of rants C. Latency between stimulus and rant

C. Latency between stimulus and rant

Early Intensive Behavior Intervention (EIBI) is based on the work of? A. Dixon B. Lindsley C. Lovaas

C. Lovaas

Fade within categories of prompts by adjusting... A. Attitude B. Latitude C. Magnitude

C. Magnitude

Natural environment teaching method in which the teacher observes the child's point of interest, models the correct response, and requires the child to replicate the model. A. Discrete Trials B. Forward chaining C. Mand-Model

C. Mand-Model

In order to use a larger array of vocabulary words on the SGD, a user need to have. . . . skills A. Intraverbal B. Listener C. Match to sample

C. Match to sample

Which of the following has ABA NOT been shown to be effective for treating? A. Depression B. Smoking C. Neither A nor B

C. Neither A nor B

Which of the following is an example of shaping frequency? A. Each night, James is required to complete one more homework problem than he did the night before B. James is given a packet of homework at the beginning of each week, with each night's work labeled. Anything he fails to complete for a given night is added to the next night's requirements. C. Neither a nor b

C. Neither a nor b

What kind of response does a neutral stimulus elicit? A. A conditioned response B. An unconditioned response C. No response

C. No response

Social justice reform movements designed to ensure minority groups are not disproportionally subjected to exclusionary or punitive practices and to ensure people with disabilities lead _____________________ lives have decreased the social acceptability of punishment procedures. A. Comfortable B. Happy C. Normalized

C. Normalized

If the learner is responding in a way that is not addressed by the prompting, error correction, and reinforcement procedures, the RBT must... A. Deliver reinforcement B. Increase the prompt level C. Notify the BCBA

C. Notify the BCBA

Behavior is... A. Immeasurable and subjective B. Objective and measurable C. Observable and measurable

C. Observable and measurable

Momentary Time Sampling for groups A. Event Recording B. Head Count C. PLA-CHECK


Which of the following preference assessments usually takes the longest to administer? A. Free Operant B. Multiple Stimulus With Replacement C. Paired Stimulus

C. Paired stimulus

If I use shaping to gradually reduce prompt levels, I am increasing A. Endurance B. Independence C. Perseverance

C. Perseverance

Wesley wants to decrease his nail biting behavior using DRI. Which of the following replacement behaviors would be appropriate for that methodology? A. Calling a friend B. Chewing gum C. Placing hands in pocket

C. Placing hands in pocket

One commonly used variation on a token economy is a... A. Macro-economy B. Micro-economy C. Point system

C. Point system

Melody's dance teacher has her wear a device on her back that assists her to keep her back in the correct position. After two consecutive hours of practice with no slouching, the device is shortened by one inch. This is an example of shaping Melody's ____________. A. Attitude B. Endurance C. Precision

C. Precision

Interventions marketed to cure Autism that have little empirical support and may be dangerous are called? A. Alternative medicine B. Eastern Medicine C. Pseudoscientific

C. Pseudoscientific

Interventions marketed to cure Autism that have little empirical support and may be dangerous are called? A. Alternative medicine B. Eastern medicine C. Pseudoscientific

C. Pseudoscientific

Which of the following behavior analysis professionals are not usually required to hold a state-issued professional license?

C. Registered Behavior Technicians

Teaching procedures include prompting methods, error correction, and... A. Data collection B. Discontinuation criteria C. Reinforcement Procedures

C. Reinforcement procedures

Ed is collecting data on a student's latency to initiate work when instructed to do so by his teacher, but the student's goal is to increase duration of work. His data is not ____________________.

C. Relevant

Ed is collecting data on a student's latency to initiate work when instructed to do so by his teacher, but the student's goal is to increase duration of work. His data is not ____________________. A. Accurate B. Representative C. Relevant

C. Relevant

When graphing in Excel, gridlines should be

C. Removed

The acronym to remember for goal setting is


What is the acronym to remember for goal setting? A. GOAL B. ROUNDUP C. SMART


Discontinuous data collection requires A. Constant observation B. Large spans of observation time C. Sampling

C. Sampling

Task analysis is the process of breaking a task down into a . . . . of smaller steps. A. Collection B. Large Number C. Sequence

C. Sequence

Functional Analysis uses _______________________________ research design.

C. Single Subject

Functional Analysis uses. . . . .research design. A. Control Group B. Quasi-experimental C. Single subject

C. Single subject

A disorder similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder by without the related behavioral symptoms A. Asperger's Disorder B. Pervasive Developmental Disorder C. Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

C. Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

In order for a communication difference to be relevant to an Autism diagnosis, it must be... A. Inarticulate B. Nonverbal C. Social in Nature

C. Social in Nature

Interview skills and customer service skills are examples of. . . .skills. A. Discrete B. Job-specific C. Soft

C. Soft

The earliest form of intraverbal training is... A. Answering questions B. Responding to name C. Song fill ins

C. Song fill ins

The basic elements of a token economy include target behaviors, token schedule, reinforcer menu, and ____________________ . A. Expiration dates B. Response Cost C. Spending rules

C. Spending rules

RBT: shows picture of a ball and asks "what is this?" Child: "Ball" In this scenario, the word "ball is a(n)... A. Echoic B. Mand C. Tact

C. Tact

One way the Hanley model differs from the Iwata model is... A. There are more test conditions B. The control condition is eliminated C. Target behaviors are less specific

C. Target behaviors are less specific

Which of the following is an example of a cuing strategy to prevent problem behavior?

C. Teaching the child to follow a visual schedule

What is the fourth step in the scientific method? A. Data analysis B. Making preliminary conclusions C. Testing your hypothesis

C. Testing your hypothesis

Scatterplots are used to determine A. The function of a behavior B. The frequency of a behavior C. The time distribution of a behavior

C. The time distribution of a behavior

Which of the following was an early version of Skinner's principle of reinforcement? A. Aristotle's Law of Frequency B. Ebbinghaus' Learning Curve C. Thorndike's Law of Effect

C. Thorndike's Law of Effect

One common use of extinction is... A. Safety Behaviors B. Teaching right from wrong C. Toddler tantrums for tangible

C. Toddler tantrums for tangible

Nathan's Mom stands beside him while he brushes his teeth, allowing him to complete the tasks alone but prompting him if he skips steps or performs them incorrectly. Nathan is learning to brush his teeth via... A. Backward Chaining B. Forward Chaining C. Total Task Chaining

C. Total task chaining

Matching, scanning, and sorting are examples of _________________________________ skills.

C. Visual Perception

Matching, Scanning, and sorting are examples of ..... skills. A. Academic B. School Readiness C. Visual Perception

C. Visual perception

Three considerations for using restraint or seclusion, according to the ABAI's position statement, are: A. Informed consent, a behavior plan, and crisis management B. Staff training, informed consent and crisis management C. Welfare of the individual, right to choose, and least restrictiveness

C. Welfare of the individual, right to choose, and least restrictiveness

Otis wants to know how long it takes Fred and Laura to initiate work after being told to begin. Is this a good example of a behavioral measurement? A. It depends B. No C. Yes

C. Yes

Which of these situations should be immediately reported to your supervisor? A. A client who is usually compliant displays several problem behaviors in session B. A family reported to you that they are going on vacation next month and will not need services C. You realize that the recent death of your nephew is leading to you wanting to spend more time with clients who physically resemble him

C. You realize that the recent death of your nephew is leading to you wanting to spend more time with clients who physically resemble him

Driving skills are at risk for loss in senior citizens due to changes in __________________.

C. both a and b

NET introduces certain concerns that are less prominent in clinic-based services, such as

C. both a and b

Assessment of the environmental requirements for successful functioning is called

C. ecological assessment

Behavior analytic assessments are used to identify specific target behaviors, collect baseline information, and

C. monitor treatment outcomes

Social justice reform movements designed to ensure minority groups are not disproportionally subjected to exclusionary or punitive practices and to ensure people with disabilities lead _____________________ lives have decreased the social acceptability of punishment procedures.

C. normalized

The end product of a Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement preference assessment is items scoring based on _______________________________________________________.

C. rank ordering

Teaching procedures include prompting methods. error correction, and ______________.

C. reinforcement procedures

Three considerations for using restraint or seclusion, according to the ABAI's position statement, are:

C. welfare of the individual, right to choose, and least restrictiveness

Teaching small tasks by linking them with others that occur in a sequence is a procedure called


Behavioral Contrast

Changes in consequence delivery in one context that cause behavioral changes leads to opposite changes in behavior in other contexts.

Undesirable Modeling

Children learn what they live. If parents address behaviors they do not like with corporal punishment or ridicule, the child will likely do the same.

Classroom Behavior Management

Classroom Behavior Management focuses on group systems, such as token economy in which students earn tokens for displaying certain behaviors and trade them in for reinforcers. It also includes antecedent controls, such as teacher signals and practicing classroom routines to fluency, which minimize triggers for problem behavior.

Tips for Using Negative Punishment

Clear Behavior Targets Make sure the individual can state the rules Continuous Monitoring of Progress Combine with Skill Building Ensure Points are Tied to a Variety of Highly Reinforcing Activities Keep Time-Out Periods Under 15 minutes Define Exit from Time-Out Criteria Consistency, Consistency, Consistency Keep Detailed Records Know the Legal and Policy Rules for Exclusionary Time-Out

After you receive the RBT credential, you are working in a hospital clinic providing ABA services to children with autism. The case manager tells parents you are a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. What do you do?

Clear up any misconceptions and tell the case manager right away that you are a RBT and explain the difference.

The part of the BACB ethical code for RBTs that is most relevant to issues of client dignity is

Client Dignity

Approvals Required Before Implementation

Client Groups Organizational Groups Oversight and Funding Groups

Which is an example of negative reinforcement?

Close a window to stop cold air from blowing in; closing the window is strengthened.

Commonly Addressed Skill Acquisition Areas

Communication Self-Care Social Skills Academics


Conditioned responding that happens with novel neutral stimuli that was never paired with other conditioned or unconditioned stimuli.

The Little Albert studies demonstrated that what was possible?

Conditioning of emotions in humans

Operant conditioning explains how ________________ lead to changes in ________________ behavior.

Consequences, Voluntary

What are two components of implementing an effective behavior intervention plan that are vital for improving challenging or especially violent behavior?

Consistency and Continuation

After each shriek, Emily Ann will be required to stand up and sit down ten times in a row.

Contingent Exercise

Non-Exclusion Time-Out

Contingent loss of access to positive reinforcement for a specified period of time, while remaining in the originating environment. Subtypes: Planned Ignoring (removal of attention only) Reinforcer withdrawal (removal of reinforcing items) Time-Out Ribbon (loss of all reinforcement contingent on removal of a wearable signal) Contingent Observation (removal from reinforcing activities to an area where observation of those activities is still possible) Tips: Time-in must be highly reinforcing Ensure substitute reinforcement is not readily available Can have group applications

Exclusion Time-Out

Contingent removal from reinforcing environments for a specified period of time Subtypes: Time-out room (designated area that is devoid of reinforcement) Partitioning (placing a screen between the individual and the environment). Hallway Time-out Cautions: Escorting a person out of a reinforcing area can trigger more serious problem behavior. Removal may also include negative reinforcement (e.g., escape). Risk for self-harm or other destructive behavior. Incidental reinforcement opportunities exist for partitioning and hallway time-out Tips: Try non-exclusionary time-out before resorting to exclusionary time-out. Do not use time-out if the function of the behavior is escape or avoidance. Provide continuous non-interactive monitoring of the person while in time-out.

Response Cost

Contingent removal of a specified amount of reinforcement (e.g., time, tokens, money) Cautions: Removal can become a power struggle. If infraction cost is too high, there is nothing left to motivate rule following. If infraction cost is too low, the behavior will not decline. Tips: "Bonus" response cost may be less contentious (the person loses extra reinforcement that is not part of the daily routine). Base the cost structure on a good baseline and provide 25% more opportunities for reinforcement than this number would predict to be lost.. Embed an additional penalty for refusal to relinquish reinforcers. Use time-out as a backup plan for all reinforcement lost. Discontinue if the loss of points becomes reinforcing.

School Readiness

Counting - Letter Recognition - Color Recognition - Following Directions - Attention to Task

Which of the following should a RBT not do?

Create teaching procedures for a client

What section of the skill acquisition plan does the behavior technician find the current target?

D- target

RBT Task List: Behavior Reduction

D-1 Identify essential components of a written behavior reduction plan. D-2 Describe common functions of behavior. D-3 Implement interventions based on modification of antecedents such as motivating operationsand discriminative stimuli. D-4 Implement differential reinforcement procedures (e.g., DRA, DRO). D-5 Implement extinction procedures. D-6 Implement crisis/emergency procedures according to protocol.

Independent Problem Solving

Decreasing Reliance on Prompts or Assistance - Frustration Tolerance and Perseverance

What is the first step to implementing a behavior change program?

Defining the behavior

Implement Punishment Correctly: Assess the Value of the Punisher

Degree to which it addresses the function and effectively leads to behavior suppression Ease of implementation Social acceptability Degree to which it leads to additional negative behaviors (and create a plan for dealing with those).


Degree: B.A. ; B.S. Examination: BCaBA Exam License: LABA Supervision: BCBA


Degree: HS Diploma with 40 Hour Course Completion and Competency Demonstration Examination: RBT Exam License: None Supervision: BCBA or BCaBA


Degree: Ph.D ; Ed.D ; M.A. ; M.S. ; M.Ed. Examination: BCBA Exam License: LBA Supervision: None

Normalization and Least Restrictiveness

Deinstitutionalization Human Rights Committees to Oversee Treatments Treatment Hierarchies


Desired consequences that result in repetition of the behavior that led to them. Stimulus change that follows a behavioral response and increases the likelihood that response will occur again (strengthens the behavior).

What interventions should be used before punishment procedures are implemented with a client?

Differential Reinforcement Antecedent Intervention

What procedure does the following steps apply? 1. Measure current levels of behavior to get a baseline of how often the behavior is occurring and how far apart the behaviors are.​ 2. Set initial intervals lower than baseline to assure reinforcement.​ 3. Gradually increase the DRO interval by a constant duration depending on the learner's performance.​

Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)

Response differentiation involves what two components?

Differential reinforcement and changing the criteria for reinforcement

Functional Analysis

Direct form of functional behavior assessment in which antecedents and consequences are systematically tested to determine the controlling variables of a specific target behavior.

functional analysis

Direct form of functional behavior assessment in which antecedents and consequences are systematically tested to determine the controlling variables of a specific target behavior.

Rate and frequency counts require ___________________ behaviors.


Mixing and varying tasks as well as NET with DTT in a one session are ways to keep the learner engaged and enhances

Discrimination Generalization Attention

A=_____________ part of the DTT circle.

Discriminative Stimulus (SD) or Instruction

The term that refers to the instruction or question that begins a trial is ______________.

Discriminative stimulus (SD)

Preparing for a Preference Assessment

Do not include items you expect to be aversive Preference assessments should be fun and safe for the individual

Preparing for a Preference Assessment

Do not mix food and fun items Research shows individuals tend to choose food in the preference assessment, but that does not always mean food is preferred to activity for more extended training sessions. Have separate assessments for food and activities so you can use both in teaching sessions.


During testing, we collect data, and that data is what we use to draw conclusions. So, it is very important that we note and consider any variations from the design of our study. For example, if Fred was sick and ate in his room, or if a holiday occurred during the week and many of his housemates left, we could not say that fewer attempts at aggression were attributable to fewer people in the dining room with him while he ate.

What section of the skill acquisition plan does the instructor mark the introduction and mastery dates for each target in the program?

E & F

RBT Task List: Documentation and Reporting

E-1 Effectively communicate with a supervisor in an ongoing manner. E-2 Actively seek clinical direction from supervisor in a timely manner. E-3 Report other variables that might affect the client in a timely manner. E-4 Generate objective session notes for service verification by describing what occurred during the sessions, inaccordance with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements. E-5 Comply with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace data collection, storage, transportation, anddocumentation requirements.

Which of the following is an example of shaping frequency?

Each night, James is required to complete one more homework problem than he did the night before.

Schedules of Reinforcement

Effective use of reinforcement to shape behavior Explanation of mands and tacts Utopian society based on application of behavioral principles

To determine the ______________ of a reinforcer, the immediacy, contingency, deprivation and the size of the reinforcer should be evaluated.



Effortful behavior that is functionally or logically related to the problem behavior is required as consequence for the problem behavior. Subtypes: Restitutional Overcorrection - the person is required to repair some aspect of the environment that his or her behavior impacted, then improve it past its original state Simple Correction - the person is only required to restore the environment and not improve it. Positive Practice Overcorrection - the person is required to repeatedly perform a correct version of the incorrect behavior. Tips: Immediacy Do not include reprimand Continuous monitoring during the procedure Do not use praise and attention or other reinforcement during the procedure or once the behavior is corrected. Reserve this for spontaneous display of the correct behavior. Not advisable for learners who will rebel or become aggressive

Holding a client's legs so that they cannot kick is an example of

Emergency Physical Containment

Emotion Management

Emotion Management Withdrawal - Rumination - Anxious Behaviors - Depressive Behaviors - Repetitive Behaviors

In behavior analysis, behavior is functionally related to the


Safety Skills

Environmental Assessment - Household Security - Physical Safety - Financial Security - Community Navigation - Driving

Quality of Life, Positive Behavior Support, and Trauma-Informed Care

Environmental Deficiencies as Causes of Behavior System-wide implementation of programs to prevent problem behavior Adverse Childhood Events and risk of compounding learning history

First time person is presented with the task 1. Present task 2. Full prompt 3. Reinforce As the learner demonstrates proficiency, decrease the prompting from most intrusive to least intrusive. These are the steps of what type of teaching procedure?


____________ extinction is not allowing the individual to get out of a task with the behavior they have been able to in the past.


Pairing yourself with preferred activities, making activities more fun when you're involved, and giving free access to preferred activities are all strategies that help you _________.

Establish yourself as a reinforcer

The following is an example of a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement:

Every time Sara types 30 words, she earns a break from work.

A visual screen will be placed between Emily Ann and the rest of her class for five minutes after each shriek.

Exclusionary Time-Out

Organizational skills are an example of..

Executive Functioning Skills

Social Skills

Expected Responding - Sharing - Taking Turns - Expressing Empathy

A research method for testing different assumptions or a carefully contolled comparison of some measures of phenomenon of interest (dependent and independent variable) is


Verbal Behavior

Explanation of mands and tacts

___________ is the stopping or withholding of reinforcement following a previously reinforced behavior.


Have you ever put money in a vending machine, pushed the button, and then nothing came out? You might get irritated, push the buttons again and again, hit the machine, mutter expletives, shake the machine, and then finally leave the vending machine. This is an example of an ___________________

Extinction Burst

The challenges to extinction procedures are all EXCEPT:

Extinction procedures are most effective at behavior reduction when paired with antecedent intervention such as teaching and reinforcing replacement behaviors

RBT Task List: Professional Conduct & Scope of Practice

F-1 Describe the BACB's RBT supervision requirements and the role of RBTs in the service-delivery system. F-2 Respond appropriately to feedback and maintain or improve performance accordingly. F-3 Communicate with stakeholders (e.g., family, caregivers, other professionals) as authorized. F-4 Maintain professional boundaries (e.g., avoid dual relationships, conflicts of interest, social media contacts). F-5 Maintain client dignity.

"I'm so mad!" is a behavioral statement.


A behavior technician/analyst does not need ensure that the client is successful in obtaining the reinforcers they desire. Instead they may withhold desired items from the client until they comply with demands or respond as required.


A learner does not need to have anymore than one behavior technician implementing the goals and objectives from the treatment plan.


A schedule of reinforcement is a rule specifying which occurrences of reinforcement will be scored.


After a crisis situation has stabilized, the first thing the RBT should do is complete the required written documentation.


After the BCBA has conducted initial training with parents on their child's BIP, it is ok for the RBT to do an occasional refresher training if she observes them implementing it incorrectly.


All children with ASD will exhibit a skill deficit in the exact same way.


As a registered behavior technician your responsibilities would never involve having to prepare for a session.


Behavior Analysts can implement any approach and/or protocol with their clients as long as they have a strong interest in the approach and are committed to the intervention.


Behavior Analysts/RBTs do not have to comply with laws and regulations relating to mandated-reporting requirements.


Behavior Intervention Plans are used in clinical settings only.


Behavior analysts do not believe thoughts or feelings are real.


Behavior analytic conferences hosted by organizations such as ABAI and APBA are primarily focused on professional development of behavior analysts and are not a good source of information for RBTs.


Brian gets a token for every time he cleans up his area independently after an activity or task at school. On the first day using the token economy, Brian gets 3 out of 10 correct clean-ups; on the second day he gets 2 out of 10 and on the third day he gets 2 out of 10 again. The token in this scenario is a reinforcer.


Contingent exercise has been found to be useful in the treatment of pica.


Data collection is useful if you can work it in, but ABA plans do not require it.


Errorless Teaching should be used for all levels of acquisition (new, currently learning, mastered, or generalized tasks or skills).


Forming relationships with other people is something that should come easily to all clients with ASD.


Functional analysis provides higher certainty results with lower response effort than descriptive functional assessment.


IQ tests are not affected by things like language skills.


If a child struggles with changes in routine, it is best to design the family's schedule around the needs of the child


If you are having difficulty establishing instructional control in a clinic setting, you may have better luck with natural environment training.


It is important to vary the type and amount of work greatly from session to session to keep the client on their toes.


It is important, but not necessary to know what motivates the client during each treatment session.


Medication change, family crisis issues, or illness does not need to be documented because ABA only targets behavior change not other psychosocial or biological variables or factors.


Most people with developmental disabilities have the same support needs.


Multiple relationships, though they could have harmful effects, are inevitable.


Never allow free access to preferred activities. These should always be reserved as reinforcement for completing work tasks.


Once a Behavior Analyst or Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) receives all of the necessary training, supervision, and experience to start providing services to children, they no longer need more training, education, or supervision.


Only persons who have the ability to touch a screen or keyboard accurately can use a speech-generating device


People who serve on person-centered planning teams keep within the boundaries of their professional roles.


Person-centered planning teams are the same as IEP teams.


RBTs cannot be members of person-centered planning teams unless their BCBAs are on the same team.


RBTs conduct parent training.


RBTs do not have their own code of ethics but are bound by certain portions of the behavior analysts' code.


RBTs should dedicate all of their reading time to reading about behavior analysis.


Registered Behavior Technicians(RBTs) do not have to follow the Professional Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts because the code is for supervisors and and employers only.


Reinforcers always stay the same for a client.


Reinforcers increase desirable behaviors, so there are no harmful reinforcers.


Severe self injury and aggression, should not be assessed via functional analysis because of safety concerns.


Skinner believed his research was too scientific for the average person to understand and apply.


Skinner was a strong believer in free will.


Standardized assessments must be administered by a proctor.


Supervisors do not need to be notified of every incident report or crisis situation.


Telling child they will get a reward if they stop engaging in a problem behavior right now is an effective way to use reinforcement.


The ABAI approves requests to sit for the RBT exam.


The BCBA supervisor is the only practitioner in behavior-analytic services that should collect data and complete a functional behavior assessment (FBA).


The IISCA is an approach to functional assessment that moves Iwata's test conditions into the natural environment.


The learner's name should be used prior to every teaching trial to elicit their attention.


The main difference between direct clients and indirect clients is the power to consent.


The mnemonic to remember for performance feedback is BURRITO


The processes used in problem behavior intervention vary across the lifespan.


There are no long-term problems with engaging in excessive sensory or self-stimulatory behaviors.


There is no difference between behaviors that are escape and avoidance


There is no difference between bribery and reinforcement.


This session note is an appropriate description of the session.


True or False: A special blood test is now available to diagnose autism


True or False: Accepting gifts from clients is okay according to the BACB Ethics Code.


True or False: Behavioral excesses must first be reduced before behavioral deficits can be addressed.


True or False: Challenging behavior is the most common attribute observed by children with autism.


True or False: During BST, you, the trainee, will never actually practice working with the client. You will only observe.


True or False: RBTs should never share information about the field of Applied Behavior Analysis with anyone.


True or False: Symptoms of autism begin after 12-14 months of age


True or False: When working with clients, it is okay to finish your breakfast as long as you got to work on time.


Using timers to teach transitioning is not as effective as a the countdown technique.


When my supervisor presents me with multiple situations to see if I know when to implement a certain skill, (s)he clearly does not trust me to know what I am doing.


When punishment leads to a behavior improvement in one context, it may also improve in other contexts without punishment. This is called behavioral contrast.


When reporting your ABC recording data, the narrative should explain the graph.


When using shaping as a teaching procedure, you should never backup and reinforce previous responses.


Which is not an eligibility requirement for the RBT credential?

Five years experience working with clients

The child gets a reinforcer every 3rd correct response (1:3) This is an example of a _______________________ schedule of reinforcement.


In the DTT flow chart, when is errorless teaching applied?

Following the discriminative stimulus (SD)

The following is an example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement:

For every 60 minutes that Jacob practices the violin, he earns $1 from his parents.


Formal, systematic questioning of participants following a mission or undertaking in order to obtain useful information.3

Which of the following scenarios describes a RBT behaving ethically with respect to the RBT exam.

Fran does not share exam questions with anyone.

Which of the following statements is both observable and measurable?

Fred took three bites of his sandwich.

The BACB requires that when keeping records, you are honest and truthful. Which scenario best represents this code?

Frederika is an RBT. She works with a client from 10:00 to 12:00. She fills in those hours on her time sheet.

When should you begin building a positive relationship with the client?

From the beginning

The three types of behavior intervention strategies are all of the following EXCEPT:

Functional Behavior Analysis

A ________________ __________________ exists when a well-controlled experiment reveals that a specific change in one event (dependent variable) can reliably be produced by specific manipulations of another event (the independent variable) and that the change in the dependent variable was unlikely due to the results of other extraneous factors (confounding variables).

Functional relationship

A trial begins with:

Gaining the client's attention

When an organism begins to respond to previously neutral stimuli without direct conditioning, what has happened?


When an organism begins to respond to previously neutral stimuli without direct conditioning, what has happened? A. Generalization B. Indirect Conditioning C. Unconditioned responding


Getting behind a table, cluttering the environment, placing a pillow between the client and yourself, and wearing protective clothing are all examples of ___________________.

Geographical Containment or Inter-positioning

Setting events are stimuli in the environment that do not immediately happen before the problem behavior but still affect the probability that the behavior will occur and could be all of the following EXCEPT:

Getting a new car as a reward for graduating high school


Goal referenced Tangible and Transparent Timely Actionable Consistent Ongoing Specific

To visually analyze data, a behavior analysts create:


Motor Skills

Gross Motor - Fine Motor - Motor Imitation

Play Skills

Guided - Independent - Group

What information can be found on the Behavior Analysis Certification Board website?

Guidelines for scope of practice, code of conduct, and ethics

Clyde is supposed to do his homework every night and show it to his parents. He frequently refuses to comply. His parents began grounding him from his video games when he did not comply. Initially this worked, but now he just rolls his eyes and says, "No video games again, I know." They increased the amount of time he was grounded but this had no effect on the behavior.

Habituation to the punishment.

You are working with a learner whose BIP defines "tantrum" as screaming, crying, and throwing self to floor. While implementing her BIP today, she slapped the leg of a peer who walked by during a tantrum. The peer was not harmed, but was startled. What should you do?

Have someone else check on the peer while you continue to implement

You are working with a learner whose BIP defines "tantrum" as screaming, crying, and throwing self to floor. While implementing her BIP today, she slapped the leg of a peer who walked by during a tantrum. The peer was not harmed, but was startled. What should you do?

Have someone else check on the peer while you continue to implement the tantrum procedure. Notify your BCBA as soon as the tantrum ends. Yes, this is the best decision. Your BCBA needs to know a new behavior occurred and that another child was targeted for aggression. This is an unusual occurrence but it is not a crisis, so you need to keep your eyes on the learner until the tantrum ends

Health and Safety

Health Monitoring - Seeking Medical Care - Medication Management - First Aid - Exercise - Emergency Procedures

Ray frequently takes an extended lunch. His boss discovered this, gave him a written reprimand, and told him to return on time from now on. Ray's coworkers reported that he returned on time for a few days, but then returned to his extended lunches.

His boss is using an intermittent schedule too soon. He should be on an FR 1 schedule.

Leisure Skills

Hobbies - Community Connections - Developing New Interests - Volunteerism - Travel Skills

When graphing in Excel, gridlines should be


Life Skills

Household Chores - Time and Money - Making Choices - Healthy Living - Citizenship - Self-Monitoring

Independent Living

Household Maintenance - Housekeeping Skills - Cooking and Nutrition - Transportation - Navigation - Community Supports - Self Advocacy

Safety Skills

Household Risks - Streets and Vehicles - Personal Boundaries - Navigation - Accessing Help - Internet Safety - Bullying


How a behavior is used to meet the reinforcement needs of the person exhibiting it. The purpose of a behavior.


I know he lied because I know him well and I can sense when he is lying.


I know he lied because I saw him smoke a cigarette two minutes after he said he quit smoking.


I know he lied because he has a large forehead and people with large foreheads are liars.


I know he lied because he is a liar.


I know he lied because he said he quit smoking but I could smell it on his breath and taste it on his lips when I kissed him.


I know he lied because he told me he lied. Empirical

When my supervisor gives me critical feedback;

I should take the feedback in stride, learn from it, apply it, and asks additional questions for clarification.

Intellectual functioning is normally measured with a(n) ________ test.


Intellectual disability must be manifested in childhood and the person must have deficits in

IQ and adaptive behavior

Behavior Reduction Plan Components

Identifying Information -Active Dates -Confidentiality Information -Behaviors and Definitions -Prevention Strategies / Antecedent Controls -Response to Target Behaviors -Crisis Intervention / Procedural Safeguards -Materials -Data Collection Procedures

The following is an example of a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement:

If Sara types an average of 30 words, she earns a break from work.

Observable Behavior

If a stranger cannot be sure, it is NOT an observable behavior

Reprimands and Social Disapproval

If reprimands are the only form of attention given, they will become reinforcing High rates of reprimanding are an indication of ineffectiveness Habituation effects are strong Tips: Brief, Firm, immediate Statement Close Proximity Eye Contact Rarely administered Quietly administered so that only the individual can hear

Implement Punishment Correctly: Block Incidental Reinforcement

If the behavior is receiving reinforcement and punishment together, it will be more difficult to eliminate

Implement Punishment Correctly: Teach Alternative Behaviors

If the individual has no alternative behaviors to exhibit in response to the stimulus, the behavior will be more difficult to eliminate (and other aberrant behaviors may emerge).

Animal Training

If you have ever gone to Obedience school with your dog, you have experienced ABA. This type of animal training uses ABA principles to ensure owners learn behavior analysis techniques to train their dogs. This is generally accomplished through BST - the trainer teacher the owner what to do and why, allows the owner to practice the skill, and provides corrective feedback and reinforcement until the owner has mastered the teaching technique.

Jesse kicked his sister. His mother separated them and said, "Wait until your father gets home!" When his father came home six hours later, he was verbally reprimanded and his video game unit was removed for the next two days. He kicked and spit on his sister the next day.


These factors influence the effectiveness of reinforcement:

Immediacy, contingency, history, magnitude, effort

Punishment is Reinforcing to the Punisher

Immediate effect of misbehavior stopping reinforces the use of punishment, even if the long-term effects increase the problem behavior.

The rules for overcorrection are all EXCEPT:

Implement the overcorrection sequence 5 minutes after the occurrence of the problem behavior.


In gerontological settings, ABA is used to practice skills the person is at risk of losing, as well as establishing environments that are ripe with cues to assist people in knowing what to do and when to do it, enabling them to be less dependent on caretaker direction.

Health Related Behaviors

In heath care settings, ABA can be used to help people develop the self-management skills necessary for lifestyle behaviors that impact their health, such as eating healthy and stopping smoking. After receiving information about why a change is necessary, patients are assisted in setting up a program to create an environment in which change is possible, set goals to gradually change their behavior, monitor their progress, and deliver reinforcement for engaging in key activities.

The Stimulus is Presented

In this case, the girl sees hamburger on the menu.

When protected health information is disclosed inadvertently, this is called

Incidental disclosure

Preparing for a Preference Assessment

Include a wide array of items Items you expect to be preferred Novel stimuli Items to which you expect the individual to be indifferent

In backward chaining, the learner demonstrates the last task of the sequence


Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Components

Information from interviews Direct Observations Direct Testing

Which of the following is not a characteristic of DTT?

Initiated by the student

D= ___________________ is what part of the DTT circle?

Inter-trial Interval

Implement Punishment Correctly: Start with an FR 1 Schedule

Intermittent punishment can work later, but only if continuous reinforcement remains in place until the behavior is effectively eliminated.

When responses are not reinforced as often, we call this a (an):

Intermittent schedule of reinforcement

____ is another key recommendation for an ABA-based intervention.

Interventions should be intensive

RBT: "Where should we go?" Child: "The aquarium!." In this scenario, the child's response is a(n) ____________________.



Isolating an individual from others to interrupt and intervene with problem behavior that places the individual or others at risk of harm.

Which is true about the ADOS?

It assesses communication skills

Benefits of using a token economy includes:

It can increase the time between the target behavior and the delivery of back-up reinforcement. It can provide reinforcement without interruption to instruction. It can decrease likelihood of reinforcer satiation. **All of the above**

Which statement is true about the relationship building strategy of "showing care and respect"?

It is important to pay attention to changes in the client's behavior that might indicate illness and to make changes accordingly

Schedule thinning is important because:

It matches reinforcement in natural environment and makes the response resistant to extinction

Implement Punishment Correctly: Adjust the Magnitude

It must be felt as punishment It must not be excessive or abusive

The following is an example of a variable interval schedule of reinforcement:

Jacob's parents place a dollar bill in his piggy bank when he plays his violin for an average of 60 minutes each day.

Identify the RBT from the following scenarios who is practicing professional conduct.

Jarret smiles and says "good morning" to the bus driver each morning when he assists his client off the bus.

Identify the scenario in which the RBT is NOT behaving professionally.

Jillian came to work upset after fighting with her roommate. He was in a bad mood all day and did not smile once.

Which of the following scenarios represents a behavior analyst following the BACB Ethics code?

Joaquin locks the data he collected in a cabinet before he leaves the school for the day

Job Skills

Job Applications - Interview Skills - Customer Service - Time Management - Responding to Feedback - Specific Skills

Failed Negative Reinforcement (The nagging should stop when the task is completed).

Joe's mother nagged him to clean his room until he finally cleaned it. When he showed her his work, she responded with "Well, it is about time. Why do you always wait so long? Why do I have to stay on you like this?"

The Punisher is Paired with Punishment

Just as with reinforcement, a person who is consistently delivering punishments takes on the characteristics of a punisher.

Teaching a learner to wait is a necessary life-skill everyone needs to learn. The first step is to take baseline data to determine how long the child can currently wait. Second, set the target time to wait before receiving a reinforcer to

Just below the baseline time

The main goal of the practitioner during the physically acting-out stage of a crisis situation is to

Keep everyone safe

Failed Positive Punishment, because the criticism did not lead to Kelly changing her approach to developing project proposals.

Kelly worked really hard on a project proposal for a client, but her boss criticized her work and refused to present it to the client. Kelly was upset; she cried and complained a lot. Still, she believed in the project so she created a similar version of the same proposal for the next client.

Emotion Recognition

Labeling Emotions in Self - Labeling Emotions in Others - Labeling Emotions in Context

During a crisis situation, it is important that a practitioner controls their own behavior by all of the following EXCEPT:

Labeling the individual's behavior so that they realize what they are doing

Which is not a characteristic demonstrated by individuals with autism?

Lack of vocal speech

You know you have built a strong, positive relationship when both you and the client _________ when you're together.

Laugh and smile often

Fill in the blank: _________ is a change in behavior that endures over time.


The components of teaching for generalization include all of following EXCEPT:

Learning occurs only during treatment sessions

Classical Conditioning

Learning process in which a neutral stimulus (NS) becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS) through repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus (US).

The dangers of physical restraints are

Legal Implications Asphyxia Emotional, physical, and mental distress for both the practitioner and the client

Sandra is diagnosed with ASD, has a job with a part-time job coach, lives in an apartment with a roommate, and attends weekly classes to assist her with life skills such as paying bills and how to make a shopping list. What level of support might best describe her severity level?

Level 1

Which of the following could be an example of an impairment in communication?

Limited or complete absence of vocal speech Repetitive language Difficulty understanding language **All of the above**

Failed positive reinforcement, as the behavior did not increase in the future.

Lincoln's father was so proud of him for building a bookcase. He lavished praise on Lincoln and showed the bookcase to everyone who came to the house. Lincoln enjoyed the attention, but never built another thing.

_____ and _____ are examples of social impairment

Little interest in sharing information with others and limited eye contact

Joint Attention

Looking where an adult looks - Following a point - Initiating joint attention

Fade within categories of prompts by adjusting


Estelle has repeatedly asked her husband not to throw his dirty socks in the floor. He continues to do so, even when she becomes very angry and yells at him about it. He laughs at her when she yells and says she doesn't know how to look and sound mad.

Magnitude of the punisher is too mild.

Social Participation

Maintaining Friendships - Finding New Friends - Multigenerational Interaction Skills

Being a _____ means that an individual is required to report suspected cases of abuse.

Mandatory reporter

Which of the following scenarios represents a behavior analyst following the BACB Ethics code?

Mark is disposing of his old clients' records. He always used numbers and codes to keep track of records. He shreds all records.

Which of the following scenarios describes a RBT behaving ethically with respect to the use of other therapies.

Mark provides both behavioral intervention as a RBT and speech therapy to his clients. He separates those services and bills for them separately.

Visual Perception

Matching, Scanning, Sorting

Emotional and Aggressive Reaction

May be directed to the punisher or to the immediate environment, including bystanders Emotional or aggressive responding may lead to escaping the punishment, creating a reinforcement cycle in which these less-preferred behaviors increase.

Free Operant

Measure: Duration of interaction

Single Stimulus

Measure: Duration of interaction

Multiple Stimulus with Replacement

Measure: Frequency

Paired Stimulus

Measure: Frequency

Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement

Measure: Rank Order

Healthy Living

Medication Management - Health Advocacy - Health Monitoring - Exercise and Strength Conditioning - Complying with Medical Care Plans - Nutrition

Positive Punishment Behavior - Ate excess calories 4 times in one week Consequence - Run one mile for every 100 extra calories Future Behavior - Ate excess calories only 2 times in one week

Meg is trying to lose weight. For every 100 calories she ingests over her diet plan, she requires herself to run an extra mile. Last week she had to run 4 extra miles. This week she exceeded her calorie allotment twice.

Maintaining Skills

Mobility - Self-Care - Housekeeping Skills - Sleep Hygiene - Personal Hygiene - Toileting

Shaping can be a slow, time-consuming process. What is one way to effectively speed up the process?

Model the desired response for the individual.

In which of the following preference assessments is the individual only allowed to choose each item one time?

Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement

Working as an RBT

Must have BCBA or BCaBA Supervising you May not Work as an Independent Contractor No Formal Continuing Education Requirements Must Adhere to the RBT Code of Ethics

A teacher suspects that students who can say all of their multiplication facts in under two minutes perform better on three-digit by two-digit division. What type of graph would be useful for determining if this is true?

NOT C. Bar chart

What type of reinforcer is turning off the light?


Your girlfriend tells you to go take a shower because you smell bad, you go take a shower and the smell goes away. You showering before you see her from that time on. Having a shower to remove the bad smell is a ________________ reinforcer.


The buzzing sound stopping after you push the snooze button on your alarm and continuing to do so every time the alarm goes off is an example of

Negative Reinforcement

What kind of reinforcer is drying of hands with a towel when they are wet if drying hands increases in the future?

Negative Reinforcer

What types of professionals typically give the autism diagnosis?

Neurologists, psychologists, and developmental pediatricians

Greg does not like for his letters to be incorrectly formed, so he erases frequently. Sometimes he erases so much that he causes holes in his paper. His teacher decided to change this behavior, so she sat next to him while he wrote an essay. Every time he started to erase, she blocked the movement and firmly told him "no." Greg complained and begged to be allowed to erase, but she did not allow it. It took three times as long as usual to write the essay, and the next day he returned to frequent erasing.

No alternative behavior

With regard to dating and intimacy, consent should be taught when the person is considering a sexual relationship.

No, consent must be taught long before this point.

Is this a behavioral statement? Elizabeth is being bossy.

No, it is neither observable nor measurable.

Emily Ann will wear a special bracelet that signals she may participate in all reinforcing activities and receive teacher attention freely. When she shrieks, the ribbon will be removed for 3 minutes and she will not be allowed to participate in reinforcing activities or receive teacher attention.

Non-exclusionary Time-Out (Time-Out Ribbon)

Behavior: Jumping Slapping Chewing your lip

Not Behavior: Getting excited Being hostile Worrying

Francesca's mother rated her homework effort a 4 out of 5 today.

Not Measurable

Measurable: How many times Brandon jumped How many times Chrissy slapped Dana How long Eric chewed his lip

Not Measurable: How much excitement Brandon felt How much hostility Chrissy felt How long Eric worried

Grant loves to do flashcards

Not Observable

Which document required by HIPAA details client rights involving release of information?

Notice of Privacy Practices


Observation often begins with something a person happens to notice in the course of their work, but proceeds as a more systematic form of observation. For example, I might notice Francis attempts to hit people more often right after meals. To conduct a more systematic observation, I will plan to observe Francis at scheduled intervals throughout the day and record how often he tries to hit.

Scientific Method

Observation, Define, Hypothesis, Test, Conclude


Once the hypothesis is formed, we consider how we can design one or more scenarios to determine if it has merit. Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that Fred hits more at breakfast and supper because the dining room is more crowded. At lunch, some of his housemates at the group home are at work or day programs. What scenarios would be useful to design for testing?

Two possible answers: Positive reinforcement, because the first win led to an increase in casino attendance. Failed negative punishment, because the money losses did not cause her to decrease casino attendance.

Opal went to the casino for the first time and won $500 on a slot machine. She returned every week for a year, and ended up losing a total of $5000.

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) is a branch of ABA that works with companies to develop systems that capitalize on proven techniques for teaching skills (such as BST), keeping people performing mastered skills as a high level, and ensuring high performing people receive the right kinds of reinforcers to continue working for the company.

Executive Functioning

Organizational Skills - Time Management - Planning - Prioritizing - Risk/Benefit Analysis

When Emily Ann shrieks, she will be required to emit the low volume, low pitched request for attention she was taught in therapy 10 times in a row.

Overcorrection (Positive Practice)

The DSM 5th Edition now considers which under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):

PDD-NOS Autistic Disorder Asperger Syndrome **All of the above**

Purposeful ingestion of inedible objects.


Momentary Time Sampling for groups


Parent Training

Parent training can be a component of intensive ABA services. It may also be a stand-alone services. ABA-based parent training is not just lecture-based. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is a specialized form of ABA-based teaching in which information is given about a skill, the learner practices the skill, and the teacher provides immediate corrective feedback and/or reinforcement for correct performance.

Choice, Consent, and Civil Rights

Person-Centered Planning Informed Assent Right to Refuse Treatment Over-representation of certain demographic groups as recipients of punishing consequences in schools


Personal Information - Navigation - Daily Routines - Personal History

Self-Advocacy Skills

Personal Rights - Caregiver Selection - Signs of Abuse - Abuse Reporting

In the Tension Phase of a crisis situation, the practitioner can use all of the following EXCEPT:

Physical restraint

Response Blocking

Physically blocking the completion of a problem behavior Useful For: Self-injury Self-stimulatory movements Pica (when function is sensory) Tips: Use least force necessary and only by trained personnel Combine with verbal reprimand Risk of aggressive side effects Best when used along with teaching of an alternative behavior


Physically holding or securing the individual, either briefly to interrupt and intervene with severe problem behavior or for an extended period of time using mechanical devices to prevent otherwise uncontrollable problem behavior that has the potential to produce serious injury

Which is an example of positive reinforcement?

Play a guitar and everyone cheers; playing a guitar is strengthened.

Systems Constraints that Block Implementation

Political, administrative, or economic pressures that conflict with the philosophy Misunderstandings caused by jargon and word meaning differences Peer pressure resulting in inconsistent reinforcement delivery Limited Resources Values interfering with the concept of reinforcement Compromises necessary to remain in the applied setting.

Carla is a Registered Behavior Technician who is teaching her client, James to identify letters of the alphabet when shown on index cards. Carla puts three cards with different letters on each in front of James. She places the card with the letter G closest to James and the other two cards slightly further away from him. She then gives the instruction, "Point to G." James points to the letter G and Carla says, "That's right! you pointed to the letter G." Placing the card with the letter G closer to James is what kind of prompt?

Positional prompt

What type of reinforcer is turning on the hot water if it continues or increases over time?


Overcorrection and Positive Practice are two types of ________________ procedures.

Positive Punishment

The two types of reinforcement are:

Positive and negative reinforcement

Personal Hygiene

Post-Puberty Additions to Hygiene Routines

Educational Performance

Precision Teaching (PT) and Direct Instruction (DI) are ABA-based academic instruction methods that involve teaching basic skills to fluency and charting performance to track rate of learning and deciding when to move to the next learning objective.

ADHD has three types:

Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined type

Which of the following could be an example of an impairment in social interaction?

Preference to play alone

___________________ a way to determine reinforcers by observing the client choose activities when given a variety of possibilities.

Premack Principle

Positive Punishment

Presentation of an undesired stimulus following a behavior. This leads to a decrease in the future frequency of that behavior.

Implement Punishment Correctly: Use a Variety of Punishers

Prevents habituation

Behavior Management

Problem Behavior Reduction - Replacement Behavior Development

____________ can be defined as a high standard of behavior expected of any individual working in any profession.


The instructor should make sure that the response is elicited by the discriminative stimulus rather than the _____________.


Effective ways of improving challenging attention-seeking behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT:

Provide edible reinforcers

Which of the following is an example of shaping an individual to swing a golf club correctly (i.e., take the appropriate backswing, swing the club down to the ball, and follow through with the swing)?

Provide positive reinforcement for any swing that resembles a golf swing. Then, provide reinforcement for closer and closer approximations of a correct golf swing and withhold reinforcement for poorer approximations of a correct golf swing.


Purposeful ingestion of inedible materials

Training for Implementors

RBTs Clients and Families Natural Setting Partners


Reading Comprehension - Written Expression - Test Prep - Study Skills

Which of the following would not be a good example of the applicability of ABA?

Regular education Special education Businesses **All are good examples**

___________assessment determines what stimuli will actually increase or maintain a behavior when presented as a consequence over time.


In a token economy, a token is earned for target behaviors and exchanged for


Preferences 1. People often select them when given a choice 2. May be context-specific 3. Subject to deprivation and satiation effects 4. The behavior that precedes them does not always increase when they are presented

Reinforcers 1. People often select them when given a choice 2. May be context-specific 3. Subject to deprivation and satiation effects 4. The behavior that precedes them always increases when they are presented

Differential Reinforcement of Alternate Behaviors

Reinforcing an appropriate alternative to the problem behavior and eliminating or decreasing the problem behavior

Discrimination training involves:

Reinforcing some responses and not reinforcing other responses

Which of the following is part of shaping?

Reinforcing the closest approximation to the target behavior and putting other responses on extinction.


Relinquishing Reinforcers - Tolerating Delays - Accepting No - Tolerating Boredom - Self-Calming

Negative Punishment

Removal of a desired stimulus following a behavior. This leads to a decrease in the future frequency of that behavior.

Learned Helplessness

Repeated punishment in the absence of reinforcement for alternative behaviors leads to a cessation of all actions.

Self-Stimulatory Behavior

Repetition of non-purposeful movement or sounds

In what section of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) would you find the strategy describing how to implement the use of Functional Communication Training?

Replacement Behaviors

When Emily Ann shrieks, her teacher will state "NO," one time firmly and walk away from her.


Contingent Exercise

Requiring a person to perform movements unrelated to the problem behavior Effective Uses: Self-stimulatory movements, Disruptive behaviors, Aggression, Self-injury

single subject design

Research method in which treatment effectiveness is shown by demonstrating change from one condition to the next in an individual or small group.

operant conditioning

Responding is conditioned through manipulation of consequences according to the law of effect.

Emily Ann will be allowed to have 10 minutes of undivided attention from her teacher at break time and lunch time. Each time she shrieks, she will lose one minute of that time.

Response Cost (Bonus Response Cost)

The role of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) in behavior-analytic services is all EXCEPT:

Responsible for all of the RBT's actions

Punishment is Preferred as a Clinical Intervention

Risk for serious physical harm warrants rapid suppression of the behavior Reinforcement has been tried, and the behavior continues at socially unacceptable levels The reinforcer maintaining the behavior cannot be withheld

Behaviors are Suppressed, but Not Replaced with Skills

Risk of developing learned helplessness


SERVES AS THE CONDITION OF COMPARISON The assessor provides free access to preferred tangibles and continuous positive attention to the subject for the entire duration of the session. No directives are given. There is no change in response from the assessor when the target behavior is displayed. The data collector records the frequency of the target behavior. Note: This condition is sometimes referred to as the play condition.

Who conducts an AAC assessment?


The acronym to remember for goal setting is


Alone Condition Special Considerations

Safety Safety Safety is duration relevant is it really attention seeking

Jake is a teacher and has been teaching his student, Sarah to write her name. After a few days of teaching, Sarah wrote her name independently for the first time. What type of reinforcement should Jake provide for this response?

Sarah's favorite snack or toy. A highly enthusiastic praise statement. Increased physical interaction such as high fives. **Any of the above.**

Radical Behaviorism

School of behaviorism that views behavior as a natural event resulting exclusively from interactions with the environment.

What do behavior analysts rely on in making professional judgments in human service provision?

Science and behavior analysis

ABA uses the ___________________ method or on going experimentation to determine the reasons people engage in behaviors.


Observing if a child can imitate you playing with a toy, follow a point, and point to a light are all examples of what?

Screening activities a parent can do at home

_____________________ acquire reinforcing properties by being paired with ____________.

Secondary reinforcers; primary reinforcers

If data analysis shows that the teaching procedure is not working, you should:

Seek help from your BCBA supervisor

Decreasing reliance on others to access resources and assert ones' rights.

Self Advocacy

SEAT stands for

Sensory, Escape, Attention, Tangibles

A behavior is considered "defined" when it can be ________________, measurable, and objectively observed.


Noise, lighting, schedule changes, transitions, or complicated instructions are all examples of

Setting Events

___________allows you to build a desired target behavior in steps and reward those behaviors that come progressively closer to the behavior that has been selected as the final goal.


Jenny hates pep rallies because of the noise, physical closeness, and unpredictable movements of the crowd. She responded by screaming and pushing several of her fellow students to the floor as she eloped from the room. The principal made her write "I will not hurt my friends" 50 times on the blackboard. However, the next time there was a pep rally, she did the same thing.

She needs antecedent interventions.

A Response Is Made

She orders and eats the hamburger.

Future Behavior

She's not likely to order the hamburger again.

Which is not a key component of differential reinforcement?

Show the child the correct response.

What are the steps of error correction?

Show the correct response, give the SD, allow the client to respond, provide reinforcement

Trixie's student engages in a high rate of self-injurious behaviors. She collects data on head banging, eye gouging, and self-biting. She does not include hair tugging because compared to the other behaviors, hair tugging is not _______________.


The preference assessment method in which children are presented with one item at a time.

Single Stimulus

As a registered behavior technician, what type of skills can you expect to be teaching to your clients?

Skill selection is individualized based on each client's needs. Therefore, you could teach any type of skill to a client.

Which is an example of showing enthusiasm?

Smiling and celebrating the client's successes

A disorder similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder but without the related behavioral symptoms

Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

According to scientists, our behavior is a result of all of EXCEPT:

Social cognition


Social justice movement designed to make available to all people with disabilities patterns of life and conditions of everyday living which are as close as possible to the regular circumstances and way of life or society.

Developmental Disabilities

Some young children with DD may qualify for intensive ABA, similar to that provided to children with Autism. ABA is also used across the lifespan for people with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities to teach functional skills and reduce challenging behaviors. This is usually provided through Medicaid or Medicaid waiver programs. Applications of ABA are also used in school settings to teach behavioral skills to students with other forms of DD, such as ADHD.

Which of the following could NOT be an RBT supervisor?

Someone who has been a Registered Behavior Technician for at least five years

In which step of BST does the supervisor demonstrate the target skill?

Step 3

From the sample programs provided, what antecedent approach is this: KEEP RATE OF REINFORCEMENT LOW AND GRADUALLY INCREASE Start with a dense schedule of reinforcement. If your learner tolerates a VR10 a slow fading of rate could look like this: 1. Demand‐Reinforce 2. Demand, Demand‐Reinforce 3. Demand, Demand, Demand‐Reinforce 4. Demand, Demand, Demand, Demand‐ Reinforce 5. Demand, Demand, Demand, Demand, Demand‐Reinforce Continue until you are AVERAGING ten responses before delivering reinforcement.

Stimulus Demand Fading


Stimulus change that occurs after a behavior and decreases future occurrences of the behavior.

These statements about the role of the RBT in behavior-analytic services are all true EXCEPT:

Supervisors should not have to instruct the RBT on how to collect ABC data and their role in assisting with individualized assessment procedures.


Systematic study of worldly phenomena through observation and experiment.


TESTS FOR: AUTOMATIC REINFORCEMENT The subject is placed in a barren room alone for the entire duration of the session. The data collector records the frequency with which the target behavior is displayed.


TESTS FOR: SOCIAL NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT Assessor presents a task and prompts the subject to engage in the task until the subject displays the target behavior. At that point, the assessor states "you don't have to," and removes the task briefly. This process is continued until session time ends. The data collector records the frequency of the target behavior.


TESTS FOR: SOCIAL POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Assessor sits in room with subject and engages in some activity such as reading a magazine. Assessor ignores subject until subject engages in the target behavior. Brief attention is given immediately following the target behavior, then assessor resumes ignoring the subject. This process is repeated until the session time ends. Data collector records the frequency of the target behavior. NOTE: The same process is followed if access to tangibles is being tested, except access to a preferred item is given instead of attention.


Taking the definition of the problem we have formed, we now speculate about factors that contribute to it and form one or more hypotheses to test. This process is driven by previous experience (ours and others' - so we do our research!). For Fred, we may begin by pondering what is different about lunch? Maybe Fred takes (or does not take) a medication at lunch; maybe the types of foods served are different; maybe the location is different.... We seek additional information to determine which hypotheses are plausible enough to test.

Behavioral excesses are to behavioral deficits as: a: attention skills is to communication skills b: aggression is to property destruction c: tantrums is to attention skills d: play skills is to stereotypic speech

Tantrums is to attention skills

Negative Punishment Behavior - Driving over the speed limit Consequence - Fine (Removal of money) Future Behavior - No more driving over the speed limit

Tara was driving 90 mph in a 70 mph zone when she was pulled over by the Highway Patrol Officer. He gave her a ticket that cost her $200. Tara drives 70 mph on that highway since then.

Attention To Task

Task Acceptance - Task Initiation - On-Task Duration - Attention to Detail - Accepting Performance Feedback - Error Correction

Which teaching example describes discrete trial teaching?

Teaching a client to read words by first teaching the skill of labeling letters, then the skill of saying the sounds of letters, and then sounding out multiple letters in a row to read a word.

An author who has Autism and writes about the differences between how people with Autism and neurotypical people experience the world is

Temple Grandin

What is the fourth step in the scientific method

Test the hypothesis

What is the fourth step in the scientific method

Testing your hypothesis

Respect and Dignity Self-Monitoring Questions

The Golden Rule: If I was in a car accident tomorrow that impaired my ability to care for myself, would I want to be treated this way? Is this a health and safety issue? And is there an imminent threat? Does this task have to be done at all? Does this task have to be done right here, right now? Am I in a control battle?

Failed Negative Punishment Behavior - cursed 18 times in one week Consequence - lose 25 cents per curse word Future behavior - cursed an average of 20 curse words per week

The Hubbard family implemented a "curse jar" in which anyone caught using swear words had to deposit a quarter into the jar. The first week, Mr. Hubbard contributed 18 quarters. The second week, he contributed 16 quarters. The third week, he contributed 25 quarters. The fourth week, he contributed 19 quarters.


The basic unit of behavior

To determine if the child has learned to make discriminations, record data on:

The child's response to each antecedent stimulus

Which is an example of shaping?

The coach of a basketball team providing praise to her players each time they throw the ball more accurately.

____ is a key recommendation for an ABA-based intervention.

The family should be involved in the treatment

Which of the following is the best definition of "prevalence?"

The portion of the population found to have a certain condition like autism

Behavior Analysis

The science of human behavior.

Applied Behavior Analysis

The scientific practice of applying the principles of behavior analysis to solve socially meaningful human problems.

Which of the following is not true about doctor screenings?

The screenings have about an 85% accuracy rate and that rate increases at the next screening when deficits are more obvious

Negative Reinforcement Stimulus - Annoying sounds Behavior - Removing batteries Consequence - Annoying sounds stop

The smoke detector malfunctioned at Langley's house, and started to alert once per hour. After the third time, Langley removed the batteries. The smoke detector made no more noise.

The Discriminative Stimulus is all of the following EXCEPT:

The stimulus that corrects the response


Theory that knowledge derives from sensory experience.

The benefits of teaching in the natural environment or incidentally are all EXCEPT:

There are fewer learning trials thus contributing to a slower acquisition rate

All the following are correct about risk factors for autism except______.

There are no genetic conditions associated with autism

What is the difference between a behavior reduction plan and a behavior intervention plan?

There is no real difference. Schools use one term while clinics tend to use the other

This is Observable: 1. Jumping 2. Slapping Someone 3. Chewing Your Lip

This is NOT Observable: 1. Getting Excited 2. Being Hostile 3. Worrying

Punishing Consequence Occurs

This time, she feels sick.

Which of the following is true about the purpose of this training?

This training is required in order to obtain the RBT credential This training will cover all content areas on the RBT task list This training will provide you with information on applied behavior analysis and related strategies **All of the above**

Which of the following was an early version of Skinner's principle of reinforcement?

Thorndike's Law of Effect

Interval schedules of reinforcement are based on:


Implement Punishment Correctly: Apply the Consequence Immediately

Time delay decreases effectiveness

Implement Punishment Correctly: Deliver the Punisher at the Beginning of the Behavioral Chain

To avoid contact with reinforcement

Implement Punishment Correctly: Use Antecedent Interventions

To decrease the MO for the problem behavior

Self-Care Skills

Toileting - Dressing - Feeding - Personal Hygiene - Sleeping - Stating Personal Information

Which is not one of the components of HIPAA?


Which of the following is listed as a possible support need for people with developmental disabilities?


Assessment and Decision- Making

Treatment Integrity Progress Tracking

A Behavior Intervention or Support Plan includes a thorough description of the following: 1)Antecedent Interventions (Proactive Procedures) 2)Replacement Behaviors (Verbal or Task Behavior Programs) 3)Consequence Intervention (Reactive Procedures) 4)Data collection system or protocol to measure progress


A back-up reinforcer is a primary or secondary reinforcer selected by the client.


A behavior analysts should report non-certified or non-registered practitioners to the appropriate licensing board and to the BACB of the practitioners are misrepresenting BACB certification or registration status.


A behavior chain is a series of related behaviors, each of which provides the cue for the next and the last that produces a reinforcer.


A multiple relationship is one in which a behavior analyst is in both a behavior-analytic role and a non-behavior-analytic role simultaneously with a client or someone closely related to the client


A skill is not generalized if the learner can only respond to one particular instruction and when it is stated exactly the same way.


A theoretical difference between a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement verses a variable-ratio schedule is that the variable-ratio schedule is not predictable and uncertain for the individual receiving the reinforcement.


ABA is only interested in solving socially meaningful behavior problems of humans.


ABA takes the findings of B.F. Skinner's experiments and applies those theories of learning (Operant Conditioning) to human beings.


All Behavior Intervention Plans must include data collection procedures.


All behavior serves a function.


All data should be graphed.


All individuals engage in sensory or self-stimulatory behaviors.


All programs should be focused on increasing independence through prompt fading.


An advanced skill within the category of task-related behavior includes accepting feedback and correcting errors.


As a registered behavior technician you will be working directly with clients.


At the beginning of teaching an individual to transition, you want to have them transition from a preferred or reinforcing activity or item to another equally preferred activity or item.


BIPS are often revised.


Behavior Analysts/RBTs do not exploit persons over whom they have supervisory, evaluative, or other authority such as supervisees, employees, research participants, and clients.


Behavior Analysts/RBTs should not engage in sexual relationships with clients, students, or supervisors/supervisees because such relationships easily impair judgment or become exploitative.


Behavior Intervention Plans are confidential documents.


Behavior Intervention Plans are derived from Functional Behavior Assessments.


Behavior Intervention Plans typically include strategies for prevention as well as response to problem behavior.


Behavior analysts are qualified to provide services to clients with a variety of needs not just individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental delays.


Behavior analysts recognize that parameters of consent for disclosure should be acquired at any time during the defined relationship.


Behavior analysts seek to explain how behavior initially developed, how it changed over time, and how it can be purposely changed through intervention.


Behavior rate is expressed as n occurrences per x time period.


Behaviors can have multiple functions.


Client records and data must be stored and retained for 7 years and or as otherwise required by law.


Continuous reinforcement is used when teaching a new response.


Discovering the client's most powerful reinforcers will give the RBT the tools they need to assist in behavior change for the client.


Don't blame the learner or their diagnosis if they are not generalizing the skills you have taught them.


Exchanging gifts constitutes a multiple relationship.


Fixed ratio and variable ratio schedules of reinforcement are both based on number of responses.


Generalization can be systematic and broken-down into very small manageable steps.


If a client has an extraordinary day with a high rate of behavior that is not likely to be repeated in the future, you do not have to adjust the y-axis to accommodate it.


If there are errors found in a Behavior Analysts/RBT's data collection, even though data has been submitted, they can take the steps to correct or retract such errors.


Imitation is a means for acquiring new knowledge and skills.


In DTT, reinforcers should be provided when the learner demonstrates proficiency to do the next step without being trained.


In Incidental or Natural Environment Teaching, probe data is used instead of trial by trial data.


In errorless teaching, you do not allow the child to make mistakes.


In teaching generalization, parents and teachers can vary in what and how they teach and manage behaviors.


In the physically acting-out phase of a crisis situation there is nothing that the practitioner can do that is therapeutic.


Incident reporting is required for a crime, emergency or occurrence that is immediately dangerous to life, health, or the company as a whole that has occurred or may occur in the workplace.


It is appropriate for an RBT to ask for feedback if they are having difficulty implementing a program or procedure.


It is important for behavior technicians to avoid being hit or kicked by staying out of the way or blocking the strike


It is important when conducting discrete trial teaching, that the instructor should not be predictable in the way they teach to avoid the learner from solving presentation patterns rather than learning to discriminate.


Just because a behavior occurs in the absence of other people does not mean the behavior does not have some form of social reinforcement maintaining it.


Just because someone chooses something does NOT mean it is also a reinforcer.


Kids who are perpetually grounded are not actually punished by grounding.


Learners do not want to be incorrect when learning a new skill.


Learning = the experiences that change our behavior


Life skills instruction is enhanced by teaching the child to self-monitor his or her own efforts.


Mands should be taught before Tacts


Most of what we do has been influenced by reinforcement or operant conditioning.


Motor imitation skills are important precursor skills for verbal behavior.


Negative reinforcement occurs when something already present is removed (taken away) as a result of a behavior and the behavior that led to this removal will increase in the future because it created a favorable outcome.


New requirements for hygiene arise in puberty.


Observing the client in the natural/target setting is another way to assess their skills.


Person-Centered Planning processes may affect the behaviors that are selected for behavior analytic intervention.


Positive behavior support seeks to eliminate the need for punishment.


Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement have the same result. They both strengthen behavior.


Probing is a skills test given to the client.


RBT: "say ball" Child: "ball" This is an example of an echoic skill.


RBTs are responsible for knowing a child's behavior intervention plan.


Reinforcers are not always preferences.


Reinforcers should be provided for unexpected or positive behavior(s) during discrete trial teaching.


Relationship building strategies should be used all the time, during every session.


Scratching yourself to remove an itch is an example of automatic negative reinforcement.


Self-correction is acceptable during instruction if done prior to the instructor's feedback. However, repeated self-correction for the same target may indicate scrolling.


Singing to yourself is an example of automatic positive reinforcement.


Social skills training is enhanced by teaching children and adolescents to use slang.


Socially important behaviors should be selected to teach when choosing any instructional method.


Tasks within the category of Measurement primarily involve data collection and graphing.


The "RBT" acronym next to the listed Code in the Professional & Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts are those codes relevant to the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT).


The BACB holding the Registered Behavior Technician certification requires you to comply with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace data collection, storage, transportation, and documentation requirements.


The BCBA Supervisor conducts a skills assessment on the client before treatment starts.


The Behavior Analysis Certification Board oversees all credentials in behavior analysis.


The RBT may be assigned to conduct Reinforcement Assessment Interviews.


The Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) Competency Assessment should only be conducted with a BCBA Supervisor after all of the 40-hours of RBT Training is completed.


The Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) violated HIPAA in this example.


The Requirements Coordinator has a different role than the supervisor, and is responsible for making sure that the RBT has a BCBA supervisor.


The benefit to implementing chaining procedures is that they break down difficult or multi-step skills into simpler tasks so that the target skill does not seem so overwhelming.


The goal of ABA is to change behavior that are socially important to the individual and will benefit them in multiple ways.


The most intrusive prompt type is the full physical prompt.


The supervisor and RBT must be employed by the same organization OR the supervisor must have a contractual relationship with the client.


There are unlimited ways and materials you can use in a token economy.


There is a difference between reinforcement and a reinforcer.


Those who provide behavior-analytic services to ABA to clients must collect, keep, and store data according confidentiality laws, and provide graphs to meet ethical standards.


To thin an interval schedule, gradually increase the duration of the time interval that must elapse before the reinforcer can be delivered.


True or False: Behavioral skills training is the type of training you will receive to learn how to work with clients.


True or False: Clients have the right to effective services to be delivered by competent professionals.


True or False: Confidentiality must be maintained when behavior analysts create records, store records, access records, transfer records, and dispose of records.


True or False: It is a good idea to take notes when receiving feedback.


True or False: RBTs must uphold the principles of applied behavior analysis in all aspects of their work.


True or False: The goal of corrective feedback is to decrease the behavior the trainee is doing wrong.


True or False: There is a correlation between the time a child begins intervention and their prognosis.


True or False? Initially when using shaping, reinforcement is provided for a response that is similar to the target response.


When first teaching a new skill it is especially important to follow this principle of providing reinforcement immediately after every target behavior has occurred.


When starting a session, it is important provide reinforcers and samples of reinforcers before placing demands on the learner.


When teaching children to brush their teeth, we almost always use most-to-least prompting


You must pass a background check in order to become an RBT.


_________________ assessment is based on the typical developing milestones for "typically" developing children.



Trying New Things - Accepting Environmental Changes - Accepting Unplanned Schedule Changes - Doing Things in Multiple Ways

Intimate Relationships

Types of Relationships - Dating - Consent - Accepting Rejection - Sexuality

A developmental disability is a(n)...



Undesirable consequences that result in decreases in the behavior that led to them Stimulus change that follows a behavioral response and decreases the likelihood of the response recurring (weakens the behavior).


Using All Learning Channels - Accessing the Curriculum - Basic Skills Fluency - Study Skills

Which play example might not be demonstrated by a child with autism?

Using a plastic banana as a telephone

Implementation of Intervention

Using the procedures Collecting data Reporting

Effective procedures for preventing violent behaviors and crisis situations are all EXCEPT:

Using time-out

Walden Two

Utopian society based on application of behavioral principles

_________________ assessment is based on the typical developing milestones for "typically" developing children.


Motivating operations (MO) is the establishing operation (EO) that increases the _______ of the reinforcer.


Billy frequently curses in class. Knowing that he likes peer attention, his teacher sends him to sit in the hallway for the remainder of the class when he curses. However, his cursing is not decreasing.

Value of the punisher OR Incidental reinforcement

Myrtle does not like it when her husband drinks alcohol. If he goes to the bar after work, she refuses to speak to him for the rest of the night. He continues to go to the bar about once per week.

Value of the punisher or incidental reinforcement

________________ schedules of reinforcement are the most resistant to extinction procedures.

Variable ratio or intermittent

The assessment: _____________________________________ assesses adaptive behavior which refers to an individual's typical performance of the day-to-day activities required for personal and social sufficiency, these scales assess what a person actually does, rather than what he or she is able to do.

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales II

Enhanced Predictability Measures are

Visual Supports Activity Schedules First-Then Visuals Timers

Language and Communication Skills

Vocal Imitation (Echoics) - Spontaneous Vocalization - Requesting (Mands) - Labeling (Tacts) - Intraverbals (Conversational Skills) - Listener Skills

Language and Communication Skills

Volume and Tone - Facial Expression - Vocabulary - Conversation Skills - Abstraction - Inference

Monique has Autism and limited verbal skills. When she is told it is time to stop a preferred activity to begin a task, she begins to hum. Her parents recognize this as a sign that she is becoming agitated and try to sooth her, but they do not allow her to escape the task. As they assist her through the task, she frequently becomes more aggressive, eventually hitting them. Once she hits, they remove her favorite toy that she keeps with her at all times. She will then calm down and comply to get the toy back.

Waiting too long in the behavioral chain to implement the punishment procedure.

The following is an example of reinforcement:

Wanda makes chili, everyone raves about it, Wanda makes chili again.

Which is an example of "pairing yourself with a fun activity"?

Watching the clients favorite tv show Playing basketball with a client who enjoys shooting hoops Giving the client his or her preferred snack **All of the above**


We define what we observed in order to form a hypothesis to test. Defining precisely is crucial, as any variances in definition will affect the study's outcomes. Recall that behaviorists use observable, measurable definitions. If Fred had an increase in hitting at 8 am and 6 pm, but not at noon, we might define his hitting attempts not as occurring not at "mealtimes" but as "breakfast" and "supper."

Debriefing Questions

What were the antecedents to this situation? What strategies and supports can we implement for antecedent control? What can be improved about the physical environment? What can be improved about our verbal behavior? What resources do we need in order to do this better next time?

Which of the following is not an example of a prompt?

When teaching a client to say the word "Book," waiting to reinforce until the client says "Book."

When is adding a prompt to the shaping process something to consider?

When the individual's repertoire is weak and the likelihood of making a successive approximation is low.

In childhood, we teach learners to follow instructions of others during emergencies. In adolescence and adulthood, it is important to teach them to be in charge of handling the emergency.

Yes, if the person is ever going to be left alone.

Autism Treatment

Young children with Autism are taught language and behavioral skills using intensive ABA therapy, sometimes up to 40 hours per week, in clinic, home, or school settings.

When a person engages in behavior under certain circumstances and not under other circumstances it is called...

a discrimination

If there is a legal or ethical violation, the Behavior Analyst/RBT must determine all of the following EXCEPT:

a personal offense

Reinforcement is a ______________ while a reinforcer is a specific stimulus event that follows a given behavior and increases/strengthens the rate of that behavior over time.

a procedure that is increases the rate of a behavior over time

The "true" definition of Applied Behavior Analysis is

a science that uses the principles of learning or behavior to change socially important behaviors.

Ratio schedules of reinforcement are based on __________.

a specific number of responses

A person with a complex vocabulary and multiple motor impairments would probably prefer

a standalone speech-generating device

Token Economy

a system of behavior change in which desired behaviors are reinforced with tokens, which can be accumulated and exchanged for other reinforcers.

Which of the following is a common application for permanent product recording data collection?


When people engage in behaviors that function to get access to "stuff," the function is

access to tangibles

Ralph became distracted during his data collection session, so his data may not be -___________________.


The stage of learning in which a new skill is taught


Repeated presentation of a single stimulus with a single response occurs during which phases of skill building

acquisition and fluency

Tasks in the Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice category include:

actively seeking clinical direction from supervisor in a timely manner the ability to communicate effectively and respectfully with clients or students, caregivers, supervisors, and coworkers involve being able to receive feedback in a professional manner **All of the above**

Shoe tying would be assessed using what type of assessment?

adaptive skills

For a reinforcer to be positive, it must

add a stimulus to the environment

Cassie is trying to extinguish her use of curse words but substituting the words "sugar" and "fudge" for the curse words she uses most frequently. Her friends are helping by discontinuing conversation with her if she .says the curse words, and extending the conversation if she uses the substitute words. This is differential reinforcement of ___________________________ behavior.


In school-wide PBIS, emphasis is placed on

antecedent interventions

Interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors.

antecedent interventions

Operant behavior is controlled by _________________________.

antecedents and consequences

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder often have high rates of...


The services you will be providing to clients as a RBT is based on the science of ____________________.

applied behavior analysis

The following describes appropriate ways to respond to feedback EXCEPT:

argue and stand your ground

A probe session is conducted to

asesses whether a skill can be performed without prompts

Skill acquisition goals are based on

asessment results

According to the BACB Ethics Code, _________should be done prior to any behavior change procedure.


The most widespread use of ABA is in the treatment of


Functions of behavior can be classified in several ways, including social vs _____________


You are home alone on a weekend and you turn on the television and order a movie. What type of reinforcement is this if turning on the TV and ordering when continues over time?

automatic positive reinforcement

Anthony walks an extra three blocks so he will not run in to his ex-girlfriend on his way to work. This is an __________________ behavior.


A token economy uses a symbol or tokens that are earned and can then be exchanged for a __________.

back-up reinforcer

Nancy's RBT puts her shoes on for her, straightens the tongue, and pulls the strings tight. Nancy then ties her shoes. Nancy is learning to put on her shoes via

backward chaining

Parasha is learning to make his bed. He struggles most with smoothing the sheets, but finds it easy to place his pillow and coverlet. He loves to see his bed completely made, but curses a great deal when smoothing the sheets. What form of chaining does this information suggest you try first?

backward chaining

The seminal 1968 article outlining the dimensions of applied behavior analysis was written by

baer, wolf, and risley

In the Juice example presented in the video, the client says "Juice" and reinforcement is provided. Now previous responses such as "Juh" and "Joo" should _____________.

be put on extinction

To make sure you are practicing professional behavior on a daily basis, you should do the following:

be reliable, be approachable, and express a positive attitude

Antecedents come __________________ the behavior and ___________________ the consequence.

before, before

A schedule of reinforcement specifies which occurrence of _____________ will be reinforced.


Behavior analysts who work with individuals usually focus on skill acquisition and/or ______________________________.

behavior reduction

Quincy wants to teach his student to complete a chain of tasks using Forward Chaining because the learner is more likely to comply with a difficult task if he has had several successes in a row before being presented with that difficult task. In other words, Quincy is relying on the concept of ____________________________________.

behavioral momentum

The teaching and feedback method your BCBA supervisor is most likely to utilize with you during supervision

behavioral skills training

Skill acquisition plans have goals that are broken down into

benchmark objectives

An FBA might include direct testing, parent interview, and


Driving skills are at risk for loss in senior citizens due to changes in __________________.


Echoics are taught before and during mand training because...


Task analysis is used for


In order for your supervisor at an agency to serve as your official RBT supervisor, they must

both A AND B

A significant portion of time for behavioral gerontologists is spent on helping older adults __________________ skills.

both a and b

Creating a task analysis can be enhanced by

both a and b

Discrete Trial Training has been criticized for which of the following?

both a and b

Ecological assessment results are used to develop

both a and b

Establishing operations are often associated with

both a and b

For every target behavior, the behavior intervention plan should list the

both a and b

Implementing a behavior plan in a public setting brings new challenges because

both a and b

Motor imitation is important for...

both a and b

NET introduces certain concerns that are less prominent in clinic-based services, such as

both a and b

One advantage of automatic graphing software is

both a and b

One disadvantage of using automatic graphing software is

both a and b

One example of a permanent product your supervisor might review is a

both a and b

One example of a pre-academic skill is

both a and b

One risk of using extinction alone to treat a problem behavior is

both a and b

One way to prevent yourself from insulting your client's dignity is to

both a and b

Problem behaviors may lead to negative outcomes such as

both a and b

RBTs who serve on person-centered planning teams may face several types of ethical dilemmas, including

both a and b

Shaping is a procedure that is used for

both a and b

Stimuli are types of

both a and b

Task analysis is used for

both a and b

When beginning a new punishment procedure, it is important to apply the consequence __________________ .

both a and b

Which of the following areas are commonly addressed through skill acquisition plans?

both a and b

Which of the following has been shown to prevent problem behavior among children?

both a and b

Which of the following is a common symptom of hyperactivity?

both a and b

Which of the following situations should be immediately reported to the BACB?

both a and b

What are similarities between Positive and Negative Reinforcement?

both procedures follow a behavior/response and increase the behavior over time

According to the BACB Code of Ethics, providing services only in the areas that you were educated and trained refers to

boundaries of competence

Teaching by reinforcing the sequential completion of steps in a task analysis


Pavlov's dogs demonstrated the process of

classical conditioning

The only way to know if discrimination training is working is to ________________.

collect data and graph the data to review

An RBT may use the results of an interview or questionnaire conducted by the BCBA to

collect items for a preferance assessment

In which of the following types of graph is it acceptable to use color?

color is never to be used

Skills that serve as building blocks for larger behavior skills or skill sets are called

component skills

How to use money is a _________________ skill; whether to give my money to a person in need is a _______________ skill; how much money to pay for my groceries is a _______________________ skill.

conceptual; social; practical

"gets toy" is the ____________


Time delay may be progressive or _______________________.


You have completed all of the requirements for the RBT credential. You move to a new area where you obtained employment. You should

contact the BACB and report the change

If you are not sure what to do next in your session, and a mistake might cause a significant problem, the best plan of action is to

contact your supervisor before implementing the procedure

Schedule thinning is how you move from a (an) __________ schedule of reinforcement to a (an) ________ schedule of reinforcement.

continuous; intermittent

Using a Token Economy Example: 1) the teacher hands the student 4 cards and says "put these letters in order", 2) the student picks up the cards and looks at them as the teacher turns to the right to pick up a card that fell on the floor 3) while the teacher is getting the card, the student looks at the cards of the student sitting next to him and then copies his neighbors order without the teacher noticing 4) After picking up the paper the teacher turns back around and says "Great job! You got your token!" and gives him a token. What behavior produced the token and potentially be reinforced?

copying his neighbors work

There are three reasons for using the supportive stance, select the answer that is INCORRECT?

corrects behavior

If you are a mental health provider who transmits information electronically, you are considered a

covered entity

Early intervention is important for language development because of __________________________.

critical periods for development

The major type of documentation that you will be doing as a RBT is ____________________________.

data collection

Crisis intervention plans often include procedures for


When a breach of client dignity occurs, it is a good idea to have a ________________ session afterward.


When a breach of client dignity occurs, it is a good idea to have a ________________ session afterward.


During shaping, reinforcement is provided for the response closest to the target response. Other previously reinforced responses are put on extinction. As a result, previously reinforced responses will _______________.


In Incidental Teaching, the teaching moment begins when the learner

demonstrates an interest in something

In the first step of behavioral skills training, the supervisor_____________.

describes the target skill

Which of the following procedures includes extinction?

differential reinforcement

Practically speaking, we should spend more time helping people learn how to use _____________ currency than ___________ currency.

digital, paper

When communicating with supervisors, coworkers, clients, and other stakeholders, RBTs should be striving to demonstrate

dignity and respect

The RBT code of ethics encourages you to solve most ethical conflicts by

directly discussing the issue with the person with whom the conflict is occuring

Rate and frequency counts require ___________________ behaviors.


Behavior occurs in the presence of specific stimuli but not in the presence of similar stimuli.


Exposing a child to only round things to teach the concept of "circle" is then followed by pairing round things with triangles and asking the child to select the circle.


A teacher provides reinforcement when a child says, "car" in the presence of a toy car and not in its absence. This is an example of _________________.

discrimination training

Janine meets her friend for dinner after work. She had a stressful day and really wants to tell her friend all about the clients she worked with. She thought it was okay to discuss the details of her day as long as no one was sitting next to them. What specific rule outlined in the code did she violate?

do not talk about clients in public places

The last step in the scientific method is to

draw a conclusion

Endurance is shaped by gradually changing _______________ requirements.


Length of time a behavior occurred


The data collection method for single stimulus preference assessment


Fred is working with Ricky to decrease ranting behavior (defined as high volume rapid speech containing curse words and complaints). The best way to measure this would most likely be

duration of rant

Assessment of the environmental requirements for successful functioning is called

ecological assessment

Amy has been biting her fingernails for five years. Her mother applied a terrible tasting medication to her fingernails to discourage her from biting them. So far, the nail biting has not decreased much even with the medication. What's one possible reason?

either a or b

To determine whether a preference is a reinforcer, compare behavior rates when the preferred item is presented after the behavior with behavior rates when

either a or b

One of the most difficult categories of abuse to prove and quantify is

emotional abuse

I know you are hungry because I heard your stomach growl is a(n) ________________ argument.


A method of functional behavior assessment that combines the systematic comparison of variables used in functional analysis with ABC analysis in a natural setting is called

enviromental manipulation

ABA is implementing carefully planned and constructive changes to the ________________________ and ________________ that allow behavior change to occur.

environment, conditions

Condition phase change lines are create in Excel with the ________________ function.

error bars

Ed's boss reports that he can predict which days Ed is going to make a scene at work, based on how he greets everyone when he arrives. This indicates a(n) _________________________________________ is probably in effect.

establishing operation

Jon Bailey's primary contribution to the field of ABA is in the area of


An assessment is a type of __________________ that tests various skills of a person to see what they can and can't already do.


Your supervisor is responsible for

everything you do as an rbt

In order to ensure a behavior definition is complete, it is often important to include

exclusionary examples

The form of functional behavior assessment that directly tests antecedents and consequences to determine function

experimental functional anaylsis

if you believe someone else is failing to treat a client with dignity, your first step in resolving the issue is to

express your concerns to the person whose behavior is a concern

If you believe someone else is failing to treat a client with dignity, your first step in resolving the issue is to

express your concerns to the person whose behavior is a concern.

Behaviors that do not allow the individual to contact reinforcement in the environment are eliminated over time through the process of __________________.


When a reinforcer is no longer provided after a response, we call this ___________________.


If you have a problem with a supervisor or coworker that is inspiring a great deal of emotion in you, the best way to address this is usually

face to face verbal communication

"Laura thinks she is the boss" is an observable statement.


A tact is a procedure - short for tactic.


ABA services must be provided 1:1.


ADHD cannot be diagnosed if the person has mood or anxiety disorders.


After a crisis situation has stabilized, the first thing the RBT should do is complete the required written documentation.


After the BCBA has conducted initial training with parents on their child's BIP, it is ok for the RBT to do an occasional refresher training if she observes them implementing it incorrectly.


All token economy systems should include a response cost component.


Another name for a noncontingent schedule is a continuous schedule.


Automatic reinforcement is reinforcement delivered noncontingently.


Bar charts can be used for categorical data or time series data.


Behavior Intervention Plans are used in clinical settings only.


Behavior analysis is usually not provided alongside other types of services, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy.


Behavior analysts do not believe thoughts and emotions exist.


Behavior analysts only work with individuals; never large groups.


Behavior analytic conferences hosted by organizations such as ABAI and APBA are primarily focused on professional development of behavior analysts and are not a good source of information for RBTs.


Behavioral skills training is not recommended for generalization training.


Behaviors that are negatively reinforced decrease over time.


Behaviors that have a sensory function are always reinforced via automatic positive reinforcement.


DTT sessions usually expose the child to only one question repeatedly to ensure correct responding.


Data collection is an important part of ABA, but not essential as long as we are using evidence-based practices.


Data collection is useful if you can work it in, but ABA plans do not require it.


Developmental disabilities may result in four types of functional limitations: physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral.


Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is another name for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).


Discrete Trials are usually presented at a slower pace so that the child with Autism has enough time to process what is being asked.


During mand training, if the child requests an item that is visible to him, the therapist can reinforce by either giving him the item or praising him for asking nicely.


Fines for overdue library books are an example of negative reinforcement.


Functional analysis provides higher certainty results with lower response effort than descriptive functional assessment.


Goals are more specific versions of benchmark objectives.


Graphing is required, but RBTs have a great deal of flexibility about how to set up their graphs to best show the data.


Holding up your open hand is a graphic prompt to stop.


IQ is more important than adaptive behavior when making a diagnosis of intellectual disability.


IQ tests are not affected by things like language skills.


If a child can sit still to watch television for long periods of time, she probably does not have ADHD.


If a person is in a car wreck that causes vision loss and loss of cognitive abilities at age 30, he or she can be diagnosed with a developmental disability.


If a problem behavior has a lower-value precursor behavior, it is usually better to wait until the behavior has escalated before implementing the punishment.


If one or more students sabotage the group contingency, the teacher should never do intervene; the children will work it out themselves.


If the child is responding well to ADHD medication, behavioral interventions are not necessary.


If you are having difficulty establishing instructional control in a clinic setting, you may have better luck with natural environment training.


If you are uncertain about cultural preferences of a family in whose home you are working, the best thing to do is to read many books about the culture and act according to what you learn through your reading.


If your verbal message does not match your nonverbal message, people will pay more attention to your verbal message.


In ABA, we never tell the learner they are wrong


In ABA, we never tell the learner they are wrong.


In single stimulus preference assessments, children are given free access to a room full of toys, but must choose only one to play with.


In the Good Behavior Game, students are divided into teams and the team with the most points at the end of the day earns a special reward.


It is a good idea to crop unimportant data out of your graph.


It is not acceptable to discuss conflicts you are having with coworkers during supervision.


It is okay to call a person with intellectual disability "retarded."


It is only necessary to discuss ethical conflicts with your supervisor if you are not sure how to resolve them.


It is unethical for an RBT to be an interventionist and to be an informant on a skills assessment.


Iwata's functional analysis methodology utilizes parent interviews to determine a sequence of assessments.


James is hyperactive is a behavioral statement.


Jamil's teacher gives partial points for math questions that are worked correctly except for a calculation error. Jamil's total score on his last homework page was 99.3. Jamil's score is based on a discrete scoring system.


Least-to-Most prompting follows this sequence: No prompt, gestural prompt, verbal prompt, model, physical prompt.


Memory loss is almost always irreversible.


Most data collection apps for behavior analysis have built-in HIPAA protection.


Mr. L met his goal for all four vocabulary terms.


Multi-function behaviors do not really exist.


My application fee will be refunded by the BACB if I do not pass the test.


Once you have your RBT credential, you must accrue 10 continuing education hours per year to keep it.


One of the best things about using games to teach skills is that you don't need additional reinforcers.


One way to complete a descriptive functional behavior assessment is to derive a function based on interviews and questionnaires.


Only a BCBA or BCaBA can provide supervision for an RBT.


Only persons who have the ability to touch a screen or keyboard accurately can use a speech-generating device


PBIS is not based on the principles of behavior analysis


People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, may have been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, NOS in the past.


People with Autism cannot be diagnosed with other developmental disabilities.


People with severe intellectual disabilities who engage in self-injurious behavior are usually trying to commit suicide.


Permanent Product Recording means archiving data in such a way that it is available for future comparisons.


Person-Centered Planning is a systems-oriented approach to planning services for people who have developmental disabilities.


Person-centered planning teams are the same as IEP teams.


Positive behavior support is only used in school settings.


Preferences are subject to satiation effects, while reinforcers are not.


Problem behavior associated with Dementia does not respond to ABA approaches.


RBTs are not allowed to administer standardized assessments.


RBTs are not allowed to enter data into standardized assessment instrument electronic data platforms.


RBTs cannot be members of person-centered planning teams unless their BCBAs are on the same team.


RBTs may be asked to conduct interviews or administer questionnaires as part of the FBA process.


RBTs must have supervision for 10% of their hours worked delivering behavior analytic services.


RBTs should dedicate all of their reading time to reading about behavior analysis.


Reflexive responses are elicited by conditioned stimuli.


Reinforcer is another word for "reward."


Reliable data is valid data.


Research unequivocally supports the idea that authoritarian parenting is bad for children.


Retirement usually does not bring about the same kinds of feelings of loss for people with developmental disabilities as it does for people without disabilities.


Scatterplot markers should be connected by a line.


School-wide PBIS eliminates the need for functional assessment and individualized behavior intervention plans.


Severe self injury and aggression, should not be assessed via functional analysis because of safety concerns.


Shaping is only used to teach language skills?


Sleep training is not a target for behavior analysis.


Social skills instruction should only occur in natural settings.


Speech Generating Devices should not be used if the person has some ability to speak unaided.


Standardized assessments must be administered by a proctor.


Tacts are easier to teach than mands.


Teaching should always occur in the same setting and at the same time.


The ABAI approves requests to sit for the RBT exam.


The Good Behavior Game and Token Economy are not intended to be implemented simultaneously.


The IISCA is an approach to functional assessment that moves Iwata's test conditions into the natural environment.


The first step in the scientific method is to form a hypothesis.


The first thing you should do when you see your customer/client is outline the plan for the session.


The four main conditions of an experimental functional analysis are: attention, escape, demand, and alone.


The goal of motor imitation training is to have the child exhibit the behavior without a model.


The intervention appears to have good control over the behavior.


The key to success with extinction is to combine it with punishment.


The main advantage of automatic graphing software is that you do not have to double-check the accuracy like you do with human-generated graphing.


The nature-nurture debate is decided.


The only symptom of ADHD that is typically outgrown is inattentiveness.


The processes used in problem behavior intervention vary across the lifespan.


The size of a graph should be adjusted to emphasize change in the behavior.


The title of a graph should always be centered at the top.


There are four types of task analysis.


There are two forms of modeling: watching someone else perform the skill live or watching someone else perform the skill on video.


Time-out is seclusion.


To create a bar chart in Excel, select the Bar Chart option from the Chart menu.


To get the best results from a preference assessment, be sure to include items the person has never seen.


To reinforce a correct tact, allow the child to interact with the item for a few minutes.


Topography is the most important part of assessing problem behavior.


Treatment integrity is best assessed through self report.


Trials to criterion is not a good data collection method for discrete trial training.


Verbal behavior assessment only examines a person's ability to use spoken words.


When my supervisor presents me with multiple situations to see if I know when to implement a certain skill, (s)he clearly does not trust me to know what I am doing.


When punishment leads to a behavior improvement in one context, it may also improve in other contexts without punishment. This is called behavioral contrast.


When reporting your ABC recording data, the narrative should explain the graph.


When setting up your data to graph in Excel, begin with baseline and enter no other data on that line except for the height of the major phase change line that marks it.


When starting a new match-to-sample program, it is a good idea to choose items the child finds highly reinforcing.


When using games to teach skills, you should never modify the rules because you may confuse the learner.


You should not contrive teaching situations in the NET.


Your supervisor must observe you working with a client at every supervision session.


in partial interval data collection, the behavior must occur for the duration of a time interval.


the U.S. political system is designed to ensure citizens are provided with access to evidence-based education and treatment.


In the sentence "the ball is red," red is a __________________ of the ball.


What is it called when the trainer tells you what you are doing correctly and incorrectly during behavioral skills training?


A form of picture communication that is used to demonstrate a contingency

first-then schedule

Will is a waiter who receives a tip for every customer he serves. What reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed ratio

Overlearning is a concept related to...


A stimulus can not be a reinforcer unless it

follows a behavior increases that behavior over time

Treatment integrity refers to the degree to which the RBT

follows the written instructions in a program plan

All are examples of secondary reinforcers except:


Nicholas is reinforced for smoothing his sheets, tucking them in, and pulling the comforter up to the top of the bed,. His RBT places the pillows. This is an example of teaching bed making via

foward chaining

Patrick has a short attention span for watching others and displays problem behaviors when presented with too many tasks in a row. What chaining procedure is probably best for him?

foward chaining

In a _________________________ preference assessment, the individual is allowed to approach any stimulus desired and interact with it for as long as they want.

free operant

In this preference assessment, children have access to a variety of toys and can interact with one or more as they choose.

free operant

In this preference assessment, children have access to a variety of toys and can interact with one or more as they choose.

free opreant

Usually, data collection in a functional analysis is based on


As an RBT, you should expect to see your supervisor


When collecting ABC data in a descriptive functional behavior assessment, consequences are groups into _______________ categories.


A process used to examine the antecedents and consequences of behaviors in order to determine the purpose of the behavior.

functional behavior assesment

Behavior that occurs in response to similar stimuli without additional training


Teaching the child to identify a circle using a picture of a circle, a ball, and a round puzzle piece, then presenting a hamburger and a ham sandwich and asking them to choose the round object.


Mary is an RBT who has been taught to feed her client, John, who has swallowing problems. She now wonders if she could provide the same service to other people who have similar swallowing problems. She is wondering if her skillset ______________________________ between clients.


The acronym for remembering the dimensions of applied behavior analysis

get a cab

According to Behavior Analysts, people behave to....

get something or get out of something

When thinning a ratio schedule, you should ______________ increase the number of responses required for reinforcement.


A visual schedule is what kind of prompt?


Which of the following is NOT a reason why professional conduct is important?

helps you make more money

Heidi wants to increase her exercise. Currently she works out after work on average one day per week. The other days she goes out with friends. She has decided to shape her behavior by asking her friends to refuse to go out with her unless she has met her exercise goal for the week. The goal rate of exercise will be incrementally increased each week. This is a method of differential reinforcement called differential reinforcement of

high rates of behavior

Which of the following teacher questions about a BIP is most likely appropriate for an RBT to answer?

how many minutes do i put on the timer for his break today

A widely held principle or belief is a


Which of the following is included in a functional behavior assessment?

identification of reinforcers that are maintaining behavior

Some children with disabilities need direct instruction in order to develop ____________________ because they may lack the natural observation of other's behavior.

imitation or generalized imitation

While at work one day, you learn your BCBA supervisor has been in a car wreck and is expected to be in the hospital for several months. What do you do?

immediatly inform your agency that you must have a new supervisor before you can continue working

The major role of a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) in the behavior-analytic service delivery system is to

implement treatment directly with the client

According to the BACB Ethics Code, you should only provide services

in the context of a defined professional relationship

A behavior is generally considered problematic when it occurs too frequently, too intensely or

in the wrong context

Teacher takes advantage of naturally occurring situations to teach the targeted skills.

incidental teaching

During corrective feedback the trainer describes the exact thing the trainee is doing __________ and to provide a(n) ___________ response.

incorrectly; alternative

Mrs. Sallis has set a goal for everyone to score 50% higher on their post-test than they scored on their pre-tests. Every student who meets that goal will be able to participate in a pizza party at the end of the instructional unit. This is a(n) __________________ group contingency.


Which type of group contingency capitalizes least on positive peer pressure?


A teacher of a child you are providing ABA services to is an example of a(n) ______________________ client.


Developmental checklists are used with

infants and toddlers

When adding explanatory text to a graph, where should it go?

inside the plot area

Fred has noticed that when Ricky ends a rant, he typically pauses for three or four minutes then resumes ranting. He decided to introduce a self-calming activity during the pause to try to eliminate the repetitive rants or at least extend the amount of time between iterations. To assess effectiveness, he would need to collect ____________________ data.

inter-response time

How much time passed between iterations of the same behavior.

inter-response time

In which of the following types of group contingencies do all members win or lose together?


The importance of teaching ______________________ safety has increased drastically over the past decade.


In ABA, reliability is demonstrated through

interobserver agreement

RBT: "Where should we go?" Child: "The aquarium!." In this scenario, the child's response is a(n) ____________________.


Conversing and answering questions are examples of...


Which type of language training requires the most sign language fluency from the RBT?


Person-Centered Planning (PCP)

is a family of approaches to developing supports and service plans for persons with developmental disabilities that: Focus on individuals as people (not their diagnostic labels) Use ordinary language and images (not professional jargon) Actively search for a person's strengths and gifts Seek to give the person a strong voice in his or her plan

Extinction is frequently used in behavior-analytic services because

it does not involve the use of punishment procedures or adding aversive stimuli following a behavior

What is wrong with including the following sentence in a report documenting a crisis situation? She wanted to be in control, so she threw the teacher's globe across the room.

it is not objective

A prompt should be selected based on ________________.

its ability to evoke the correct response from the student every time

All of the following are examples of upholding the principles, values, and ethics of applied behavior analysis, EXCEPT:

join a professional organization that represents children

James' RBT is working with him to reduce the time required for him to begin work when told to do so. The data needed here is


Length of time that passed before initiating a behavioral response


Fred is working with Ricky to decrease his ranting behavior by having him insert a pause before responding to stimuli that typically precede a rant. Inserting a pause is the replacement behavior. Which of the following methods could you use to measure Ricky's progress with using the replacement behavior?

latency between stimulus and rant

In incidental teaching, the instructor should start with the ___________ intrusive prompt and work your way to the __________prompt.

least, most

DTT involves all of the following EXCEPT:

letting the child take the lead

When responding to feedback, you should

listen intently, ask questions, and be engaged

RBT: "Bobby" Bobby: (looks at RBT). In this scenario, Bobby's behavior is a(n) ___________________ skill.

listener skill

In the Tension Phase of a potential crisis situation, a supportive response involves

listening non-judgmentally and offering assistance

According to the BACB Ethics Code, you may not use any of the BACBs ____________.

logos or trademarks

Early Intensive Behavior Intervention (EIBI) is based on the work of _________________.


Do not discuss clients with anyone outside of the treatment team. This represents what part of the BACB Ethics Code?

maintaining confidentiality

The most salient question when considering most-to-least vs least-to-most is the degree to which _____________ is likely to negatively impact learning.

making errors

When sharing information about ABA, behavior analysts and RBTs avoid________.

making false or misleading statements

Natural environment teaching method in which the teacher observes the child's point of interest, models the correct response, and requires the child to replicate the model.


Before a session, the RBT must ensure all ______________ are available, organized, and accessible.


Skill acquisition plans include goals, objectives, ___________________, and data collection.


Once you obtain the RBT credential, you

may not practice independently

Choosing treatments based on diagnosis is based on the _________________ model of care.


The most conservative estimate of behavior is provided by the discontinuous data collection method known as

momentary time sampling

celeste observes her client and marks whether or not a behavior is occurring at the end of a designated interval. Celeste is using

momentary time sampling

The data collection method for free operant preference assessments is

momentary time sampling -partial interval?

Behavior analytic assessments are used to identify specific target behaviors, collect baseline information, and

monitor treatment outcomes

The three-term contingency becomes the four-term contingency if we add

motivating operations

Teaching multiple examples of the SD and the SΔ until the concept is able to be applied to untrained stimuli

multiple exemplar training

Maurice is an RBT and is providing services to his cousin because there are no other RBTs in his area. What part of the ethics codes does this violate?

multiple relationships

Benny dislikes the taste of vegetables and refuses to eat them anywhere except his grandmother's house. He eats whatever his grandmother puts on his plate. Benny's vegetable eating behavior is explained by

multiple stimulus control

In which of the following preference assessments is the individual only allowed to choose each item one time?

multiple stimulus without replacement

A standardized assessment is one that

must be administered and scored in exactly the same manner every time

The ultimate goal of prompting is to fade to

natural cues

the ultimate goal of prompting is to fade to

natural cues

What is the most important factor in determining how detailed your task analysis should be?

needs 0f the user

The type of assessment your supervisor performs is based on the client's ______ and what works best with respect to the client's _________.

needs; environment

During __________________ reinforcement, behavior is followed by the ____________ of a consequence.

negative; removal

Which of the following has ABA NOT been shown to be effective for treating?

neither a or b

A skill acquisition plan uses teaching procedures that are designed to help an individual learn

new skills

What kind of response does a neutral stimulus elicit?

no response

With regard to dating and intimacy, consent should be taught when the person is considering a sexual relationship.

no, consent must be taught long before this point

You are just about done with the RBT training. You apply for a job and write RBT next to your name. According to the BACB, is this ok?

no, you should not use the credential until you have earned it

With extinction, ____________ responses are reinforced and with continuous reinforcement ____________ responses are reinforced.

no; every

People who use picture communication may _______________ or _____________________ the pictures.

not C

Which of the following is NOT a method of differential reinforcement?

not DRA

Which method of differential reinforcement allows reinforcement for ANY behavior except the target behavior?

not DRO

ADHD has three types:

not Predominantly Inattentive, predominantly hyperactive, and predominantly impulsive

The science of human behavior

not a

Which of the following statements is true?

not an unconditioned stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through pairing with a neutral stimulus

What is a process for determining the environmental events that elicit problem behavior?

not antecedent analysis

What determines whether a particular professional serves on a person-centered planning team?

not assessment results

Confidentiality is a

not both a and b

Session notes are ________________ in form.

not both a and b

Punishment is more difficult for teenagers committing public misbehavior because...

not c

Three types of IOA data formulas were taught: those were for counted data, timed data and ____________________ .

not calculated data

Melanie is a salaried employee who receives a check every 14 days. What reinforcement schedule is this?

not continues

What is the fourth step in the scientific method

not data analysis

7.14 is a

not discrete number

Inattention symptoms include three types of symptoms: task incompletion, disorganization, and _______________.

not distractability

Intensive early intervention programs for young children with ABA were pioneered by

not dixon

The SD for a vocal echoic response is...

not either a or b

Melody's dance teacher has her wear a device on her back that assists her to keep her back in the correct position. After two consecutive hours of practice with no slouching, the device is shortened by one inch. This is an example of shaping Melody's ____________.

not endurance

If the light is green, then stop. If the light is yellow, then continue at current speed. If the light is red, then accelerate by 10 mph. If the light is orange, what action should I take?

not enough information

Stickers are positive reinforcers.

not enough information

Benny and Elaine say "I love you" at the end of every phone conversation. What reinforcement schedule is that?

not fixed interval

Which of the following is an example of joint attention?

not following another persons eye gaze

Severity of ADHD is rated based on...

not frequency

Three considerations for using restraint or seclusion, according to the ABAI's position statement, are:

not informed consent, a behavior plan, and crisis management

Otis wants to know how long it takes Fred and Laura to initiate work after being told to begin. Is this a good example of a behavioral measurement?

not it depends

When problem behaviors occur in a predictable chain, BCBAs may target only the _____________ behavior in the chain in order to shape the behavior.

not most dangerous behavior

Consequences that result in a reduction of the behavior in the future are called...

not negative reinforcement

During maintenance training, we seek to determine how well the learner can

not perform the skill in isolation

Prompt fading plans should include criteria for advancing and ____________________ .

not reducing

The degree to which data accurately reflect the phenomenon they are reported to describe

not reliablility

The earliest form of intraverbal training is...

not responding to name

Mr. Sego caught Ben running in the hallway, and required him to return to the end of the hallway and walk down it three times correctly. This is called...

not response cost

Defining your research question is what step in the scientific method?

not step 1

The only verbal operant that directly serves the speaker.

not tact

According to the BACB, if there is an ethical complaint against you, they will judge you based on

not whether you followed your supervisors instructions

If the learner is responding in a way that is not addressed by the prompting, error correction, and reinforcement procedures, the RBT must

notify BCBA

When documenting crisis intervention, ensure your reports are ________________, sequential, and complete.


Behavior analysts/RBTs should follow through with

obligations, contractual and professional commitments with high quality work and refrain from making professional commitments they cannot keep

Behavior is

observable and measurable

Behaviors differ from thoughts and emotions in that they are ___________________ and ___________________.

observable and measurable

The first step in the scientific method is


Behaviors are human actions that can be __________________ and ________________________.

observed, measured

Children with autism may display challenging behavior because:

of a skill deficit

When should teaching systems and routines for school and work settings begin?

on the first day

We cannot control the behavior of another person, but we can control _____________to that behavior.

our response

Where should reinforcers or highly motivating items in a therapy room go?

out of reach of the learner

To decrease a consistent use of edible reinforcers with a client, the behavior technician can

pair the food with another reinforcer or a token when delivered, then gradually fade the use of food and keep the other reinforcers.

Which of the following preference assessments usually takes the longest to administer?

paired stimulus

In natural environment teaching, instructional control is established through

pairing reinforcement with the provider

Which of the following data collection methods provides an overestimate of behavior?

partial interval

Madelyn observed her client and marks an interval box if the behavior occurs at any point during the interval. Madelyn is using

partial interval recording

RBTs may participate in debriefing sessions as a


To differentiate bars in a bar chart, use


Frequency and rate are the same thing.

people argue about this

Which of the following data collection methods poses a risk that the data may not actually belong to the client?

permenent product recording

FCT often teaches the child to use ________________________ communication in the early stages, regardless of what communication is being used outside the sessions.


Which form of sign language is used frequently by native oral speakers who later lose their hearing and study ASL?

pidgin sign

Both of these business cards offer alternatives to ABA therapy. Which one is more likely to be advertising a pseudoscientific solution?

pinkish one

Wesley wants to decrease his nail biting behavior using DRI. Which of the following replacement behaviors would be appropriate for that methodology?

placing hands in pockets

One commonly used variation on a token economy is a

points system

The two types of feedback are

positive and corrective

Sr+ is the abbreviation for

positive reinforcement

Getting a coke for asking is a _______________.

positive socially mediated reinforcer if requesting continues over time

During __________________ reinforcement, behavior is followed by the ____________ of a consequence.

positive; addition

The goal of _______________ is to _________________ the behavior of the trainee.

positive; increase

In the BACB Ethics Code, it states that RBTs should act with integrity. What does this mean?

practice honesty

What part of the Behavior Technician/Analyst's notes can remain confidential, meaning the client does not have access to?

practitioner's subjective impressions of client's behavior

Reinforcement for emitting a correct echoic is usually...

praise and attnetion

The two types of reinforcers are _________________ .

primary and secondary

HIPAA is a law protecting

private health information

Reinforcement is a _______________ in which behavior is followed by some______________ that increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again.

process; consequence

Systems such as schools and workplaces usually deal with problem behavior through the process called ____________________________.

progressive discipline

Three methods of stimulus control transfer are: prompt fading, stimulus fading, and

prompt delay

A challenge to implementing prompting procedures is to find the balance between providing enough assistance to ensure success. However, excessively prompting or not vigilantly decreasing the intrusiveness of the prompts, the learner will most likely become......

prompt dependent

The process of gradually reducing prompts is called

prompt fading

Which of the following is an example of a prompting strategy to prevent problem behavior?

prompting a model for how to complete and algebra problem

Interventions marketed to cure Autism that have little empirical support and may be dangerous are called


Interventions marketed to cure Autism that have little empirical support and may be dangerous are called


Diagnostic assessments may be completed by


The end product of a Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement preference assessment is items scoring based on _______________________________________________

rank ordering

The end product of a Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement preference assessment is items scoring based on _______________________________________________________.

rank ordering

Crisis plans typically include components for prevention, de-escalation, and


Punishment procedures are best used in combination with.

reinforcement for alternate behaviors

When looking at a single trial and how it involves the three-term contingency, the consequence would be ____________.

reinforcement or error correction

Teaching procedures include prompting methods. error correction, and ______________.

reinforcement procedure

Consequences may be subdivided into...

reinforcing and punishing

Differential reinforcement involves ______________.

reinforcing some responses and not others

Valid data are accurate, representative, _____________________, and significant


The goal with prompts is to ________________.

remove them systematically so the client is responding without assistance

Escape behaviors ___________________ a person from a situation while avoidance behaviors ___________________ a person from a situation.

remove, keep

When graphing in Excel, gridlines should be


Behavior analysis professionals engage in a process of assessment / treatment / assessment. This is called

repeated meaures

Sensory or self stimulatory behaviors include behaviors that primarily function as fulfilling a sensory need or input for the individual such as

repetitive stereotypical excessive interest or fixation rigidity

Problem behavior is best addressed if a ____________________ behavior is taught.


Alice collected data at the same time and place every day for two weeks. Her data may not be


Escape extinction is ethically implemented by

responding to refusals by presenting the stimulus again

Peggy penalizes her son $1 of his $20 per week allowance every day he fails to make his bed. This is a form of...

response cost

Caroline loves bubble gum. Her teacher gives bubble gum to every child who finishes their math facts work sheet in less than one minute. Caroline never finishes in one minute, and she cries when everyone gets bubblegum except for her. The faster she writes her answers, the more mistakes she makes. The most likely reason for the reinforcer not working is

restricted range of options

Which of these is an example of indirect supervision activity?

reviewing your progress in your professional developmental plan

Discontinuous data collection requires


One example of an antecedent control strategy for a child motivated by escape

scheduled breaks

According to the BACB Ethics code, if a RBT finds him or herself in a multiple relationship unintentionally, he or she should

seek to resolve it

Which component of Darwin's theory of evolution was particularly important for the development of behavior analysis?


Decreasing reliance on others to access resources and assert ones' rights.


Automatic reinforcement is usually related to ___________________ behaviors.


Task analysis is the process of breaking a task down into a ___________________ of smaller steps.


The preference assessment method in which children are presented with one item at a time.

single stimulus

Functional Analysis uses _______________________________ research design.

single subject

Reinforcer assessments are a specific form of

single subject design

ABA-based treatments for problem behavior include antecedent interventions, consequence management, and


The man considered to be the father of behavior analysis


Language and communication skills assessments conducted by behavior analysts will focus on

skinners analysis of verbal behavior

Why should all client records be ready for transition at any time?

so there is no delay in providing services

Reinforcement for correct responding in a motor imitation trial is usually....


Replacement behaviors are chosen based on their

social importance relevance ease

In order for a communication difference to be relevant to an Autism diagnosis, it must be

social in nature

I scream at my friend and he leaves. The next time I want him to leave, I scream at him again. What process of reinforcement is at work?

social negative

When a behavior is said to lead to escape or avoidance of tasks, the reinforcement category is

social negative

A disorder similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder but without the related behavioral symptoms

social pragmatic communication disorder

For the purposes of assessment, sexuality is considered a(n)

social skill

JJ's mother objects to a goal his IEP team recommended (to identify his ABCs) because he has worked on it for 10 consecutive years and has not mastered it. JJ's mother is essentially saying the goal has no ______________________ .

social validity

Behavior-analytic services are those services that are explicitly based on the principles and procedures of behavior analysis and are design to change behaviors that are ______________.

socially important

Intermittent reinforcement means that ______________ responses are reinforced.


RBT certification provided by the BACB requires all EXCEPT:

some role playing or in-vivo work with a child

Telling someone to do something is a verbal prompt.


Escape Condition Special Considerations

specifics of the task having enough materials ready to present is there danger is duration relevant is presentation procedure relevant

The basic elements of a token economy include target behaviors, token schedule, reinforcer menu, and ____________________ .

spending rules

One example of a repetitive, stereotypical behavior is

spinning in circles

Problematic self-stimulatory behavior is often also categorized as


Drinking water because you are thirsty instead of waiting on an adult to tell you to drink is an example of

stimulus control

If the child says car in the presence of a car and only a car, we say that the car has ____________over this behavior.

stimulus control

When a behavior is elicited by a stimulus without additional prompts and reinforcers, ________________________ has been attained.

stimulus control

_______________ is a result of discrimination training.

stimulus control

Stimulus in the presence of which, reinforcement is not available.

stimulus data

Todd's teacher is teaching him to write his letters. First she had him trace the letters, then she had him trace dotted lines of the letters, then half the dots were removed, then he wrote the letters on plain paper. This is called

stimulus fading

the basic principles

stimulus, response, consequence, consequence

Behavior will be ___________ in contexts where reinforcement is provided


The result of reinforcement is that behavior is _________________.


Primary reinforcers are important for ______________________ and do not require ________.

survival; prior experience

Behavior intervention plans are sometimes difficult to implement in natural settings due to which of the following

systems barriers such as lack of resources and differing guiding

In setting up for discrete trial teaching, the positioning of the ________________is the first task and an essential component in preparing of a session.

table and chairs

RBT: shows picture of a ball and asks "what is this?" Child: "Ball" In this scenario, the word "ball" is a(n)...


An operationally defined ___________ behavior is an essential component of a skill acquisition plan.


One way the Hanley model differs from the Iwata model is

target behaviors are less specific

Dividing complex tasks into simple teachable parts before before implementing a chaining procedures is doing a

task analysis

Which of the following is an example of a cuing strategy to prevent problem behavior?

teaching the child to follow a visual prompt

When collecting data, behavior analysts should use

techniques standard to behavior analysis

Extinction bursts are


This is one thing to remember to avoid when practicing professionalism.

texting while working with a client

Behavior Intervention/Support Plans are implemented for behaviors.....

that interfere with learning (or another person's ability to learn) and impede social skill development.

In classical conditioning, when we pair an unconditioned stimulus, like food, with a neutral stimulus, like the sound of a bell, that neutral stimulus becomes a _____________ stimulus.

that interfere with learning (or another person's ability to learn) and impede social skill development.

Positive and negative reinforcement have this in common.

the behavior occurs more often in the future

Skinner's first book summarizing his research was called

the behavior of organisms

Rights of clients include all of the following except:

the best professionals in every field

In the Juice example presented in the video, reinforcement occurs when ____________.

the child says an approximation of the word "Juice."

The objective of the skill acquisition plan includes all of the following EXCEPT:

the individual's insurance coverage specifications

When using differential reinforcement, the response closest to the target response should receive ________________.

the most enthusiastic or largest amount of reinforcement

By default, Excel will plot the x-axis based on

the number of rows in your data set

One desirable component of Response Cost is that

the procedure can be paired with reinforcement procedures that are already in place.

If students are not earning reinforcement in the Good Behavior Game, the first thing your BCBA will consider adjusting is

the reinforcement interval

When a schedule of reinforcement is variable, ___________.

the rule about reinforcement changes based on an average number

When a schedule of reinforcement is fixed, ___________.

the rule about reinforcement never changes

Who holds the power in a service relationship?

the service recipiant

Who holds the power in a service relationship?

the service recipient

Scatterplots are used to determine

the time distrubution of behavior

What is wrong with this graph?

there should be spaces between the sets of data

The two major reasons or functions for behavior are (best answer)

to get something or get out of something

The ultimate goal of social skills acquisition is to teach the learner

to observe and learn from others (observational learning)

As mastery occurs for a target taught in DTT, the rate of reinforcement should be decreased to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement with the following goals in mind EXCEPT:

to prevent generalization

According to the BACB Ethics Code, when is it okay to disclose confidential information about a client without their consent?

to protect them from harm

Which of the following is NOT a teaching phase of DTT?


The description of the intensity of a behavior is a part of its

topographical assessment

Nathan's Mom stands beside him while he brushes his teeth, allowing him to complete the tasks alone but prompting him if he skips steps or performs them incorrectly. Nathan is learning to brush his teeth via

total task

All are examples of primary reinforcers except:


This type of data collection is used to give the RBT feedback on performance in sessions with clients.

treatment integrity

Count of the number of trials required to achieve a predetermined level of performance.

trials to criterion

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, may have been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, NOS in the past.

trials to criterion

A behavior intervention plan is the same as a behavior reduction plan.


A major condition change line is a solid vertical line.


A stimulus is any environmental event that elicits a behavioral response.


ADHD can only be diagnosed if symptoms emerge before adolescence.


All Behavior Intervention Plans must include data collection procedures.


All data should be graphed.


An advanced skill within the category of task-related behavior includes accepting feedback and correcting errors.


Antecedent-based approaches usually provide more rapid effects than consequence -based approaches.


Any variation from standardized testing procedures should be reported to your BCBA supervisor.


BIPS are often revised.


Behavior Intervention Plans are confidential documents.


Behavior Intervention Plans are derived from Functional Behavior Assessments.


Behavior Intervention Plans typically include strategies for prevention as well as response to problem behavior.


Behavior rate is expressed as n occurrences per x time period.


Data collection procedures may also include information about completion criteria and reversal criteria.


Differential reinforcement is a process of behavior change in which one behavior is reinforced while others are placed on extinction.


Discrete Trial Training consists of massed trials of stimulus - response - reinforcement.


During discrete trial teaching, if the client responds correctly, reinforcement is given. If the client responds incorrectly, error correction is provided. Following either reinforcement or error correction, there is a 3-5 second inter-trial interval.


Errorless teaching is a prompting procedure that does not allow the client to make an error.


Ethical codes in developmental disability services have emerged, in part, from past mistakes


Extinction can be explained as negative punishment.


Extra documentation is required when using punishment procedures.


FBAs seek to determine the purpose a problem behavior serves.


For purposes of diagnosis, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors are categorized together.


Frequency data is useless without a timeframe.


Generalization training and discrimination training can be conducted together.


Graphs provide clarity for making decisions about treatment.


Group dependent contingencies may lead to stigmatization of one group member.


Group membership can be rotated in the Good Behavior Game.


If a client has an extraordinary day with a high rate of behavior that is not likely to be repeated in the future, you do not have to adjust the y-axis to accommodate it.


If you deliver RBT services without a supervisor, the BACB may immediately cancel your credential.


If you have personal issues that are interfering with your ability to do your work, you must report this to your supervisor.


In order for a student to eventually respond correctly and without assistance, prompts should be faded gradually and differential reinforcement should be used


In order to be classified as a developmental disability, a disorder must have three components.


Information gleaned from environmental manipulation has higher social validity but lower certainty than functional analysis results.


Informed consent for children is usually provided by parents or guardians.


It is acceptable for your BCBA to modify the way conditions are set up in a functional analysis to meet the particular needs of the subject.


It is acceptable to change two components of a single behavior in one shaping schedule.


Local, state, and regional behavior analysis organizations are the best way to become informed about issues relevant to working as an RBT in your area.


Maintaining social relationships is often a special challenge for older adults with developmental disabilities.


Maintenance trials usually occur less often over time.


Mary and Murray could be exhibiting the exact same behavior at the exact same time in the exact same setting for totally different functions.


Milton's RBT is collecting duration data on how much time he spends with friends all day on Friday. This is continuous data collection using continuous numbers.


Modern research indicates biology can influence behavior.


Modern research indicates environmental factors can influence genetic development.


Multiple Stimulus with Replacement is a hybrid of Multiple Stimulus without Replacement and Paired Stimulus preference assessments.


Multiple Stimulus with Replacement scored by rank ordering.


New requirements for hygiene arise in puberty.


PLA-CHECK underestimates behavior.


Pandora loves attention and likes to learn how to do new things for herself. Pandora is a good candidate for total task chaining programs.


Permanent product recording is an indirect method of data collection.


Person-Centered Planning processes may affect the behaviors that are selected for behavior analytic intervention.


Picture communication is easy for naive communication partners to understand.


Picture communication training might lay a good foundation for later training on a speech generating device.


Point-to-point correspondence in motor imitation means the child exactly duplicates the movements of the adult model


Preference assessments and reinforcer assessments are NOT the same thing.


Privacy laws include the client's right to decide who knows they are receiving services from you.


Problem behaviors are culturally determined.


Problem behaviors often occur because of skill deficits.


RBTs are responsible for knowing a child's behavior intervention plan.


RBTs must follow skill acquisition plans exactly.


Replacement behavior strategies must include reinforcement procedures.


Reprimands can function as positive reinforcement.


Requiring students to run laps if they did not exert enough effort in PE class is a type of contingent exercise punishment.


Self monitoring is a good approach for ensuring you uphold a client's dignity.


Senior citizens with developmental disabilities are at increased risk for inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic medications.


Shared enjoyment of an activity is considered attention.


Social skills training is enhanced by teaching children and adolescents to use slang.


Some devices will allow a person to say any word they can think of, even if it was not pre-programmed.


Some of the forefathers of behavior analysis conducted experiments that ethical codes of today would not allow.


Some problem behaviors disappear when personally valued outcomes are honored through the process of person-centered planning.


Stereotypical behaviors sometimes include objects.


Structured observations often occur in natural settings.


Supervisors may use a TA to monitor your work.


System-wide approaches such as positive behavior support and trauma-informed care have decreased the social acceptability of punishment procedures.


Task analysis steps may be used to create visual schedules for people to self-monitor their own activities


Task analysis steps may be used to create visual schedules for people to self-monitor their own activities.


The BACB offers a "voluntary inactive" status for RBTs who are not working currently, but wish to retain their credential.


The IISCA conditions typically are run for 3-5 minutes at a time.


The best way to ensure a child maintains a skill learned through DTT is to select skills that are used in natural contexts.


The six schedules of reinforcement covered in this course are: Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval, Fixed Time, and Variable Time


There are two main approaches for conducting an FBA.


This is a good behavior goal: Upon entering his workplace each morning, Mr. Miller will greet at least three coworkers with a wave, smile, or head nod for 3 consecutive days by the 14th treatment session.


Tokens are conditioned reinforcers.


Valid data is reliable data.


When teaching children to brush their teeth, we almost always use most-to-least prompting


Whole interval recording provides an underestimate of behavior.


Your supervisor can use supervision time to help you with your plans to become a BCaBA.


Your supervisor may ask you to evaluate their supervisory style on a frequent basis.


the basic principle of reinforcement is: stimulus - response - consequence


total count and Total Duration IOAs are less precise measures than mean count and mean duration per occurrence data.


A developmental disability is a(n)...

umbrella term

You accurately report the amount of supervision you have received to the BACB. You are in compliance with the following code.

use of truthful and accurate information

Supporting the client in a dignified manner includes:

using an appropriate tone of voice and vocabulary ensuring that if an issue arises that you do your best to protect the client from any indecency ensuring that if an issue arises that you do your best to protect the client from any exposure to circumstances that would result in harm to their dignity **All of the above**

RBTs are also charged with upholding the _____________ of applied behavior analysis.

values and ethics

Joey likes to hear his mother scream, so he walks around the house making a squeaky noise she does not like. She tries to ignore it, but after about 8- 10 iterations, she screams. What reinforcement schedule is this?

variable ratio

Inattention symptoms include three types of symptoms: task incompletion, disorganization, and __________

verbal inattention

Matching, scanning, and sorting are examples of _________________________________ skills.

visual perception

Hanley's method of intervening on problem behavior is to first teach the person to request, then to ______________, and then to accept no for an answer.


Behavior will be________________ in contexts in which reinforcement is not provided.


Errorless teaching is used __________.

when teaching a new skill

The situations where of Backwards Chaining should be used over Forward Chaining procedures are all EXCEPT:

when the learner needs or can only be taught in the natural environment or in-vivo situations

A behavior is most observable if you can answer the questions

when, what and how

Ed watches his client and marks a box if the behavior of interest is displayed throughout the observed interval. Ed is using

whole interval recording

If I have cash, then I will buy you a gift. If I do not have cash, then I will not buy you a gift. If I have a credit card, I will use it to get a cash advance. If I have a credit card, will I buy you a gift?


Which of these situations should be immediately reported to your supervisor?

you realize that the recent death of your nephew is leading to you wanting to spend more time with clients who physically resemble him

Failing a test that you studied very hard for is punishing if....

you stop studying

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