5. The definition and types of degenerations. Parenchymal and fatty degeneration. Organ examples

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types of degeneration(2)

they are characterized by accumulation of something inside the cell 1.Parenchymal degeneration water accumulation 2.fatty degeneration fat accumulation.

why PARENCHYMAL DEGENERATION is called cellular swelling

because the cells lose their capability of maintaining ionic and fluid homeostasis due to reduced oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. This will lead to the discharge of ATP, which is needed to fuel the Na+/K+ ATPase. therefore Water will flow into the cell. When it affects many cells, it causes some pallor and increases solidity and the weight of the organ.

is FATTY DEGENERATION reversible or not

it's reversible. Total alcohol withdrawal and a special diet is considered for treatment


1. Degeneration is a form of deterioration 2.change of a tissue to a lower or less functionally active form. 3. Degeneration is a sublethal injury to the cells. It doesn't kill but the tissue will have some damages that can make it less functional 4.it is related to aging and genetics and can get worse by a poor lifestyle and eating habits.

The liver steatosis can result from these factors:

1.Exposure to alcohol, dysfunction of mitochondrial and cellular membranes, hypoxia and oxidative stress. 2. Impaired assembly and secretion of lipoproteins lead to steatosis. 3. Increased peripheral catabolism of fat by drinking alcohol, NADH will accumulate and NAD+ will be depleted, and this will result in increased lipid synthesis. Daily intake of 80g (six beers) alcohol generate a significant risk for severe hepatic injury short term ingestion of e.g. six beers generally produces a mild reversible hepatic steatosis


1.can be seen in light microscopy as hydropic degeneration or cellular swellings, and it's reversible. In the microscope, you can see small clear vacuoles within the cytoplasm. These represent pinched off segments of the ER.


Fatty degeneration is the abnormal accumulation of triglycerides within parenchymal cells. It's often seen in cells participating in fat metabolisms, like in liver, heart, muscle, and kidney. It's also called steatosis. The causes: 1.Toxins 2.Protein malnutrition 3.Diabetes mellitus 4.Obesity 5.Anoxia(when your body or brain completely loses its oxygen supply) 6.Alcohol abuse most common cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease due to diabetes and obesity.


Macroscopically, the fatty liver of chronic alcoholism 1.it is large (hepatomegaly) can weight up to 4-6 kg .looks yellow and greasy. 2.hepatic cirrhosis Some fibrous tissue may also develop around the terminal hepatic veins and extend into the adjacent sinusoids with heavy alcohol abuse. 3. In the beginning, the fat will accumulate in only some parts of the liver (centrilobular or peripherolobular) but becomes panlobular with prolonged alcohol consumption. 4.microvesicular lipid droplets may be seen in hepatocytes in moderate alcohol intake 5. If there's chronic alcohol abuse clear macrovesicular globules are present, and they will compress the nucleus of the hepatocytes and eventually displace it to the periphery of the cell.


Steatosis may happen in: 1.heart, often due to poor oxygenation The fat is distributed away from the vessels and produces a "tiger-striped heart" Accumulation of fat in phagocytic cells is also possible. The fat is usually made up of cholesterol esters. 2.In atherosclerosis 3.smooth muscle cells 4. macrophages 5.within tunica intima of the aorta 6.big arteries are filled with lipid vacuoles Most of the lipid vacuoles are made up of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters.

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