6th WHG Unit 2 - Egypt

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What occurred in ancient Egypt during King Narmer's rule?

A writing system was developed.

How did the Nile River influence ancient Egypt's crop schedule?

Crops were harvested when the Nile River was at its lowest point.

How did Queen Hatshepsut's policies affect the kingdom of Egypt?

Egypt grew in status relative to other nations.

Why was the annual flooding of the Nile River needed to grow crops?

Egypt received limited rain in desert areas.

Where do ancient texts say that the Hebrew people originated?

Fertile Crescent

Which statement best describes the relationship between agriculture and trade in ancient Egypt?

Food crops were traded for resources Egyptians lacked.

What was the most significant change Akhenaton made to the Egyptian religion?

He encouraged the worship of one god.

What happened to the Kingdom of Israel after King Solomon died in 922 BCE?

Israel was split into the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, then fell to several foreign invaders.

Which statement best describes the experience of the Israelites under Babylonian rule?

Israelites suffered greatly, having been taken captive or exiled from their homes.

How did the flooding of the Nile River affect the ancient Egyptian economy?

It allowed people to transport goods.

Whom did the Israelites look to for stability and leadership during their exile from Israel?

Jewish rabbis

Where was the capital moved to after Egypt became united under the Old Kingdom?


What was the result of the Assyrian invasion of the Kingdom of Israel?

The Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel and outlawed Judaism.

What was one result of the Babylonian takeover of the Kingdom of Judah?

The Babylonians destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem.

What was the importance of the covenant between God and the Hebrews?

The Hebrews believed that God would give them a homeland if they followed God's commands.

What was one effect of the Persians taking over the Babylonian Empire?

The Israelites could maintain their own customs.

What was an effect of Queen Hatshepsut's policies?

The economy expanded greatly as a result of trade.

What was the most important effect of Ramses II's long reign?

The kingdom was stable and at peace.

Which statement best describes the pharaoh's power?

The pharaoh had absolute control over all of Egypt.

Why were the Hyksos able to conquer the Egyptians?

They had superior weapons.

Which statement best describes the social status of women in ancient Egypt?

Women were given many of the same rights as men.

Which Jewish commandment is part of the US justice system?

You shall not steal.

Which statement best describes polytheism?

a belief in many gods

The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids to be used

as tombs.

How did the ancient Hebrews support themselves while living in Canaan?


What was the name of the ancient Egyptians' form of written language?


Where did Queen Hatshepsut expand Egyptian trade routes?

into the eastern Mediterranean and Nile Valley

While most ancient Egyptian homes were made of mud, what material did wealthier people use to build their homes?


Which aspect of the US justice system has its roots in Jewish scripture?

the idea that all people are subject to the same rules and laws

What symbolized the pharaohs' wealth and power?

the pyramids

Due to the belief in divine kingship, what did the pharaohs work to do?

to please the gods

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