7 Properties of Water
Adhesion- water sticks to other surfaces Rivers wouldnt flow correctly if there wasn't cohesion
Capillary Action
Caused by cohesion and adhesion The ability of liquid to flow against gravity in a narrow space How water flows up the xylem of trees to get water to the leaves
Cohesion happens due to hydrogen bonding interactions water can stick to itself How water is able to flow and stick to surfaces
High Surface Tension
Created by cohesion and adhesion working together The hydrogen bond interactions are stronger at the surface due to water interacting with only the air above and not other molecules Molecules at surface exert more force on each other because they're not making hydrogen bonds (energy has to go somewhere else) Bugs floating on water
Universal solvent
Water can dissolve many ionic and polar molecules This supports life because this is how organisms absorb nutrients
High Specific Heat
Water requires more heat energy for the temperature to change Bodies of water absorb and release heat slowly creating a moderate environment for organisms This creates a high heat of vaporization (takes a while for water to evaporate) Helps regulate our climate Reason why the earth doesn't burn up
Low Density as a Solid
When water reached its freezing point, water molecules arrange themselves into an orderly structure leaving more space between them which creates a low density as a solid ~Ice creates an insulating barrier for the water below it so organisms can survive underneath