737 Limits

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Maximum runway slope

+- 2%

What is the minimum oil temperature for the MAX for starting and takeoff?

-40 C / 31 C



For the 700/800/900/9ER, how long should the APU be warmed up before using bleed air?

1 minute

Engine anti-ice must be on when:

1. All ground operations including after landing when icing conditions exist or are anticipated. 2. During all flight operations when icing conditions exist or are expected, except during climb and cruise when temperature is below -40C SAT 3. Prior to and during descent in all icing conditions including temperature below -40C.

When must the APU bleed air valve be closed?

1. Ground pneumatic air is connected and isolation valve is open 2. Engine No. 1 bleed air valve is open and engine is running. 3. Isolation valve is open and engine No. 2 bleed air valve is opened with engine running.

*Minimum altitude use of autopilot on approach.

1. ILS/GLS coupled approaches (no autoland): 50 AGL 2. Non-precision approaches: 50 feet below MDA/DA 3. Auto landings: touchdown.

Under what conditions are Advanced RNP (A-RNP) procedures authorized?

1. Procedure must be line selectable from the FMC database 2. Verify the RNP value of the LEGS page matches the required RNP on the chart. 3. RAIM prediction IAW FOM required 4. If UNABLE REQRD NAV PERF-RNP message is displayed, the procedure is not authorized

*Icing conditions exist on ground and for takeoff when.....

10 degrees and 1) Visible moisture or 2) Operating on ramp/taxiway/runway where snow, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engines, nacelles or engine sensor probe.

*Icing conditions in flight exist when...

10 degrees and visible moisture

How long must windshield heat be on prior to takeoff?

10 minutes

How many seconds between each start attempt?

10 seconds

Autopilot is prohibited below xxxft radio altitude at airport pressure altitude above xxxxft.

100 / 8400

Do not deploy speed brakes in flight at radio altitudes less than X.

1000 FT

* Below what altitude on final approach are we not allowed to use LVL CHG?

1000 FT AFE

Maximum continuous EGT limit (not takeoff) for MAX?

1013 C

Maximum takeoff EGT limits for MAX?

1038C for 10 minutes

Maximum altitude for APU beheld and electrical?


What is the maximum takeoff/landing pressure altitude?


How long must you wait following engine shutdown before you can turn the battery off?

120 seconds

What is maximum continuous oil temperature?

140 C

*Maximum takeoff/landing tailwind?

15 kts

For the 700/800/900/9ET, starter usage for extended engine motoring is limited to X minutes for the first X times. A minimum of X minutes is needed between each attempt. For the X and subsequent extended engine motoring, starter usage is limited to X minutes and a minimum of X minutes is needed between each attempt.

15 minutes; 2 times; 2 minutes; 3rd; 5 minutes; 10 minutes

For both ground and in flight starts of the APU, X minutes of cooling is required after the X start attempt.

15 minutes; 3rd.

What is the maximum oil temperature?

155 C

Maximum altitude for APU bleed?


For the MAX, how long should the APU warm up before operating the bleed air?

2 minutes

If you have to start engines in temperatures less than -35C, how long must you let the engine sit at idle prior to moving thrust lever positions?

2 minutes

Multiple consecutive start attempts are permitted. Each start attempt is limited to X minutes for 700/800/900/9ER and X minutes for the MAX of starter usage.


Rolling takeoffs are advised with crosswinds greater than what?

20 kts

Do not engage engine starter above X% N1?


What is the maximum allowable in-flight altimeter spit between FO and CA for RVSM?

200 FT

* Maximum flap extension altitude.


Minimum battery voltage for an APU start?

23 Volts

What is the maximum airspeed to extend flaps with the alternate system?

230 KTS

Max gear retraction


Max gear extension speed


Maximum speed for Mach Trim Fail (both channels)?

280 / .82 Mach

*Recommend severe turbulence penetration speed for climb and descent?


Flights predicated on these 2 HF frequencies are prohibited.

29.489 / 29.490

Max/min glide slopes for autoland?

3.25 and 2.5.

ILS autoland may only be used with flaps xx/xx and xxxx engines operative.

30/40; both

Max gear operating/extended speed


*What is the autopilot minimum engagement altitude on takeoff/missed approach?

400 feet

* What is the maximum operating pressure altitude?


Maximum altitude for APU electrical load?


On the MAX, for crosswinds greater than X kts, limit thrust to a setting normally used or x. For winds greater than Xkts, limit engine thrust to x.

43 Kts; taxi; 58 kts; idle

For the MAX, starter usage for extended engine motoring is limited to X minutes. A minimum of X minutes is needed between the first X extended engine motorings. For the X and subsequent, a minimum of X minutes is needed between each engine motoring.

5 minutes; 5 minutes; 2nd; 3rd; 10 minutes

What is the maximum allowable altimeter spilt between CA and FO on the ground up to 5000 ft field elevation? What about from 5001 and up?

50 / 60 FT

If there is a 5G NOTAM in effect, , what do we have to use to compute takeoff and landing performance for that airfield?

5G C-Band Interference Takeoff and Landing Distance Calculations Procedure

*Takeoff crosswind limitation blended winglet/split similar winglet

6/Dry: 34/33 5/Good: 25/25

*Landing crosswind limitation blended winglet/split similar winglet

6/Dry: 40/37 5/Good: 40/37

Minimum oil quantity prior to engine start?


Oil pressure must be in the normal range for takeoff. What is the minimum oil pressure?

700/800/900/9ER: 13 PSI MAX: 17.4 PSI

What is the maximum allowable time at 155 C oil temp?

700/800/900/9ER: 45 minutes MAX: 15 minutes

Maximum single engine drive generator load in flight:

700/800/900/9ER: 90 KVA - 215 amps MAX: 75 KVA - 215 amps

Maximum EGT limit for start for NG aircraft?

725 C

Maximum single engine drive generator load on the ground:

75 KVA - 215 amps

Maximum EGT for starts on the MAX?

753 C

What is engine fire bottle pressure at 70F?

800 PSI

Auto landings can only be used to runways below xxxx pressure altitude.


Maximum continuous EGT limit (not takeoff) for NG aircraft?

925 C

Maximum EGT limits for takeoff for NG aircraft?

950 C for 5 minutes

In flight, with the flaps 40 selected do not extend the speed brake lever beyond the X position.


What are the MEL limitations for dispatch or release and takeoff and landings on runways in the US in the presence of 5G NOTAM?

Dispatch or release with the following MEL are prohibited: 1. Anti-skid system 2. Alternate Anti-skid Valves 3. Automatic Brakes System 4. Parking Brake Valve

What is the warning associated with resetting tripped fuel pump or fuel pump control circuit breakers?

Do not reset a tripped fuel pump or fuel pump control circuit breaker.

What must be turned on prior to and when using engine anti-ice?

Engine ignition selected to continuous.

For wingspan limited ops, the aircraft design group identifiers are:

FAA: Group III ICAO: Code C

In flight, do not move the speed brake lever beyond the X detent.


What are the Autoland maximum wind limits?

Head: 25 X: 15 Tail:10 (flaps 30 and 40) Flaps 30 4001-6000ft 5kts Flaps 30 6001ft and up 0kts

Can you use autoland when the FO is the pilot flying?

Hells NO

If engine bleeds are used (one or both) do not operate air conditioning packs in xxxx for xxxxx, xxxxx and xxxxxx.

High; takeoff, approach and landing.

Note: APU bleed air valve may be open during engine start, but avoid engine power above .......


What 2 fuels are prohibited from use?

JP-4; Jet B

What is the caution regarding wing anti-ice above FL350?

May cause bleed trip off and loss of cabin pressure.

For 800(507+1) and 900(01-412), what is your flap REF to use be straight in minimum cat C?

Must use flaps 40 REF speed

What are the N1 and N2 RPM limits on the 700/800/900/9ER?

N1 104.0% N2 105.0%

What are the N1 and N2 RPM limits on the MAX?

N1: 104.3% N2: 117.5%

Are remote altimeter settings authorized for RNAV (RNP) procedures?


If antiskid is inoperative, can we conduct operations with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust?


If the EEC is in ALTN mode, can we conduct assumed temperature reduced thrust takeoff?


In all other cases other than autoland, when must autothrottles be disconnected?

No lower than 50 ft AGL

Can autoland be used for overweight landings?

No, it SHALL not be used

Can I use VHF-3 for ATC communications when ACARS is operational?


Can you back the plane with reverse thrust?


Can we operate WX radar during fueling, within 50 ft of a fuel spill or within 15 feet of people?

Nope. However, you can test it.

WARNING: Do not operate the KA GND TX ENABLE switch in the xxxx position or the WIFI COMM ENABLE / BROADBAND SYSTEM switch in the X position.......

OVERRIDE ...during deciding, when maintenance is being performed in the vicinity of the WI-FI Radom [MAX taxiing under a skybridge] or in a hangar due to the presence of radio frequency (RF) energies. Failure to follow this precaution can cause personnel injury.

When must probe heat be on?

Prior to takeoff

Use of OBS AUDIO ENT is X and the switch must remain in the X position for all phases of flight.


What are the landing limitations at airfield with the 5G NOTAMS with condition codes of 1 or 0?


Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is ........


The use of assumed temperature reduced take off thrust is not permitted with the runway contaminated with X, X, X or X.

Standing water, ice, slush or snow

*Recommended severe turbulence penetration speed in cruise?

TURB N1 from cruise page

When must engine ignition be on?

Takeoff, landing, engine anti-ice operations, heavy rain

During takeoff, don't use wing anti-ice until when?

Until after the first thrust reduction

If the associated radar altimeter for an autopilot or autothrottle is inoperable, does it limit us?

We ARE NOT allowed to use that associated autopilot or autothrottle for approach.

Localizer Back Course Approaches (LOC-BC) are/are not authorized?

are not

What is the only device approved for use in the flight deck aux power outlets?

iPad USB charger

Takeoff with predictive windshear warning or caution alert annunciated is....

not approved.

In regards to reverse thrust, do not attempt a go around after .........

thrust reverser deployment on landing.

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