80s key terms

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Kosovo wars

Slobodan Milosevic ordered the genocide of Albanians in the providence of Kosovo in Yugoslavia. USA under Bill Clinton ordered the bombing to stop the genocide/ethnic cleansing.


Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon; led to a focus on eliminating terrorism.


Troubled Asset Relief Program

Homeland Security department

Created in response to 9/11. Goal is to protect the United States against possible terrorist attacks.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Last leader of the Soviet Union who reformed the nation

Saddam Hussein

Military dictator of Iraq causes gulf war


North American Free Trade Agreement ended all tariffs btw Canada USA and Mexico

George W. Bush

President during 9/11 and war in Afghanistan and iraq 2001-2009

George H.W. Bush

Republican vp of reagan

Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

USA goes into war with iraq

War in Afghanistan

War started following 9/11 attacks in 2001. Taliban refuses to turn over Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. US attacks and removes Taliban from power does not kill Osama Bin Laden until 2011.

strategic defense initiative

a missile defense programs suggested by ronald reagan. the program would have created space-based defenses capable of intercepting missile attacks. also called "star wars" program is very expensive and never works

inf treaty

agreement between ussr and usa eliminating long range nuclear missiles

Three mile island incident

american nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, which leaked radioactive waste into the environment. increases awareness of the dangers of nuclear power


becoming more connective with all nations culturally and economically

Ronald Reagan

conservative republican president 1981-1989. revitalized republican party and lowered taxes, reduced social welfare, increased armed forces and named conservative judges to the courts. also improves economy and public morals

Oklahoma City Bombing

domestic terrorist attack on federal government buildings most destructive prior to 9/11


economic and gov reform less control of Soviet union areas

No Child Left Behind

education reform bill under George w Bush supports use of high stakes testing high standards and measurable goals

Barack Obama

first minority president elected

sandra day o connor

first woman appointed the supreme court. appointed by ronald reagan in 1981 she was considered a conservative judge at the start but became more moderate later in her career

reagan doctrine

foreign policy under ronald reagan giving public and secret aid to anti-communist movements in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

gay liberation movement

group whose goal was to end discrimination and gain equality for homosxuals started in 1969

Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)

law requiring everyone to buy health insurance

phyllis schlafly

lead conservative opposition to equal rights amendment. believes amendment will change traditional gender roles and force women to sign up for selective service


legalized immigrants who had entered the country illegally before 1982

conservatism new right

movement gains momentum in response to counterculture movement. supported traditional christian beliefs and smaller federal government

fall of berlin wall

on nov 9th 1989 the wall was torn down due to the break up of the soviet satellite countries. germany is reunified on oct 3rd 1990

boland amendment

outlawed us aid to contras that might be used to overthrow the nicaraguan govt

iran contra affair

political scandal during the reagan administration. reagan officials illegally sold weapons to iran and used profits of sales to fund anti-communist rebels in nicaragua

moral majority

prominent american political organization associated with the christian right and republican party. was founded in 1979 by baptist minister jerry falwell

bombing of Libya

reagan administration orders bombing of Libya in 1986 in hopes of killign Muammar Gaddafi. Libya hated Israel and was supported by USSR. Libya had also invaded Chad which had lots of uranium used in to make nuclear weapons. Libya had also been responsible of terrorist attacks in Berlin against us soldiers


reform in ussr allowing freedom of press

Patriot Act

signed under George w Bush and extended by Obama the law allows power in gov to investigate possible terrorist

Bush v. Gore

supreme court decision ending the 2000 presidential election

Al Qaeda

terrorist organization the one where the two planes crashed into the wtc


the belief in cutting taxes on upper tax bracket and decreasing government spending. believed people would spend money from tax cut and make up for less gov spending


those on welfare to actively seek employment

beirut bombing

us and french army barracks are bombed by terrorist because of us support of israel

Collapse of the Soviet Union

Communism collapsed in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during 1989 - 1991; the Cold War also ended during Germany reunited as a free country

Osama Bin Laden

(1957-) Founder of al Qaeda, the terrorist network responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, and other attacks.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

An economic stimulus bill passed in 2009, in response to the Great Recession, that provided $787 billion to state and local governments for schools, hospitals, and transportation projects. It was one of the largest single packages of government spending in American history.

American with Disabilities Act

Civil Rights bill passed in 1990 ending discrimination against those with a disability

Bill Clinton

Democratic president reformed welfare while in office

Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom)

President Bush orders the invasion of Iraq in 2003 because he believes they have weapons of mass destruction. Weapons are never found. Saddam Hussein is captured, put on trial and executed.

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